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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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If the fans united and spoke up about the situation, you could have done a great potential to do a lot for your club.

Now unless your telling me fans have no power at all to influence people at board room level?

If that's true, what was the point of the RSA, RST etc...?

Did the "greatest ever ranger" John Greig ever say a word despite being on the board? Nope and when it went tits up he simple walked away, no questions asked.

I'd expect better from you than this deflection tactic, "what could the fans have done"

Great attitude, one that helped sealed the clubs fate.

The "loyal" supporters should be proud not to lift a fingers when the club needed you most.

To be honest with you as a support we didn't do enough for the club in the effect that all the support groups didn't join together as one body,which was a major factor in a lack of response. The RST incidentally have not got great numbers in their membership,around 4,000 i think,but to their credit they have for a number of years been campaigning for fan ownership but under the Murray regime that was never going to happen simply because of his 85% holding. But having different factions of support opposed to each others aims for the most part was something that was never going to come together as one body. Also again to be honest there are many fans suspicious or perhaps jealous of people in certain positions within each support group so that in itself was another obstacle.

But as i said if Murray wasn't interested in dealing with the groups on such issues as support ownership,and he wasn't,then there was really very little the vast body of supporters could do,other than boycott Ibrox,which would have been detrimental to the club income wise and is something which the majority were not prepared to do. As for demonstrations,i would seriously doubt that these have much effect simply because if an owner,Murray,Whyte or whoever has a mindset to go his own way then there really is nothing a support can do.

As of today though the RST has put forward plans for the RST Community share scheme which will give fans the opportunity to buy into the scheme at a lower level than that put forward by Green,the expected launch should be next month after discussions with supporters direct and the RST lawyers.

However reading the nonsense on here that all Rangers fans are looking at all this with blind faith and ready to part with money indiscriminately is well wide of the mark and current events regarding Whyte has cetainly clouded this issue as far as the vast majority of Rangers fans are concerned. And given the conflict of interest that has arisen between Whyte and D & P i would think that it would be unlikely that they would have accepted any supporter proposal at the time of CVA as shown by the Blue Knight rejection.

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Negged? I assume you mean red dotted, well not by me as thats not my style.

OK red dotted, but it went over yer heid there - I was saying summat nice about fellow fitba fans still having a team to go enjoy (nobody can deny The Rangers are in). I got red-dotted (I assume) for saying I was glad for yez ...............someone less charitable red dotted my charitability comment! (non-Cevco)

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Yer a funny man - maybe I should have started on the Enron thefts again. I fail to understand your defence - as with Enron shareholders lost oot, you lost the historic Rangers. I got negged BTW for saying that I was glad that you n Tedi et all still had a team to support as yez like fitba - seemed petty to me!

Oh I don't know about Enron, but D+P were involved in Maddof and

Financial advisor to the Examiner in the Lehman Brother's bankruptcy

tee feckin hee.......

Edited by wunfellaff
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To be honest with you as a support we didn't do enough for the club in the effect that all the support groups didn't join together as one body,which was a major factor in a lack of response. The RST incidentally have not got great numbers in their membership,around 4,000 i think,but to their credit they have for a number of years been campaigning for fan ownership but under the Murray regime that was never going to happen simply because of his 85% holding. But having different factions of support opposed to each others aims for the most part was something that was never going to come together as one body. Also again to be honest there are many fans suspicious or perhaps jealous of people in certain positions within each support group so that in itself was another obstacle.

But as i said if Murray wasn't interested in dealing with the groups on such issues as support ownership,and he wasn't,then

there was really very little the vast body of supporters could do,other than boycott Ibrox,which would have been detrimental to the club income wise and is something which the majority were not prepared to do.

As for demonstrations,i would seriously doubt that these have much effect simply because if an owner,Murray,Whyte or whoever has a mindset to go his own way then there really is nothing a support can do.

As of today though the RST has put forward plans for the RST Community share scheme which will give fans the opportunity to buy into the scheme at a lower level than that put forward by Green,the expected launch should be next month after discussions with supporters direct and the RST lawyers.

