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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I have yet to see anything you write bear any relation on what you are replying to, and you laugh at my attention span, I don't even know why youngsy even tries, the only reason your not on ignore is due to the amusement of reading the nonsense you write

Keep going norman

I was replying to No. 8 with that post, Tedi. Your concentration really is all over the place, isn't it? Can the doctor no' give you something for it?laugh.gif

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Duffer and Felts

1. Their opinion ;) ... that's it sorted then case closed, the tribunal can do one !!! :lol::lol::lol:

2. It's the company (not the club) ... deflection worthy of a forum troll ... (means we will not be attending .. nothing more nothing less, they could have just .. aye were no coming so sit on my big fat one !! )

3. Aye we already said .. nothing to do with us .. we just look after the company ..

4. Will you please stop picking on him, he doesn't like it .. pretty please ????

DB, what difference does it make that Rangers are no longer in the SPL? If a title winning SPL club was relegated then found to have cheated they would have the title stripped from the records.. Relegated or in this case deidified, makes no odds, its the records of the SPL and they can amend them if they so want.

Edit for.........they no longer have a contract with Uefa, does that mean their win afore the riot doesnae count????

Edited by wunfellaff
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None of these are actual punishments though, much as they might feel that way to you. Take them one at a time:

1. The loss of the playing squad - this is just a consequence of the liquidation and newco formation, employees are within their rights not to accept the transfer of their contracts. Nobody took the players away.

2. Starting at the bottom tier - again, not a punishment, the rules were bent to allow a new company into the league. Always going to hapen due to the size of the fanbase, but starting at the bottom would be standard procedure for anyone else in the same position.

3. European "ban" - again, a consequence of liquidation, UEFA don't accept newcos for three years. Nobody banned you

4. Ok, the fine and transfer ban are punishments, granted, but you've read the list of charges, you've seen the "one step short of match fixing" report, a lot of clubs would have been booted, or at least suspended in the same circumstances. But a fine of 160k to a club with Rangers' turnover should be pennies, and the transfer ban was watered down so you could still outspend everyone this summer. Even then, with a decent manager you could still have walked the third with a good youth team and done the country a long term good by blooding a generation of youngsters.

Did i say they were punishments?

I was pointing out how the club and more importantly to me how the fans have suffered over the gross mismanagement of our club. When is it going to be enough? When there is nothing left? When the bulldozers move in?

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LOL you nob, yes you replied to no.8 but you included me by default when you mentioned my name with your wee attempt at a dig

Doctor Doctor geeus some pills to cure these laughter bouts i keep gettin

I referred to you, Tedi. I replied to No. 8. If that "includes" you, then I've been having some major converstaions with Sally, Wullie Pullar, The MBB, Wattie and a couple of crooked admins over the last seven months. Not that you'd know about six of them, of course.....biggrin.gif

ETA: Although, in your short time here, you've posted almost as many times as me. Internet Bampots, indeed! laugh.giflaugh.gif

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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"The SPL have been in contact with RFC 2012 PLC with regard to the SPL's Commission which is examining Rangers' historic use of EBTs

"The SPL have been in contact with RFC 2012 PLC with regard to the SPL's Commission which is examining Rangers' historic use of EBTs

"The SPL have been in contact with RFC 2012 PLC with regard to the SPL's Commission which is examining Rangers' historic use of EBTs

"The SPL have been in contact with RFC 2012 PLC with regard to the SPL's Commission which is examining Rangers' historic use of EBTs

"The SPL have been in contact with RFC 2012 PLC with regard to the SPL's Commission which is examining Rangers' historic use of EBTs

The SPL don't recognize Sevco as the same club, the SPL have been in contact with RFC2012, the SPL view RFC 2012 PLC as Rangers.

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Did i say they were punishments?

I was pointing out how the club and more importantly to me how the fans have suffered over the gross mismanagement of our club. When is it going to be enough? When there is nothing left? When the bulldozers move in?

Well you did say "Is that justice? Does that punishment fit the crime?" but on reading it back again yer right, it's more like a figure of speech than a tedi statement of "fact". fair's fair.

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"Our primary role as Administrators 4. was to rescue the business which has been achieved by Charles Green and his consortium and whilst any sanctions the Commission may levy will not affect RFC 2012 PLC this process would not appear to us to be helpful to the ongoing revival of Rangers."

And what a grand job he did of that.

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All this idea about Newco buying the history of Oldco is a complete load of nonsense. The legal owner of the "history" in question is the organiser of the competition. Pools organisers have to obtain the authorisation of the organisers to be able to use the fixture list and no matter how many goals are scored on the pitch the result doesn't become official until homologated by the organiser. Charles Green may reckon that he bought Rangers history from Duff and Duffer but he didn't. Their history still belongs to the SFA, SFL and SPL and can be taken away as and when they decide to do so. History is a gift which can be taken back when the giver decides. Perhaps CG should be asking for his quid back. :lol:

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Poor old No.8 , he's had to suffer because his club has been run by a bunch of fly by nights over the last 20 odd years. Yes, poor poor Rangers fans indeed. Maybe he should also consider all the poor fans of other clubs who's fans spent good hard earned cash watching a competition which they thought was fair only to find out years later that they were being cheated all along. The competition was being rigged in Rangers favour all along. At least the Gers fans had a bit of fun along the way as your club cheated their way to success whitest we all had to listen the the gloating for years and years. That's why Rangers need to be punished, So the whole sorry saga isn't allowed to happen again. If they let you or anyone else away with it this time what's to stop Rangers, Celtic or anyone else doing it all again just to make their own fans happy. IMO David Murray should be locked up for cheating us all and all trophies won in the cheating era erased from history to stop anyone else who has the same idea otherwise there's no point in having rules or regulations in the first place.

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Football player Allan McGregor completed licensing procedures, the club appeared justified.

Our experienced goalkeeper Allan McGregor against Rangers FC club transfer and license-related problems with media reports that appeared unrelated to reality.

As was previously announced in our club, as distinct from the normal procedure, Allan McGregor as a result of contacts made before the FIFA license taken.

Futbolcumuza repeats once again our belief in the important issues that members of the press and friends are welcome to behave more attentive.

We respectfully offer the general public information.

Google translate but you get the jist of things, I had to hunt for this but this piece shows that FIFA do not view Sevco as a continuation of Rangers.

If FIFA saw Sevco as a continuation then they would have had no option but to side with Sevco's claim to the player's registration, if Sevco were a continuation the registrations would follow the SFA registration, IF.

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All this idea about Newco buying the history of Oldco is a complete load of nonsense. The legal owner of the "history" in question is the organiser of the competition. Pools organisers have to obtain the authorisation of the organisers to be able to use the fixture list and no matter how many goals are scored on the pitch the result doesn't become official until homologated by the organiser. Charles Green may reckon that he bought Rangers history from Duff and Duffer but he didn't. Their history still belongs to the SFA, SFL and SPL and can be taken away as and when they decide to do so. History is a gift which can be taken back when the giver decides. Perhaps CG should be asking for his quid back. :lol:

Oh well if some wee bloke from Fife says so, then who can argue with that.

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