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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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What a lot of shite. Regardless of which team the original blogger supports his understanding of employment and contract law is so far off the mark it`s frightening. Add that to his crude understanding of the EBT system and you`ve got a realllllllllllllllllllllllllly long post that means next to f**k all.It`s a joke. I think it`s called playing to the crowd.................... The so called tax experts and legal minds should stop making complete tits of themselves and wait until tribunal is concluded and secondly they should stop posting on a 3rd Div football forum...ffs....

So Vignal was employed by Rangers then?

Edited by wunfellaff
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Didn't take too long before that mask slipped, did it? Plastics just can't shake that chip off the shoulder smile.gif

I knew it was 'Shite and Eat' and not the lemony pup that Henrik tried to sell.

Weren't you meant to be the clever one?

What mask? You are losing the plot Bendarroch.

For the avoidance of doubt, do you think my "chip" - apparently an issue for "plastics" - is the result of my being (a) catholic (b) a celtic supporter or © both?

Since this whole episode started, I have wanted Rangers properly dealt with for their refusal to pay over the tax they had taken from their players. The finance chap confirmed there was money available to pay it. But he was instructed not to as a tactic in the wider struggle over the other tax bill and the EBTs.

It all comes back to the behaviour of the trustees and others in positions of responsibility. One man cannot act alone where a board is in place. The rest are guilty.

Rangers chose administration. It was their opt out from paying the bills every other club paid.

That sort of choice deserves a hefty boot in the balls.

What followed was a farce. But Rangers wriggled every step of the way. They were well backed by the media and those in charge of the spl and sfa. Some club chairmen made arses of themselves.

I don't have a mask or a hidden agenda (Tedi). When they went into the liquidation process their assets should have been broken up and sold for the benefit of creditors. If they wanted to start again they should have applied for central league division 2 and found themselves a place to play (follow them from the pavements). It was good enough for Clydebank and Gretna - nobody tried to shoehorn them into the spl. Livingston were booted to SFL3 and their CVA was successful - unlike yours. When a club disappears as Rangers did at the end of May, there is no process for enabling them to start again either in the top flight or half way up (SFL3). They worked their way round that and are now claiming all the good stuff but none of the bad. I

Mask? Not me. I've said all of this before along with many other posters on this thread. You don't have to agree with any of that (and you don't). I couldn't care less. But instead of simply disagreeing, you have to find a reason for why I think the way I do.

For the avoidance of any doubt, I can't stand Celtic FC. I understand your default position of labelling me as one of their supporters or having a crack at my faith (not a catholic btw). It's the last refuge of the bigoted wee scone you undoubtedly are. Unfortunately you are far from alone. .

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What mask? You are losing the plot Bendarroch.

For the avoidance of doubt, do you think my "chip" - apparently an issue for "plastics" - is the result of my being (a) catholic (b) a celtic supporter or © both?

It's the last refuge of the bigoted wee scone you undoubtedly are.

The mask that allowed you to pretend you were something other than a base hater of all things Rangers. First you started with the 'c**t' business and now, inevitably and without prompting, you want to know if it's because you are a catholic? How on earth could I possibly have known if you were or not?

There's that chip on your shoulder I was talking about right there. smile.gif

I couldn't care if you are a complete rocket. Oh, wait...and this was the clever plastic laugh.gif

Edited by Bendarroch
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The mask that allowed you to pretend you were something other than a base hater of all things Rangers. First you started with the 'c**t' business and now, inevitably and without prompting, you want to know if it's because you are a catholic? How on earth could I possibly have known you were or not?

There's that chip on your should I was talking about right there. smile.gif

I couldn't care if you are a complete rocket. Oh, wait...and this was the clever plastic laugh.gif

Define "plastics".

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Green Calls For Creation of Sevcoland

UN Considers New Nation-State For Persecuted Rangers Fans

CHARLES Green last night championed a revolutionary plan to partition Scotland in two, establishing an independent nation where Rangers fans can live in harmony, free from the hurt and discrimination they have suffered in the last six months.

Proposals submitted to the UN centre around the birth of a new nation-state called Sevcoland, covering south-western Glasgow, extending down into East Renfrewshire and much of East Ayrshire.


“This will be the official homeland for all followers of Rangers,” proclaimed an enthusiastic Charles Green. “No more shall we suffer from others’ bigotry and discrimination. We’ve applied for a 600 square mile area of land to call our own.”

“Catholics aren’t allowed.”

The Chief Executive of The Rangers went on to outline the reasons for the separation, citing a long list of discriminatory activity, including:

  • The vote to put Rangers newco into Division 3, even though that’s where his own fans wanted to be placed.
  • Supporters of other clubs laughing when Rangers got liquidated.
  • Neil Simpson’s leg-breaking tackle on Ian Durrant in 1988.

“Fans of other clubs need to understand that We Are The People,” said Rangers supporters spokesman John Longshanks. “When people laugh at us, it makes us feel silly, and we’re not used to that, so it’s perfectly reasonable we should lash out at everyone, threaten boycotts, and go crying to the United Nations.”

The controversial blueprint, which is expected to be heavily opposed from non-Sevco supporters, was handed in to the United Nations Secretary-General by Sandy Jardine on Friday.

Critics have expressed concerns over the new nation’s plans to evict anyone that doesn’t own a Union Jack, outlaw smiling, and appoint Lee McCulloch First Minister.

“I’ve lived in Stewarton since 1936,” protested East Ayrshire resident Margaret Innes, 83. “But last week I got a leaflet through the door informing me if I didn’t buy a season ticket for Ibrox, I would be forced to surrender my house to a family from Northern Ireland.”

“They’re going to move me to Cowdenbeath. I’m absolutely terrified.”

