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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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So if the SFA punishment turns out to be a Scottish Cup ban then Rangers, who have broken nearly every rule in the book, ends up getting the same punishment as some team who has inadvertently failed to register a player as has happened in the past.

Surely not! :blink:

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So if the SFA punishment turns out to be a Scottish Cup ban then Rangers, who have broken nearly every rule in the book, ends up getting the same punishment as some team who has inadvertently failed to register a player as has happened in the past.

Surely not! :blink:

Anyone worried about Rangers not getting hammered for this need to

1) read Regan's statement http://bit.ly/KCypys

2) check his twitter. https://twitter.com/#!/StewartRegan

Rangers are history. Regan has as good as said it...

"appropriate to remind member clubs that by very dint of their membership of the Scottish FA, they accept and abide by the Articles of Association"

Regan's way, or the highway...

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Anyone worried about Rangers not getting hammered for this need to

1) read Regan's statement http://bit.ly/KCypys

2) check his twitter. https://twitter.com/...#!/StewartRegan

Rangers are history. Regan has as good as said it...

"appropriate to remind member clubs that by very dint of their membership of the Scottish FA, they accept and abide by the Articles of Association"

Regan's way, or the highway...




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Little Blue Robbing Hood suddenly notice grandma's teeth and claws...

THE Rangers Fans Fighting Fund want Charles Green to get his "cards on the table" before they encourage supporters to buy season tickets...the RFFF are concerned about the secrecy still surrounding the former Sheffield United chief executive's consortium and how they plan to fund the club.

Green has pledged £8.5million but the CVA document revealed that £8.3million of that is a loan to be repaid back with interest by 2020.

RFFF committee member Andy Kerr wants a meeting as soon as possible with Green to get answers.

He said: "There are key questions to be asked about finances and investors and there is a direct correlation between the answers to those questions and season tickets. We are worried it might be no different to 12 months ago when the club was bought with borrowed money (by Craig Whyte). On the face of it, it appears no different."

But the wolf is keeping his disguise on in case all of Robbing Hood's pals see through it...

"The RFFF had hoped to meet with him on Wednesday but he couldn't make it.

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Little Blue Robbing Hood suddenly notice grandma's teeth and claws...

THE Rangers Fans Fighting Fund want Charles Green to get his "cards on the table" before they encourage supporters to buy season tickets...the RFFF are concerned about the secrecy still surrounding the former Sheffield United chief executive's consortium and how they plan to fund the club.

Green has pledged £8.5million but the CVA document revealed that £8.3million of that is a loan to be repaid back with interest by 2020.

RFFF committee member Andy Kerr wants a meeting as soon as possible with Green to get answers.

He said: "There are key questions to be asked about finances and investors and there is a direct correlation between the answers to those questions and season tickets. We are worried it might be no different to 12 months ago when the club was bought with borrowed money (by Craig Whyte). On the face of it, it appears no different."

But the wolf is keeping his disguise on in case all of Robbing Hood's pals see through it...

"The RFFF had hoped to meet with him on Wednesday but he couldn't make it.

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Was good to hear St. Mirren and ICT chairmen (or whatever they are) speak out. Funny how the rest, Celtic, KILMARNOCK, and the rest are very quiet, is it not?

Michael Johnston has been conspicuous by his very public comments, if anything. If he's quiet now, then I can only guess that he's started listening to his own supporters.

As for Peter Lawwell, and Celtic in general, then all public comments regarding Rangers need to be kept to a minimum. If Stewart Gilmour can provoke a furious reaction, then what do you think would happen if Lawwell came out and stated exactly what his position is - that Newco should not be admitted to the SPL ? Given the heightened state of the rivalry at the best of times, it would be socially irresponsible for him to make anything other than comments that are absolutely necessary and directly impact on Celtic.

And by the way, Celtic's position is no to Newco. That much has been drip fed to the Celtic fans.

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Just heard some breaking news from a trusted source - it seems Souness is going to be cleared of having any involvement in the EBT case. All accusations against him regarding the alleged £30k payment have been dropped as it has transpired that the money was paid directly into the account of another individual altogether.

