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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Folk are looking the wrong way here.

Its not Doncaster, Regan, the SPL, the SFL nor the SFA that is attempting to come up with a solution to keep Rangers in Scottish football.

Its Celtic.

Celtic are the driving force.

Fans need to wake up and realise that Celtic are absolutely desperate to keep the Old Firm alive. Their business model depends on a sectarian rivalry with Rangers. They can't survive as they are in the long term - or even the medium term - without Rangers.

Supporters need to keep the pressure on their clubs to ensure that the Old Firm do not win the day here.


Everything is set for Lawell to step in as supposed "peacemaker" pushing a "compromise" between what Rangers supporters want (Everybody to forget all about it and let them carry on in the top flight) and what everyone else wants (Rangers to be hit hard)

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Email Sent To SFA/SFL

Dear Sirs,

I understand from today's media broadcasts and websites that a deal has been struck to parachute a brand new club with no history , no accounts, three players and no proof to show they have funds enough to fulfil a season's fixtures straight into the second tier of Scottish football .

If the above is not true as I'm sure it is not (as league fixing is surely as frowned apron as match fixing) then can you please explain why the above is being discussed as fact on our National TV, radio and press without a denial from this country's footballing governing bodies ?

I look forward to your reply.

Kind regards

Mistake, or subtle dig?

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Surely if the newco have to take on the debts of the oldco, they will be immediately liquidated?

The idea is seemingly that they take on the "football debts"

So they pay Hearts for Lee Wallace but HMRC are still left in the lurch.

It'll be interesting to see what HMRC will have to say about that.

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The idea is seemingly that they take on the "football debts"

So they pay Hearts for Lee Wallace but HMRC are still left in the lurch.

It'll be interesting to see what HMRC will have to say about that.

since it is a different company I don't see what they can do. There are rules about CVAs and giving creditors preferential treatment but since they rejected that then it isn't any of their business.

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Folk are looking the wrong way here.

Its not Doncaster, Regan, the SPL, the SFL nor the SFA that is attempting to come up with a solution to keep Rangers in Scottish football.

Its Celtic.

Celtic are the driving force.

Fans need to wake up and realise that Celtic are absolutely desperate to keep the Old Firm alive. Their business model depends on a sectarian rivalry with Rangers. They can't survive as they are in the long term - or even the medium term - without Rangers.

Supporters need to keep the pressure on their clubs to ensure that the Old Firm do not win the day here.

I smell shite ! and what is your source there cap'n ?.

Your theory is based on a small hard core group of sectarian bigots who need ra gers themselves and the rest of us normal fans just need a league of teams to play against.Celtics business model is based upon results on the park and not just vile bigotry against a dead team 4 times a season.Possibly some fans will not go to games coz the other ugly sister has committed suicide but there is a queue to buy season tickets if these bigots give up their tickets.Part of Celtics business model and is probably the most important is European football and acquiring a good run if at all possible because this creates more money than winning a backwater SPL league as it is.Next year we will have no rangers in the SPL and if one or two teams put up a good fight till the bitter end then ALL THE BETTER I say.Yes some die hard fannies will be at Parkhead next season with banners celebrating the death of rangers but that will soon dissipate into obscurity.Rangers demise has possibly given Celtic a short time of domination but I fully expect one team to take the plunge and go for it as there is only Celtic to beat if they can attain a decent squad of players and get results against all the other teams and get results against Celtic then they could win the league,because Celtic will surely cut some cloth to suit because they do not need to spend as much because the OF is not there any more and the newco certainly won't have any spending power for many a year.

Try and enjoy the moment instead of being a chicken little FFS.

There we go with the fecking negative reps again for posting a little bit of truth :blink: yes I'm a Celtic fan but I'm NOT A FECKING BIGOT OK.Why do people not see the opportunity for some other team to have a crack at the title instead of greetin that Celtic will dominate for all time.Rangers have capitulated and the SPL are about to kick their hopes of parachuting into the SPL ! there are another 30 teams who now have the opportunity to vote the newco into non existence and ensure there will never be again the OF dominance in the Scottish leagues.

