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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Try the long link in the drop down options under share ? it may help more

I did..........posted it elsewhere, no bother but here? Pah!

It was like that the last time with his too, it was only when quoted did it appear for some vids.

Anyhoo, brilliant stuff by him again. Top work. :D

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Anyone got the jpeg for Dipping **** Poakits for Dummies? :lol::lol: :lol:

I like how Bombers face is the only one that doesn't change to a zombie one, 'cos it doesn't need too :D

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OCTOBER 25, 2012 · 8:00 PM

Mark Daly Lands More Blows on Duff & Phelps – Alleged Mr Grier Tried to get Mr Whyte to Lie


Mark Daly’s latest on Duff & Phelps will have the New York office of that esteemed company hopping mad.

After the New York MD, Marty Dauer, responded to yesterday’s episode by saying that they did not comment on things out of context, today’s Reporting Scotland stated that Mr Whyte recorded a two-hour conversation between himself and Mr Grier of D&P. The implication is that this whole conversation is in the hands of the BBC.

That is a lot of “context” for D&P to consider!

Tonight’s allegation is that Mr Grier wanted Mr Whyte to make a statement confirming that D&P and its predecessor MCR had not been involved in the Ticketus deal, thus removing issues of conflict of interest. Mr Whyte seemed to be going along with this, suggesting that a story could be issued via Media House, the renowned PR company.

Indeed the next day a statement went to Mr Whyte to approve, confirming what D&P were asking him to, but he did not do so.

It would appear that Duff & Phelps have a number of areas where they could be vulnerable regarding this issue.

The Reports it issued regarding progress of the investigation and administration were statutorily required for Companies House and for the Court of Session.

In addition, Lord Hodge called for a specific report on the conflict of interest allegations.

The Insolvency Practitioners’ Association also investigated, and one assumes D&P responded to them too.

Mr Daly’s latest programme leads me to infer that the explanation offered to those bodies might not constitute the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

These are very complex issues, and it is understandable if the analysis thereof in D&P perhaps became confused, leading to unfortunately and inadvertently incorrect information being passed on.

It would of course be a serious professional matter for the parties involved if it was shown that there had been attempts deliberately to mislead the court, Companies House or the IPA.

As well as formal disciplinary action, anyone shown to have misled the court could face a criminal prosecution.

Even with instantaneous communications across the Atlantic, Duff & Phelps did not offer a comment in response to what was said tonight. One wonders if Mr Grier is on a plane to New York as we speak, so that the GE Sigma Six black belt, Marty Bauer, MD of Duff & Phelps New York, can get some explanation from his Scottish colleague for the ever-deepening mess surrounding the UK business D&P acquired last year.

Why would, if we accept the BBC premise, a respected practitioner like Mr Grier place his reputation at risk like this? Then, in considering the answer, we need only look at the fees charged by D&P for their 8 months involved. Millions of pounds will operate as a motive for a great many things. In addition, the D&P global website mentioned that its UK arm is dealing with the biggest insolvency in UK football history. The Rangers administration offered the chance for D&P to make its name prominent in the UK.

Between them, Mr Grier, Mr Whyte, Mr Whitehouse and Mr Clark have definitely succeeded in so doing!

Posted by Paul (yellow belt in Origami):lol: :lol: McConville

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One wonders if Mr Grier in any previous working enviroment knew Mr Murray?

There are quite a few people IMO beyond the boy Whyte being let loose in the sweetie shop that should be investigated, for what they have done to Rangers fans and to Scottish football. I will not hold my breath

At least at the very end Whyte thought he should record at least one discussion with people who thought he was the perfect patsy

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One wonders if Mr Grier in any previous working enviroment knew Mr Murray?

There are quite a few people IMO beyond the boy Whyte being let loose in the sweetie shop that should be investigated, for what they have done to Rangers fans and to Scottish football. I will not hold my breath

At least at the very end Whyte thought he should record at least one discussion with people who thought he was the perfect patsy

I didn't think I was alone in the belief that Sir David Murray, Craig Whyte, Duff & Phelps & Charles Green were all linked in someway.........tongue.gifph34r.gif

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alex thomson ‏@alextomo

#c4news Friday. Exclusive: senior Scottish QC spells out what real intimidation means and takes aim at Rangers manager Ally McCoist.


Rangers Tax-Case ‏@rangerstaxcase

@THE_TBK If buyer bought in good faith, deal stands. If evidence points to Green + D&P conspiring to alienate assets, all hell breaks loose

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From elsewhere..

David Grier is the mastermind behind all of this.

MIH (Murrays company) used the Bank of Scotland as a source of easily obtainable money for years and when Murray buys the ****, the BOS throw money at them as well. David Grier at that time was an employee of BOS. Murray runs the **** almost into the ground at the same time as MIH is in a similar position. BOS is eventually bought over by Lloyds who immediately stop the free flowing cash to Murrays companies and football club. And they want their money back. Murray faces ruin and has nowhere to go. Whilst he can cover up the MIH stuff from the public, the very well publicised RFC means he will be exposed as a charlatan and as a crook. The EBT investigation by HMRC means he is in a corner and surrounded.

