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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The "one big bad man" argument doesn't really stack up for two reasons (and probably more).

1) Rangers were deep in financial shit before Whyte took over, he added to their problems, sure, but they were already endemic and crippling before he arrived.

2) What does this now apply to all sorts of misdemeanors? So Rangers bribed opposition players - it was one individual not the club. We shouldn't be punished. So Rangers fix matches? This wasn't the players or fans, it was one individual - or maybe two but so what? Not our problem.

Rangers fans do not own Rangers, they only pay to see them play. There is a chasm of difference, and if your owner engages in behaviour like taking out loans and not paying them back, or not paying tax, then it's Rangers who gets both the benefit of these actions and the costs.

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You must have missed that statement from us about not needing Rangers to survive.

If only every other club came out and followed our example at the very start, I doubt we'd be having this discussion about letting them into the SPL / 1st Division

I dont recall any club stating they need Rangers to survive so Celtic's statement is without doubt the weakest of any.

Then again, we diddies already knew what Celtic's real plan was, which is why it was taken out of your hands. The Killie chairman might be an embarrassment to us but at least he has some kind of honesty and isn't trying to pull the wool over his fans eyes.

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Trying to covince my mate to support the local in Ross county than fucking sevco cos the scumbagsx. Why would u support team 200 miles away, f**k them, absolute cancer of football. Help me get him Telt?!?!?

He's probably a glory hunter so tell him Ross County are better than Sevco (which they are).

Or do nothing, who cares if they support the OF? I've never tried to convince anyone to support any team, do whatever the f**k you want.

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It's really good to see you guys still considering things based on the Sporting Integrity Basis.

The alternative viewpoint might be that the SPL/SFA are victimising a victim of crime -which is what I believe Rangers are . Let me explain........

The Crown Office has instructed Strathclyde Police to carry out a Criminal Investigation into the Fraudulent purchase and subsquent criminal Corporate Management of Rangers by the previous owner. This is 'force majeur' and means that what Craig Whyte did to Rangers was in fact beyond the control of the club becuase it was a criminal act on his part which the club was powerless to stop.

Wrong your directors were negligent they could have taken action they chose not to. Force majeure is generally intended to include risks beyond the reasonable control of a party, incurred not as a product or result of the negligence of a party ie in this case your directors so irrelevant.

There was not a single Board Meeting nor were there any Statement of Accounts published and, in fact, there is a strong possibility that the SPL/SFA and HMRC were told, and therefore were aware that Craig Whyte was not paying PAYE/NIC contributions for several months before Administration happened, but chose to do nothing. (James Traynor / Keith Jackson Daily Record Podcast 28.06.2012)

True again your directors could have forced one, Mr King holding 10% shares could have done so regardless of an 85% holding so again proves negligence on behalf of your directors compounding their guilt which was never argued by your legal team at the SFA tribunal, they accepted it and attempted the big boy did it and ran away give us a break mitigation.

Now, if the Criminal Investigation becomes Criminal Charges and a subsequent Criminal Trial results in it being proved that, in fact, fraud had occured, it would in then add Rangers to the list of victims in this affair, and if there have been punishments added to those already administered , Rangers could then seek recompense from those who applied further sanctions to what is essentially a victim of a criminal act thus causing the victim further losses in both finance and status.............. Something to think about.

The crime if any was against the company and carried out by its own management in this case so go ahead and seek recompense bearing in mind where law has jurisdiction and where football matters apply.

There is a rush in these forums to see Rangers punished ad infinitum , or maybe that should be ad nauseum.

To date you have had a 10 point deduction and a small fine with regards to football matters everything else regarding finances is down to your own companys management and directors stretching back over many years.

It is clearly not enough for most of you that Rangers were penalised by a 10 point deduction together with the loss of the SPL tItle and with the owning company being liquidated together with an automatic European ban for 3 years with huge loss of potential income. (Rangers have no option but to accept these sanctions).