However reading the nonsense on here that all Rangers fans are looking at all this with blind faith and ready to part with money indiscriminately is well wide of the mark and current events regarding Whyte has cetainly clouded this issue as far as the vast majority of Rangers fans are concerned. And given the conflict of interest that has arisen between Whyte and D & P i would think that it would be unlikely that they would have accepted any supporter proposal at the time of CVA as shown by the Blue Knight rejection.

I have highlighted the only part of your post that interests me 'today'.

Everyone who has taken a serious interest in the death of Rangers FC now knows about the very serious tax dodging, £140million unpaid taxes/debts that led to the imminent liquidation of your old club. They now know of the massive scale of Rangers cheating fielding ineligible players in all competitive matches against each and every opponent for over a decade.

Do you think that a fans boycott of Ibrox would have killed Rangers sooner rather than later? Genuine question. unsure.gif

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From cqn e14505.gif

I have a Heads of Terms document for the sale and leaseback of Ibrox, Murray Park and the Albion Car Park.

The purchase price for all three assets is £7.285m. In addition to this there is a £6.55m loan provision with 15% interest payable monthly (£985.5k annually). Initial rent for all three properties is £1.8m. The 20-year lease provides for upwards-only reviews every five years by either 2% p.a. or RPI, whatever is greater (so assuming RPI is less than 2% each year, after five years, rent would be £1.987m).

Annual costs for rent and interest would be £2.785m. Current season ticket sales are reported to be approximately 36,000 with a standard adult price of £286, income net of vat will be around £8.5m.

Although the top line figure for both sale and loan is £13.835, “the initial payment will be less 3 years rent [£5.4m] to compensate for the lack of guarantee covering the rental payments”, so monies paid would be £8.435m as the first three years rent is deducted from the total.

Crucially, rent is to be securitised against ticket receipts and the new landlord is to be granted “first charge on the season tickets”, so, just as Craig Whyte planned with Rangers, Sports Direct FC would collect ticket money before passing it on to the security holder.

If the buyer attains planning permission for residential properties at Murray Park, a provision releases the seller from having to repay the £6.55m loan and cancels future interest payments. This speculative clause would release the club from punitive interest repayments but would require them to find a reasonably priced ash park to train on. Perhaps the Albion Car and Training Park.

“The tenant” will be able to buyback the stadium. In year one the price would be £10m (they would still owe the £6.55m loan). The set price increases by 12% p.a. for 10 years, so the year 10 price would be £27.7m. Thereafter “price will revert to Market Value but will not be less than £20m”. The market value of Celtic Park is around £50m. There is no buyback provision for Murray Park or the Albion Car Park.

The deal is on the table but will not be signed before the share issue, or if “the tenant” wins the Euromillions Jackpot (that’s not a euphemism for Champions League money, I mean the actual lottery), or finds some magic beans.

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That is not what he said, why do you feel the need to just make things up?

My wife says that to me all the time. In fact, she said that to me the other day when I told her I'd had a three way with the fat bird from strictly and delia smith. True story.

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From cqn e14505.gif

So this share issue?

According to the Orcs the club and company are not the same thing.

The company will no longer own any physical assets.

What exactly are these shares in?

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So this share issue?

According to the Orcs the club and company are not the same thing.

The company will no longer own any physical assets.

What exactly are these shares in?

What share issue? You think there will even be prospectus's? :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I hope so, they sent me an e-mail promising me one.

I think that now Chuckie knows the game is a bogey, it will be all about getting out of Dodge whilst spending as little as possible.

Obviously whilst taking milk tokens/giros etc of the unfortunates.......

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Don't forget the comedy gold The People Together Petition. :lol::lol:


Sorry, cannae read anything by that ratb*****d........ I will guess it set the tone earlier in the days when the Orcs all came on at the same time and ripped Thommo with a good dose of whataboutary? All from the same banned song sheet I reckon........

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Same sentiments I feel when I read the shite that Toxic, Phil McMadeUpName or Dodgy Paul push out by wee foot soldiers like you ;)

At least Bill`s work is not covered in jizz stanes

It is covered in jiz all right......yours.

I presume I was right about it being a deflection piece and not actually 'news'?

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