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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The whole "huntit for the rest of his days by Rangers' fans" bit should be enough for a complaint to the PF. If folks are being jailed for inciting riots via social media then what view must the crown take of a grandstanding simpleton standing in front of a baying crowd basically saying "sell us the club or we'll kick your fucking head in"?

This is classic footage. Read somewhere that this was prompted by Green saying to Brown he'd be better off demolishing Ibrox than selling to him.

Anybody else remember Captain Scarlet? Forget Thunderbirds, this was the best of that puppet bunch. Real adult stuff.

For anyone scratching their heads, there were Captains Scarlet, Black, Blue and Ochre (?). Then Col White and Lt Green. OK, had to look it up to get the detail there.

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We are being told again today to be careful what we wish for.

Why ?

I wish both Sevco and Celtic dead.

Celtic are heading for desperate times without their business partners in crime.

Salary levels are gonnae crash as the income deteiorates due to their faithful fans deserting the cause due to the death of the Old Firm bigotfest.

Supporting Celtic will become null and void.

They really need Sevco and will vote yes.

Lawwell is a lying cnut.

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If the worst comes to the worst I can see a number of SFL1 players receiving red cards for season ending tackles on Sevco players.

If they are in the 3rd, I'd expect sicknotes on a regular basis - think some plodding defender cares about missing a game and his £10 for the sake of taking out one of their players?

Wherever they end up, they are not going to get it easy.

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Bit of a non-tale really, but I now know that the Scottish Ambulance Service were gonna accept the CVA so as to recover anything on the go, didn't even send a representative to the Creditors' Meeting as it was deemed to be wasting staff time/more public funds.

The telling bit of this little tale is that they will not be providing cover in future @ Ibroke UNLESS it is paid-for up-front. Will be told to contract with a private ambulance company otherwise. I wonder how many others this will apply to from Strathclyde's finest right down to the suppliers of Sally's pies

I wonder if the Scottish footballing authorities are aware of such small yet important details when trying to force the fit-up?!

Bear (sic) this small detail in mind if ever thinking of going to see a fitba game at Ibroke in the future. Your added risk.

Thanks for that, made me chuckle.

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I would suggest you go and look up "reactionary" in a dictionary.

You come across as a bit of an empty vessel and we all know what they make...................

BTW, don't bother replying to this, you're on 'ignore'.


My ignore too but people keep quoting so there's the guff still on the page! <_<

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Craig burley!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

A complete fucknugget of the highest order.

I take it that when 'Footballing Oracles' of the reputation and sagacity of a Burley or a Dodds produce a piece for a chipwrapper then it is actually all their own work isn't it ?

I mean, they would never stoop so low as to just put their name to any old piece of ghost-written Goebbelsist propaganda in return for some coin,

would they ?

"There ye go Craigey / Billy, jist you sign your name or put a big cross right there at the bottom.....and leave the rest to us.........and yer envelopes waitin' at reception...."

Would they ? :rolleyes:

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If the worst comes to the worst I can see a number of SFL1 players receiving red cards for season ending tackles on Sevco players.

If they are in the 3rd, I'd expect sicknotes on a regular basis - think some plodding defender cares about missing a game and his £10 for the sake of taking out one of their players?

Wherever they end up, they are not going to get it easy.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry I'm out of greenies. .......and its not even lunchtime.

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I take it that when 'Footballing Oracles' of the reputation and sagacity of a Burley or a Dodds produce a piece for a chipwrapper then it is actually all their own work isn't it ?

I mean, they would never stoop so low as to just put their name to any old piece of ghost-written Goebbelsist propaganda in return for some coin,

would they ?

"There ye go Craigey / Billy, jist you sign your name or put a big cross right there at the bottom.....and leave the rest to us.........and yer envelopes waitin' at reception...."

Would they ? :rolleyes:

:rolleyes:They might. :lol:

But in fairness to burley, i saw him soccer AM some years ago & he was a complete fucknugget then as well, and listening to him as a co-commentator?..again, fucknugget.......christ i'd rather listen to john motson & mark lawrenson.

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We are being told again today to be careful what we wish for.

Why ?

I wish both Sevco and Celtic dead.

Celtic are heading for desperate times without their business partners in crime.

Salary levels are gonnae crash as the income deteiorates due to their faithful fans deserting the cause due to the death of the Old Firm bigotfest.

Supporting Celtic will become null and void.

They really need Sevco and will vote yes.

Lawwell is a lying cnut.

What utter pish.

Salary levels wil drop?

You mean we won't be able to pay utter fannies, like Hooper & Loovens & Wilson & Mulgrew?

I cannot fucking wait.

Btw, i cant remember Peter Lawwell lying to any Cetic fan.