Apparently, this aspect of the investigation has been passed to Merseyside Police who have brought in a Mr Y. Hughes, 67, for questioning. Interesting.

Most folk here are way too young to get that mate. Nice try though !:rolleyes:

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Anyone worried about Rangers not getting hammered for this need to

1) read Regan's statement http://bit.ly/KCypys

2) check his twitter. https://twitter.com/...#!/StewartRegan

Rangers are history. Regan has as good as said it...

"appropriate to remind member clubs that by very dint of their membership of the Scottish FA, they accept and abide by the Articles of Association"

Regan's way, or the highway...

Sadly, I'm just not as confident as you regarding this.

Common sense would dictate that if not putting the date on a contract twice ( the Spartans problem)

SFA protocol dictates a contract must be dated twice when a copy is sent to Hampden but was only dated once when it was received.
resulted in the guilty party getting thrown out of the Scottish Cup, then the massive failings of RFC to bother with anything of much legality this season, HAS to merit a greater punishment than that imposed on the EoS club.

It seems incredibly pointless to levy a fine on an organisation that would simply add that amount to the growing mountain of debt they have no intention of paying.

So, from what we have been told, we're left with a choice of suspension or expulsion.

As a fan of Scottish football, I'd be in full support of the decision to expel them from all senior levels of Scottish football.

As a pragmatist, I could live with them getting a 1 year suspension. (Interested to know the SFA's proposed plan once the suspension was over.)

As a realist, I suspect a Scottish Cup ban amidst howls of outrage from both sides - all the diddies saying it's not harsh enough and many of teh Orcs saying it's not fair and restriction on their right to trade.

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From today's Herald: hopefully the SFA will make the orcs concerns over 2012/13 season tickets irrelevant ...

THE Scottish Football Association has bowed to the Court of Session ruling that the one-year transfer embargo on Rangers was invalid.

Stewart Regan, chief executive of the SFA, announced last night that the association will now refer the matter back to the appellate tribunal that upheld the original sentence imposed for bringing the game into disrepute.

Lord Glennie at the Court of Session on Tuesday accepted a petition from Rangers for a judicial review as he ruled the SFA could only administer the punishments stated in the rule relating to the disrepute charge.

Now the tribunal, under Lord Carloway, must choose from a range of specified punishments: a fine of £100,000, suspension from the Scottish Cup or suspension or termination of the club's SFA membership.

''Details of a new hearing will be confirmed in early course,'' said Regan.

The chief executive, however, said it was ''regrettable'' Rangers had taken the matter to court.

He said: "Football must always operate within the law of the land. None the less, it is regrettable that a member club has sought recourse for a football disciplinary matter through increasingly costly civil court action.

"The right of appeal is now open to the Scottish FA through the Court of Session. However, by so doing, the very principles on which the SFA – and, for that matter, UEFA and FIFA – are founded, namely football disciplinary matters being dealt with within its own jurisdiction, would be fundamentally compromised.

"Therefore, it is our intention to accede to Lord Glennie's request and refer the matter back to the appellate tribunal, which will consider the remaining sanctions open to it.''

Regan reiterated that the sanction of a transfer embargo had been imposed by an independent tribunal chaired by a leading QC, Gary Allan, and upheld by an appellate tribunal chaired by a Supreme Court Judge, Lord Carloway.

"That in itself vindicates the robustness of the judicial panel protocol, which has been questioned in hackneyed comment in certain quarters this week. It should be noted that two vastly experienced Supreme Court Judges, Lord Carloway and Lord Glennie, arrived at diametrically opposed viewpoints on the same issue,'' he said.

In an addendum almost certainly aimed at Rangers, he said : "With our annual general meeting taking place on Wednesday, June 6, it will be appropriate to remind member clubs that by very dint of their membership of the Scottish FA, they accept and abide by the articles of association."

The Ibrox club was also criticised by Kenny Cameron, the chairman of Inverness Caledonian Thistle. "This is an extremely disappointing situation. The Court for Arbitration in Sport was the correct route for Rangers to take. Taking sporting matters to the Court of Session was a serious mistake,'' he said.

FIFA is monitoring the situation and Cameron said: ''The potential repercussions are something we don't need at what is already a difficult time for Scottish football."

