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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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So it appears I have been banned on 2 seperate accounts now. What are you all doing, just clicking report then sitting with your arms folded crying until I am removed? This is all rather childish no? I don't feel I have been offensive have I? And please don't hide behind the "troll" excuse, I have asked openly for you to explain why you would consider me to be a troll. I am here to discuss Rangers like everyone else but I am having a hard time managing it, whenever I do bring it up I have people seriously confused with the English language and are asking me technical questions about my posts then posting little pictures and Gifs for some reason. What can I do?

DhenBhoy (the real troll) seems to be unable to function and sit's with a thesaurus looking at different words he can use to deflect a point away from him, while trying to look smart to the strangers of the internet on here. "I simply shan't waste my time on such a ridiculous species such as yourself, hark at me!" "Please, don't speak to me, I am above everything you say, you just speak nonsensical jibberish and I am far too intellectual to even comment" , things like that. Every forum has these type of people, we all know them, yet I am the 1 that gets banned? I see :)

Beermonkey - for you

Refuse to acknowledge that rangers are no more - Well, we are still here? Should we lie? pretend we are dead for you? Along with people not grasping the English language on here, I find it equally staggering the amount of people who just can't seem seperate a football club from a company in their heads. 'Tis a mystery!

Accuse other fans of being "obsessed" every time they point out facts - which facts? and I think this thread proves beyond any considerable doubt the sickening and frightening obsession of all things Rangers, from "non"-Rangers fans. However, I for one find it flattering.

Claiming "world records" even though it's blatantly obvious they don't hold them. - I assume you mean the attendance one, the one that had the masses up in arms about, trawling for hours to surely find a 4th division game with a slightly higher crowd? Ah yes, so instead of praising the support shown for Rangers v East Stirling (dwarfing all of Scottish footballs crowd, put together that weekend, and Celtic's "flag-raising" day), the bitterness and jealousy was far too much and you couldn't live with this. World records? You all hold 1 for obsessed insanity!

Accuse other fans of being bigots.(actually that one's feckin hilarious). - everyone is a bigot in Scotland, don't you know? The famine song? Bigot! Hokey cokey? bigot! quite like oranges? Oh my my my, you dirty bigot! Sectarian people and bigots everywhere! We don't really know what it means, but we're sure yer aw bigots wae yer bigottedness!

Just ignore every piece of evidence and shout WATP - We certainly are the People.

Now, as a poster above said what you are all thinking, I shall indeed "feck off and let ye get back to slaggin sevco n'at" , when in truth, that's what you all want right? Just gather every non Rangers fan to discuss Rangers, amongst yourselves? Fair do's, I think i've ran out of e-mail addresses anyway as this 1 will no doubt get banned too :(

Have fun troops, no need to go crying to your parents, I won't come back and steal your lunch money any more :)

Shouldn't you be working, those burgers won't flip themselves !!.

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So it appears I have been banned on 2 seperate accounts now. What are you all doing, just clicking report then sitting with your arms folded crying until I am removed? This is all rather childish no? I don't feel I have been offensive have I? And please don't hide behind the "troll" excuse, I have asked openly for you to explain why you would consider me to be a troll. I am here to discuss Rangers like everyone else but I am having a hard time managing it, whenever I do bring it up I have people seriously confused with the English language and are asking me technical questions about my posts then posting little pictures and Gifs for some reason. What can I do?

DhenBhoy (the real troll) seems to be unable to function and sit's with a thesaurus looking at different words he can use to deflect a point away from him, while trying to look smart to the strangers of the internet on here. "I simply shan't waste my time on such a ridiculous species such as yourself, hark at me!" "Please, don't speak to me, I am above everything you say, you just speak nonsensical jibberish and I am far too intellectual to even comment" , things like that. Every forum has these type of people, we all know them, yet I am the 1 that gets banned? I see :)

Beermonkey - for you

Refuse to acknowledge that rangers are no more - Well, we are still here? Should we lie? pretend we are dead for you? Along with people not grasping the English language on here, I find it equally staggering the amount of people who just can't seem seperate a football club from a company in their heads. 'Tis a mystery!

Accuse other fans of being "obsessed" every time they point out facts - which facts? and I think this thread proves beyond any considerable doubt the sickening and frightening obsession of all things Rangers, from "non"-Rangers fans. However, I for one find it flattering.

Claiming "world records" even though it's blatantly obvious they don't hold them. - I assume you mean the attendance one, the one that had the masses up in arms about, trawling for hours to surely find a 4th division game with a slightly higher crowd? Ah yes, so instead of praising the support shown for Rangers v East Stirling (dwarfing all of Scottish footballs crowd, put together that weekend, and Celtic's "flag-raising" day), the bitterness and jealousy was far too much and you couldn't live with this. World records? You all hold 1 for obsessed insanity!