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I think one of the most fundamental issues here is that we are all fed up being told what to think by ex OF players in the MSM.

It really does beggar belief that we are being lectured by the football equivalents of those well known private plane flying, multi-home environmentalists Bono and Sting.

We can think for ourselves, thanks.

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Stolen from Rangerstaxcase. Don't know if it's been posted or not but thought it was worthy of an airing.

It suggests that the "journalist" who wrote it, really doesn't understand anything about this whole fiasco. (Mind you, it is the Sunday Post)

Ron Scott The Voice of Experience Sunday Post July1 2012

"The way the Scottish football authorities have allowed the Rangers scenario to unravel is nothing short of disgraceful.

The whole sorry episode should have been nipped in the bud.

Instead we're now in the situation where it's not just the survival ofRanges that's at stake, but the Scottish game itself.

As the fans and clubs become hysterical about how the Light Blues should be punished, it's worth remembering the Ibrox club has done nothing unlawful.

Employment Benefit Trusts are legal. That's why HMRC wants to close this particular loophole.

Informed sources suggest, at worst, Rangers will receive fine, and there appears no danger of having to pay back-tax on the system Sir David Murray implemented.

The SFA then decided to impose severe sanctions on Rangers after awakening to the fact that Craig Whyte was not a fit and proper person to own the club.

Yet the independent Ibrox board set up to look into Whyte while he was still negotiating with Murray decided themselves that [he] wasn't fit and proper to own the club.

They told the SFA that at least fifteen months ago,but the powers-that-be decided in their wisdom to take no action at that time.

Now the situation is like a runaway train full of explosives that's about to be derailed and blow up the whole of Scottish football.

Let's face the obvious here. Not even Celtc will be able to sustain their present level for long without Rangers.

So if they end up having to make cuts, how is the rest of Scottish football going to survive?

There are already whispers that other SPL clubs will be forced into administration.

There is even talk of part-time football at the highest level, never mind the First Division.

It's all very well to bleat on about sporting integrity. But why risk the entire future of Scottish football especially when the facts clearly show Rangers have done nothing wrong.

At the end of the day, the main villan of the piece remains Whyte, with Murray a close second.

It's totally wrong to run the risk of losing Rangers altogether and sending down the entire game with them.

It is especially wrong when the facts show there is absolutely no need for the authoeities to treat Rangers the way they appear hell-bent on doing."

(ETA put on the italics to make it clear I'm quoting the article!)

Edited by Ronnie Wutherspoon
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I will happily admit I'm a hypocrite. Why are Celtic completely silent over all this? Celtic should have spoken out and condemned Rangers years of cheating and lying. Celtic had the chance to lead every other club to a new era of Scottish Football.

Instead, Celtic have sat and hoped that everyone would vote yes so they could vote no and appease their own supporters while keeping their business partner in the SPL. Now you are fucked and you know it.

Oh, come on. Everyone involved in this mess has sat on their hands until the moment they were forced to take a stance on it. The idea that Celtic's behaviour is especially reprehensible is cracked and mental.

Every club and agency involved has acted in the hope that someone else - the SFA, UEFA, HMRC - would grasp the nettle. Nobody wants to be the one to put the final nail(bomb) in Sevco's coffin. Credit to the clubs who explicitly stated they were voting no, but it's not an act of astonishing bravery if you're forced to speak out by financial circumstances.

All of this is basically bollix - boo hoo hoo, there's a problem in Scottish football and Rangers are dead, so it must be Celtic's fault. Stands to reason, dunnit.

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All of this is basically bollix - boo hoo hoo, there's a problem in Scottish football and Rangers are dead, so it must be Celtic's fault. Stands to reason, dunnit.

I'd agree with all of your post apart from this bit. Celtic have an opportunity to be a massive part of the solution. We've heard nothing.

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Oh, come on. Everyone involved in this mess has sat on their hands until the moment they were forced to take a stance on it. The idea that Celtic's behaviour is especially reprehensible is cracked and mental.

Every club and agency involved has acted in the hope that someone else - the SFA, UEFA, HMRC - would grasp the nettle. Nobody wants to be the one to put the final nail(bomb) in Sevco's coffin. Credit to the clubs who explicitly stated they were voting no, but it's not an act of astonishing bravery if you're forced to speak out by financial circumstances.

All of this is basically bollix - boo hoo hoo, there's a problem in Scottish football and Rangers are dead, so it must be Celtic's fault. Stands to reason, dunnit.

For the moment the problem is still Rangers. The SFA, the SPL and the media refuse to let the die in dignity.

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I don't think we have to look too far for other bigots judging by this ...

Daft post above.

Why do a lot of yir fans support the IRA, who have murdered innocent children ?

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