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Has anyone read the Craig Burley column? He's changed his bloody tune...

(edit: will post his ramblings, so you don't have to go onto the DR webshite)


Charles Green must stop talking nonsense and get on with rescuing Rangers

CHARLES GREEN'S comments do Rangers no favours as they try to rebuild their brand which at this stage is lower than a caterpillar’s belly.

Charles Green doesn’t seem able to stop spouting ludicrous statements that make him sound like a fool.

His comments also do Rangers no favours as they try to rebuild their brand which at this stage is lower than a caterpillar’s belly.

His recent remarks about decisions made against Rangers being based on bigotry are disgraceful.

I’d love to hear his definition of what West of Scotland bigotry is. For him to also claim his club will have a better balance sheet than Celtic a year from now is ridiculous. It smacks of the infamous Sir David Murray taunt of the fiver and tenner scenario that came back to haunt him.

And Green capped all that by clapping along to supporters’ chants about SFA chief Stewart Regan – a gesture designed to win over the fans but which were infantile for a man in his position.

Make no mistake, Rangers don’t need to bring added pressure on themselves.

The club are a million miles behind Celtic and must concentrate on trying to make up ground. They should do it quietly and focus on their own affairs.

Ally McCoist should also choose his words more carefully. He has to stop blaming others and getting involved in off-field matters.

The season is under way and he now has to be a full-time football manager.

The time has arrived for McCoist to give his players his full attention to make sure the club get up the leagues and into the SPL as quickly as possible.

It’s also time for Green and McCoist to show a united front. I don’t think their relationship is good but no-one is bigger than the club and they must put any issues aside for the good of Rangers.

Why have we yet to see them stand side by side for a public photo ahead of the new league campaign?

Whether Ally and most Rangers fans like it or not, Green and his consortium are in charge and must be given the chance to take the club forward.

There was no knight in shining armour riding in to save the Ibrox outfit.

The rich Gers fans didn’t do enough to rescue their club so the moaning has to stop.

For the past six months Rangers have hogged the news – from administration to liquidation, oldco to newco. We’ve had redundancies, sleepless nights, Walter Mitty characters and Sir David Murray.

At first the whole country was intrigued but now we’re just bored. Decisions have been made and the season has started ... and thank goodness for that.

There is one outcome still to come – the independent commission’s inquiry into Rangers’ alleged EBT payments to players between 2000 and 2011.

The commission has the authority to decide what sanctions, if any, to impose.

There will be a clamour for the club to be stripped of titles but don’t include me in that groundswell of opinion. I have no desire to join the lunatics. Players are the victims in all this – they don’t deserve to have medals taken away and happy memories tarnished.

That issue may occupy the minds of many in the weeks ahead but I’m more concerned with what happens to our game in the next decade, not the previous one.

With that in mind I hope the SFA, SPL and SFL are looking at ways to restructure and revitalise Scottish football.

They must come up with a plan to make the product more exciting and more valuable. That surely can’t be too difficult.

Edited by Araminta Moonbeam QC
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Has anyone read the Craig Burley column? He's changed his bloody tune...

(edit: will post his ramblings, so you don't have to go onto the DR webshite)


Charles Green must stop talking nonsense and get on with rescuing Rangers

CHARLES GREEN'S comments do Rangers no favours as they try to rebuild their brand which at this stage is lower than a caterpillar’s belly.

Charles Green doesn’t seem able to stop spouting ludicrous statements that make him sound like a fool.

His comments also do Rangers no favours as they try to rebuild their brand which at this stage is lower than a caterpillar’s belly.

His recent remarks about decisions made against Rangers being based on bigotry are disgraceful.

I’d love to hear his definition of what West of Scotland bigotry is. For him to also claim his club will have a better balance sheet than Celtic a year from now is ridiculous. It smacks of the infamous Sir David Murray taunt of the fiver and tenner scenario that came back to haunt him.

And Green capped all that by clapping along to supporters’ chants about SFA chief Stewart Regan – a gesture designed to win over the fans but which were infantile for a man in his position.

Make no mistake, Rangers don’t need to bring added pressure on themselves.

The club are a million miles behind Celtic and must concentrate on trying to make up ground. They should do it quietly and focus on their own affairs.

Ally McCoist should also choose his words more carefully. He has to stop blaming others and getting involved in off-field matters.