Accuse other fans of being bigots.(actually that one's feckin hilarious). - everyone is a bigot in Scotland, don't you know? The famine song? Bigot! Hokey cokey? bigot! quite like oranges? Oh my my my, you dirty bigot! Sectarian people and bigots everywhere! We don't really know what it means, but we're sure yer aw bigots wae yer bigottedness!

Just ignore every piece of evidence and shout WATP - We certainly are the People.

Now, as a poster above said what you are all thinking, I shall indeed "feck off and let ye get back to slaggin sevco n'at" , when in truth, that's what you all want right? Just gather every non Rangers fan to discuss Rangers, amongst yourselves? Fair do's, I think i've ran out of e-mail addresses anyway as this 1 will no doubt get banned too :(

Have fun troops, no need to go crying to your parents, I won't come back and steal your lunch money any more :)


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Back on topic, I hope there is some legs to this twitter gossip e14381.gif


A member of Strathclyde's finest has proferred that 9 former RFC* Chairmen/Directors & 5 former managers will shortly be assisting enquiries

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So it appears I have been banned on 2 seperate accounts now. What are you all doing, just clicking report then sitting with your arms folded crying until I am removed? This is all rather childish no? I don't feel I have been offensive have I? And please don't hide behind the "troll" excuse, I have asked openly for you to explain why you would consider me to be a troll. I am here to discuss Rangers like everyone else but I am having a hard time managing it, whenever I do bring it up I have people seriously confused with the English language and are asking me technical questions about my posts then posting little pictures and Gifs for some reason. What can I do?

DhenBhoy (the real troll) seems to be unable to function and sit's with a thesaurus looking at different words he can use to deflect a point away from him, while trying to look smart to the strangers of the internet on here. "I simply shan't waste my time on such a ridiculous species such as yourself, hark at me!" "Please, don't speak to me, I am above everything you say, you just speak nonsensical jibberish and I am far too intellectual to even comment" , things like that. Every forum has these type of people, we all know them, yet I am the 1 that gets banned? I see :)

Beermonkey - for you

Refuse to acknowledge that rangers are no more - Well, we are still here? Should we lie? pretend we are dead for you? Along with people not grasping the English language on here, I find it equally staggering the amount of people who just can't seem seperate a football club from a company in their heads. 'Tis a mystery!

Accuse other fans of being "obsessed" every time they point out facts - which facts? and I think this thread proves beyond any considerable doubt the sickening and frightening obsession of all things Rangers, from "non"-Rangers fans. However, I for one find it flattering.

Claiming "world records" even though it's blatantly obvious they don't hold them. - I assume you mean the attendance one, the one that had the masses up in arms about, trawling for hours to surely find a 4th division game with a slightly higher crowd? Ah yes, so instead of praising the support shown for Rangers v East Stirling (dwarfing all of Scottish footballs crowd, put together that weekend, and Celtic's "flag-raising" day), the bitterness and jealousy was far too much and you couldn't live with this. World records? You all hold 1 for obsessed insanity!

Accuse other fans of being bigots.(actually that one's feckin hilarious). - everyone is a bigot in Scotland, don't you know? The famine song? Bigot! Hokey cokey? bigot! quite like oranges? Oh my my my, you dirty bigot! Sectarian people and bigots everywhere! We don't really know what it means, but we're sure yer aw bigots wae yer bigottedness!

Just ignore every piece of evidence and shout WATP - We certainly are the People.

Now, as a poster above said what you are all thinking, I shall indeed "feck off and let ye get back to slaggin sevco n'at" , when in truth, that's what you all want right? Just gather every non Rangers fan to discuss Rangers, amongst yourselves? Fair do's, I think i've ran out of e-mail addresses anyway as this 1 will no doubt get banned too :(

Have fun troops, no need to go crying to your parents, I won't come back and steal your lunch money any more :)


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Could a moderator confirm the status of Mr Frogs previous accounts ?

I've not seen him post anything worth a warning let alone a banning.

It is possible that he has previous and maybe quite well known to the mods.


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Mods! Mods! Ban this cvnt!

And Leggo still thinks Sevco were thrown out of the SPL


Don't get it don't get it don't get it don't get it don't get it don't get it don't get it don't get it don't get it don't get it don't get it don't get it don't get it don't get it don't get it don't get it....................................... ..........................

jeezus, that leggo guy is going to burst one day , what an absolute blether of shite.. about this thread though, it was once a thing of goodness , real information etc as opposed to what crap like the daily retard was telling everyone, but its gone tits up and dwindled into the usual sevco shitfest. a bit like a scottish countryside beauty spot after a pile of tinks arrive and cover it in empty beer cans and turds..its definately seen its best.

