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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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From the meeting today. I wish I could've been there, would've been funny as f**k :lol:

The Meeting commenced at 5:30 and ran until 6:50. There was an agenda produced by Mr. Green then the floor opened for questions.

2. Meeting with the SFA/ SFA Appeal.

Mr Keen, our Q.C. presented a strong case why the penalties were harsh. The sanctions were not actually in the SFA Rule Books. He stressed we were very likely to lose players. He spoke for one and a quarter hours. The SFA's lawyer then presented his case. Both Mr Green and Sandy Jardine stressed the panel were independent and not "football men". Rangers asked for a quick decision in order that we may plan what to do next. The panel went away for an hour and a half and returned with the verbal decision, to be confirmed in writing, that the decision and sanctions stand

3/4. Deal Structure/ CVA/ Newco and CVA letter issue date.

Mr Green's preferred route is a CVA. Funds are in place to pay the creditors. On or around next Friday Duff and Phelps will write to the creditors with the offer. The creditors then have 14 days to decide if they will accept. If all say yes, Duff and Phelps stand aside and Mr Green pays the creditors, although he will not yet be the new owner. From making their decision, the creditors then have a 28 day cooling off period in which they can change their minds but Mr Green thought it unlikely any would do so having made a decision. Once the debt is settled, Rangers are out of administration. Crucially, the SFA looks upon things differently, and once the creditors accept - not when they get paid - Rangers are, in the SFA's eyes, out of administration.

Scottish football is working to new rules, so it is vital all is settled before the 4th August - or we may face further punishments.

If we go down the newco route, it is along similar lines to Bill Miller's except Mr Green will pay the creditors now. Bill Miller's idea was to pay them off over three or four years.

Mr Green stressed that whatever happens we will not lose the history or the trophies. The Club was founded in 1872 before the days of incorporation. In 1899, we incorporated. In 1981, we re-registered. All with the history intact. All we get is a different number in companies house against our name.laugh.gif

5. Investor information.

Mr Green was looking into the purchase from 18th February. His idea is to have investors owning from 1% to 15%. All 26,000 current fan share holders will be invited to invest laugh.gif and given 2 or 3 years to fund their investment. The press have found out about Kevin McDonald and Freddie Shepherd and approached them. Both have declared an interest in investing but as yet, have not done so. Mr Green has 5 or 6 people who have already committed to invest and who have paid money to be part of the dream. Some are from the Middle East and some are from the Far East. None are Rangers fans but are football fans. Their dream is to fund soccer academies in the Far East and to see Rangers progress in Europe, where the creation of a European League is seen as a reality.

The company will be listed and everyone will be able to see all who invest. At the moment they have asked for privacy.

6. Craig Whyte agreement.

Mt Green has met Mr Whyte on three occasions and has paid him £1 for the Club. He also paid him a second pound so that Mr Whyte could make a 100% profit on the deal. The thing is set in stone and Mr Whyte cannot back out. Mr Green stressed that anything David Murray or Craig Whyte did should be consigned to the history books and we now look forward.

The floor was opened to questions.

Asked what would happen if one, two or three of our recently called up International players got crocked playing for their country and we could not sign anyone because of the embargo, Mr Green and Sandy Jardine expressed their amazement and anger at how the situation may develop. Mr Whyte pointed out to the panel at Hampden that we had three goalkeepers on our books and asked what would happen if they all got serious injury, would we have to field a team without a keeper? No satisfactory answer was forthcoming. They looked at the team sheets and saw almost 40 signed players from 17 years of age up. Sandy Jardine asked them what would happen if all the experienced players left. The answer was that we still had enough on the books to put out a team. Sandy Jardine answered that you cannot blood a youngster too soon. One bad game and he may be finished. But he told the Meeting the people he was talking to were not football people.

Asked if we should plump for Division 3, Mr Green replied that without Rangers there is no SPL and the other Club Chairmen know it. While other clubs fan may want us demoted, their Chairmen are businessmen.

Mr Green stated that while not a test case, if we were Crewe Alexandria or Arbroath, the punishments would not be sever, indeed there may be calls to assist us.

Mr Green stated that there may be a "year of pain" but that we would emerge from it and regain our place. Asked where he saw us in 5 years, he said "top of the League".Mr Green paid great tribute to Ally McCoist, the management team, the players and to Rangers men such as Sandy Jardine and Jim Hannah who had given so much.

