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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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He's spent the last two weeks singing the praises of the Daily Record! laugh.gif

His "Kennedy Kill" novel is hilarious. Every chapter starts with someone being tired and finishes with them falling asleep.

Yup, I observed both those things too.......poor bloke!

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Charlie Adam get stuck into the Gers :lol:


CHARLIE ADAM has told his old Rangers pals to take their SFA punishment on the chin — and just get on with it.

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Billy Dodds in todays Sunday Herald trying to justify himself

Couple of points ya bam;

'I refuse to believe that major players evaded millions in tax' - They have already accepted the wee tax case for £4.1M for two players (Flo & de Boer) ya clown

'I was shocked to hear that 87 players and staff were involved in the EBT scheme at Ibrox - but it should be remembered that the trusts were not illegal' - Nobody has said EBTs are illegal, using them to pay regular payments/wages instead of as discrectionary payments is Halfwit

Then has a deflecting go at Yorkston

Can Billy Dodds be upgraded from halfwit c**t to Baby Cockwomble to join Doncaster in the Family Cockwomble

Billy Dodds; "I don't believe rich people will try to avoid playing tax."

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When Paul Merton hangs up the mic, Paul Clark has got to be in the running for King of deadpan humour ...

And Clark said: “We’re content the admin is on track. If you compare it relative to other football club admins, there’s been a good amount of swift progress. It’s very rare these things are resolved in three or four months.

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All this talk of SDM being in cahoots with BOS got me thinking......

Has SDM been weakining the clubs round about Rangers ?

Celtic, St. Mirren, Falkirk, Clydebank and Moterwell using the bank as the tool to achieve this. Kilmarnock, Dunfermline an Rangers seem to have excessive overdrafts.

Am i going down the right line here ?

St Mirren didn't bank with BOS, they were with Clydesdale who 'forced' selling love street

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St Mirren didn't bank with BOS, they were with Clydesdale who 'forced' selling love street

Which, at the end of the day wasn't the worst thing. It's true that the Clydesdale Bank were leaning on St Mirren, who had a relatively small debt in comparison to other clubs, but in effect, it did us a favour by stopping any thoughts of us possibly heading down an even more unsustainable path and running up even more debt in an attempt to 'live some sort of dream'.

My point in stating this is that I see the SFA sanction of the transfer embargo in a similar light - far from being a draconian measure, it's actually doing those daft cnuts a favour, and is stopping their Cousin, Sandaza, Holt, and (pauses to stifle a giggle) Ian Black transfer talk bullshit in its tracks. It actually does them a favour, because they can't (won't?) help themselves.

If only Rangers FC had any dignity or integrity left, they would have accepted the sanction without as much a a peep, and cracked on with the real task at hand - saving their club. Naturally though, this being Rangers.... they didn't. It's the 'zero compulsory redundacies' situation all over again. They wouldn't do it, wouldn't ship players out the door and run the risk of seeing a Rangers team populated with kids and fringe players humped rotten by ra' Sellik.

Their arrogance knows no bounds. It really is time, for the sake of our national game, that this disgraceful club are shot between the eyes and put out of their misery.

Edited by pozbaird
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@Daily_Record: SPL: Rangers can be stripped of tainted titles, says SPL boss Neil Doncaster http://t.co/gldAmtph


First it's the daily record

Second the cockwomble said what?

He was just agreeing that was one of the available sanctions, as if he would consider it :rolleyes:

Said cockwomble was his usual self on the q+a bit tho....

Neil the cockwomble Doncaster

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Which, at the end of the day wasn't the worst thing. It's true that the Clydesdale Bank were leaning on St Mirren, who had a relatively small debt in comparison to other clubs, but in effect, it did us a favour by stopping any thoughts of us possibly heading down an even more unsustainable path and running up even more debt in an attempt to 'live some sort of dream'.

My point in stating this is that I see the SFA sanction of the transfer embargo in a similar light - far from being a draconian measure, it's actually doing those daft cnuts a favour, and is stopping their Cousin, Sandaza, Holt, and (pauses to stifle a giggle) Ian Black transfer talk bullshit in its tracks. It actually does them a favour, because they can't (won't?) help themselves.