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It is possible that he has previous and maybe quite well known to the mods.


I assume so - there's generally quite a high level of tolerance on here and as far as I know the mods have a wee discussion over tea and biscuits in the bat cave before punting folk from the site.

Gave me something to do on a nightshift did Mr Frog.

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Staggeringly accurate. :lol:

They sure hate SEVCO, so let's keep it going FOREVER.

Guy in the pub tonight (Sevco/Newco fan) really annoyed and says its gone beyond a joke and the buns aren't happy.

Spoke to a friends wife who is one of the WATP brigade and she said it's the same 'Rangers' - she wasn't happy when I explained Rangers will be liquidated at some point in the future and she could give no reasoning as to why she thought SEVCO/NEWCO was the same club as TCFKAR.

The buns hate SEVCO -


Edited by Wokcomble
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So it appears I have been banned on 2 seperate accounts now. What are you all doing, just clicking report then sitting with your arms folded crying until I am removed? This is all rather childish no? I don't feel I have been offensive have I? And please don't hide behind the "troll" excuse, I have asked openly for you to explain why you would consider me to be a troll. I am here to discuss Rangers like everyone else but I am having a hard time managing it, whenever I do bring it up I have people seriously confused with the English language and are asking me technical questions about my posts then posting little pictures and Gifs for some reason. What can I do?

DhenBhoy (the real troll) seems to be unable to function and sit's with a thesaurus looking at different words he can use to deflect a point away from him, while trying to look smart to the strangers of the internet on here. "I simply shan't waste my time on such a ridiculous species such as yourself, hark at me!" "Please, don't speak to me, I am above everything you say, you just speak nonsensical jibberish and I am far too intellectual to even comment" , things like that. Every forum has these type of people, we all know them, yet I am the 1 that gets banned? I see :)

Beermonkey - for you

Refuse to acknowledge that rangers are no more - Well, we are still here? Should we lie? pretend we are dead for you? Along with people not grasping the English language on here, I find it equally staggering the amount of people who just can't seem seperate a football club from a company in their heads. 'Tis a mystery!

Accuse other fans of being "obsessed" every time they point out facts - which facts? and I think this thread proves beyond any considerable doubt the sickening and frightening obsession of all things Rangers, from "non"-Rangers fans. However, I for one find it flattering.

Claiming "world records" even though it's blatantly obvious they don't hold them. - I assume you mean the attendance one, the one that had the masses up in arms about, trawling for hours to surely find a 4th division game with a slightly higher crowd? Ah yes, so instead of praising the support shown for Rangers v East Stirling (dwarfing all of Scottish footballs crowd, put together that weekend, and Celtic's "flag-raising" day), the bitterness and jealousy was far too much and you couldn't live with this. World records? You all hold 1 for obsessed insanity!

Accuse other fans of being bigots.(actually that one's feckin hilarious). - everyone is a bigot in Scotland, don't you know? The famine song? Bigot! Hokey cokey? bigot! quite like oranges? Oh my my my, you dirty bigot! Sectarian people and bigots everywhere! We don't really know what it means, but we're sure yer aw bigots wae yer bigottedness!

Just ignore every piece of evidence and shout WATP - We certainly are the People.

Now, as a poster above said what you are all thinking, I shall indeed "feck off and let ye get back to slaggin sevco n'at" , when in truth, that's what you all want right? Just gather every non Rangers fan to discuss Rangers, amongst yourselves? Fair do's, I think i've ran out of e-mail addresses anyway as this 1 will no doubt get banned too :(

Have fun troops, no need to go crying to your parents, I won't come back and steal your lunch money any more :)

Hiya Leggo, hiya pal.

GTF, you Sevconian, bigoted, glory hunting knob.


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about this thread though, it was once a thing of goodness , real information etc as opposed to what crap like the daily retard was telling everyone, but its gone tits up

I've had a decent gander through the pages - it's been a pile of pish from the virtual get-go laugh.gif

You could sum it quickly in describing it as a circle-jerk for diddy clubbers and the plastics hoping they could kill The Rangers.

Result? An epic fail.

Here we still are and on the way back to the top. Aided and abetted by Regan, Liewell and the band of merry diddy clubs who'll restructure the whole of Scottish football to ensure the cash cow they need is returned.

And what then for the internet warriors who demanded integrity before all else? The SPL chairmen wont be listening to them a second time because they didn't turn up in anywhere near the numbers required.


And that, of course, is before you factor in Sky/Espn viewing figures that revealed a paltry 25,000 tuned in for the 'big' Edinburgh derby. It's why the latest TV deal depended on the SPL delivering The Rangers into the new package - over 160,000 watching the match vs Peterhead reveals everything about why we are so desired.

Here to see The Rangers, you're only here to see The Rangers...smile.gif

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