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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Interesting, that's my thoughts, the grand plan is starting to fall apart, which was inevitible given the type of people involved. Greed, backstabbing and a huge misjudgment of the scrutiny they would all come under is making it interesting again.

I would say that's the thing they didn't expect, they probably thought all this would happen in the background with no-one paying much attention.

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Just nipped round to the shoppie avnt seen the papers today and I see they are all disregarding the craig Whyte revalations as lies.

Yes we can all take it with a pinch of salt but why come out with your story now when your hidden away in Monaco with "his off the radar wealth"

None of it adds up and any sevconian that just writes off the revalations as lies better be ready to support a new new new club yet again as I can see a shit storm on the horizon and I personally have my popcorn deck chair at the ready

Edited by Inverg-don
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Rangers investors look like receiving a cast-iron imprimatur that the Financial Services Authority has declared the club ‘fit to go on the stock market’.

This will come, according to Rangers CEO Charles Green, when the FSA approves the upcoming share flotation prospectus.

Rangers’ Top Man gave the commitment on air while being questioned on BBC regarding the re-emergence of former Ibrox owner Craig Whyte claiming he introduced the gritty Yorkshireman to D&P the administrators who sold all of the oldco Rangers’ assets to Sevco for £5.5 million. Amazingly Charlie, with a glint in his eye, revealed that the Ibrox property assets alone had just been revalued at £80 million.

He gave a number of assurances on controversial issues raised by the interviewer and said: ‘And all of the things that you are raising have got to be cleared.

‘So that when the Financial Services Authority approve Rangers as being fit to go on the stock market none of these questions lie unanswered’.

So this very comforting FSA ‘guarantee’ looks like another lead into gold bonanza as far as Rangers and the proposed AIM flotation is concerned, or is it?

In 2000 the FSA took responsibility for the Listing Regime which focuses on the eligibility of securities for admission to the ‘Official List’ and uses the name UK Listing Authority (UKLA) when carrying out this function.

In this role, the FSA is a securities regulator, focused on the companies which issue the securities traded in our financial markets. However, the FSA website states: ‘The UKLA does not have the power to make subjective qualitative judgements about a company’s suitability for listing’.

OK so I get that bit but what about a share flotation on the AIM Market?

Let’s go to old friend wikipedia which states: ‘The Official List is the list maintained by the FSA (UKLA) in accordance with Section 74(1) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (the Act) for the purposes of Part VI of the Act.

‘The Official List is a list of securities issued by companies for the purpose of those securities being traded on a UK regulated market. An example of a UK regulated market is the London Stock Exchange’s Main Market.’

Right that’s the Main Market dealt with – What about the junior AIM Market, is that a regulated market?

Well the London Stock Exchange (LSE) created AIM with the objective of offering smaller companies the opportunity to raise capital on a market with a pragmatic approach to regulation.

LSE further states that AIM: ‘Under the directives that form the EU’s Financial Services Action Plan, AIM is not a Regulated Market but instead falls within the classification of a Multilateral Trading Facility (MTF) as defined under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive 2004 (MiFID)’.

Wait a minute, come again! So AIM isn’t a Regulated Market but are the prospectuses of companies applying to float approved by the FSA or UKLA or even LSE?

The first bit is quite easy to answer: ‘AIM companies and Nomads are regulated by a dedicated team at the London Stock Exchange – AIM Regulation – a team of professionals including lawyers, accountants and corporate financiers’. Well to my untrained eye that seems to rule out the FSA and UKLA.

But what about the LSE? This appears to be answered by the first page of a company’s AIM application document having to state prominently and in bold type:

“AIM is a market designed primarily for emerging or smaller companies to which a higher investment risk tends to be attached than to larger or more established companies. AIM securities are not admitted to the official list of the UKLA.

“A prospective investor should be aware of the risks of investing in such companies and should make the decision to invest only after careful consideration and, if appropriate, consultation with an independent financial adviser.

“The London Stock Exchange has not itself examined or approved the contents of this document.”

Well it appears that the FSA, UKLA and LSE don’t actually vet AIM flotations and give a thumbs-up or down to the application. I know that will bring great sorrow to many of my fellow internet bampots icon_sad.gif?m=1129645325g

But I cannot rest on my laurels as I may have missed vital evidence or misinterpreted what I have read and am well aware of how experienced Charlie is at floating companies.

So I think it best to have the FSA to actually confirm what the correct position is as it could have a direct bearing on whether football fans purchase shares or not. I doubt if it will affect the judgement of institutional investors who probably already know the answer to my question.

