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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Not a penny from me till he shows a prospectus, that clearly shows the club is sustainable and exactly what the money is going to be used for, not a penny till the RST have said that this looks good for the club, not a penny till he answers the question where did the original 5.5M come from, not a penny till he details what his exit strategy is

I am not Anti Green but he is getting embarrassing, European super leagues, orange shirts, the problem is that he thinks that he is pandering to those that will buy shares, he is wrong, those that have the money to invest are way smarter than this and sooner or later he will have to answer the grown up questions

Tedi.i agree with you on showing full details of investors on the prospectus but seriously i'll draw the line about taking advice from the RST on anything regarding investment,as far as i'm concerned they are pushing for their own agenda on support representation first of all on the Board of Directors,not neccessarily to represent all the supports interest but more likely the RST itself.

Don't forget they came down on the side of Whyte initially before everything got out of control. This isn't to say that i'm against support ownership,quite the opposite but until i see a vast increase in the RST membership i won't be going with a support group who has such a small membership,under 5000 at the moment i'm led to believe,could be wrong though.

You're 100% about this orange shirt nonsense though when we're looking at a flotation,although i think Green realises it is going to take more than the promise of a shirt colour before having a successful issue. Saying that on the first four hours there is interest of almost 55,000 but it's whether they take up the option.

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Bennett, I'm not being funny here (like I ever am...), but you appear to have a similar view of Charlie Boy to a lot of non-Sevconians. Does it not worry you that, by continuing to put money (ST or PATG) into Green's company, you're helping to facilitate one of the biggest scams many of us will ever have this much knowledge of? He's openly stated he's there to make money, his sums haven't added up from Day One, he's obviously pandering to the bigot dollar as they're not the brightest, and he's already fucked over at least one other club (not to mention what other chicanery he's been up to in other businesses).

Now this share issue. Does any of it make any more sense than hoverpitches and casinos? Aston Villa are rubbish, but rangers would be invited into a Euro Superleague? FFS, Wolves finished bottom of the EPL last year, and made 39 million pounds from the league - not from their own income (gates, merch, etc.) - just from being IN that league. That's nearly TWICE what Green reckons rangers in Div 3 are worth, and over SEVEN times what he bought them for.

These days, you'd struggle to buy a team to succeed in any top European league for less than 30 million. There is no way rangers (or any other Scottish side) can raise that kind of money: not when their business model relied on CL qualification every year. Man U dropped out of the CL last year and saw a fall in profits: rangers did the same and that was one of the major wounds that killed them.

A voice has to be found from the rangers fans. When Charlie rides off with his pockets bulging and we move onto the next, smaller Russian rangers doll, we (diddies) WILL laugh like drains, we WILL feel it was partly the fans' fault for not uniting earlier, we WILL repeat the phrase about a fool and his money, but we WILL also feel sympathy for those who tried to speak out.

P&B is the perfect place for me to speak on the Summer of Sevco and the Autumn of Point-dropping, but surely there is a forum (probably in the traditional, offline sense) where berrz such as you can voice your concern and ask the questions we continually mock the Green believers on here for NOT asking? I fear it's already too late, mind.

Right now i'm not putting that much money in, i never renewed my season ticket and i'm going on a game to basis this season. It's a no win situation for a lot of bears in if you don't go to games the club/team suffers -- damned if you and damned if you don't. Which a lot of non Rangers fans mistook for falling for Greens sales pitches.

He's playing to the galleries and taking the salesman role too far, if he'd tone it down a bit he'd get more respect. No one that i know expects him to fulfil most of his promises, cut away the jargon and we know that theres a long hard slog still ahead. As it stands right now most bears will not be participating in this issue until we get satisfactory guarantees over how much money will go to the team and a full business plan.

I'm not going to pretend to be an expert on share issues but if it's dodgy then myself and others will be quick in speaking out.

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Lol , gone ? Been here a long time , and will be here a long time after you go . Right lets go see a couple of beggars getting clogged by the Welsh

Bugger, spoke too soon.

Not supporting Scotland? Another one for the Stereotype files - getting a bit crowded in there these days.