That was the rules at the start of the season for going into administration which you agreed to yourselfs before the season started. As for UEFA that is their rule and again is not a punishment as they now regard you as a new club.

(I will not include EBT and Double Contacts in my argument as these are still awaiting judgement - unlike some on these forums I still believe in innocence until guilt is proved.)

HMRC believe you have a case to answer you have been accused by them of breaking UK tax law hence its at the First Tier Tribunal which is a civil matter though HMRC still reserve the right to make it a criminal one. Again on the double contracts SPL says you have a Prima facie case to answer ie just a quick look at the paper work raises questions that need answered, I can see why you want to skip over these points as they kind of point a smoking gun at it so won't labour them.

No ,the lust to inflct punishment and humiliation on Rangers still goes on,even to the extent of dreaming up a few from thin air - where would this lust come from?

The SPL clubs will tell you that it is a matter of 'Sporting Integrity' and the sanctions imposed will be in line with this ethos. After all the punishment must fit the crime.

But hold on a minute....they are not seeking the penalty already provided in the rules i.e. starting over in SFL3.. no ,they want to change the rules so that only a one year banishment would be applied - why should this be?. I think i might have an idea why.

1. Minimise loss of TV Revenue , Sponsorship Revenue , Loss of gate money etc.etc. (1 year is ok but 3 years is a disaster.)

2. It will allow the SPL clubs to change the voting structure.. thus emasculating Celtic and causing a redistributing of monies. LOL good luck with that one

NONE OF THE ABOVE INVOLVES SPORTING INTEGRITY .... So dont give us any more of the mock outrage about Sportsmanship. This is just a grubby exercise in making money by equally grubby clubs. You have a nerve to castigate Rangers about morality ,you are all tainted by hypocrisy.

You are right there and am just as disgusted with the SPL as you are over it, putting in a request by Rangers to start in Div 3 should go into the hat with any other club to be considered, again this is not punishment but procedure. Punishment should follow afterwards.

Remember all glory is fleeting so make the most of it. Reality bites eventually and ,when it does, whose fault will it be? Be careful what you wish for.............

As for you, the fans of these clubs, with your- 'I wont buy my Season Ticket if you allow Rangers to stay in the SPL' blackmail.

Your hatred of Rangers is greater than the love of your Club and that indicates something much deeper than football rivalry. It is a malice as deep and vicious as you could ever find in life. At least with Celtic we can see where it comes from and that ,in a way has a kind of honesty but with the rest of you it is something different.

If we as Rangers fans have learned anything in this process it is that Scottish football has no time for us in a sporting sense and I would imagine in other senses. Maybe we are not considered Scottish enough for some - maybe a bit too British eh? You have never had the courage to attack Rangers before and even now , on our knees and after all the mob beatings we are still alive. You perhaps think that we will perish never to be seen again. That will never happen- the club will always be there in whatever form- but I'm not so sure about some of the other SPL Clubs though.

No one likes you you don't care, well thats what you have said for years so save the crocodile tears they don't wash.

I noticed with some amusement that the SFL Clubs have also seen through the Sporting Integrity argument used by the SPL Clubs.

They can see that they are being used to protect the SPL clubs revenue streams. and will oppose anything other than a Rangers competing in SFL3 next season. Well done to them.

We as Rangers fans generally wouldn't mind the SFL3 ,because we see it as an opportunity to be cleansed of the corrupt/biased SPL and in due course we will move up to whatever form the SPL will exist in (if at all)

Lets be clear - none of Rangers' enemies exist in Elgin , Dumfries,Peterhead, Stirling etc. and as a support during our time with them, we will treat all clubs in the SFL with respect ,attending away fixtures etc. , I should say that this is more than we would do for any Clubs in the SPL.

We will support and finance Rangers no matter what transpires , even if all we have are our youth players - unlike most of the SPL fans on these forums, our support will never be conditional.

So far your fans have been extremely apathetic to their clubs plight where finance comes into it, the fund raised given the size of your home gate and claimed world wide support is pathetic.

God Bless the Rangers.