And if anyone out there does know then I will be happy to hear the answer which might set a lot of minds at rest and actually boost the amount raised for Charlie’s Rangers which I’m sure would please him.

Posted by Ecojon

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lol go look for it yersel

lazy git

edit...you commented on this without even checking? :lol:

I seen the evidence Dhenboy gave but you seem to be dodging the issue yourself instead of providing proof your right and he is wrong ?

I know the timestamp but no date as I sort of left you all to bicker like wee kids fighting over a sweety wrapper over nothing.

So just give the the date and thread and stop deflecting and dodging and attempt to clear your name.

If you don't provide me with the assistance I need I'll just assume that you are a lying CNUT !.

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you planning on putting this quote up anytime soon... you know, the one you accused me of not wanting rangers fans to post on here?

i'll give you a clue... a post that might resolve this situation was made the day after you last apologised to me...

Or are you a liar that just makes stuff up as they go along?

Hi Davie, still on waiting on some proof of this apology?

The only person i've apollgised to on here was young Dhense (sarcasticly), i think you've made a boo boo ;)

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No worries cowden, thats me up to date now. just wanted to clear up the fact that two folk on here, were calling me a liar and making up stuff about me to try and rubbish my reputation.

I've proved they were wrong.

lets get back to the discussion in hand,... the impending death of oldco/newco/club/company and who's to blame murray/whyte/green.

It's all there in the previous posts.

First of all you demanded that Rangers fans be stopped from posting on this thread, though you were not alone and were merely bandwagon jumping

Then yesterday you demanded to know why Rangers fans were not posting.

With people like you it doesn't matter what we do, your hatred of Rangers defies all logic.

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I did recieve an email

I take it you did not get this either?

Maybe it has some sort of dross filter built in ;)

Yes I have pretty good spam filter at my end. But surely an email from Mr Green shouldn't be treated in the same way as offers of viagra, penis extensions and penny shares that will make me a millionaire before the end of October.

But then again when I think of it....maybe there is logic there.

In fact Tedi, I think you have hit the nail on the head.:D Appreciate your help. You obviously know how these things work. ;)

Must go and check my spam box. :rolleyes:

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Hi Davie, still on waiting on some proof of this apology?

The only person i've apollgised to on here was young Dhense (sarcasticly), i think you've made a boo boo ;)

:blink: Surely in the 3600+ pages you have apologised to me, after the amount of doings you've been handed?


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Why would that bother me

I know that Dhense got it wrong, even he is admitting it now, so the game is over

Glad to see he dragged you and Dave in headfirst :lol:

Tedi is an anagram of 'edit'.....................just saying e14482.gif

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Craig Whyte employees accused of theft

Two people who were employed by the former Rangers owner Craig Whyte have been accused of stealing from his home in the Highlands.

Jane Hagen, 50, and Terance Horan, 53, both of Grantown-on-Spey, have denied taking items from Castle Grant.

A quad bike, five chairs, a table, coins and a bin were among items allegedly stolen.

An intermediate diet has been set for February next year with the trial due to take place in March.

Can't trust anyone these days :(, stealing from the nations Hero.

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It makes not one bit of difference

Look at the time on my quote, look at the time on the OP`s post (well done ranter)

He admitted he changed it and blamed his phone

Either the edit text did not appear or he deleted the original post after I had already pressed the quote button

It would be different if the OP was denying he changed it, he is not

Dhensebhoy is just desperately trying avoid admitting he got it wrong, he is digging his own hole deeper and deeper and you and dave have followed him in

The actual change / edit was totally insignificant, what is comical is the lengths dhenster will go not to admit he is being a fanny

Check my post again i asked a question, i didn't make a statement.

Now for the love of god can we all give this a fckin rest

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If Hector can link the Newco to the Oldco he'll pursue Newco for the money it's known as phoenixing, and Whyte and Greene (especially Greene) are giving him all the ammunition he needs, "debt free company with 140 years history" "introduced by Whyte" "same trading name" "same trading premises" "same trading emblem" "same directors & management". Greene will have the club liquidated again through his actions and public statements but maybe that's the grand plan

If the HMRC threat is real (and the logic above does hang together) it would make sense for Green to get as many idiots as possible to put new money into Sevco/Gers as quickly as possible so he can extract what he wants (sale of shares, salary, pension pot, repayment of 'loans', salary not taken) and then if the plug has to be pulled he can still walk away with a smile on his face and his pockets stuffed.

HMRC will take some time to move on this I would expect, so Green has time to sort out his personal affairs, but not that long.

Unless of course HMRC can make a preemptive strike and get a court freeze on assets which will warn Green that he can't asset strip either physical assets or cash or show any preferences.

