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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Aye. I even tried explaining what's happened but she doesn't understand what's going on. She has an excuse though she has no real interest in football. The Sevconians should be able to comprehend the gravity of the situation. They're fucked. Who's honestly going to invest now.

Let's be fair - try explaining it to anyone who hasn't followed the story. I've tried, and the only questions folks down here ask are "they did what?" and "why aren't people doing time for this?". Imagine how the poor Orcs must feel, when they're still struggling with opposable thumbs.

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Sir Minty hands off the company to Craig Whyte >

Craigyboyo takes over and manages the dumping of the toxic debt . Admin may have happened faster than expected as results in Europe were poor and HMRC had to be stiffed yet again to get them to the summer .. then do the dirty deed.

Craigy hands over to Green with the help of Duffer and Phelps the same ones that orchestrated managed the CW takeover. (conflict of interest v their role and responsibility to creditors)

Duffer and Phelps give Green sole secured bidder status in order that they can 'legally' ignore other bids after it is CLEAR that a CVA is not going to be accepted. (which was not in the interests of the creditors but then nothing they did was).

Craig was the was merely the swivel joint for the change of direction and the dumping off the debt.

I'm sure if the Crime Squad finger him for any illegal activities then he is going to sing like a canary ...

Here's hoping the real Armageddon has arrived ... it's not the one the Orcs wished for ... :lol:

I read that back with the voice of Bill McLaren the rugby commentator in my head. Wonder of Mr Whyte will give a date for their first meeting given CG is on public record to a specific date. CG's press release is a preemptive damage limitation exercise. Wonder if there is going to be a protest outside the BBC by Rangers fans, the same fans who protested when the BBC made revelations about Mr Whyte...................

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I read that back with the voice of Bill McLaren the rugby commentator in my head. Wonder of Mr Whyte will give a date for their first meeting given CG is on public record to a specific date. CG's press release is a preemptive damage limitation exercise. Wonder if there is going to be a protest outside the BBC by Rangers fans, the same fans who protested when the BBC made revelations about Mr Whyte...................

Nope, to give the berrz credit, one thing that has sunk into their thick skulls is that Charlie Boy is very much the only game in town. Part of them is praying for some Whyte White Knight to come down Edmiston Drive on a charger, scattering cash, sponsorship deals and big signings, but deep down they know they're stuck with this chancer.

So, they're all sat with Chuckie in the Last Chance Saloon*, and they're paying!

*Just over the road from Bar 67.......

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I suggest you wait until you find out where along the line Charlie Boy got involved before you start getting too cocky - Craigy Boy's a liar, no doubt, but then so's Chuckie. If there's a paper trail linking Charlie to any malfeasance between the original suspects, your shiny new Tribute Act could well be toast along with the original scum.

I have always seen Whyte as a chancer. Those shifty eyes, who should not be trusted, least of all with money. Even when his wealth was 'off the radar'.:rolleyes:

Given his latest pronouncements He suddenly seems credible, because all the others he had meetings with, and made agreements with are ALL even dodgier than Whyte is.

How bad is that? When Whyte starts to come across as the good guy. :(

Just shows the corrupt cesspit that was and is Rangers & Sevcogers. :o

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I have always seen Whyte as a chancer. Those shifty eyes, who should not be trusted, least of all with money. Even when his wealth was 'off the radar'.:rolleyes:

Given his latest pronouncements He suddenly seems credible, because all the others he had meetings with, and made agreements with are ALL even dodgier than Whyte is.

How bad is that? When Whyte starts to come across as the good guy. :(

Just shows the corrupt cesspit that was and is Rangers & Sevcogers. :o

Oh, I don't think it's that bad - funny, but not that bad really. Other than the massive fraud perpetrated on so many innocent people, that is. We shouldn't forget, amongst the hilarity and schadenfreude at the peepul getting their comeuppance, that they perpetrated a MASSIVE crime in order to (unsuccessfully) establish their dominance in the Scottish game.

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You're wasting your time i'm afraid, common sense and reason doesn't come into it with the clowns we're dealing with on here.

Are you meaning the Rangers fans ? you are aren't you Benny ?

I'll bet your on full deflect and wind up mode now :lol:

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Oh, I don't think it's that bad - funny, but not that bad really. Other than the massive fraud perpetrated on so many innocent people, that is. We shouldn't forget, amongst the hilarity and schadenfreude at the peepul getting their comeuppance, that they perpetrated a MASSIVE crime in order to (unsuccessfully) establish their dominance in the Scottish game.

Don't forget - None of this has anything to do with Rangers, simply some individuals who were associated with them. Erm, associated with them in respect of being the owners and directors of the club.

Still, it's fcuk-all to do with Rangers. Or The Rangers. Or Sevco.

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Charlie Green on Scotland Tonight @ 2230 - should be good for a giggle.

ETA: Bugger all else re: rangers on STV - looks like the Beeb have got Craigie Boy exclusively. Don't expect a word of truth from either of them, mind, but plus ca change...

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Ah, Bennett's got someone to listen to his drivel. New club, old company, history, oor titles, nae debt.......