BTW Respond to this if you want I really dont care.

Thanks for your post most enlightening ......................................:blink: here's something you can get hold of that may be of more use to you.


Edited by Bloomogganners
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Actually our sadly out-of-touch chairman is hardly the whole club, and btw he's also been one of the few SPL chairman who said he believes the newco Division 1 place is a non-starter.

Celtic have said what? From the beginning of this whole saga we've had what commentary from Celtic FC?



*** crickets ***

Killie have been deep-throating Rangers from the start of this bullshit, and Celtic should apologise?

I think not.

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Trying to covince my mate to support the local in Ross county than fucking sevco cos the scumbagsx. Why would u support team 200 miles away, f**k them, absolute cancer of football. Help me get him Telt?!?!?

Is your friend originally a native of Glasgow who supported Rangers before moving to the Highlands? People who haven't grown up in or around Glasgow or have never lived in Glasgow should support their local clubs. There are way too many glory hunters in Scotland. Scottish Football would be so much more competitive if it was not for people attaching themselves to the big Glasgow two without good valid reasons.

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Is your friend originally a native of Glasgow who supported Rangers before moving to the Highlands? People who haven't grown up in or around Glasgow or have never lived in Glasgow should support their local clubs. There are way too many glory hunters in Scotland. Scottish Football would be so much more competitive if it was not for people attaching themselves to the big Glasgow two without good valid reasons.

Nah he's a highland guffy. Exactly, I'll get him Telt don't worry, he's goes to county games but also supports sevco!!!

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Celtic suck bollocks, so do sevco eh? GET THEM OOT

This can be easily achieved. If all the other SPL clubs destroy Celtic 4-0 I every game next season, Celtic will be relegated and totally boned

That's the only way you're getting rid of us. Good luck.

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Thats the problem, every day could be a corker, BDO can pull the plug at any point, on Wh8te, Green and :D Brown.........

Would that not be the WPBSA?

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It's really good to see you guys still considering things based on the Sporting Integrity Basis.

The alternative viewpoint might be that the SPL/SFA are victimising a victim of crime -which is what I believe Rangers are . Let me explain........

The Crown Office has instructed Strathclyde Police to carry out a Criminal Investigation into the Fraudulent purchase and subsquent criminal Corporate Management of Rangers by the previous owner. This is 'force majeur' and means that what Craig Whyte did to Rangers was in fact beyond the control of the club becuase it was a criminal act on his part which the club was powerless to stop.

There was not a single Board Meeting nor were there any Statement of Accounts published and, in fact, there is a strong possibility that the SPL/SFA and HMRC were told, and therefore were aware that Craig Whyte was not paying PAYE/NIC contributions for several months before Administration happened, but chose to do nothing. (James Traynor / Keith Jackson Daily Record Podcast 28.06.2012)

Now, if the Criminal Investigation becomes Criminal Charges and a subsequent Criminal Trial results in it being proved that, in fact, fraud had occured, it would in then add Rangers to the list of victims in this affair, and if there have been punishments added to those already administered , Rangers could then seek recompense from those who applied further sanctions to what is essentially a victim of a criminal act thus causing the victim further losses in both finance and status.............. Something to think about.

There is a rush in these forums to see Rangers punished ad infinitum , or maybe that should be ad nauseum.

It is clearly not enough for most of you that Rangers were penalised by a 10 point deduction together with the loss of the SPL tItle and with the owning company being liquidated together with an automatic European ban for 3 years with huge loss of potential income. (Rangers have no option but to accept these sanctions).

(I will not include EBT and Double Contacts in my argument as these are still awaiting judgement - unlike some on these forums I still believe in innocence until guilt is proved.)

No ,the lust to inflct punishment and humiliation on Rangers still goes on,even to the extent of dreaming up a few from thin air - where would this lust come from?

The SPL clubs will tell you that it is a matter of 'Sporting Integrity' and the sanctions imposed will be in line with this ethos. After all the punishment must fit the crime.