You're going to be around for the next incarnation of the Tribute Act, then? Because if you think the pish-ripping's been harsh this time round....

Oh, and BTW, Killie were around before your mob crawled from under their rock, and they're still around, still honest, and still playing in the top league, after rangers committed a very public suicide. wink.gif

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Not far far from it Dindy but i'd wager that Green has covered it so that the wording of his original quote can refer to several things.

Mmmm you've lost me. I know that you are not a 100% backer of Green, so I'm not doing this as a "we told you he was dodgy" type post - are you concerned about Green in terms of going through what you did last year? And do you think the majorioty of fans are with him?

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Right now i'm not putting that much money in, i never renewed my season ticket and i'm going on a game to basis this season. It's a no win situation for a lot of bears in if you don't go to games the club/team suffers -- damned if you and damned if you don't. Which a lot of non Rangers fans mistook for falling for Greens sales pitches.

This is very true. I suppose the best strategy is to support the (new) club by going to matches and buying stuff , which is what every other fan does. The share issue must be regarded as suspect imo. Charlie does not inspire confidence. Difficult time to be a bear.

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Many football supporters were active in this forum as Rangers crumbled under Murray and then Whyte, Then through the attempts to crowbar them back into the SPL, with relative success as Sevco had to scam their way into Division 3. A price for their previous bullying and intimidation but still needed amazing courage from some individuals who showed real character when needed.

I and many others 'retired' from the campaign. But today's article by Alex Thomson http://blogs.channel...ngers-fans/2873 is a welcome reminder of the cancer that is Rangers. A cancer we tolerate and as Thomson complains is tolerated by many with more power than we do. Not least the police.

With people like Green and McCoist in charge we know the way ahead will not be based on honesty, integrity and definitely no humility A club that wants to play to its own made up rules, while trying hard to ignore the rules everyone else adheres to.

This is the club who scammed the taxman (= the UK public), who lied and cheated, and has a large proportion of thugs and louts amongst their support.

All their protestations of loyalty to Queen and country we know is a complete sham. A web of deceit but a version that suited them as they ignored the laws and bullied their way through Scottish football.

We must never forget how corrupting they are, and with regular reminders it is important to keep the pressure on those who are tempted to show sympathy and support to them, especially Government, the SFA, and EUFA.

They should have no place in sport or Scottish football, and the work has to continue to remove this cancer from our midst.

Edited by thelegendthatis
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This is very true. I suppose the best strategy is to support the (new) club by going to matches and buying stuff , which is what every other fan does. The share issue must be regarded as suspect imo. Charlie does not inspire confidence. Difficult time to be a bear.

It will be whether they believe the money will eventually go for player or even if its just to give them more working capital, if it is the latter the big question is why so early after the season ticket sales. If they are already short of cash then it begs several questions how long will the extra money last and the other is would it highlight the signing policy from the inception of Resurrection Rangers.

Either way many Sevconians will simply have to go with it for fear of the club going belly up again. Damned if they do , damned if they don't. However even if they buy into it there is still no guarantee it could all end in the shit if they cannot get investors on board and why would they, most football clubs are a rich mans play thing.

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Registering for interest is fine, but that number will be full those who just want to rubbish it, the P & B subscriber count will be high ;)

I am not a particular supporter of the RST, but individual share ownership is a waist of time and at the moment the Rangers support is united in turning up for games and supporting our team but it seems for anything else we are split into many groups with quite a bit of silly bickering going on, show me someone with strong leadership thats willing to get stuck in and I would back this

Thats it, we need someone from the support or club to unite the fans and until that happens we'll continue to struggle getting our voice heard.

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The dribble continues unabated. Following on from yesterday's classics

Look at Chelsea, they have a crap stadium and a reasonable training ground, but neither compare to what we have.


Arsenal don't want to play Southampton or Swansea

Today we have this pish.

How can Manchester United's revenues be £320m and Aston Villa, who are completely useless, get £250m?

That useless they've won three European trophies, including a European Cup. This is a club from Britain's second largest City, that have the the fourth highest total of major honours won by an English club.

What a nugget.

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