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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I think we've got a winner of the cliche bingo.

Congratulations! Sevco 5088 should be in the third division if they are admitted in the SFL, like any other new club. As the club itself haven't played a single match in their history and don't have any audited accounts, there may be more applicable applicants for the vacant spot however.

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What other nations of similar size have a better standard of league than Scotland?

If we are truly so pish why have we greatly outperformed far larger nations for decades?

Why are Scottish football fans such aresholes?

larger nations? name any who have played the game for a similar length of time that we are better than? and when was the last time we "outperformed" anybody?

oh and here is a list of countries with populations under 10 million (and some even less than our 5.5 million) who are better than us.








bosnia & hertzeovina

rep of ireland



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I think we've got a winner of the cliche bingo.

Congratulations! Sevco 5088 should be in the third division if they are admitted in the SFL, like any other new club. As the club itself haven't played a single match in their history and don't have any audited accounts, there may be more applicable applicants for the vacant spot however.

agreed. but fans like yourself want it both ways. you want us out of the league then blame us for the financial mess its going to cause. if you have a problem with us in div1 speak to your chairman who is probably right now working on plans for an spl2 if the sfl dont do what he wants. or you could just keep blaming rangers i suppose...

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larger nations? name any who have played the game for a similar length of time that we are better than? and when was the last time we "outperformed" anybody?

oh and here is a list of countries with populations under 10 million (and some even less than our 5.5 million) who are better than us.








bosnia & hertzeovina

rep of ireland




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Was hopefully for your post after the bank charge analogy in the first paragraph.

Paying extortionate charges to a (partially public owned) institution which then makes billions in profit, pays its executives large bonuses and yet refuses to support SME's is actually very like the newco situation.

The honest man being shamelessly ripped off by utter c***s.

Lost that faith with the 'denizens of Celtic Park' line. Why shouldn't people be outraged at a corporation walking out on its dues to the taxman (you know, schools, hospitals, jobs and that) and then being aided and abetted by the authorities to start afresh?

Despite the odd attempt at articulacy and respectability, the snivelling, unrepentant WATP sense of entitlement always shines through with your lot. Deep down not one of you really sees the big picture here. You may think 'sporting integrity' is a management buzzword to attack ra peepil with, but I'm afraid you're wrong. Some people actually don't like being cheated for decades, and even more people don't like to see corporations 'cheat' the country at a time when many people are struggling for jobs etc.

It's nothing to do with Rangers. If this was Hibs, I would be genuinely fucking ashamed. Perhaps the difference is, I haven't grown up with a deeply supremacist attitude - an 'ends justify the means, as long as we're beating the tarriers' raison d'etre.

We have been punished more severely than others already (just how many points did Motherwell get docked?), but for some no punishment is enough. The twitching corpse must be flogged until it bleeds no more.

Bitch please :lol:

There has been no punishment. Real Rangers were closed as a result of their own actions. Everything is being done to advantage its reincarnation as much as possible (for reasons which make SPL Chairmen extreme hypocrites I agree).

Edited by SodjesSixteenIncher
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You might be better posting in the existing thread.

I have to take issue with the "we have been punished more severely than others" line I keep hearing - it's driving me mental. Let me list all the punishments:

  • We've been docked (a meaningless) 10 points - rules that Rangers voted in post Motherwell's administration.
  • We had a couple of fines, unpaid, which are pretty irrelevant as we owe the taxman £140 million.

That's it. Then we went bust and got ourselves liquidated. Everything since -- 3 years out of europe, not having a league to play in -- is because as a newco we don't yet qualify. These aren't punishments.

Almost nobody on this board (that i've seen) thinks the attempt at parachuting Rangers into division one is being done exclusively for the benefit of Rangers. Everybody knows that the SPL's fingerprints are all over it.

And while perhaps you and I want to see Rangers go to division 3 for the right reasons, it's undeniable that many of our fellow "supporters" would love nothing more than for the SPL to crumble around us.

Scotland does indeed need healthy competitive football, but we haven't had it for years. Fighting for proper governance is the only way forward.

Edited by Huistrinho
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Was hopefully for your post after the bank charge analogy in the first paragraph.

Paying extortionate charges to a (partially public owned) institution which then makes billions in profit, pays its executives large bonuses and yet refuses to support SME's is actually very like the newco situation.

The honest man being shamelessly ripped off by utter c***s.

Lost that faith with the 'denizens of Celtic Park' line. Why shouldn't people be outraged at a corporation walking out on its dues to the taxman (you know, schools, hospitals, jobs and that) and then being aided and abetted by the authorities to start afresh?

Despite the odd attempt at articulacy and respectability, the snivelling, unrepentant WATP sense of entitlement always shines through with your lot. Deep down not one of you really sees the big picture here. You may think 'sporting integrity' is a management buzzword to attack ra peepil with, but I'm afraid you're wrong. Some people actually don't like being cheated for decades, and even more people don't like to see corporations 'cheat' the country at a time when many people are struggling for jobs etc.