Edited by hellbhoy
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Jane Lewis@JaneLewisSport#Aberdeen chairman Stewart Milne says ''Rangers should be treated like any other club applying to join the Scottish Football League.''


Following the BBC report today in regards to plans for Rangers NewCo to enter Division One Chairman Stewart Milne stated:

"The statement that I issued on Monday was both clear and unambiguous and for the avoidance of any doubt I will restate it. Rangers NewCo should apply to the SFA for admission and apply direct to the SFL in the same way that any other new club would do. This is and remains our club's absolute position."

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I am tired of people saying football is more of a business than a sport, fine. If sevco 5088/sevco scotland want into the 1st Division they can pay for the privilege. They can wipe out the debt of every SPL and SFL club with a £5m bonus to those with no debt and they can pay for Aberdeen's new stadium (just 'cause).

Question: Would all the debt of every club in the SPL and SFL be more or less than the total debt of rangers at the end?

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The very fact this is even being considered surely shows there are critical issues at certain clubs. Motherwell have said they may go into Administration without the money brought in by The Rangers.Rangers supporters i know believe now it is the SFL 3 and are disgusted the champions of Sporting integrity would even consider this.

To claim there are no critical issues at quite a few other clubs smacks of head firmly in the sand

I think this is true. However, the placing of "The Rangers" in Division 1 is farcical and will only inflame the supporters of all Scottish clubs. I'm with Welsh Bairn's suggestion of 3 x14 leagues this would be a much more acceptable compromise IMO . Cutting down time to get to top flight to two years rather than three. I reckon all fans including "The Rangers" fans would buy that proposal.

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Following the BBC report today in regards to plans for Rangers NewCo to enter Division One Chairman Stewart Milne stated:

"The statement that I issued on Monday was both clear and unambiguous and for the avoidance of any doubt I will restate it. Rangers NewCo should apply to the SFA for admission and apply direct to the SFL in the same way that any other new club would do. This is and remains our club's absolute position."

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Jane Lewis@JaneLewisSport#Aberdeen chairman Stewart Milne says ''Rangers should be treated like any other club applying to join the Scottish Football League.''


Following the BBC report today in regards to plans for Rangers NewCo to enter Division One Chairman Stewart Milne stated:

"The statement that I issued on Monday was both clear and unambiguous and for the avoidance of any doubt I will restate it. Rangers NewCo should apply to the SFA for admission and apply direct to the SFL in the same way that any other new club would do. This is and remains our club's absolute position."

That's really good news, I'd like to see other chairmen come out with similar statements.

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Sent this to David Longmuir.

Mr Longmuir,

I gather the SPL and SFL are proposing to relegate Oldco Rangers into the First Division and then Newco Rangers can take their place next season after the Oldco has finally finished going through administration and is officially liquidated. It seems to me that you are quite prepared to rip up the rulebook on this matter. How can this club (call it what you will but it's no longer Rangers FC), guarantee that it will even fulfill its fixtures next season, in any league? The season is a month away. They are in a chaotic state. They are a new entity in any case and as such should have to apply at the bottom for entry into the Third Division. The fans want this as you doubtless know, even many Oldco/Newco Rangers fans. They see this as a way to regain some integrity and work their way fairly back up the leagues.

This proposal has the potential to destroy Scottish football such is it's stupidity. It's the sheer contempt for the fans that gets me. I am a season ticket holder at Hamilton Accies and I have deliberately held off buying one to see how this saga plays out. Today my club has joined the five or six other SFL clubs who have already come out and said they do not want Newco in the First next season. Les Gray says they should have to apply to the Third. I feel heart sorry for guys like Les who, through no fault of his own, is facing a supporter backlash from fans who are threatening never to go back as it would effectively mean endorsing a sport that is corrupt. One team, that has been cheating for at least ten years, is deemed too big to fail and must be treated differently? Well, sod that quite frankly! I will sit out next season if this happens, I will not put a penny into the SFL or attend any Scotland games and I doubt I'll return. I'll be sickened. That a cheating "institution" has the potential to bring our game to it's knees is disgusting. They are to blame, they have not incurred punishments, they have been the victim of consequences. Deserved consequences. We DO need reconstruction but not at this price. If Sky walk away, so be it, another tv deal will come along, admittedly paying a lot less. But if thousands of fans walk away, where is our game going to be? I am actually raging as I type this, that our admistrators are allowing this to happen, even if for some reason it is all actually a big con and you believe that Newco is dying and will not be in any league, you should not be putting us through this in the first place. The fans will not accept it so please come to your senses and throw this proposal in the bin where it belongs.

