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News International own The Scottish Sun.

News International own nearly 40% of BSkyB.

BSkyB would like to pretend that Sevco Scotland Ltd. are Rangers FC (IA) in order to continue to dupe **** out of subscription fees.

Phils book explains why Sevco Scotland Ltd. are not Rangers FC (IA) in quite some detail, something which would make it more likely that at least some of these **** would realise that they were in fact being duped, and less likely to give BSkyB money, which would be bad for News International, the owners of The Scottish Sun.

Seems to me that they've made a massive f**k up with this. Now that they've openly came out and pandered to bigots, they've just lost 50% of their Glaswegian audience.

Rag of a newspaper that it undoubtably is,McGillivan has been shown up to be the bigot and fraud that he undoubtably is by the Sun. Of course your small minded hatred of a football club and fans will ensure that you and others like you will hang on his every word.

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News International own The Scottish Sun.

News International own nearly 40% of BSkyB.

BSkyB would like to pretend that Sevco Scotland Ltd. are Rangers FC (IA) in order to continue to dupe **** out of subscription fees.

Phils book explains why Sevco Scotland Ltd. are not Rangers FC (IA) in quite some detail, something which would make it more likely that at least some of these **** would realise that they were in fact being duped, and less likely to give BSkyB money, which would be bad for News International, the owners of The Scottish Sun.

Seems to me that they've made a massive f**k up with this. Now that they've openly came out and pandered to bigots, they've just lost 50% of their Glaswegian audience.

Anything that helps undermine the Murdoch empire is a good thing.

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lol I am not seething about anything, just pointing out to org and anyone else that believes the shite he posts that his theory about the SFL being paid extra for tv is bollocks, the SFL were weak in negotiating that deal, orgs argument is groundless

No I am definately a happy bear today, had a nice day in the sunshine yesterday watching a good game of football along with another 46,000 like minded fans, 2 months ago I was thinking I would never get to sit in my seat at Ibrox again

This type of enjoyment is worth every bit of the money I spend on my ST 8)

Good, I'm happy for you. org is correct in his assumptions though, the SFL pocket £1M for pretending that Rangers (Sevco) are the same Ranger for which they list honours on their website. £1M for having a non factual web page does not seem under valued to me, it does however show that as long as the authorities keep pocketing Green's back handers they are happy to play along.

It's like you all have Michael Jackson syndrome, you all want to be something you're not. Jacko owned most of Elvis Presley's songs, it did not mean he was the "King"

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This is funny to read :) but still incorrect unless you have sort of evidence for the £1M being for anything but TV rights?

No-one says that it isn't for TV rights, it's just being pointed out that The Scottish Sun, BSkyB, and the SFL have an interest in pretending that Sevco Scotland Ltd. are Rangers FC (IA), and are therefore much less likely to promote anyone who says otherwise, and much more likely to have come to this arrangement on the back of there being an agreement of the nature outlined.

If you were trying to sell TV subscription packages for SFL 3rd division football, would you rather market it as Rangers FC (IA), or its true nature, of a club founded on the 29th of May, 2012?

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You have a point on the quality v quantity but the SPL is not 17 times greater than the quality of the SFL

and come to think of it is sky not just purely about viewing figures?

In fact, he has no point worthy of the name regarding audience demographics. Not least because of his (alarmingly honest) description of the plastics support: "Still can't get your head around quality v quantity .... advertisers are not interested in slots where the customer base is some wee weegie who's spent the last of his giro"

The idea that Sky have no knowledge of the audience demographics they use to sell advertising is risible. Their income streams from advertising revenues depend on it. So much so, and in recognition of recent viewing figures, Sky/ESPN demanded the SFL rights before concluding a deal with the SPL. Remember? The deal the SPL couldn't pay out on initially and then coughed up around half of what the clubs were expecting. Very pleasing indeed!

And yet, according to dhensebhore, advertisers aren't interested that Hearts v Hivs attracted 25,000 viewers and Rangers v Peterhead attracted 166,000 laugh.gif

I think we can safely hazard a guess as to the depth of dhensebhore's knowledge of how advertising sales work. I'd say shallow, but non-existant would be nearer the mark.

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No-one says that it isn't for TV rights, it's just being pointed out that The Scottish Sun, BSkyB, and the SFL have an interest in pretending that Sevco Scotland Ltd. are Rangers FC (IA), and are therefore much less likely to promote anyone who says otherwise, and much more likely to have come to this arrangement on the back of there being an agreement of the nature outlined.

If you were trying to sell TV subscription packages for SFL 3rd division football, would you rather market it as Rangers FC (IA), or its true nature, of a club founded on the 29th of May, 2012?

The SFA and the SPL also gain from it, the SFA got £160k in fines but have not actually said that there is an official continuation. The SPL got their TV money from Sky but also, if rumours are to be believed they are to give Sevco the choice of a £10M fine or stripping of the titles. £10M is a lot of money to Sevco these days. It's all good for Green though because the Sevconians will stump up.

Everyone seems to be taking a piece of the action, flogging a dead club.

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If you were trying to sell TV subscription packages for SFL 3rd division football, would you rather market it as Rangers FC (IA), or its true nature, of a club founded on the 29th of May, 2012?

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, morons will eventually come to believe it. smile.gif

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News International own The Scottish Sun.

News International own nearly 40% of BSkyB.

BSkyB would like to pretend that Sevco Scotland Ltd. are Rangers FC (IA) in order to continue to dupe **** out of subscription fees.

Phils book explains why Sevco Scotland Ltd. are not Rangers FC (IA) in quite some detail, something which would make it more likely that at least some of these **** would realise that they were in fact being duped, and less likely to give BSkyB money, which would be bad for News International, the owners of The Scottish Sun.

Seems to me that they've made a massive f**k up with this. Now that they've openly came out and pandered to bigots, they've just lost 50% of their Glaswegian audience.

10 to 5 in the morning and you're on posting pish, you have a problem and admitting it is the 1st stage of recovery.

No national newspaper could seriously print anything from MacGillkkjdhdgdbhain, not with his history. The funny thing is that he started the anti sectarian crusade and as they say has "been hoisted by his own petard".

He's not a proper journo just a naughty bhoy.

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Guest Kincardine

The Club 1872 is dead and ready for liquidation in middle of September, Newco Rangers who owned the assets by Sevco.

There has been around 84,500 posts on here. I'd wager that's the most stupid one so far.

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Who is this person you refer to and what is his position, what is the relevance of your comment?

It's Jim Ballantyne.

His position is President of the SFL.

He was a former shareholder in Rangers FC (IA).

The relevance being that he could be perceived to have a vested interest in perpetuating the myth that the club he used to be a shareholder in still exists.

Anyone know how his shares in the club are doing anyway?

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10 to 5 in the morning and you're on posting pish, you have a problem and admitting it is the 1st stage of recovery.

No national newspaper could seriously print anything from MacGillkkjdhdgdbhain, not with his history. The funny thing is that he started the anti sectarian crusade and as they say has "been hoisted by his own petard".

He's not a proper journo just a naughty bhoy.

Seeing as how the Scottish Suns chief sports writer booked an Orange band which played sectarian tunes for the half time 'entertainment' at a testimonial game he organised for a former Rangers FC (IA) player, I'm not sure how the Scottish Sun is in any position to make comment.

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I think he would be the last person to perpetuate that myth, he lost a lot of money due to that investment and he does not have shares in the new company

So you will have to dream up an other theory, 2 down

So you're saying he used to own shares in Rangers FC, but doesn't now?

Did he sell them or something?

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