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Why do people continue to buy newspapers in this day and age? Hopefully in a few years they'll be obselete and nuggets like Traynor won't be picking up a wage to spread their pish.

Edited by MTJ
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For Traynor & co

There are for a fact ! 30 teams in Scotland who do not need the OF and whatever money they generate as they play in a completely different league than the SPL clubs ! THE SFL.The SFL generates it's own money and if these teams met with the OF in cup competitions it's a small windfall or even better they kick the OF out of the competition.SO ! if these SFL teams have kicked out the OF in cup competitions why have you never written that this is the death of cup competitions because the OF have been booted out the cup ?.

Not true, SFL relies on the SPL settlement money, around £60,000 for every club. Maybe Accies and Falkirk don't rely on it exactly but I'd imagine that amount is a big issue for the likes of Stranraer and Montrose.

Edited by Owsley
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Japanese tourists advised against eating square sausage and approaching folk in football tops.

The 'big hoose' guy advised against wearing his football top and told to stop eating Japanese tourists.

An honourable draw. Scotland 1 Japan 1.

Thank you Good Sir for the belly chuckle :D


Edited by Borys
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Why do people continue to buy newspapers in this day and age? Hopefully in a fear years they'll be obselete and nuggets like Traynor won't be picking up a wage to spread their pish.

"The fear years", don't like the sound of that. Sounds like what Traynor's spouting.

(sorry, but that was after you edited as well)

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Whilst the Daily Ranger is quite correctly getting most of the flack here can anyone say they are actually surprised by the contributions of Traynor and his cronies? What about the contribution of the Herald sport staff who in my opinion has been even more disgraceful in their peddling of Sevco scare stories.

Rarely, if ever have Wilson or the other journalists came close to accepting that the placing of Sevco in SFL3 might be doing them a favour. In all my years as a Herald reader I have never known them to adopt a line which is so out of step with the majority of their readership. For the first time ever I am getting no response to emails directed to them. In the past I`ve had many items in the letters page and even on a rare occasion, the back sports page of the Monday issue but now they seem to be refusing to allow an alternative view or even to accept criticism of the journalistic standards.

I wonder how the rest of the paper`s staff feel about such biased and ill informed writing. I wonder if Doug Gillon in his capacity as sports editor, who has always seemed to take extremely high moral lines where sporting integrity is concerned , has been sidelined by this issue?. Who is pulling the strings at the Herald ?

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"The fear years", don't like the sound of that. Sounds like what Traynor's spouting.

(sorry, but that was after you edited as well)

I type my posts so quick I never bother to read them half the time and only notice mistakes when I glance at them.

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Bomber won't get to see the paperwork on who owns Greyskull today :D , I can hear the angry ring pull rippppppppppppppppp from here .

On an aside, Fat boy said £16m will be lost from the Scottish game I think. What was the currants wage bill? Get rid of them totally and there is no problem, all the other clubs wouldn't be worse off :)

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For Traynor & co

There are for a fact ! 30 teams in Scotland who do not need the OF and whatever money they generate as they play in a completely different league than the SPL clubs ! THE SFL.The SFL generates it's own money and if these teams met with the OF in cup competitions it's a small windfall or even better they kick the OF out of the competition.SO ! if these SFL teams have kicked out the OF in cup competitions why have you never written that this is the death of cup competitions because the OF have been booted out the cup ?.

Not true, SFL relies on the SPL settlement money, around £60,000 for every club. Maybe Accies and Falkirk don't rely on it exactly but I'd imagine that amount is a big issue for the likes of Stranraer and Montrose.

Of course it's a bigger deal the lower down the leagues you go, fortunately most clubs will just chop that amount off their playing budget, no big deal just shittier players or same players on shittier wages, can't imagine many 3 and 4 year contracts floating about in the seaside leagues.

I think they call it fiscal prudence, some of the overspenders should try it, it's painful but do-able.

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SPL would be in breach on contract if it stopped paying would expect unless it includes clauses which state in the event of Rangers ..............................

People are getting a bit silly now.

Although I don't think it's been answered either way, who's to say the Settlement amount isn't co-linked to SPL income, for example if income halves > Settlement halves?

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I'm just going to come out and say it.

Do all these media dix like Traynor and Keevins all want us to let Rangers/sevco away with anything purely in the interest that they are "too big to lose?"

Are they seriously trying to tell everyone in Scottish football to turn a blind eye to this when it is the old firm but don't let the "diddies" away with it?

These men actually get paid big money to print their thoughts in newspapers and spout nonsense on the radio for fuxake.

This is the kind of loony thinking you'd find from the cumstains on Rangers media, not the kind of thoughts that should be coming from "journalists".

Just as an after thought. They love the line "Scottish football will die without Rangers" what they forget is who sticks around to watch it and pay for it if the competition is massively rigged?