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There's nothing more hopeful about it mate. We need to cut straight through any bullshit and keep on at the heart of the matter:

The suits in charge of our national game are only entertaining the prospect of change to make life easier for any Sevco 5088 or Sevco Scotland Ltd 'newco' club to have an easier path - simply because they rose from the ruins of what was Rangers FC.

It is wrong. It stinks. It is no basis on which to suddenly re-jig our national sport. It's a carve-up....

Have just caught up on this. Awful having other distractions during the working day. :(

They trailed this on and off over the last couple of weeks.

They are trying a confuse the plebs by combining reorganisation with Rangers getting preferential treatment.

SFL chief executive David Longmuir confirmed: "The SFL is trying to address the question of whether we are in a position to accommodate a solution to the Rangers FC scenario. "

When he says "Rangers FC scenario" what does he mean? Rangers being liquidated. Being investigated by the police and just about everyone else. Sevco ducking and diving, being a smart ass with players contracts and TUPE obligations, moving assets to be out of reach to any claims.

THIS is what they are trying to "accommodate".

We can let those who want to discuss the detail of any reorganisation. But the subject at hand here is creating a preferential approach to rangers/Sevco which other clubs have not received in the past when their crimes were much less. This is the topic.

If they are serious about this, and I am not totally convinced yet that they are, then we have a project!:D

1. Who are the people behind this sneak them into Div 1 idea?

Can't be sure yet, but we sure as hell will find out. Then those people should be forced out of Scottish football. Not Rangers intimidation style but by legal methods.

Suspect some are driven by performance related pay that would benefit from the Sevco fanbase. But that is no excuse for imposing a standard of behaviour that totally lacks any honesty or integrity. More to do with seeing what you can get away with.

We cannot afford to have such people in positions of influence in Scottish football.

2. How will clubs vote?

Yes we can all work on that.

3. How will major sponsors react to the complete lack of integrity, the endorsement of such a corrupt bunch of tax dodgers, fiddlers and what is generally an evil mess that is Rangers and the Newco.

Irn Bru put their name to the SFL leagues, including SFL 1. The outcry may well discourage them from remaining involved.


Treat rangers/sevco like any other Scottish club. No more, no less. Do what is right. No amount of bribery and dodgy backhanders get away from this fundamental issue.

And as for Rangers/Sevco. No to SPL, No to SFL 1, no to SFL 2. Let them apply like anyone else, using the same set of rules.

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but there is a queue to buy season tickets if these bigots give up their tickets

That particular assertion is often debunked by your own fans - have there been any half-season book offers recently? I'd reckon the absence of your former business partners would be decreasing demand anyhow

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I dont suppose any fans of a "diddy" team are RAF pilots that could, due to instrument failure on a training exercise, fly over Ibrox and accidentally release a full payload?

Just asking. whistling.gif

No, but I'm a sparrow with decent wings and an arse of a crow. Just say when.

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That's really good news, I'd like to see other chairmen come out with similar statements.

Aye, clear and to the point as well, kudos to Wiggy. Too many using doublespeak these days "just in case". This is a time to call a spade a bigoted b*****d.

Wonder whether Bomber "David Niven" Brown will have anything silky to say in response.

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Bearing in mind that the majority of the Tartan Army is made up of fans from the Diddy Clubs.......could we see an empty Hampden Park for Scotland's World Cup Qualifiers ?

Yes. 'Cos if we don't go, and the Orcs certainly won't be there, who will?

A few hundred away fans plus the blazers.

Grrrr, gettin' annoyed. Canny DAE anythin'. Jist strongly worded emails. Beelin'.

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