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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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masked your ineptitude with a staggering level of trolling cuntishness

Didn't take too long before that mask slipped, did it? Plastics just can't shake that chip off the shoulder smile.gif

I knew it was 'Shite and Eat' and not the lemony pup that Henrik tried to sell.

Weren't you meant to be the clever one?

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Please explain what was so horribly hard to read about my posts in general, like was there any words you need explained to you that confused you that much? I'm not quite sure what went wrong there. Strange 1, you really do seem painfully obsessively confuddled well and truely by the English language.

Your posts are not hard to read.

What you do is reply to a great many people all in the bulk of one big huge paragraph - I'm quite happy to read what you've got to say but if I have no idea what the fella you're responding to has said then just seeing your reply makes absolutely no sense. You'd be as well PMing the f'ker in that instance!

Edited by Ned Nederlander
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Insults, deflections and childish insults yet still nothing of any substance.

Your club were a shower of cheating c****

DhenseBhore - didn't you understand me when I said I'm happy to trade insults with you because you aren't worth anything else?

Cheating c***s laugh.gif

Roon ye, wee man, roon ye.

PS: I can only imagine your anger that Regan and Liewell have been working hard to get The Rangers back pronto - we're needed you see.


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Ned, again, I must ask, what makes it so hard to read for you? I set them out in proper paragraphs, I try my hardest to spell each word correctly and use proper grammar, I put each username before i continue so they know I am replying to them directly, I am really struggling with how you are failing to grasp this concept? Was the whole cluster fu ck thing just one of those DhenBhoy things where you tried to make yourself look smart by dismissing something in the cleverest possible way you could? If you genuinely are struggling with paragraphs etc then absolutely no question I will certainly try and help you out as much as possible, leave me a message and I will get back to you.

Then again, I shall be Zombie Crazy Frog by tomorrow, Newco'd up to my eyeballs as apparently I am not welcome here with my damn opinions :(

Wow ! Did you read my post at all ?

I stated quite clearly that your posts are not hard to read.

It's trying to follow the various conversations that you lump into one paragraph thats difficult.

And that's not me saying I have issues with feckin paragraphs !

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So my posts are that much of a cluster fu ck, because I respond to each individual post that someone has made towards me? And that's bad? What difference does it make to your life if i use the quote function on here, or simply type the username myself?

I've actually answered all that already.

Is it really so terrible for you that you must repeatedly go on about this?

The first time I responded to one of your posts it was to welcome you to the board, the second time was to point out the 'quote' function - since then I've been responding to repeated questions about the apparent issues I have with your use of such things as paragraphs, punctuation, the English language and spelling .... but mostly paragraphs!

Do you have some sort of eyesight condition that makes it hard for you to keep up with it? I'm just trying to understand why this is such a major problem for you

Are you wired up right, do you have a misfunction between eye and brain that takes whatever someone says and scrambles it into something else - I've been polite, I've welcomed you to the board, I've tried to read your posts and I've responded to your questions - are you purposely misinterpreting what I'm saying ?

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Guest Kincardine


Oh by the way


as if to be ironic

Waiting for it.......

there really was no need to individually quote each part of what I said like that

Dead right.

the 1 quote and response would have been easier to compute I reckon.

You nailed it. Those fuckers who break up a post and reply to each part are as annoying as hell.

Get them telt.

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Oh by the way, as if to be ironic, there really was no need to individually quote each part of what I said like that, the 1 quote and response would have been easier to compute I reckon. You see, we help each other! Give and take!

There was no need for it but since you made several points I addressed each one individually.

I don't always do it but sometimes its easier and in your case you've had great difficulty in interpreting what I've been trying to say so no need to complicate things even further.

Edited by Ned Nederlander
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I still don't feel you have answered me properly. You are saying my posts, as they were to numerous different people, was hard to grasp basically. I fully understood your points, perhaps you could give me some suggestions as to how I could make my posts more readable for you? Or easier to understand? Or whatever the problem is? I genuinely don't know what more I could have done from my end.

It would help me out greatly. I certainly don't want to offend anyone by the way I type or put posts on this website. If you would assist me with this then we could move on from this topic and back to what we are all here to do, and that is discuss Rangers. I feel this has put a bit of a block on that.

Quote folk.

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Guest Kincardine

It would help me out greatly. I certainly don't want to offend anyone by the way I type or put posts on this website. If you would assist me with this then we could move on from this topic and back to what we are all here to do, and that is discuss Rangers. I feel this has put a bit of a block on that.

We're not here to discuss Rangers. Go to FollowFollow for that.

You're too earnest, to be honest. I sympathise because I'm often to eager to be 'right' and regularly miss the humour. I am often 'whooshed' because I missed the point.

Lots of guys on here are very droll. Part of the joy of belonging to a multi-team forum is that everyone gets the pish ripped out of them. There are no sacred cows .

Equally, though, if you make a fair point then folk will praise you whichever team you support.

So calm down a wee bit but keep posting.

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We're not here to discuss Rangers. Go to FollowFollow for that.

You're too earnest, to be honest. I sympathise because I'm often to eager to be 'right' and regularly miss the humour. I am often 'whooshed' because I missed the point.