All together, berrz - "it wiznae rangers, a bad boy did it and ran waycrying.gif". Aye, but now the bad boy's back, and who knows what papers and emails he may have to share with us?

Any link between Chuckie and the original Ship of Fools is going to make for a VERY interesting few months.

With all the berrz screaming for the "guilty ones" to face justice, how funny would it be if Craigie turned QUEEN'S evidence for a reduced punishment?

They seem to think they can keep the titles as well no matter how they got them :blink:

If you are caught in real life in possession of stolen goods then you have to hand them back and be out of pocket and even more so for the Gers because they know they got them cups & titles through cheating by financial doping & dual contracts ! so why should they keep them if they were effectively stolen ? Who knows even Hearts or Hibs or Dundee Utd may have won a couple because Celtic wouldn't have spent more on players with a depleted Rangers side playing by the books and rules ?.

The club and fans should suffer because some dodgy fecker at the helm was corrupt and not accept the good bits only.

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That interview may kebosh the share issue if this is correct...


NewCo: What’s in Black and Whyte?

Firstly, just have to point out that this is post 100 on the blog. If you’re a newcomer or a latecomer, I’d always recommend that you have a look on the archive, as there’s lots of stuff on there to read and share.

You may possibly be able to guess what this post is about. The Whyte Knight is back in town, riding in as the 4th horseman of the apocalypse for Sevco.

Craig Whyte has spoken to the BBC and, in the halls of Ibrox and elsewhere, massive concerns have sprung up, particularly due to the reported assertion that Whyte has stated that he put Charles Green in place and introduced Duff and Phelps.

To be clear, Craig Whyte’s reputation is as black as the night in the right circles. I’ve been speaking to a friend of mine who works at a stock brokers in London and the merest mention of Whyte has sent those looking after the Rangers share issue into uproar.

Having spoken to people at the AIM, the understanding is now that BDO will be in liquidating OldCo before the end of next week and that “owing to serious past indiscretions” (namely not disclosing he was banned as a company director) should Whyte be shown to involved at Rangers in any way, shape or form, the Rangers share issue will not go ahead.

Furthermore, the feeling of my contact was that, without the share issue, Rangers are likely to be forced into administration within weeks and that, depending on exactly how much proof BDO find of a link to Craig Whyte in the paperwork, the sale to Sevco may be overturned.

The final point on that is the chap is actually a Rangers fan himself and, in his own words on the share issue, “For every £5 I’d spend on Rangers, Rangers would lose me a tenner”.

People in Scotland don’t want to see Rangers fans without a club to follow. What they do want is a club that is run by the fans, for the fans. A club that is built on fairness and anti-sectarianism. A club that is designed around a stable, long-term outlook.

That “Four Horsemen” Green Brigade banner from the last Old Firm match may need amending.

First there was Murray. Then there was Hector. Then there was Whyte.

When BDO come riding into town, the end is nigh.

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Nice, and rapid, work. I see a whole new game here, or at least some reworking of some "Summer of Sevco" gags....

Next project - "The Ca$h my father owed"

The Poland - England game wasn't all that great so I came up with this while watching it, although it's more "The Cash that Greenie Wants "

First Verse

Here am I a dour Yorkshireman, from out the sewers I came,

To fleece the Glasgow orcish hordes of cash and giro cheques.

And to sell them off my share issue (500 if they're game)

All by the 12th day of the month,* 'cos that's when Craig returns.

Chorus (The bit normally sung at Mordor)

I am old and near retirement age, I need their money soon

To pay off all my backing group, Ticketus and the Zeus

And Ibrox Park it can be sold, to pay yon Craigie loon.

all by the 12th day of the month,

The cash my backers want.

*It's called artistic license!

Hope you are all enjoying Craigie on tellyrip.gif, the only UK proxies I can find (so that I'm 'allowed' to watch BBC) are d e a d s l o w so it's unwatchable for me crying.gif I'm only hearing about every 52nd syllable.

Edited to correct a typo.

Edited by Kamenitza
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The Poland - England game wasn't all that great so I came up with this while watching it, although it's more "The Cash that Greenie Wants "

First Verse

Here am I a dour Yorkshireman, from out the sewers I came,

To fleece the Glasgow orcish hordes of cash and giro cheques.

And to sell them off my share issue (500 if they're game)

All by the 12th day of the month,* 'cos that's when Craig comes.

Chorus (The bit normally sung at Mordor)

I am old and near retirement age, I need their money soon

To pay off all my backing group, Ticketus and the Zeus

And Ibrox Park it can be sold, to pay yon Craigie loon.

all by the 12th day of the month,

The cash my backers want.

*It's called artistic license

Hope you are all enjoying Craigie on tellyrip.gif, the only UK proxies I can find (so that I'm 'allowed' to watch BBC) are d e a d s l o w so it's unwatchable for me crying.gif I'm only hearing about every 52nd syllable.

Nice. As for watching Craigie Boy, what's on the BBC site is basically word for word what's in the TV interview. He does remind me of Archie Andrews, mind. I find that a wee bit disturbing...

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