The season is under way and he now has to be a full-time football manager.

The time has arrived for McCoist to give his players his full attention to make sure the club get up the leagues and into the SPL as quickly as possible.

It’s also time for Green and McCoist to show a united front. I don’t think their relationship is good but no-one is bigger than the club and they must put any issues aside for the good of Rangers.

Why have we yet to see them stand side by side for a public photo ahead of the new league campaign?

Whether Ally and most Rangers fans like it or not, Green and his consortium are in charge and must be given the chance to take the club forward.

There was no knight in shining armour riding in to save the Ibrox outfit.

The rich Gers fans didn’t do enough to rescue their club so the moaning has to stop.

For the past six months Rangers have hogged the news – from administration to liquidation, oldco to newco. We’ve had redundancies, sleepless nights, Walter Mitty characters and Sir David Murray.

At first the whole country was intrigued but now we’re just bored. Decisions have been made and the season has started ... and thank goodness for that.

There is one outcome still to come – the independent commission’s inquiry into Rangers’ alleged EBT payments to players between 2000 and 2011.

The commission has the authority to decide what sanctions, if any, to impose.

There will be a clamour for the club to be stripped of titles but don’t include me in that groundswell of opinion. I have no desire to join the lunatics. Players are the victims in all this – they don’t deserve to have medals taken away and happy memories tarnished.

That issue may occupy the minds of many in the weeks ahead but I’m more concerned with what happens to our game in the next decade, not the previous one.

With that in mind I hope the SFA, SPL and SFL are looking at ways to restructure and revitalise Scottish football.

They must come up with a plan to make the product more exciting and more valuable. That surely can’t be too difficult.

After the press meeting with Green, Burley has discovered that he doesn't like succulent Yorkshire puddings.

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After the press meeting with Green, Burley has discovered that he doesn't like succulent Yorkshire puddings.

Although I note the 'players are victims', 'people who want to strip titles are lunatics' and 'league must be reconstructed' slipped in at the end.

Aye, as the Club Deck is closed, I'm assuming corporate hospitality will be limited this season. Nae luck.

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I, too, feel for the players. How many players have been denied honours, goals and opportunities by Rangers' cheating? Like the analogy already made, it's like feeling sorry for a burglar (or, at best, an unwitting accomplice) when they have to hand back what they've stolen, with no thought for the victims.

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Bill McMurdos take on Jim Park.........

The Ghost Of David Murray

The Sunday Mail reports today that a friend of Craig Whyte’s – Jim Park – has been hired as a consultant at Rangers.

The response from Rangers is that they did not know of Park’s Craig Whyte connection.

Surely they are aware of the Craig Whyte connection of Joe Dwek, who is a big player at Zeus Capital? Especially when Zeus Capital people are directors of Rangers.

Joe Dwek was chairman of Worthington Group PLC, a company which Liberty Capital has shareholdings in, along with Regenesis Holdings, who also happen to be run by Craig Whyte’s friends.

Are you following? Because chasing Jessica Ennis around would be easier than trying to keep up with the Scarlet Pimpernel a.k.a . Craig Whyte.

Or Craig White as he is sometimes known.

Which brings us back to Jim Park.

Mr Park is loathed by former employees of his at Powwow, the water cooler firm he acquired and subsequently flushed away.

But he also owned a firm called Murray White, based in Glasgow, which is a debt-collection firm.

I know of someone who claims to have worked for the company a few years back and he is adamant that it was well known in Murray White that the real owners were David Murray and a guy called Craig White. Or was it Whyte?

There’s a lot of talk of such doing the rounds and, if it is true, it leaves a certain David Murray with a lot to answer for in regard to his “I was duped” statement.

Because it would prove he did indeed know Craig Whyte/White prior to his selling the club to him.

Jim Park is also a friend of Craig Whyte’s dad, Tom. He is the man “sold” to Rangers fans as a bluenose. Now he might like the Gers but he is also known to another football team in the SPL as one of their fans, so much so he was a season ticket holder.

I recently blogged on the possibility that Craig Whyte is still involved at Ibrox through Zeus Capital and Blue Pitch Holdings. His SFA-imposed ban on being a director at any football club does not, as far as I am aware, preclude him from being an investor or shareholder, directly or indirectly through a front.