I have been away from this forum since the Sevco boys made it into Div 3. But think I have come back as the whole thing ramps up again with much entertainment to come.

After Craig's BBC interview when he made clear he is going to drop everyone into the sh*t, last night's warning salvo can only have been the start. He will have plenty of other cards to play if the various ones he mentioned such as D Murray, Duff & Duffer etc try to dump on him. So be warned guys. :angry:

Is it time to change our signatures to "We are all Craig Whyte". :lol: Maybe a step too far. :(

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Rangers investors look like receiving a cast-iron imprimatur that the Financial Services Authority has declared the club fit to go on the stock market.

This will come, according to Rangers CEO Charles Green, when the FSA approves the upcoming share flotation prospectus.

Rangers Top Man gave the commitment on air while being questioned on BBC regarding the re-emergence of former Ibrox owner Craig Whyte claiming he introduced the gritty Yorkshireman to D&P the administrators who sold all of the oldco Rangers assets to Sevco for £5.5 million. Amazingly Charlie, with a glint in his eye, revealed that the Ibrox property assets alone had just been revalued at £80 million.

He gave a number of assurances on controversial issues raised by the interviewer and said: And all of the things that you are raising have got to be cleared.

So that when the Financial Services Authority approve Rangers as being fit to go on the stock market none of these questions lie unanswered.

So this very comforting FSA guarantee looks like another lead into gold bonanza as far as Rangers and the proposed AIM flotation is concerned, or is it?

In 2000 the FSA took responsibility for the Listing Regime which focuses on the eligibility of securities for admission to the Official List and uses the name UK Listing Authority (UKLA) when carrying out this function.

In this role, the FSA is a securities regulator, focused on the companies which issue the securities traded in our financial markets. However, the FSA website states: The UKLA does not have the power to make subjective qualitative judgements about a companys suitability for listing.

OK so I get that bit but what about a share flotation on the AIM Market?

Lets go to old friend wikipedia which states: The Official List is the list maintained by the FSA (UKLA) in accordance with Section 74(1) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (the Act) for the purposes of Part VI of the Act.

The Official List is a list of securities issued by companies for the purpose of those securities being traded on a UK regulated market. An example of a UK regulated market is the London Stock Exchanges Main Market.

Right thats the Main Market dealt with What about the junior AIM Market, is that a regulated market?

Well the London Stock Exchange (LSE) created AIM with the objective of offering smaller companies the opportunity to raise capital on a market with a pragmatic approach to regulation.

LSE further states that AIM: Under the directives that form the EUs Financial Services Action Plan, AIM is not a Regulated Market but instead falls within the classification of a Multilateral Trading Facility (MTF) as defined under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive 2004 (MiFID).

Wait a minute, come again! So AIM isnt a Regulated Market but are the prospectuses of companies applying to float approved by the FSA or UKLA or even LSE?

The first bit is quite easy to answer: AIM companies and Nomads are regulated by a dedicated team at the London Stock Exchange AIM Regulation a team of professionals including lawyers, accountants and corporate financiers. Well to my untrained eye that seems to rule out the FSA and UKLA.

But what about the LSE? This appears to be answered by the first page of a companys AIM application document having to state prominently and in bold type:

AIM is a market designed primarily for emerging or smaller companies to which a higher investment risk tends to be attached than to larger or more established companies. AIM securities are not admitted to the official list of the UKLA.

A prospective investor should be aware of the risks of investing in such companies and should make the decision to invest only after careful consideration and, if appropriate, consultation with an independent financial adviser.

The London Stock Exchange has not itself examined or approved the contents of this document.

Well it appears that the FSA, UKLA and LSE dont actually vet AIM flotations and give a thumbs-up or down to the application. I know that will bring great sorrow to many of my fellow internet bampots icon_sad.gif?m=1129645325g

But I cannot rest on my laurels as I may have missed vital evidence or misinterpreted what I have read and am well aware of how experienced Charlie is at floating companies.

So I think it best to have the FSA to actually confirm what the correct position is as it could have a direct bearing on whether football fans purchase shares or not. I doubt if it will affect the judgement of institutional investors who probably already know the answer to my question.

And if anyone out there does know then I will be happy to hear the answer which might set a lot of minds at rest and actually boost the amount raised for Charlies Rangers which Im sure would please him.

Posted by Ecojon

Thats pretty much what i said about 6 pages ago - only i used fewer words. More lies from Green.

The only benefit Green gets from an AIM listing is a potential 75% reduction in Corporation tax - ie Rangers fucck Hector up the arse again

Edited by p&b is a disgrace
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