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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Wow, so it appears a few of you have went crying to the teacher and complained about me enough to get my other account banned, which I am assuming will happen to this 1, so i'll say my piece then leave you chaps to it ;)

I am pleased to have been let in to your mental world full of a genuine, scary, and so impressive obsession over my team, my club. Rangers F.C. Long may it continue. God bless the Rangers.

It would appear that the people who use this board are rather thin skinned then, oh they can dish it out easy enough but if someone dares post in a pro Rangers or truthful fashion they go running to the ever impartial mods with tears running down their cheeks.

Don't let the f**kwits get you down.

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It would appear that the people who use this board are rather thin skinned then, oh they can dish it out easy enough but if someone dares post in a pro Rangers or truthful fashion they go running to the ever impartial mods with tears running down their cheeks.

Don't let the f**kwits get you down.

That's assuming he actually has been banned.

I missed most of yesterday so had a read through some of his posts and although there seemed something familiar about his style I didn't read anything that would have been regarded as offensive, possibly irritating to some but I don't see anything there that would warrant a suspension or a ban.

Is it not policy on here that the moderator who suspends a poster should also tell that poster why he has been suspended?. I can only think of one reason why this could have happened that is if he has been banned from using the forum.

The other possibility could also be that he is telling porkys.

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Expected to be honest. I think much the same of yourself and those other p***ks - dhense being particularly dull.

Rangers and the plastics not agreeing on anything - there's a surprise for all.

Apart from the diddy clubbers being, well, diddies.

I know the phrase 'they just don't get it' is used a lot but it is true.

The team you follow is in the diddiest of diddy divisions in what, unfortunately, is a diddy league. So that makes your club a diddy club. Embrace it, while you can.

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It would appear that the people who use this board are rather thin skinned then, oh they can dish it out easy enough but if someone dares post in a pro Rangers or truthful fashion they go running to the ever impartial mods with tears running down their cheeks.

Don't let the f**kwits get you down.

Or alternatively, if you create a new account and spend a week or so saying "go on, complain about me, I'm mad me, I bet I get banned for this! I'm mad me!".

That would work too.

Oh, and Bennett, are you, Kincardine and No.8 (nice) not getting a bit pissed off with the clubs that have come out of the woodwork recently? I don't always agree with you lads(wink.gif), and sometimes I feel you MUST be wearing some kind of blinkers, but you have been here for the duration of this saga. You've given and taken all sorts of slagging and abuse, but you're still here. Your persistence in the face of adversity has, to be fair, been impressive. I like to see myself as a cut above the ill-informed morons like Magee and various Henriks and bhoys, and while you yourself can be a tad immature at times, you must be embarrassed by the fucktards claiming allegiance to your team.

As to "obsessed"? Yeah, guilty, but not about rangers. About justice and fairness. Had celtic, Hibs or Forfar stolen that much money, cheated for so long, and tried to blame so many innocents for their own misdeeds, I'd want them dead too. Hell, if it had been Killie, I'd have walked away. With a broken heart and a feeling of betrayal, yes, but who betrayed who? Maybe if more rangers fans lent their voices to the calls for those responsible to be brought to justice instead of going straight back into WATP mode, this whole farce could have been wrapped up quicker. As it stands, I'm coming to the conclusion that Charlie and rangers are a good fit - for Charlie to get out with a profit, that is. For a sustainable football club at ibrox? I'm not convinced, and I think rangers/oldco/newco/the rangers/sevco fans should be asking some pretty hard questions before it all goes tits up again.

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Given his difficulties mastering quotes and his refusal to read and comprehend, it's safe to say he has only forgotten his password and cannot follow the instructions.

Posters here will publicly ask for you to be banned and state their reasons (I can attest to that) Nobody would bother to go running to admins and I am sure they would have banned me as well if that was the way admins were inclined.

I have my suspicions he is just an "obsessive attention seeker" and a compulsive liar to boot.

You could just simply PM admins regarding his unfortunate situation or are his fellow bears too embarrassed to so?

