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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Jesus, I could've revealed Leggat's exclusive, since Rennie made his offer to interview the RTC blogger on Twitter, which is about as open a forum as you can get.

If Rennie really got carpeted for making that offer, that shows the *opposite* point to the one Leggo imagines it does - it shows that the Record are *too scared of incurring the wrath (and losing the custom) of The People* to run a simple interview with a blogger. He's disproven his own argument himself.

That guy is a tool and a jakey, I reckon.

The RTC lad refused, btw. Perhaps he's worried that Super Ally might demand to know what his name is, with predictable results if The People decide to demonstrate their displeasure.

When you've got uber loyalists like Vanguards Bears trying to uncover who the RTC blogger is, It makes sense that he'll want to stay anonymous. Leggat's already branded him a "bigot" :rolleyes:

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When you've got uber loyalists like Vanguards Bears trying to uncover who the RTC blogger is, It makes sense that he'll want to stay anonymous. Leggat's already branded him a "bigot" :rolleyes:

If you're going to say anything off the rangers party line, publicity isn't really a good idea. I've had a couple of quick exits from boozers down here when berrs took exception to the discussion me and my (Leeds-supporting) mate were having.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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If you're going to say anything off the rangers party line, publicity isn't really a good idea. I've had a couple of quick exits from boozers down here when berrs took exception to the discussion me and my (Leeds-supporting) mate were having.

They have even turned against poor John Brown :(

On Saturday John "Bomber" Brown finally surfaced on the BBC radio show "Off The Ball" after a two month absence with the well-known Rangers haters Cowan & Cosgrove. Everything about this set alarm bells ringing for me; from the people who present the show to the broadcasting company who air it just represents very poor decision making from Brown.

Needless to say Brown once again embarrassed himself with his tiresome tirades against Charles Green, which again included the laughable claims that Craig Whyte still calls the shots.

The point I want to make here is just over 2 months ago I, and other members of Vanguard Bears, attended a meeting called by Brown on the promise that he would provide "bombshell" evidence regarding the ownership of Rangers, the Stadium and other assets. NO EVIDENCE was forthcoming on that day and over 2 months later there is still no evidence to back up his claims.

We were also told that day that Brown had deposited £40k in a bank account along with one other; and that more investors were doing likewise after the meeting. We've seen no evidence of this either nor have any of his other investors came forward. It would appear his takeover bid which was "only days away" hasn't come to fruition either.

My message to John Brown is that your reputation as a Rangers player has now been tarnished beyond repair, you've brought nothing but ridicule upon yourself with your ramblings so it's time you slunk away back to your current watering hole of choice and remain in the company of your Penn State F.C supporting mates.

Rangers have moved on and will one day reclaim our throne as the kings of Scottish football and you have no part to play, you were either with us or against us.

Any man who stood in a room full of loyal bears and declared his intention was to "buy the team" then play our games at Hampden in a move designed so that "Whyte" would have to sell us the stadium is clearly against us and an embarrassment to all the legendary Rangers men who went before him.

Blue Tumai

Yip, so thats it with Rangers fans, if you ain't with them. you are against them :huh:

Edited by Enrico Annoni
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Boycott time again! :lol:

The Unified Supporters Platform calls on the Rangers support to withdraw its financial input to any SPL club by boycotting the next round of the League Cup, drawn on 4th October, should our opposition be ANY Scottish Premier League club away from home.

Since the turn of the year, Rangers FC and its supporters have been abused, maligned, derided and disrespected by the supporters and certain hierarchy of SPL member clubs. These cowardly clubs, who decided Rangers were not needed in the SPL, attempted to destroy us when we had reached our lowest ebb.

Unfortunately for them, and to their bitter displeasure, the Rangers survived this trauma. We are stronger than ever and our magnificent history continues unbroken.

Our supporters have waited patiently for apt opportunity to respond to some of the poisoned hatred and unrepentant vitriol directed, both at them and the club, by starving SPL clubs of much-needed cash.