It's nothing to do with Rangers. If this was Hibs, I would be genuinely fucking ashamed. Perhaps the difference is, I haven't grown up with a deeply supremacist attitude - an 'ends justify the means, as long as we're beating the tarriers' raison d'etre.

Bitch please :lol:

There has been no punishment. Real Rangers were closed as a result of their own actions. Everything is being done to advantage its reincarnation as much as possible (for reasons which make SPL Chairmen extreme hypocrites I agree).

At least your honest enough to admit the chairmen are hypocrites. but "sporting integrity" has bocome a meaningless buzzword for all concerned. people on every side are using it to mask what they really mean.

oh and cheers for the head doctoring, its great to know that you can tell everything about a person from the team they support, i never knew all my years of supporting rangers was because i had a sense of entitlement, must be why i also support that English giant Aston Villa (last trophy about 1994) and the Washington Redskins (surely the worst "old school" team in American football).

i did have high hopes for your post until your rather lazy WATP line, after that i could see the skag taking forever living in Hearts shaddow chip on the shoulder mentality shining through, or was it the sunshine on leith? see labelling someone is awfay easy when you resort to stereotypes...

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I got a bank charge the other day, was my fault you know. See I completely messed up my budget but now I guess I'll have to pay the fine and just get on with it. Shame I'm not a football club then I could just blame Rangers...

I know what you're thinking, here's another bear with a chip on his shoulder. Well it's not true. Rangers messed up monumentally, they stiffed the tax man (strange how many denizens of parkhead suddenly care about the queens bank balance) they stiffed other football clubs they stiffed small businesses and they eventually went down in a blaze of arrogance one news of the world phone hacker was said to have described as "a bit dis-tasteful".

Since February everybody's had their pound of flesh and oh boy what a party it's been. In the beginning it was fair and the criticism which flowed was justified but fuelled by lashings of pent up anger / jealously / self-righteousness all and sundry have had their say, one hundred years of hatred and envy has poured forth. No critisim is too much, no ancient slight or percived controversial loss has been left un-avenged and truly the mob has spoken. Rangers must be punished. Then again. then again. then again. Repeat until bored.

Sporting integrity is the new black (or should I say Japanese tour grey...). That fantastic little phrase © Lawwell '08 has made a comeback in a major way. Rangers we are told must not be allowed to darken the SPL's hallowed turf / sand again; they must be cast asunder and taught a lesson. And do you know what? I agree; we knew the rules because we bloody helped make them. We were part of the cabal and ran it arrogantly for our own means for far too long forgetting that one day even the mighty might just need a friend. We built a castle on sand and when it collapsed we should pay the price, no bailout for "the establishment".

But now the pygmies have spoken. Every no mark supporters group has had their say and "people power" has rescued the Scottish game, for after all what is the SPL without its integrity? Well pretty much the same as it is now. It's a flawed broken product were teams can play 18, 19 or 20 games home or away each season. Where Falkirk can't get in with a new ground being built but Gretna can swan in and ground share a swimming pool. Where special dispensation cannot be given to clubs to solve a fixture crisis but can Gretna can play Celtic at Almond vale. Where chairman speak of punishing Rangers for their fiscal failures while presiding over £33 million of debt.

But with those big nasty bigots from Govan the spl is going to thrive. Blue chip sponsors will rush to buy into the new super competitive league were any one of half a dozen teams can come second to Celtic! Sky will no doubt cancel super Sunday to broadcast Dundee vs. Ross County from a packed Dens park as families have picnics outside the new sectarian free grounds of the spl. Everybody will hold hands and sing when hopefully in a few years Rangers will gain a place in this footballing Utopia. Maybe that day will coincide with Rooney signing on at Aberdeen citing "pure financial greed" as the motivation for his move to the best league in the world?

I'd at least have respect for any fans group who simply said "yeah we just want to stick it to the Rangers" instead of hiding behind clichéd phrases. But what of this sporting integrity? Surely it should be followed through to the last and most Rangers fans agree. Apparently we only want to go to the third division to see others in financial trouble, it's awfully good when people tell you what you are thinking isn't it? For me and many others that is not the case, we want to go to the third division to start again, to build anew. We want to build bridges and if not forget the past then at least be given a chance to put it behind us. We have been punished more severely than others already (just how many points did Motherwell get docked?), but for some no punishment is enough. The twitching corpse must be flogged until it bleeds no more.

We do not want any parachute into the first division and it is being forced upon us by the self-same chairmen who proclaimed that sporting integrity has no price. Well apparently it does and its roughly £1 million a year plus play offs. But again this isn't the case, it's all being done to help the Rangers, the hibs fans know this for a fact. Perhaps one of them should ask their chairman why he's the main architect of the plan.

Scottish football is in a dire state but nobody really seems to care, its all Rangers fault anyway. The reformation of the game should not be tacked onto the demise and rehabilitation of rangers. It is an issue in its own right and a far more important issue at that. There will hopefully always be Rangers, a St Mirren, Kilmarnock and Dundee united too. Scotland's needs football, healthy competitive football because its woven into the very fabric of our society.

Right now the baws burst but instead of fixing the puncture people are hell bent on picking the seam...