So this is where David Grier comes into play. Murray needs to get rid of the **** and at the same time use his compliant and obediant Scottish media to pin the blame of the **** demise on a new owner. So he needs someone who is an asset stripper, hard faced and shameless and glaiket when it comes to the fact he is just a sacrificial lamb to the slaughter. A relatively small time spiv who cannot resist the chance of a shot at a big time scam, Craig Whyte. Who is involved in the takeover between Whyte and Murray? David Grier of course. So Whyte takes over and as part of the deal Ticketus are taken for a ride in order to rid RFC of £18million of debt. David Grier is involved in the Ticketus deal as well. Whyte knows the score and that is that he, Murray and Grier all need the **** to go into administration and liquidation in order to make money, get rid of the toxic debt and lessen the EBT scandal as the focus will be on no more RFC as opposed to the tainted trophy haul it funded.

It is clear that there is a link between David Grier and the following:

David Murray

Craig Whyte


Duff & Phelps

Now that Griers company has been bought over by Duff and Phelps he can arrange payment for all of his work to date by his company being paid for the administration. Whyte goes to court and ensures that D&P are made his Administrators. Whyte has no idea he is being used as a patsy as opposed to an associate. The BBC emails from last night show that Whyte wanted a capped fee of a maximum half a million pounds admin fee and it was to be a quick process and involved OldCo/NewCo scenario when CVA was bounded by HMRC.

That shows up a few interesting revelations:

1. D&P had no intention of a quick admininstration and were looking to draw it out to get as big a fee as possible, therefore a capped half a million is now running at £5.5 million pounds. Therefore Whyte is not the shrewd crook we thought, he is being shafted royally by David Grier.

2. Whyte got rid of the Lloyds debt , therefore saved the **** £18million but he is liable for that Ticketus debt and it appears he has not tied it to the stadium but in personal liabilities. Therefore Whyte is not the shrewd crook we thought, he is being shafted by David Grier.

3. The OldCo/NewCo scenario was first floated publically by the Bill Miller preffered bid. Again this is D&P playing games and in the emails last night it was proven they had this plan at the very beginning of admin. Bill Miller was simply someone who was paid a fee for his name to be used to make out there was another group interested and for him, as opposed to Whyte or D&P, for coming up with the liquidation (and loss of history) of the ****.

Green was nowhere to be seen in all of this until the point when the Miller scenario was completed, the **** had swallowed the NewCo replacement for the word liquidation. He came from nowhere to being the preffered bigger in less than a week? Clearly D&P had him lined up at the start and the one irritation they had was the Blue Knights. Bill Miller and Bill Ng were just people paid to front supposed bids and to make out there was a demand and interest in buying Rangers. Clearly the plan all along was for Grier to rid Murray of the ****, set up Craig Whyte as the patsy to take all of the shampoo to protect Murray, use Miller/Ng as a smokescreen for Green to come in and make his play for earning money out of this swindle.

Green is due to get his £8.3million offer back by 2020 in a leveraged buy out. He is due to make £4million personally as "incentivisation" to make the deal happen. Green previously worked in Singapore, the same country who was also providing some of his supposed 20 backers and also where Bill Ng comes from and where his supposed bid was based. David Grier linked to Green via D&P and then in turn Green linked to Bill Ng.

Green will spend £200,000 and loan (not pay) £8.3 million (which in turn provides interest accrued) in order to get access to over £100 million worth of assets. A failed CVA, and it was written to fail, means he only pays £5.5 million, co-incidentally D&Ps current fee. The **** will as a result lose over £200 million worth of debt (£134 million admin day level of potential debt, £18million ticketus scammed to pay off Llyods debt, £50 million transferred from RFC to MIH and written off by Lloyds from the failed RFC share issue years back).

The **** are really being taken for a ride by Murray and his shady agent David Greir. In fact the following people are being made to lool like complete idiots by Grier/D&P:

1. RFC supporters

2. Craig Whyte

3. Insolvency Practitioners Association

4. Scottish Media (Daly as the exception)


6. Ticketus

7. The SPL

8. The SFA

9. The Police

All of the above, with the exception of 1 and 2 obviously, should be ashamed at the lack of proper investigation into the scam that is being played out in front of their very eyes.

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alex thomson ‏@alextomo

#c4news Friday. Exclusive: senior Scottish QC spells out what real intimidation means and takes aim at Rangers manager Ally McCoist.


Rangers Tax-Case ‏@rangerstaxcase

@THE_TBK If buyer bought in good faith, deal stands. If evidence points to Green + D&P conspiring to alienate assets, all hell breaks loose

Fcuk!! Hope Tesco have PLENTY of popcorn. Dont wanna miss out!:lol:

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I didn't think I was alone in the belief that Sir David Murray, Craig Whyte, Duff & Phelps & Charles Green were all linked in someway.........tongue.gifph34r.gif

A line up of of just a few of the really guilty ones. Read the guff below the photograph. Makes you want to boak. mad.gif


Edited by thelegendthatis
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Whyte & Green :lol: are venture capitalists with many holding companies and many more connected in the offshore method so the people involved remain anonymous.

It would only take one of these so called shell companies to have Green & Whyte's names on them as directors at the same time and be at an AGM then the whole saga goes into meltdown on an epic scale.

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Please have the decency to attribute the source. Just politeness. smile.gif

Huddleboard originally.. but it does answer Lord Hawhaws question about Murray and Grier............BoS.

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Mocking someones disability, what a lowlife you are.

Just as low as you Beeny ? posting pics of mentally retarded Celtic fans in a cheap effort to score points and mocking their obvious disability ! OH the ironing from you dear :lol:

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Just as low as you Beeny ? posting pics of mentally retarded Celtic fans in a cheap effort to score points and mocking their obvious disability ! OH the ironing from you dear :lol:

I haven't posted any pics of mentally retarded celtic fans in cheap efforts to point score but glad you agree about thelegendthatis being a lowlife. I expected you to defend him, kudos.

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