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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I think I've sussed it out. You know how John Brown looked a bit like he'd had a stroke, and his speech was slurred?

I reckon he'll get control from Green using the fans' cash, then when he's walking in through the front door of the big hoose to adulation from the Ibrox masses, he'll turn round and (in true Scooby Doo stylee) rip off his John Brown mask to reveal Craig Whyte underneath.

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I just heard that bit and he said it was Charles Green that said that he would be hunted.

"cos what he said to me, he'll be hunted the rest o his days."

I suppose you could read it either way. It's not like Brown not to make his intent understood, him being such an orator and all.

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FFS. Why don't Campbell Ogilvie's SFA just pull the fucking trigger on this embarrassment. They are a disgrace to Scotland...and so are Rangers and all associated Sevco's. How much more bigotry, cheating and corruption are our football authorities going to support?

Sporting integrity? There is no such thing in Scotland no matter what our chairmen are currently saying. If there was, anything associated with Rangers and any phoenix would have been finalised ages ago through the SFA, SPL and/or SFL.instead it's blatantly obvious they are doing everything within their power to keep some form of these b*****ds alive no matter what they've done, is happening and what will be done. That's says it all for me. Enough. The damage has been done. Scottish football - finished.

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I honestly hope none of you true fans have to see your club go through what my club is going through in your lifetime, it is the shittest experience you can have as a fan. Of course many of you posting on here won't be able to understand as I don't think you honestly truly support a club, you merely attach yourselves to a club and use it to vindicate your hatred.

See you in 2015 or some time after if at all. Take care of our trophy till we come back.

Amazing insight. We are not truly fans of our teams, we randomly hide behind these badges to hate rangers.

So, irony aside, can you name a team which has fans who hide behind a badge?

I can, rangers fc.

Currently facing liquidation due to financial mismanagement to a multimillion pound sum.

A club who have claimed all are against them, when in reality we are against the idea of being shafted by the same club twice.

If you think it's the success that breeds the contempt, you are wrong.

It's the arrogance, the 'we are supreme beings due to who we support' attitude that repels other fans.

The best bit about it is, every other clubs fans are in agreement.

We all think a new team start from the bottom. We all think that cheating is wrong.

Your best to let it start from scratch. End the current history book and start another.

Hell, you are into your royal family, if you win the spl again it can be title 1 of newco 55 of rangers history.

Historians will refer to official title, with a credit to the lesser title

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HELLO HELLO newco ragers media and swallow swallow fans !

How ya doing people nice to see you here and do enjoy as we are :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I see someone left a BIG BROWN thingy on yer doorstep spouting lots of pish you all will have lapped it up.

OH hows that that Green and Whyte takeover at Ibrox going ?.

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This is now such a fucked up situation, there seems to be only one real solution.

To sort this out. Once and for all.

Get Chico "Ill stab you in the chest" Green and Bomber "This is Glesca" Broon in front of a three man panel.

Judge Judy, Dog the Bounty Hunter and f*ckin Supernanny.

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The suggestion of 10k Sevcos is now being reduced to 3k.

Ach split the difference and you almost get Sevco 5088.......spooky :o

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Contents of my e-mail sent to Raith Rovers last night and below is the reply I received. Along with replying to me he also forwarded the mail I sent on to Eric Drysdale, amongst others. I will keep good on my promise and hopefully be partying in the streets of Raith at some point next season.:)

I am not a Raith Rovers supporter but would like to praise the comments made publicly by Turnbull Hutton regarding the situation of Sevco5088 and the SFL.

For once, a director has come out and stated what, in my opinion most sensible football fans are thinking. The whole debacle surrounding the football club formerly known as Rangers has dragged the reputation of Scottish Football through the mire and I can but hope that chairmen elsewhere within the SFL take the sensible and pragmatic approach as taken by your board and voiced through Mr Hutton. I would go further in requesting Mr Hutton is veciferous in defence of his position and indeed encourages others to think along the same lines. I am not looking for Sevco to be punished unduly, although I believe they should be, but only that they are treated the same way as any other club outside the Old Firm would be! As I have said I am not a Raith fan but can assure you that in some way I will make a contribution to your club in the coming season whether that be attending a game at Starks Park (my team is not in the SFL) or even by purchasing merchandise through the club shop, I will contribute financially. Well Done Raith Rovers!

Many thanks for your support. Appreciate your comments.


T Hutton

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  • Richard Gough
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Posted Today, 08:04 PM

the numbers were good but wasnt much of a protest, everyone just left soon after brown spoke.

if we are that serious we should be there and not move until we get our club back.

time for serious action. all this friendly shit is getting us nowhere



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