If only Rangers FC had any dignity or integrity left, they would have accepted the sanction without as much a a peep, and cracked on with the real task at hand - saving their club. Naturally though, this being Rangers.... they didn't. It's the 'zero compulsory redundacies' situation all over again. They wouldn't do it, wouldn't ship players out the door and run the risk of seeing a Rangers team populated with kids and fringe players humped rotten by ra' Sellik.

Their arrogance knows no bounds. It really is time, for the sake of our national game, that this disgraceful club are shot between the eyes and put out of their misery.

Hey Pozbaird, you got a mention on the RTC blog..... :)


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@Daily_Record: SPL: Rangers can be stripped of tainted titles, says SPL boss Neil Doncaster http://t.co/gldAmtph


First it's the daily record

Second the cockwomble said what?

Hmmmm...and within the same article it says that Rangers could get in scot free as a newco, could get a CVA agreed but might not, could agree terms with HMRC but haven't yet, Wednesday's meeting could vote on sanctions but might not., Rangers might be in trouble with FIFA, UEFA but might not...

Same shite different day...nobody has a clue what is going on, least of all those useless Admin twats...

This is a typical Retard article; "Er...we haven't a scooby whits happening but here are a load of slightly connected quotes to make it look like we do"

All we can do is keep hoping that natural justice takes it course.

I do like the photo of the sun setting over the Gates of Mordor though!

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Which, at the end of the day wasn't the worst thing. It's true that the Clydesdale Bank were leaning on St Mirren, who had a relatively small debt in comparison to other clubs, but in effect, it did us a favour by stopping any thoughts of us possibly heading down an even more unsustainable path and running up even more debt in an attempt to 'live some sort of dream'.

Tough times in the ninties and early noughties though. Saints took their medicine early, but the fiscal strictures possibly lost us a generation of potential fans.

My point in stating this is that I see the SFA sanction of the transfer embargo in a similar light - far from being a draconian measure, it's actually doing those daft cnuts a favour, and is stopping their Cousin, Sandaza, Holt, and (pauses to stifle a giggle) Ian Black transfer talk bullshit in its tracks. It actually does them a favour, because they can't (won't?) help themselves.

I think they're still at grief stage, acceptance hasnt happened.

Interesting that no ex-player has broken ranks and said lets do this with a shred of fucking dignity.

If only Rangers FC had any dignity or integrity left, they would have accepted the sanction without as much a a peep, and cracked on with the real task at hand - saving their club. Naturally though, this being Rangers.... they didn't. It's the 'zero compulsory redundacies' situation all over again. They wouldn't do it, wouldn't ship players out the door and run the risk of seeing a Rangers team populated with kids and fringe players humped rotten by ra' Sellik.

Their arrogance knows no bounds. It really is time, for the sake of our national game, that this disgraceful club are shot between the eyes and put out of their misery.

They're gone as it stands, will green be mad enough to pay £7 Million to fund the players over the summer, I doubt it.

The SPL quotes in that DR link shows even the cockwomble is looking seriously at the punishment for dual contracts.

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Some strange editing going on in the post there. What's with 'Rangers' being replaced with 'NewClub' all the time? Ach, doesn't really matter any more. Are they deid' yet?

I think it's the poster making a point that the club that rises from Rangers ashes is not Rangers. It is a NewClub.

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I think it's the poster making a point that the club that rises from Rangers ashes is not Rangers. It is a NewClub.

Got you. I just thought the word 'Rangers' was automatically swapped for something less distasteful and likely to cause offence to the casual viewer of the site. :)

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I think it's the poster making a point that the club that rises from Rangers ashes is not Rangers. It is a NewClub.

Nobody really believes this though, do they?

Are Leeds United not Leeds United, despite being a newco?

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There's a lot of insomniacs from reading those comments and time stamps.

I think if someone has an opinion on the RTC blog, that they should try and use their own words and not quite verbatim from this thread.

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SoS article saying Minty was that worried by the bunnet that he went down the EBT road , :D

All hail the bunnet 8) this is his doing!


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