Asked about further investors, Mr Green said that he had held meetings today and would hold more tomorrow with Rangers fans keen to invest. They were, he said, major names in Scottish business - and Bluenoses.

Asked about future players Mr Green reminded the meeting that he had built and sold the largest sports agency in the world and still had the contacts. "who would not want to come and play for Rangers?" he asked.

Lastly, Mr Green stressed that it was most important that there should be no disruption to the Cup Final at the weekend. It would not be beneficial to Rangers

What a dodgy guy. Full of half truths that say very little. A slippery salesman. And definitely as Sandy Jardine would say "not a football person".

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Am I right in thinking the tv deal means the only live games to be aired from Ibrox and parkhead must be old firm games?

So whilst our nations journalists pour scorn on the diddy's half empty ground. They can never pass judgement on a half empty Ibrox or parkhead. As with the tv deal, that will not happen.

who knows??

but isnt allan cowan just FUCKING AWESOME?

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Am I right in thinking the tv deal means the only live games to be aired from Ibrox and parkhead must be old firm games?

So whilst our nations journalists pour scorn on the diddy's half empty ground. They can never pass judgement on a half empty Ibrox or parkhead. As with the tv deal, that will not happen.

I don't think so - Rangers vs Hearts was on tv on the opening day of last season, and Celtic vs St Johnstone was on the tv just before the split. There's bound to be others too, but those two games stick out in my mind.

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I will sign off by saying that I do not (unlike a lot of the OF extremists), tarnish everyone by the same brush. I have a lot of great friends in Glasgow, but the amount of narrow minded bigoted people on that side of the country is disturbing and museum standard. Take a step back and look at the situation from a modernist point of view. The attitudes of the OF in general is largely aimed at maintaining a narrow minded point of view that is centuries old and not befitting a nation that should be looking to the future and shaking off the negatives of a dodgy past. All Glaswegians who believe in a bright future can join us at the museum gates to change the damage done. Dundee ain't perfect (far far from it and at times complicit in the "problems"), but let's make use of this collective opportunity to rid ourselves of a backward attitude that makes Scotland look like a country forever a few chapters behind in the writing of world history. Now is the perfect opportunity to rid ourselves of this ridiculous stereotype that tarnishes our game and our cultural image.

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Am I right in thinking the tv deal means the only live games to be aired from Ibrox and parkhead must be old firm games?

Is that an explicit clause? I thought it was custom and practice between SKY, the SPL and the clubs so both OF teams had a home 'blackout', something that was figured out early in the days of SKY coverage

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At what point did Greig and McClelland go?

Was it whilst Rangers were top of the league?

Googled it. 17th October last year, so likely to be when Rangers were top of the SPL. They made an announcement to the Press Association.

Presumably they shut up and didnt express concerns to any Authorities, because at that point their side was 'winning' and rocking the boat then would have upset 'the bears'

Whatever the reasons or logic, it won't make any difference in court. Amazing they haven't tried to spin some tale through the media after the SFA report came out.

Probably spoke to lawyers who would have told them, 'you are done for'. 'Best thing now is just keep your heads down and the police will hopefully move on to bigger stuff. '

And the verdict on Greig, McClelland and Olverson will be ......Guilty.

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Shit got real

I'm a little frightened by this. No, really.

Rangers refuse to take part in the Scottish Cup at the same time Gretna get back in and there would have been a problem with an odd number of teams entering the tournament. Looks more like a problem solved than a problem created!

Wonder what's their next brilliant plan? Getting into a big pile and getting gay with one another so there'll be less football fans in 10 years time if they're not breeding?


As for

5. Investor information.

Mr Green was looking into the purchase from 18th February. His idea is to have investors owning from 1% to 15%. All 26,000 current fan share holders will be invited to invest and given 2 or 3 years to fund their investment. The press have found out about Kevin McDonald and Freddie Shepherd and approached them. Both have declared an interest in investing but as yet, have not done so. Mr Green has 5 or 6 people who have already committed to invest and who have paid money to be part of the dream. Some are from the Middle East and some are from the Far East. None are Rangers fans but are football fans. Their dream is to fund soccer academies in the Far East and to see Rangers progress in Europe, where the creation of a European League is seen as a reality.