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When they went into the liquidation process their assets should have been broken up and sold for the benefit of creditors.

In re-reading, I noticed firstly your claim to be a non-plastic and then this.

As things stand, we are not in any liquidation process. Damn the facts. How long have you been trotting out this particular invention?

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In re-reading, I noticed firstly your claim to be a non-plastic and then this.

As things stand, we are not in any liquidation process. Damn the facts. How long have you been trotting out this particular invention?

I'll take it from that response that you are unable to define "plastics".

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Wow, so it appears a few of you have went crying to the teacher and complained about me enough to get my other account banned.

Oh dear. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Didn't a similar thing happen to that falkirk announcer when he made a wee joke ?

Who was it that complained about that ? :rolleyes:

BTW - for the record, i don't complain about anyone on forums.

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I take it from that response you are unwilling to correct your inventions on The Rangers liquidation process and what should have happened as a result?

I have nothing to correct. If you seriously believe that HMRC have rejected the CVA with no intention to force liquidation of the old Rangers then you are deluded (but we knew that).

Portion of the statement from Rangers administrators:"We have been informed by HMRC they will not support the proposal for a Company Voluntary Arrangement at the meeting of creditors on Thursday, June 14.

"As a result of this decision, the Sale and Purchase Agreement in place with the consortium led by Charles Green will take effect and Rangers Football Club will continue within a new company structure.

"HMRC has taken the view that the public interest will be better served with the liquidation of The Rangers Football Club plc as a corporate entity. The Club will continue to operate as it has always done but within a new company structure.

"HMRC consider that the decision will enable a liquidator to instigate a wider investigation into all of the financial affairs and management of the Club in recent years and to bring to task those they believe are responsible for its collapse.

"Furthermore, HMRC believes there will be an enhanced recovery of funds for creditors by pursuing those individuals who they believe are responsible.

"The consequence of the rejection of a CVA outcome is that sanctions will be applied to the Club by UEFA and that the Club will not be able to participate in Europe for three years and the new company will need the consent of the other SPL clubs to the transfer of the share in the SPL, in order for Rangers to continue playing in the SPL.

"We would like to thank the staff and supporters at Rangers for their great determination and professionalism during a very difficult period for the club. While the club will continue to face difficulties in the short term, it will survive and continue to play at Ibrox."

Do you not have a meaning for the word "plastics" then? Is it something you heard a big boy say and thought it sounded cool. I'm intrigued to know why I might be a "plastic" when it's quite clear from my posting history on here that I can't possibly be assumed to be a Celtic supporter. I know I've said it before but I really and truly can't stick Celtic.

So if the definition isn't based on religion or which football team I support (Linlithgow Rose ... you may have noticed) what are "plastics".

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Anyway, Crazy Frog MUST be a wind-up merchant.

No self-respecting rangers fan would ever name themselves after a little, irritating, blue, slimy toad with no balls.;)

On the other hand, if the cap fits etc.

Never thought I'd be able to use the phrase self-respecting and rangers fan in the same sentence.:blink:

Dead clever me, perfect use of an oxymoron I've managed in a long time.:D

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Do you people honestly believe anything you don't agree with is written/said by a Celtic sympathiser?

Pretty sad really.

Its a RM default reply.

Also deflects and is meant to distract the other poster away from the original discussion point so the accuser doesn't have to answer the 'difficult' question or just doesn't agree with a post because it criticises someone or something about Rangers.

I wouldn't get bothered by it, all it means on this forum is that the poster and its is one of the Rangers newbees who says that is struggling for an answer and uses that default in the hope that those of similar mind will come up with a clever retort or answer the question directly but rarely do they do that and it kind of leaves that Rangers newbee hanging out to dry.

Its laughable and tedious at the same time because on this forum that Rangers newbee is not really defending his/her position very well which might not be called into question over on RM.

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We were in debt (like every other football club in Britain). Big deal.

You are seriously deluded. wink.gif

Football fans sing offensive songs, anyone that is offended by a song needs their head checked.

Anyone who sings (anywhere / anytime): "We're up to our knees in ****** blood" needs their head checked. wink.gif

Sevco are lucky bassas buying the worlds most successful football club btw.

I don't see the (old) bankrupt 'Rangers' name on the list of "the world's most successful football clubs"...



The world's most successful football clubs have all won the prestigious European Cup (Football's premier club competition) and none of them have gone bankrupt due to running up unsustainable debts during unsuccessful attempts to win one. wink.gif

As things stand, we are not in any liquidation process.

Portion of the statement from Rangers administrators:

"We have been informed by HMRC they will not support the proposal for a Company Voluntary Arrangement at the meeting of creditors on Thursday, June 14.


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What a lot of shite. Regardless of which team the original blogger supports his understanding of employment and contract law is so far off the mark it`s frightening. Add that to his crude understanding of the EBT system and you`ve go't a realllllllllllllllllllllllllly long post that means next to f**k all.It`s a joke. I think it`s called playing to the crowd.................... The so called tax experts and legal minds should stop making complete tits of themselves and wait until tribunal is concluded and secondly they should stop posting on a 3rd Div football forum...ffs....

....... well, actually, not really.

I know you don't like hearing this stuff and would rather everyone stopped talking about it so it would all go away, but that simply ain't going to happen.

The clue is in the thread title...

By way of contextualising it for you, this thread is so large due to the direct correlation of the seriousness of the massive fraud perpetuated by the owners and directors of your OldCo. The cost of which is being suffered by every Scottish club.

So..... no...... this momentous episode in Scottish Football will continue to be discussed by by those who genuinely care about the game, whilst it will be denied by those who care merely about themselves....

......'Ra Peepul'

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