Lots of guys on here are very droll. Part of the joy of belonging to a multi-team forum is that everyone gets the pish ripped out of them. There are no sacred cows .

Equally, though, if you make a fair point then folk will praise you whichever team you support.

So calm down a wee bit but keep posting.

Good post sir and hope he takes these points on board. I have my doubts though. ;)

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Wow, so it appears a few of you have went crying to the teacher and complained about me enough to get my other account banned, which I am assuming will happen to this 1, so i'll say my piece then leave you chaps to it ;)

:lol: :lol: :lol: well it wan't me, you were an amusing change from the normal Sevco template that has appeared here recently...........

Point of order, Crazy Frog got liquidated, you came back as Crazy Frog2. You lost your post count and the date you joined/formed changed. See an analogy?

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It doesn't say in the link posted - they 'look" like figures posted earlier in the thread though !

Just remembered - he was a St Johnstone fan !

Well done for not clicking on it though, you're super !

The link was from someone taking it on from the St J's fans figures - http://saintinasia.wordpress.com/2012/08/09/how-are-sevco-affording-sandaza/

Personally I think there will be more concessions and child tickets.

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Now I have no idea which team this blogger supports and I don't care but here is another wee insight to the dodgyness of their applications of EBTs, to people not 'employees'.

So I was doing a study on the EBT'ers or the Tax dodging b*****ds as I like to call them when I happened to stumble across some information that took me by surprise.

First of all we must understand the difference between being Employed by (a football club) and being Loaned to (a football club) are two totally different things.

Employment is a contract between two parties, one being the Employer and the other being the Employee.

In football the Employer is the Parent club which means the club who holds the players full contract registration.

A loaned player is one who is Employed by a football club and his services are Loaned to another club. This club becomes the Loaning club not the Employer.

For more information please use the link below;


Now lets look at Employee Benefit Trusts.

The Employer establishes the trust, making contributions of an equivalent value to the deferred remuneration and the trustees will at a later date distribute the trust funds to employees or ex-employees.

The basic idea is that the trustees can distribute the trust fund when it is tax advantageous to do so perhaps when the employee is retired or non-UK resident.

The ideal is that there is no employee tax charge until the trustees distribute benefits which may be many years after those benefits have been earned.

The tax charge may be theoretical rather than real the employee or ex-employee may have moved to a ‘low tax jurisdiction’ or ‘tax haven.’

Further information can be found on the link below;


Now it is going to get really tricky for David Murray to explain this one.

Gregory Vignal receive £173,000 via an EBT when he wasn't an Employee of Rangers.

He was loaned from Liverpool to Rangers 2004-2005. His Employee Benefit Trust is subject to Tax and National Insurance as he wasn't an Employee of Rangers Football Club, he was an Employee of Liverpool.

Federico Nieto receive £24,500 via an EBT when he wasn't an Employee of Rangers

He was loaned from Almagro to Rangers 2005. His Employee Benefit Trust is subject to Tax and National Insurance as he wasn't an Employee of Rangers Football Club, he was an Employee of Almagro.

Both players were not contractually Employed by Rangers but received the benefits of being Employed by Rangers.

Now surely the very fact that they are called Employee Benefit Trusts should have told the powers that be at Ibrox that these players were not entitled to and could not receive payments through them as they were not Employees.

Or did they know and done it anyway.

I'm sure we will find out in time but this is a 'clear a sign' yet that Rangers knew exactly what they were doing.

They never thought they would get caught, but they did.

Then he gets fired into McLeish :D

Of the EBT beneficiaries list on the BBC's website Alex McLeish is responsible for signing 26 of the players on the list.

The total amount paid to these 26 players was £16,684,328

Including Big Ecks £1.7M the total paid via EBT's during his tenure is a staggering £18,384,328


Well worth a perusal........

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There may be obsession, like there is with dead Elvis. People still go on about him, others still make money from tribute acts, others may wonder what could have been if it didn't all go wrong. He didn't leave a mountain of debt then get replaced by a lookalike pretending he was the same Elvis as far his success was concerned but a different one when it came to any liabilities. Nor, as far as I am aware, did he cheat his way to success. His legacy is one of inspiration, not debt - though, possibly, also a warning about health problems from over-consumption - too big to fail, too fat to live.

The Elvis name is exploited, as is the Ranges name. People with an emotional attachment have parted with their cash to keep the memories alive. Shame on those at Ibrox for such cynical, false hope.

This is brilliant, that's exactly what's happening here, Sevco Franchise are a Rangers Tribute Act.

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Now I have no idea which team this blogger supports and I don't care but here is another wee insight to the dodgyness of their applications of EBTs, to people not 'employees'.

Then he gets fired into McLeish :D


Well worth a perusal........

What a lot of shite. Regardless of which team the original blogger supports his understanding of employment and contract law is so far off the mark it`s frightening. Add that to his crude understanding of the EBT system and you`ve got a realllllllllllllllllllllllllly long post that means next to f**k all.It`s a joke. I think it`s called playing to the crowd.................... The so called tax experts and legal minds should stop making complete tits of themselves and wait until tribunal is concluded and secondly they should stop posting on a 3rd Div football forum...ffs....

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