I can also attest that OrcMedia banned me for cracking a few jokes and ripping the pish .. now there is a seething mass of crybabies who don't like to hear anything negative at all .. even to the extent that admins use the ip address to ban you .. a total of 4 posts which was way less abusive than anything I have posted here ..

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I found him/her irritating but only in the way a barking dog is and won't listen to reason because it is literally too stupid. However I agree he should not have been banned. (if indeed he was). I got banned from FF after just 4 posts and I was only giving some honest criticsm. They called me Declan, the hurtful b*****ds.:angry:

Edited by cyderspaceman
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Frog boy is an absolute rocket...... been on ignore ever since his second paragraoh made my eyes bleed.

Poor WUM

Poor humour style

Poorly informed

His attempts at mock sarcasm fall way short of even being remotely funny so, consequently, it's just shit.

Could it be an attempt to spam the thread to death? Nahhhhhh, surely to christ no one is THAT SAD! ?

Edited by GreenockRover
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All Sevco supporters should be banned from here. Their grip on reality is so far detached that there must be concerns for their mental welfare.

They definitely are not contributing anything to the forum that could be considered intelligent discussion. Most of them are behaving like complete and utter morons by doing nothing other than trolling members who post their thoughts and opinions in an intelligent manner. And facts/truths are clearly not respected by Sevco supporters.

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Another stunning contribution, what a wit .. marvelous !!!

Poor Rosey, he puts all that time and effort into writing his 'scathing' posts and his intended targets just ignore them.

Quite amusing.

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Ahh conspiracy theories! I like it! I'm not banned on my other account, i just crave so much attention from all you loveable strangers that I simply made it all up. I'm just like that you see :)

Alas unfortunately it's true, I have been banned. However the very kind gentleman Webmaster, Dave MacDonald of Pie and Bovril is looking into this for me. Basically people complain and therefore I get banned. I don't think I said anything too insulting did I? Certainly not on the level of the vitriol i've had aimed at myself, but hey ho, I fully understand that perhaps there is far too many Rangers fans on this thread discussing Rangers.

Also, I still see the point about quoting posts is popping up, I thought I done a good job explaining myself on that 1, I don't feel I done anything wrong in preparing pargraphs and answering each point personally and taking the time to type up usernames (not the wee funny 1's where you change it to make it an insult, they aren't cool! Although I do like DhenseBoy :) ) and responding to each point. Must we go through life quoting everyone? Is that how the English languge is? Is "lol" eventually going to replace a standard laugh? So basically the posts I put are far too hard to understand, so you see them the way a dog see's life I imagine, but if I quote the posts I am responding to it all becomes crystal clear? I take time to respond to your posts, you lot find the "cleverest" ways of dismissing them, as if you long for strangers on this forum to look at you as if you are some sort of intellectual hero of the masses. I find it disrespectful :(

How odd!

Now if you'll excuse me, i'm off to get my prison gang tattoo, i'm heavy mad me, banned from Pie and Bovril..... (you didny' think i'd miss that eh?)

P.S Whoever can come up with the best "That post is just hilarious and nonsensical I simply hark at how pathetic and stupid you are, therefore I am not replying Crazy frog, you absolute buffoon you" post, will win todays prize, a wispa gold! Get it??

Crikey you suffer from Orc diarrhoea ;)

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Ahh conspiracy theories! I like it! I'm not banned on my other account, i just crave so much attention from all you loveable strangers that I simply made it all up. I'm just like that you see :)

Alas unfortunately it's true, I have been banned. However the very kind gentleman Webmaster, Dave MacDonald of Pie and Bovril is looking into this for me. Basically people complain and therefore I get banned. I don't think I said anything too insulting did I? Certainly not on the level of the vitriol i've had aimed at myself, but hey ho, I fully understand that perhaps there is far too many Rangers fans on this thread discussing Rangers.