The company will be listed and everyone will be able to see all who invest.

Why does that all sound like a glorified version of that pish Ebbsfleet United and Newmains United both tried?

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that's just what happens in city's though

the larger amount of people who live in an area the higher cretinous proportion is to be expected

I wonder if all the cretins know the plural of city though.

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Mark guidi reckons the year ban from transfers will remove the competition from Scottish football.

Tell that to the diddly teams who, because of rangers cheating were not able to compete for the second champions league spot.

when did we cheat, i've seen this thowing about but have yet to see this first hand, rangers haven't been found guilty of cheating yet.

tax evasion yes, match fixing no

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I wonder if all the cretins know the plural of city though.

sorry i was too busy laughing at your teams impending death to care about such trivialities smile.gif

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I don't think so - Rangers vs Hearts was on tv on the opening day of last season, and Celtic vs St Johnstone was on the tv just before the split. There's bound to be others too, but those two games stick out in my mind.

So if they do show any, it's next to none. An amount that wouldn't have an effect on their attendance/income?

The way it obviously does with every other team?

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when did we cheat, i've seen this thowing about but have yet to see this first hand, rangers haven't been found guilty of cheating yet.

tax evasion yes, match fixing no

match fixing is of course the only form of cheatingrolleyes.gif

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My dad and most of my family are Glaswegian mate, I spent most of my childhood summers there. I got fed up being asked what side of the green or blue I favoured. Narrow-mindedness tagged with big city syndrome stinks in Glasgow. I know it's not everyone but there you go, personal experience for over 20 years. Dundee is considered a sh*tehole by the rest of Scotland. Not a patch on Glasgow.... in my opinion of course.

having had to work in dundee and perth for the past 8 months, i have had chats about football and that is what is has been, chats about football, not what side of the divide you are meant to be, but proper chats about the game the silly mistakes, the we played shite but won, the usual pish about following a proper football team (not one that not winning 2 games in a row = crisis) even before this shite happened.

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I wonder if all the cretins know the plural of city though.

Us St Mirren fans can't help. We've seen Stirling, Inverness and Perth been given city status and find the whole thing rather odd.

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1337295879[/url]' post='6248554']

Am I right in thinking the tv deal means the only live games to be aired from Ibrox and parkhead must be old firm games?

So whilst our nations journalists pour scorn on the diddy's half empty ground. They can never pass judgement on a half empty Ibrox or parkhead. As with the tv deal, that will not happen.

The rules state that only a certain number of games can be shown every season from each ground.

Naturally the games they choose to show from the Tattiedome and skull mountain are the old firm games, the first day of the season flag unfurling and end of season title decider's. Ie. all the games that are guaranteed to sell out anyway. Pretty much nothing in between.

They are the only two teams that don't lose income due to fans staying in and watching the game on Sky or ESPN. They are the only two that are never shown at home during less than plum ties (you of course wouldn't wan't to show the tv audience that TGFITW are in fact a long way from it)

Basically like most things in the SPL, it's not particularly fair on the diddies (though obviously if you listen to the bears recently, or the other mob over the past couple of years, the world is against them!)

And me, I'm not bitter at all.

EDIT: due to IPads being sh!t

Edited by HanoMaSano
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Ah right............now we know which side of the divide you're on.

The maroon side!!!

Always considered Rangers and Celtic to be one and the same. Part of the brand that is "the Old Firm". Whether its the green division or the blue division it matters not a jot mate. They are exactly the same. Nowt without each other.

When it comes to trying to leave to join the EPL? They put out a joint statement.

When it comes to charging a 5% handling fee for selling away game tickets on behalf of the host club? Again, a joint statement!

It's actually quite amusing to think that out there are thousands of OF fans who genuinely believe there is a rivalry between the two clubs.

Is there f**k. At boardroom level, both clubs are thick as thieves. Workin together to protect the duopoly, whilst wryly smiling at the news of another poor c**t being stabbed on the streets of Glasgow, for wearing the wrong colour jersey.

Celtic and Rangers = two cheeks of the same shit stained arse.

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Us St Mirren fans can't help. We've seen Stirling, Inverness and Perth been given city status and find the whole thing rather odd.

To be fair, Stirling, Inverness and Perth were all standalone towns before getting city status. Not suburbs like Paisley!

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