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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Guest Kincardine

Sigh. Has this just turned into a Rangers v Celtic bashing thread? I thought there was a whole sub-forum dedicated to that?

Even the so called greatest ever Ranger done nothing while in the boardroom, as soon as things started to go public and the clubs fate was sealed. What did he do?

Walked away

And to this day he hasn't said a word. Maybe because he's ashamed for milking the club for so long until it was dead

Good old Rangers fans, even under Charles Green, you still play the blame game. Just simply doing sweet FA to safeguard the future of Sevco

There's your answer in this guy's post.

This used to be a brilliant thread. It's now a dumping-ground for any brain-dead c**t who want vent their spleen about Rangers.

Oh and the more clichés you can pack in to a paragraph then the better, apparently. Just look at post I quoted from. Not one single thought of his own: simply an accumulation of hackneyed, old phrases.

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The 2 bennies and, WKR and Dhenbhoy et al are killing this thread. Shut the fech up. Used to enjoy this thread. .Just want to point and laugh is that asking too much?

Entitled to your opinion, of course, but I personally feel I'm helping to keep the thread alive. The three amigos have undoubtedly dropped the standard, mind.

Looking at the stats, I'm now in the top 20 posters on here. Most of those above me appear to have faded away in recent weeks, but to my mind, we have to keep things going - it was this thread that helped get Sevco where they are today, remember. And the job's not done yet.

A major factor is that there's not much solid news at the moment, so a fair bit of tit for tat is going on - I'm not proud of my little spat with Bennett yesterday, for instance. However, if you take out the postings by those you mentioned (and it's WRK, pleasewink.gif), then how much activity would there have been - how much have YOU contributed, for instance?

Things will warm up soon, so please indulge those of us who continue to contribute - I'm sure it will get better soon!

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Why do you sit back ... and do nothing about SDM, why was there no major protests or campaign demanding answers from him

Hey that's an outrageous slur.

I well remember their banners about deserving better.

Surely that was a protest against Murray's calamitous over-spending and morally repugnant attempts to duck tax obligations, both destined to kill their club?

It was, wasn't it - must have been.

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Orcs trust AGM share issue on 5 October

And the EBT case is on October 4th, then the tax case on November 12. Popcorn at the ready.

And 'poppy day' is the 11th, so have they paid last years collection yet?

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Excellent news.

The leaks regarding (previously denied) pre-ordained title striping punishments has hit the presses.

Happy days - what now for their 'independent' commission. And, soon come, the public shaming of the lawyer with no control over his temper and even less over his mouth.

As the old saying goes - loose lips sink ships.

We'll see them in court laugh.gif

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Orcs trust AGM share issue on 5 October

And the EBT case is on October 4th, then the tax case on November 12. Popcorn at the ready.

I just read through 5-6 random pages on the 'news archive' section of that site, most of is just RST pish, but i did come across at least 3 articles about "the rangers family" :lol: being offended by some news headline or being called huns,

The hypocrisy of this mob is so fuckin unbelievable.

Sort your own house out before having a go at others please.

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Excellent news.

The leaks regarding (previously denied) pre-ordained title striping punishments has hit the presses.

Happy days - what now for their 'independent' commission. And, soon come, the public shaming of the lawyer with no control over his temper and even less over his mouth.

As the old saying goes - loose lips sink ships.

We'll see them in court laugh.gif

I don't get the problem here, if rangers are found guilty of illegal use of EBT's, that means title stripping, suck it up. :rolleyes:

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I think what Cowden0 was getting at was that at times this thread ends up more of a step back in time to the OF slagging off each other and just going around and around in circles as they try to out do each other with how many insults they can hurl.

C'mon lads it's only a game.

If you want to be like wee boys fighting over a sweetie they found then by all means go do it in the rangers/celtic thread where the rest of us can pretend that neither of you exist. At least for a wee while.

This thread started as an outsider's look at what was happening at Ibrox but has descended into both cheeks getting their fix of their "ongoing battle of religious stupidity".

Just like the Gr£tna fans of a few years ago that would listen to nobody as they enjoyed promotion after promotion, if the SevCo fans would rather ignore every warning sign blaring out at everyone, then that is up to them. If anything is going to happen to the club, them burying their heads in the sand won't change that. They have already had two warnings, once with SDM and once with CW and ignored both of them. Maybe they are hoping for third time lucky.

All I know is that if it was my club I wouldn't be so cavalier with my attitude towards what is happening. I certainly wouldn't be disagreeing with everything (even if I knew deep down that it was true) that my biggest rival's fans say just because they are my biggest rivals.

SevCo fans are like Dougal from Father Ted (religious irony aside). Ted is Charles Green, makes stuff up or bluffs his way through things and hopes that it all works out in the end. Dougal just goes along with everything he is told, and on the occasions he does question Ted he doesn't understand the answer but just assumes Ted knows what he is talking about and goes along with it anyway.

Ally is ofcourse Mrs Doyle. laugh.gif

Father Jack? Well, I'll leave it up to you to decide who that is. biggrin.gif

Edited by PeeTeeJag
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I don't get the problem here

Of course you don't :rolleyes:

If you bothered to read the article it backs up EXACTLY what Green said the other day. Those comments have landed him up on another disrepute charge from the completely impartial SFA .

As Bendarroch say...We'll see you in court. ;)

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A plastic having a dig about poppy day laugh.gif

Are the poppy collections still banned?

Will the green brigade provide another display to shame your club to the world?

How many of the Goon Brigade did Lawwell ban? Remember he told the world they would hunt down those responsible and ban them...They didn't have to hunt them down as they went into Parkhead on their own accord and had a nice wee meeting with Lawwell and were promised celtic would never again put a poppy on their tops. The Green Brigade had a thread running into 100s of pages on this very subject...Funny it was never reported in the media

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I don't get the problem here, if rangers are found guilty of illegal use of EBT's, that means title stripping, suck it up. :rolleyes:

There's all sort of problems here. Not least the SFL refusing to participate in punishments being offered before establishment of guilt. The league cups aren't on the table as a punishment, but the league titles are. Why would that be - we'll see in court soon enough.

And how can we forget the 'independent' lawyer who screamed his frustration to Green over his refusal to bow to the attempted blackmail. Witnessed, noted and soon to made public.

More corrupt SPL/SFA activity to be revealed. These leaks aren't going to stop smile.gif

Edited by Bendarroch
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How many of the Goon Brigade did Lawwell ban? Remember he told the world they would hunt down those responsible and ban them...They didn't have to hunt them down as they went into Parkhead on their own accord and had a nice wee meeting with Lawwell and were promised celtic would never again put a poppy on their tops. The Green Brigade had a thread running into 100s of pages on this very subject...Funny it was never reported in the media

Goon brigade and hate are very welcome at darkhead. Part of the clubs DNA after all.

Poppy sellers? Not so much...

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I don't get the problem here, if rangers are found guilty of illegal use of EBT's, that means title stripping, suck it up. :rolleyes:

Not when you have an SPL that had a pre-ordained punishment on the club to strip 5 titles and 4 Scottish Cups as a condition of acceptance to the first division without first hearing the findings of an independent panel to ascertain guilt or innocence on the whole situation. That comes across as a finding of guilt before trial,something that is fundamentally against the principles of law. It seems that the SPL have shown a biased attitude by trying to impose punishment against the club before hearing any defence from the club.

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The 2 bennies and, WKR and Dhenbhoy et al are killing this thread. Shut the fech up. Used to enjoy this thread. .Just want to point and laugh is that asking too much?

There is already a point and laugh thread and a Two Cheeks thread. This thread has become just like them.

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