Also, I still see the point about quoting posts is popping up, I thought I done a good job explaining myself on that 1, I don't feel I done anything wrong in preparing pargraphs and answering each point personally and taking the time to type up usernames (not the wee funny 1's where you change it to make it an insult, they aren't cool! Although I do like DhenseBoy :) ) and responding to each point. Must we go through life quoting everyone? Is that how the English languge is? Is "lol" eventually going to replace a standard laugh? So basically the posts I put are far too hard to understand, so you see them the way a dog see's life I imagine, but if I quote the posts I am responding to it all becomes crystal clear? I take time to respond to your posts, you lot find the "cleverest" ways of dismissing them, as if you long for strangers on this forum to look at you as if you are some sort of intellectual hero of the masses. I find it disrespectful :(

How odd!

Now if you'll excuse me, i'm off to get my prison gang tattoo, i'm heavy mad me, banned from Pie and Bovril..... (you didny' think i'd miss that eh?)

P.S Whoever can come up with the best "That post is just hilarious and nonsensical I simply hark at how pathetic and stupid you are, therefore I am not replying Crazy frog, you absolute buffoon you" post, will win todays prize, a wispa gold! Get it??


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Ahh conspiracy theories! I like it! I'm not banned on my other account, i just crave so much attention from all you loveable strangers that I simply made it all up. I'm just like that you see :)

Alas unfortunately it's true, I have been banned. However the very kind gentleman Webmaster, Dave MacDonald of Pie and Bovril is looking into this for me. Basically people complain and therefore I get banned. I don't think I said anything too insulting did I? Certainly not on the level of the vitriol i've had aimed at myself, but hey ho, I fully understand that perhaps there is far too many Rangers fans on this thread discussing Rangers.

Also, I still see the point about quoting posts is popping up, I thought I done a good job explaining myself on that 1, I don't feel I done anything wrong in preparing pargraphs and answering each point personally and taking the time to type up usernames (not the wee funny 1's where you change it to make it an insult, they aren't cool! Although I do like DhenseBoy :) ) and responding to each point. Must we go through life quoting everyone? Is that how the English languge is? Is "lol" eventually going to replace a standard laugh? So basically the posts I put are far too hard to understand, so you see them the way a dog see's life I imagine, but if I quote the posts I am responding to it all becomes crystal clear? I take time to respond to your posts, you lot find the "cleverest" ways of dismissing them, as if you long for strangers on this forum to look at you as if you are some sort of intellectual hero of the masses. I find it disrespectful :(

How odd!

Now if you'll excuse me, i'm off to get my prison gang tattoo, i'm heavy mad me, banned from Pie and Bovril..... (you didny' think i'd miss that eh?)

P.S Whoever can come up with the best "That post is just hilarious and nonsensical I simply hark at how pathetic and stupid you are, therefore I am not replying Crazy frog, you absolute buffoon you" post, will win todays prize, a wispa gold! Get it??

Likes talking about himself and other posters rather than his team and lapsing into orcspeak, except that there are not enough expletives or religious insults. Could visit FF for lessons.

Now I have responded after saying 'Don't feed the troll' . :( Never again.

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top 2 responses are OK, not too happy with the GIF though, that's cheating!

So this trolling nonsense, I assume this is the phrase used when you don't really want to respond to anyone? So responding to points, encouraging others to join in the conversation is considered trolling?

Believe me, there is nothing I want more than to get back to discussing Rangers, like we all want to do, but when you are dealing with people obsessing over quoting and what team i have selected down the side it makes it difficult :(

Who ? :huh:

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Wisbit, exactly how am i acting like a fud? Is there any reason for such hostility or is it that I am a Rangers fan?

Beermonkey, Rangers! The club you go to sleep thinking about and the first thing you think about when you wake up. The club that you spend your days scouring the internet for information on, articles, headlines, any sort of news. The biggest news in Scottish football even in the 3rd division. The greatest club of them all. Rangers! Yes, that club :)

Wouldn't mind if you actually discussed Rangers instead of other posters and yourself.

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