The way it would work is that he would take the money from Rangers while there and re-circulate it back – say through Zeus – and buy into Sevco. It’s done all the time.

Is this what happened? I don’t know but Rangers have a chance to prove myself and others like Bomber wrong that Craig Whyte/White is no longer involved in ANY way with the club. Prove, not say, that is.

Is it possible that Craig Whyte is still actually pulling the strings at Ibrox through a series of front men and front companies?

Some may question Craig Whyte/White’s ability to pull off such a convoluted move. He is not JR Ewing enough, it may be thought.

But do we know anybody who could be?

The prospect of Craig Whyte pulling the strings behind the scenes at Rangers will chill the blood of every bluenose.

But what if someone is pulling HIS strings?

What if the ghost of a certain David Murray is still over the club?

Is it true that David Murray and Craig Whyte knew each other and even had a business connection prior to their deal over Rangers FC? I couldn’t possibly comment.

Is it true that either Whyte/White or Murray still has an interest in Rangers?

If so, the repercussions of that will surely pull the whole of Scottish football down.


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Ye couldnae make this up if ye tried...................and the CevcoMedia fanboys ain't gonna like the Sir Craigie connection! Even tho it's the Sun, ye've just gotta pray this story is true:

"Green hires £11.5m debt tycoon as business guru"



Is there anyone involved at Ibrokes who doesn't have a dodgy financial past ? It must be difficult to amass so many rogue traders under the umbrella of one organisation.

Dave King he was/ is under investigation in South Africa.

Minty well 3/4 billion in debt sold the club to Whyte for a pound

Whyte serial bankruptee

Charlie boy and his mystery consortium

and now Park

who else is going to crawl into the carcass of this club.

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Scottish football was corrupt,is corrupt and will ALWAYS be corrupt. Dont be surprised if SCUMGERS are elevated into SPL 2 for next season along with the other quisling clubs who will vote for it.

Scottish football WILL regret the day that they didnt KILL this disgusting, vile club altogether, it will come back to haunt Scottish football and the game will go even further backwards than before, Its just a slow agonising death.:angry:

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Scottish football was corrupt,is corrupt and will ALWAYS be corrupt. Dont be surprised if SCUMGERS are elevated into SPL 2 for next season along with the other quisling clubs who will vote for it.

Scottish football WILL regret the day that they didnt KILL this disgusting, vile club altogether, it will come back to haunt Scottish football and the game will go even further backwards than before, Its just a slow agonising death.:angry:

Are you not the one who proclaimed Sevco would be admitted to the SPL should the SFL refuse to have them in division one? Your predictions of doom and gloom have not been very accurate so far have they?

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Are you not the one who proclaimed Sevco would be admitted to the SPL should the SFL refuse to have them in division one? Your predictions of doom and gloom have not been very accurate so far have they?

You seem rather obsessed with ME!! I feel wanted!!:D

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Doncaster was evasive about the content of the earlier unsigned SKY deal until he couldn't avoid it. What might be in the new one. I think it'll be along the lines of......".Get them back in pronto ya specky w**k!"

Hugely insulting to specky wanks everywhere....

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The sight I saw in barrhead yesterday nearly turned my stomach.

I woman that from the back looked like Oliver Hardy wearing "the new" Sevco top and a pair of very tight (although they probably weren't meant to be), spandex union jack trousers standing outside a newsagents with a cigarette in one hand and a carry-oot in the other. The two guys and another woman she was with were standing at the door just chatting away to the shopowner.

Across the street minding their own business are 4 Canadians just walking by chatting happily to each other, one with a celtic scarf tucked into his back pocket. Which Ms Hardy has clocked.

"Ho!!!" comes the shout from Olly.

Not realising that she is calling to them the Canadians keep walking.

"Ho, yous!!!"

The girl turns to look over at who is shouting and sees the union jacked bedecked vision across the street. She clearly only recognises the union jack trousers so waves back and shouts, "Love the union jack, go Team GB!!!"

"f**k off ya Fen*** cun**, away back tae ireland. I hope ye get fuckin' stabbed!!!"

"I dont understand what your saying, we're from Toronto." shouts the girl over the street.

"Away back to fuckin' america then!!!"

As they passed us by my dad apologised for what had happened. But they said they couldnt understand a word although they got the sentiment.