I can see even sevco fans walking away if they realise the competition is massively rigged in their favour. Not as much fun winning when you realise the rules are bent in your favour

Edited by Gaz FFC
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People are getting a bit silly now.

Although I don't think it's been answered either way, who's to say the Settlement amount isn't co-linked to SPL income, for example if income halves > Settlement halves?

No idea how its worded nor will Keevins, both SPL and SFL work under the Companies Act 2006. Agree it is getting silly but so is the running of Scottish football these days so my apologises for being a bit silly.

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I'm just going to come out and say it.

Do all these media dix like Traynor and Keevins all want us to let Rangers/sevco away with anything purely in the interest that they are "too big to lose?"

No. They want us to let Rangers/sevco away with everything sothat they can continue to earn a big fat paycheck by writing OF sectarian centric pish on a daily basis.

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People are getting a bit silly now.

Although I don't think it's been answered either way, who's to say the Settlement amount isn't co-linked to SPL income, for example if income halves > Settlement halves?

What do you think SPL income would be based on though? Presumably, the only income the SPL has its the tv deal and any sponsorships. I cant imagine the clubs contribute anything directly, or do they?

Hard to see how the tv deal and sponorship money would half simply with no Rangers.

Also, do you know if the assumption that the money is scaled down the leagues is correct too? If it is, then the impact on clubs is likely to be even less severe

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As I read the bomber story I noticed this quote from M.Murray

Sevco Scotland submitted membership application documents to the Scottish Football Association on Friday night and are awaiting decisions over which level of football they can relaunch Rangers next season.

So I googled the word in bold (to be sure),

World English Dictionary

relaunch - vb

1. to launch again

2. to start, set in motion, or make available again

and yep he reckons the oldco are dead. I wonder if he's told his prospective ST holders yet?

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Can someone ask traynor keevins and the buckfast brigade how come when ibrox was struggling to get five thousand through the gates for non of games in the eighties ...that Scottish football didn't implode and the world didn't stop spinning?? In fact...in that period no clubs went into admin we qualified for world cups we were always in at least pot two and we won European trophies ...hmm I wouldn't mind some of that befalling Scottish football

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Not true, SFL relies on the SPL settlement money, around £60,000 for every club. Maybe Accies and Falkirk don't rely on it exactly but I'd imagine that amount is a big issue for the likes of Stranraer and Montrose.

OOPS ! foot n mooth syndrome from me then ! AGAIN !.:oops

I would expect that money to be ring fenced.After all £1.8 million isn't a lot of money is it for 30 clubs ?.

I suppose the real part of my rant was for the media to start harassing SKY to fork out what we as a nation are due from sales of SKY products,instead of the doom and gloom scenario they are spouting.

Rangers death and SKY putting the boot in by threatening to reduce the TV revenue is the real problem here and not just because Rangers died.If SKY were to maintain the current deal then the threat of Scottish football collapsing would not be in question.Why aren't these journalists not highlighting the real problem ? SKY !.

The real problem for SKY if they help kill off our game and have an angry nation pissed at them for doing so.They will be left with an empty program schedule and that means that they will lose more in advertising revenue.They might put on something else but will lose out on major companies in revenue as the core audience ( US ) will have gone and will most likely give up our sports packages as a result and worse cancel all SKY packages for killing our game.

It's not the death of Rangers it's the threat from SKY that is threatening our game as a whole,and if these arseholes in the media were to pick up on this the whole of Scotland's media could put REAL PRESSURE upon SKY to do the right thing and fund our game comfortably.

As a result of a piss poor TV deal SKY are maintaining a system that every year robs the SPL of keeping it's players on long well paid contracts in Scotland.But SKY are making the divide for funding between the EPL and SPL much larger and with every new SKY contract,it is harder for SPL clubs to keep their star players because the English leagues have more money and can easily bribe ours.

If the media started a national outrage towards SKY on their unfairness towards Scottish football and is threatening our game as a whole they would bow to national pressure.They could headline "WE WANT A FAIR DEAL FROM THE MONEY WE IN SCOTLAND PAY SKY" and other headline like "SKY STAND TO LOSE HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS EACH YEAR FROM DISILLUSIONED CUSTOMERS IN SCOTLAND" and many more to pressure SKY to cough up.

You all argue about fairness in Scottish football in general on here and pick on the OF as they have had a strangle hold ! broken now.But no-one has actually highlighted the real problem for Scottish Football RIGHT NOW outwith the OF's grip at the moment ! SKY !.The SFA ain't applying public pressure to get what we deserve from SKY,the media ain't doing nothing other than get the newco back into the SPL and only sell doom and gloom instead of applying pressure to get SKY pay our football what it's due proportionally.

SKY is the fucking problem here and not the death of Rangers,they are threatening to do worse to our WHOLE GAME with an even poorer pisspot deal if them cheating phoenix tax dodging B*stards aren't back in the SPL ASAP.


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