Much too sensible for P and B. However I agree its all smoke and mirrors and if they get caught they have a ready made culprit in Rangers. Its just a pity that its taken something like this to happen for people to at last admit that the SPL has failed to deliver on any level. If anything it has brought Scottish football and its clubs to where it is now.

Edited by Nipper
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Since February everybody's had their pound of flesh and oh boy what a party it's been. In the beginning it was fair and the criticism which flowed was justified but fuelled by lashings of pent up anger / jealously / self-righteousness all and sundry have had their say, one hundred years of hatred and envy has poured forth. No critisim is too much, no ancient slight or percived controversial loss has been left un-avenged and truly the mob has spoken.

I've got no beef with 'Rangers', I'm not jealous of them or angry at them, I am however firmly against a new club entering the league anywhere other than the Third Division.

Who I am f'ckin beeling at is most of the press, Doncaster, Regan et al for all the underhand tactics and downright lies that have been told but not 'Rangers', I find it funny that a great number of their fans are unbelievably misinformed and that many of them are taking things to almost 'Celtic like' extremes of being the victim, but I'm not f'kin envious of them .

Rangers must be punished. Then again. then again. then again. Repeat until bored.

These punishments ... please list them ?

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You might be better posting in the existing thread.

I have to take issue with the "we have been punished more severely than others" line I keep hearing - it's driving me mental. Let me list all the punishments:

  • We've been docked (a meaningless) 10 points - rules that Rangers voted in post Motherwell's administration.
  • We had a couple of fines, unpaid, which are pretty irrelevant as we owe the taxman £140 million.

That's it. Then we went bust and got ourselves liquidated. Everything since -- 3 years out of europe, not having a league to play in -- is because as a newco we don't yet qualify. These aren't punishments.

Almost nobody on this board (that i've seen) thinks the attempt at parachuting Rangers into division one is being done exclusively for the benefit of Rangers. Everybody knows that the SPL's fingerprints are all over it.

And while perhaps you and I want to see Rangers go to division 3 for the right reasons, it's undeniable that many of our fellow "supporters" would love nothing more than for the SPL to crumble around us.

Scotland does indeed need healthy competitive football, but we haven't had it for years. Fighting for proper governance is the only way forward.

Good post.

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You might be better posting in the existing thread.

I have to take issue with the "we have been punished more severely than others" line I keep hearing - it's driving me mental. Let me list all the punishments:

  • We've been docked (a meaningless) 10 points - rules that Rangers voted in post Motherwell's administration.
  • We had a couple of fines, unpaid, which are pretty irrelevant as we owe the taxman £140 million.

That's it. Then we went bust and got ourselves liquidated. Everything since -- 3 years out of europe, not having a league to play in -- is because as a newco we don't yet qualify. These aren't punishments.

Almost nobody on this board (that i've seen) thinks the attempt at parachuting Rangers into division one is being done exclusively for the benefit of Rangers. Everybody knows that the SPL's fingerprints are all over it.

And while perhaps you and I want to see Rangers go to division 3 for the right reasons, it's undeniable that many of our fellow "supporters" would love nothing more than for the SPL to crumble around us.

Scotland does indeed need healthy competitive football, but we haven't had it for years. Fighting for proper governance is the only way forward.

Excellent post - first 'greenie' of the day.

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You might be better posting in the existing thread.

I have to take issue with the "we have been punished more severely than others" line I keep hearing - it's driving me mental. Let me list all the punishments:

  • We've been docked (a meaningless) 10 points - rules that Rangers voted in post Motherwell's administration.
  • We had a couple of fines, unpaid, which are pretty irrelevant as we owe the taxman £140 million.

That's it. Then we went bust and got ourselves liquidated. Everything since -- 3 years out of europe, not having a league to play in -- is because as a newco we don't yet qualify. These aren't punishments.

Almost nobody on this board (that i've seen) thinks the attempt at parachuting Rangers into division one is being done exclusively for the benefit of Rangers. Everybody knows that the SPL's fingerprints are all over it.

And while perhaps you and I want to see Rangers go to division 3 for the right reasons, it's undeniable that many of our fellow "supporters" would love nothing more than for the SPL to crumble around us.

Scotland does indeed need healthy competitive football, but we haven't had it for years. Fighting for proper governance is the only way forward.

Excellent post, deserves a greenie.

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larger nations? name any who have played the game for a similar length of time that we are better than? and when was the last time we "outperformed" anybody?

oh and here is a list of countries with populations under 10 million (and some even less than our 5.5 million) who are better than us.








bosnia & hertzeovina

rep of ireland



Well, so few nations have played the game for a similar length of time. In fact only England have - but we are by far better than Ireland or Wales if that's what you mean. And Scotland are above Sweden in the coefficient, even though we just dropped 8 places. We absolutely piss all over them, Bosnia and Slovenia too. And Hungary. And Norway. So why do we consistently perform above far larger nations? Last season we were ahead of giants like Poland too, not to mention the Czech Republic.

Why is Scottish football so good? And the Uruguayan league has never, and will never be, on a par with Scotland. We are a model to other nations really, years of historic and incredible over achievement. For once our current position is actually pretty damn realistic.

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