The laugh was that as it turns out the 4 of them had come over from Canada on holiday. 1 of them had been at the Celtic game with a friend that lunchtime, whilst the other 3 were going to Ibrox on tuesday!!! biggrin.gif

C*n*dian Tim b*****dS!

If their damn mhaple leaf was rounded instead of pointy at the ends and if it was green instead of red ,

it would be just like a shamrock!!!!

Bloody lhumberjacks. TIMber!. QUEERbec! It's a conspiracy!

Hope someone tells them to 'dress down' for Tuesday.:ph34r:

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That utter fandancer Teebear is unbanned again from OrcTalk :rolleyes:, you think they would learn.

Total fruitloop.

Typed in Rangers FC for update on Tuesdays game got:

John Connell ‏@celticjohn67

walking through the parkwhen i saw Rangers Fc Season pass nailed to a tree, i thought f**k it and took it, you can never have too many nails


7m Liz Thomson ‏@Teebear138

@celticjohn67 Why is it whenever I type Rangers FC into twitter search.. Celtic John comes up? Weird


3:27 PM - 5 Aug 12 via web · Details

Liz Thomson ‏@Teebear138

@celticjohn67 Rangers FC are way out of your league now smile.gif

No answer.. lol

I miss her in some ways :ph34r:

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Has anyone read the Craig Burley column? He's changed his bloody tune...

There is one outcome still to come – the independent commission’s inquiry into Rangers’ alleged EBT payments to players between 2000 and 2011.

The commission has the authority to decide what sanctions, if any, to impose.

There will be a clamour for the club to be stripped of titles but don’t include me in that groundswell of opinion. I have no desire to join the lunatics. Players are the victims in all this – they don’t deserve to have medals taken away and happy memories tarnished.

And here was me thinking that the fans were the victims.

Here was me thinking that it was the fans who paid out top dollar for 12 years to watch what turned out to be a rigged league set up in favour of one club.

And Burley then goes on to call those very same supporters lunatics?!

Well I suppose he's right in a way. The fans well and truly were lunatics to part with their hard earned cash to make these victimised footballers millionaires and give them their cherished memories!

What sickens me when reading stuff like this is not so much Burley's views - everyone knows he stupid. What sickens me is that the Scottish media continue with the Old Firm biased propaganda.

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If you imagine voters are like Sevco fans (blindly follow any bullshit media spin) you'll realise why we get the shite political representatives that we do. I was a die-hard Tory voter and 'loathe or hate' Thatcher's policies the country was never in better shape than under her stewardship .. Sadly today you cannot say the same - Liebor and the Tories are almost identical.

The only real alternative is UKIP at the moment and I am not saying they are perfect .. but they are a damned sight better alternative than most. Yet at the elections you average voter sticks with his 'team' and the one that looks after their individual needs as opposed to the country as a whole ..

Yeah political pish thread for this ... I'll get ma coat !!

Don't bother with the coat, a rope will do just fine

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My info suggests that they might just propose what you think will cause this outcry. I haven't heard exact details but I think two divisions of 10. 7 willing volunteers plus Rangers. The rest don't really matter, they'll get some loose change thrown at them.

You're maybe right. I said they wouldn't dare propose such a thing, but yes, I suppose the powers that be would have the brass neck to suggest just about anything.

The outcry would be very real though. Given what was knocked back, effectively by SPL and SFL fans this summer, there's surely no chance of success for something that would be an even greater affront to any notion of integrity.

If SFL1 fans were to accept such a thing next year, that would be an absolute outrage. I'm pessimistic by nature, but I really can't see how that could come to pass.

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Off topic but may as well ask here as I got no response from admin.

I see the clock on this site is one hour out.

I was on the Jags site and it's the same.

Do they share the same server I wonder.

Anyone notice the same thing elsewhere?

(I know the UK is an hour behind France,

it's 2 hours on here)

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Off topic but may as well ask here as I got no response from admin.

I see the clock on this site is one hour out.

I was on the Jags site and it's the same.

Do they share the same server I wonder.

Anyone notice the same thing elsewhere?

(I know the UK is an hour behind France,

it's 2 hours on here)

Click on the dropdown next to 'signed in as cyderspaceman' at the top of the page, choose 'my settings' and adjust to your location ;)

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