The Rangers Fans Fighting Fund want Charles Green to get his "cards on the table" before they encourage supporters to buy season tickets.Duff & Phelps, the administrators, published the company voluntary arrangement on Tuesday but even if that is rejected by creditors, Green's consortium may take over by buying the club's assets.

However, the RFFF is concerned about the lack of detail about how the former Sheffield United chief executive's consortium plan to fund the club. Green has pledged £8.5m but the CVA revealed that £8.3m of that is a loan to be repaid with interest by 2020. In the short term, there is uncertainty around how the club will pay players when they revert to full wages today, having taken cuts of up to 75% since March.

Andy Kerr, a RFFF member, said: ''There are key questions to be asked about finances and investors and there is a direct correlation between the answers to those questions and season tickets. Without assurances and confidence, it will be difficult for us to throw our weight behind asking people to pay their £500 or whatever for season tickets.''

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Naw - they're just panning it as supporters of any other club would be, nevermind their history.

Green's on a good thing - CVA looks dead in the water so dunces H&D have agreed he gets the whole shooting match for £5.3m - you could just about sell Murray Park for that as a fallback. Let Ibrox rot without doing anything (Third Lanark)

How about the threads 'conspiracy theory no.267'..........

Who has showed the resolve to keep the big hoose open?

Who hasn't got rid of any of the assets?

Who has just about got the cash to buy when Green walks by their delaying actions so far?

Who has made the sale extremely unnatractive to all bidders?

Who has been in this up to their necks since before the shitstorm hit?

Say hello to the new owners for the start of 2012/13 season *waves at Duff + Phelps........

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i think a few folk have been expecting FIFA or UEFA to be holding the SFA's hands in this, as far as they are concerned this is a matter that was to be dealt with by the presiding governing body, they will have had someone keeping a tab on the issue(s) until rangers decided to go to civil court.

Now FIFA are in control/charge of 260+ associations so they will want their rules to be on the level as much as possible, so any small nation (us and many others) that have a few issues that may bring their rules down if one of the big nations or clubs decide to fight an issue then the game is lost, you will find that the bigger nations don't have as many issues in the public eye (will accept that the Italian issue (being dealt with by their own FA)) but smaller nations Switzerland, Turkey etc have had pressure from them to sort it out as FIFA and UEFA know if not then the BIG ones will start up, keep the small ones following the rules does to an extent that the big ones will also, as most larger clubs and nations know they need the rest (oh if it was like that here in Scotland)

Does that translate as "FIFA can't afford to have the diddy international teams setting any precedents"?:P

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How about the threads 'conspiracy theory no.267'..........

Who has showed the resolve to keep the big hoose open?

Who hasn't got rid of any of the assets?

Who has just about got the cash to buy when Green walks by their delaying actions so far?

Who has made the sale extremely unnatractive to all bidders?

Who has been in this up to their necks since before the shitstorm hit?

Say hello to the new owners for the start of 2012/13 season *waves at Duff + Phelps........

can we link them to being dirty tarriers aswell?

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Anyone worried about Rangers not getting hammered for this need to

1) read Regan's statement http://bit.ly/KCypys

2) check his twitter. https://twitter.com/#!/StewartRegan

Rangers are history. Regan has as good as said it...

"appropriate to remind member clubs that by very dint of their membership of the Scottish FA, they accept and abide by the Articles of Association"

Regan's way, or the highway...

I wouldn't get your knickers too wet about this as the H*ns have already stuck two fingers up at the SFA.

From the SFA Articles of Association :-

The Association and It's Membership

3. The Association is a Member of FIFA and UEFA. Accordingly, it itself is obliged to :-

(i) Comply with statutes, regulations, directives, codes and decisions and the International Match Calendar of FIFA, UEFA and the Court of Arbitration for Sport and The Laws of the Game issued by IFAB.

(ii) Recognise the jurisdiction of the Court of Arbitration for Sport as specified in the relevant provisions of the FIFA Statutes and the UEFA Statutes.

Regan should have made his statement as soon as D+P mentioned the CoS, no ?

Typical SFA, locking the stable door after the horse has bolted. :angry:

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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