By boycotting this potential fixture the message the support sends out is loud and clear;

“Their hate-filled stance against our club and its support will never be forgotten”.

For once our support must unite like never before to send out this clear message, we have to show we mean business.

This statement has been endorsed by the following:

The Rangers Supporters Assembly

The Rangers Supporters Association


Rangers Till I Die N.I.

Vanguard Bears

Copland Road.org

Blue Heaven

Union Bears

Number One Fanzine

The Blue Order


The way they go on, you'd never have thought for one moment none of what happened to Rangers was their fault! again, it was the fault of everyone else :rolleyes:

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Boycott time again! :lol:


The way they go on, you'd never have thought for one moment none of what happened to Rangers was their fault! again, it was the fault of everyone else :rolleyes:

I guess they must've sorted out their cashflow problems, steadied the team's poor form and be well on the way to winning the third division, since they've got time to organize this kind of thing.

The cynical part of me suspects that this has more to do with justifying their reluctance to sit through a 6-0 hounding at Parkhead, if that's what comes out of the draw. Getting their excuses in early?

Surely, that can't be it. It must really mean that everyone is conspiring against the Newco instead.

Edited by flyingrodent
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Boycott time again! :lol:


The way they go on, you'd never have thought for one moment none of what happened to Rangers was their fault! again, it was the fault of everyone else :rolleyes:

“Their hate-filled stance against our club and its support will never be forgotten”

And it will never end either,cos you're a buch of cheating cunts so GIRFUY ! :D

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Am i correct that the SFA and the SFL let Rangers play in the 3rd division? Then why are the Sevco fans are protesting against the SPL? The, SFA can revoke their license and the SFL allowed them in.

All this shite nonsense that the SPL is corrupt, but they are investigating EBT's cause that's class as match fixing, also the one who is corrupt is Rangers football club yes that club not the SFA or the SPL!

Interesting enough that Campbell Oglivie has guilt over his head and he wants to resign as president of the SFA cause he was a director at Rangers during the EBT era.

And again the tax bill is £94M! just think about that tax money is to be paid back by everyone in the UK and Europe. Which could lead to sell off the assets of Ibrox and MP altogether!

Sevco fans wtf are they like eh? rolleyes.gif

Edited by Bairnforever1992
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any chance of a wee update to the recent developments??

your reward will be my thanks and some hughies......


Bairnforever says that BDO will in place this week or is it next week, or the following week, or the week after that .....

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Bairnforever's every post is a whoosh - he doesn't get anything - I was so looking forward to another mentalist outburst by way of explanation.


You don't even know what a mentalist is do you?

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Was over on ragers media and found some comedy gold FFS ! A link to some roaster of Rangers web site called "Rangers chat" This is a no holds barred phone in hosted by Limmy for the worst of NEDS :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: swearing is compulsory and so is insulting THEM from the other side.Although the first caller tonight who wouldn't be out of place in an off licence at 8am in the morning,I actually think this Rangers fan has totally asked the questions other fans totally blinker out.He wants the answers we want to hear on here :o !.

fuckchat the one that's 9pm it's funny :lol:

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Had to give credit to that Rangers fan on the talk show and he knows that what's happening at Ibrox is not looking good and they're going to do another CW getting all the money and fucked off again. And also that Glasgow Limmy is a thick c**t, who is brother of Limmy show AKA Daft Limmy.

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Had to give credit to that Rangers fan on the talk show and he knows that what's happening at Ibrox is not looking good and they're going to do another CW getting all the money and fucked off again. And also that Glasgow Limmy is a thick c**t, who is brother of Limmy show AKA Daft Limmy.

A bit further in and we get one of the most sensible bears I've heard ! he must be a Celtic supporter because he depressed the shit right out off them.Well spoken and didn't swear :o and then the mental patients take over the asylum FFS :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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