But hold on a minute....they are not seeking the penalty already provided in the rules i.e. starting over in SFL3.. no ,they want to change the rules so that only a one year banishment would be applied - why should this be?. I think i might have an idea why.

1. Minimise loss of TV Revenue , Sponsorship Revenue , Loss of gate money etc.etc. (1 year is ok but 3 years is a disaster.)

2. It will allow the SPL clubs to change the voting structure.. thus emasculating Celtic and causing a redistributing of monies. LOL good luck with that one

NONE OF THE ABOVE INVOLVES SPORTING INTEGRITY .... So dont give us any more of the mock outrage about Sportsmanship. This is just a grubby exercise in making money by equally grubby clubs. You have a nerve to castigate Rangers about morality ,you are all tainted by hypocrisy.

Remember all glory is fleeting so make the most of it. Reality bites eventually and ,when it does, whose fault will it be? Be careful what you wish for.............

As for you, the fans of these clubs, with your- 'I wont buy my Season Ticket if you allow Rangers to stay in the SPL' blackmail.

Your hatred of Rangers is greater than the love of your Club and that indicates something much deeper than football rivalry. It is a malice as deep and vicious as you could ever find in life. At least with Celtic we can see where it comes from and that ,in a way has a kind of honesty but with the rest of you it is something different.

If we as Rangers fans have learned anything in this process it is that Scottish football has no time for us in a sporting sense and I would imagine in other senses. Maybe we are not considered Scottish enough for some - maybe a bit too British eh? You have never had the courage to attack Rangers before and even now , on our knees and after all the mob beatings we are still alive. You perhaps think that we will perish never to be seen again. That will never happen- the club will always be there in whatever form- but I'm not so sure about some of the other SPL Clubs though.

I noticed with some amusement that the SFL Clubs have also seen through the Sporting Integrity argument used by the SPL Clubs.

They can see that they are being used to protect the SPL clubs revenue streams. and will oppose anything other than a Rangers competing in SFL3 next season. Well done to them.

We as Rangers fans generally wouldn't mind the SFL3 ,because we see it as an opportunity to be cleansed of the corrupt/biased SPL and in due course we will move up to whatever form the SPL will exist in (if at all)

Lets be clear - none of Rangers' enemies exist in Elgin , Dumfries,Peterhead, Stirling etc. and as a support during our time with them, we will treat all clubs in the SFL with respect ,attending away fixtures etc. , I should say that this is more than we would do for any Clubs in the SPL.

We will support and finance Rangers no matter what transpires , even if all we have are our youth players - unlike most of the SPL fans on these forums, our support will never be conditional.

God Bless the Rangers.

BTW Respond to this if you want I really dont care.

Is this the lost notes that went with the guidance document?

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If it's a resounding No to Newco in the First but Thistle vote Yes, I will certainly not follow Accies to Firhill next season or to any ground whose board have done the dirty on their fans. So that'll be Cowdenbeath out too, shame as I haven't been there for years (not that I'll be missing much).

By the way folks, it's Stephen Thompson and Alex Thomson. Here to help.

This is like reading Tintin all over again :)

Realistically how you can be a Asian and a Sevco fan? With the BNP backing, Nazi salutes, the Israeli flags and hatred of everything not protestant.

Mate goes to Rangers Celtic game couple of years ago (at the Rangers end).

Bunch of half a dozen Asian guys in front of him singing at full blast "I'd rather be a Paki than a Tim". :o


It takes 12 teams to make the league, without the 10 diddies you'd have nowhere to play. Why should you both take so much revenue out of the game?

There would have been no uproar from the other 10 clubs when Gretna was in the league. The only teams who can possibly lose out of shared receipts are the OF, and maybe Hearts (doubtful). All the rest would have more cash.

My back-of-napkin calculations point to gate-sharing being practically neutral for the Edinbra teams and Aberdeen - possibly Dundee too. It would be the bottom 6-7 who would gain.

With a stronger bottom and a minimally weaker top the competition would still improve, IMO.


Edited by Borys
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