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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Younsy, RangersTaxCase has suggested the answer to that question. RangersTaxCase has also been the most reliable and consistent source in the whole saga It has been all but confirmed that RangersTaxCase was Mark Daly's source.

Surely you are not going to ignore RamgersTaxCase's suggestions?

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Have never read this before...http://www.followfol...218/index.shtml

"The AGM was packaged in a manner that master-of-spin Tony Blair would have been proud"

"John McLelland found it necessary to pay tribute to Murray – acknowledging "what he has done for and meant to the club." Presumably this includes taking the club to the brink of bankruptcy…"

"With a Balance Sheet that resembles a disaster area,"

"one is left pondering what auditors Grant Thornton thought of this sleight of hand."

"the meeting ended in rancour when shareholder Jim Christie demanded to know why 'FOLLOW FOLLOW' was banned from the Press Box whilst the likes of Gerry McNee were granted access. Martin Bain predictably replied that 'FF' was banned because of its' sectarian content, whilst stressing that the club recognised "the freedom of the Press." He was shouted down, leaving Chairman John McLelland to close the meeting with a plea that "we must rise above all of this."

This was 10 years ago, written by Rangers fans. Obviously these fans were feeling conned by the board of the time. How prescient.

So it is unfair to brand all Rangers/Sevco supporters like Bennett, Tedi, Bendarroch, Bearwithme and Youngsy who are enthusiastic fans but obviously not the brightest shillings in the jar. sad.gif

Edited by thelegendthatis
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We entered admin due to non payment of paye by whyte, but the only reason whyte was able to buy the club was down to the fact that nobody else was willing to buy the club with the ebt tax case sitting unresolved in the background

And he or anyone else had no intention of paying it. Whyte has inadvertently done us a favour and its no wonder some laud him as a hero. Your old club would have gone into administration before the result of the EBT as again the failure to pay would have meant administration and the CVA rejected by HMRC, so they could do an autopsy on the books.

The administration and exit by a CVA was Murray's plan that way no investigation but the debts written off.

Whyte's actions ensured there is every chance of getting to Murray the real culprit, no doubt Whyte is an unsavoury character but rather than being played as a pawn he has shown why he's evaded justice for so long. No denying Whyte had his own script and has syphoned off money.

You cannot see them as separate the EBT is and will remain the big prize in this debacle which was Minty, whether you choose to believe that or not is frankly naive. Once the BDO get in and start dissecting oldco and the tax demands start falling through doors you'll then see how many others in England also pay up. Hector will light up a big fat one.

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Glad to see he is demanding accountability.

I assume he will now be coughing up the tax and national insurance payments he avoided the first time round being paid via an EBT.

Nah, thats the point Youngsy, you jumped in when it was mooted saying 'but he wasn't on the list'.

So we go on what we know, 1/ it wasn't a full list + 2/ more than 1 previous manager got paid through it.

Weight of evidence for speculation purposes is that Smith + FPLG are sweating.

Mooted,do you think so? I would think that the part in bold was more a statement of fact which can't be substantiated as there is no relevant evidence on the BBC list or anywhere else. Wouldn't you?

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Younsy, RangersTaxCase has suggested the answer to that question. RangersTaxCase has also been the most reliable and consistent source in the whole saga It has been all but confirmed that RangersTaxCase was Mark Daly's source.

Surely you are not going to ignore RamgersTaxCase's suggestions?

I'm not ignoring anything,i'm asking for conclusive evidence that McCoist has been a benificiary of an EBT. Up until this point it has all been speculation over who has received what and McCoist,for all the investigating journalism that has taken place,has not been mentioned as benefited on any media reports. Now i would think that someone as high profile as McCoist would have been looked at very closely during the BBC investigation,as would Smith,to ascertain whether he was a beneficiary and up until now he hasn't been shown as one. Not by the BBC or RTC.

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Serious question wrk, why the f**k are you arguing with retards ? :unsure:

These "arguments" have done f**k all except ruin this thread, it's the same old shite over & over without going anywhere.

Mea Culpa - it was a long night last night, and I weakened. Had a few hours kip, so I'm all better now. Just picked the wrong morning to throw their ridiculous fantasies at me, I suppose.

ETA: When it goes from the normal deflection to slanderous lies (and not just about mewink.gif), I feel they have to be called out. Does wonders for their credibility.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Strange considering you offered to meet Craig for a few pints to show him your credentials as a Kilmarnock fan.

Aaaaaand there's the money shot!. No, I didn't. Again, you're just lying. I know who that conversation was with*. You just have a vague memory that you'll twist and bend to suit your fantasies. Sad, lying little fantasist.

* And what it consisted of. You don't, as most of it took place by PM.

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We entered admin due to non payment of paye by whyte, but the only reason whyte was able to buy the club was down to the fact that nobody else was willing to buy the club with the ebt tax case sitting unresolved in the background

What's going on with the thread?

We've got Tedi making good points like above and we've got diddy fans heading down blind alleys, demanding proof of things.

Get a grip lads. There's enough genuine comedy and reasons for Rangers fans to worry, without looking for new stuff.

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What's going on with the thread?

We've got Tedi making good points like above and we've got diddy fans heading down blind alleys, demanding proof of things.

Get a grip lads. There's enough genuine comedy and reasons for Rangers fans to worry, without looking for new stuff.

I think today's little spat over the BBC's list is one of those alleys. FWIW, there's no sign of Sally (or Wattie, or insert name here) on the list, but the point is surely that the list is NOT definitive. Hence the speculation. It won't be long till we find out, anyway.

This is what happens when our expectations of action are raised, and the courts and authorities drag their heels. sad.gif

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Mooted,do you think so? I would think that the part in bold was more a statement of fact which can't be substantiated as there is no relevant evidence on the BBC list or anywhere else. Wouldn't you?

Fantastic point..................... 'if'....... Fatty had once said ''EBT's, sorry I haven't a clue about them, I never had one''

He (and grandmaster Wattie) have been very very quiet on this. Not one denial in 4 months between them.

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Quick question - The to date reliable Rangerstaxcase site seems to lend credibility to the story ran on Friday about Green having a heads of agreement to sell Ibrox & Murray Park and then rent back, if this story is true surely it's dynamite and completely blows Green's share issue out the water. Why has it been largely ignored on this forum?

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Quick question - The to date reliable Rangerstaxcase site seems to lend credibility to the story ran on Friday about Green having a heads of agreement to sell Ibrox & Murray Park and then rent back, if this story is true surely it's dynamite and completely blows Green's share issue out the water. Why has it been largely ignored on this forum?

because too many people succumb to the Orc tactic of dragging the conversation off topic.

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Quick question - The to date reliable Rangerstaxcase site seems to lend credibility to the story ran on Friday about Green having a heads of agreement to sell Ibrox & Murray Park and then rent back, if this story is true surely it's dynamite and completely blows Green's share issue out the water. Why has it been largely ignored on this forum?

:unsure: We ran with it at the time.... and as it is only 'if' there is a succesful share issue that it 'may' be valid.

Have a look back :)

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Quick question - The to date reliable Rangerstaxcase site seems to lend credibility to the story ran on Friday about Green having a heads of agreement to sell Ibrox & Murray Park and then rent back, if this story is true surely it's dynamite and completely blows Green's share issue out the water. Why has it been largely ignored on this forum?

There does seem to be a credible feel to this, but we're all wary of gift-wrapped presents. It really does seem too good to be true.

On the share issue, I think Craigie's podcast, along with Green's inability to remember what lies he's told before to maintain some consistency*, has already ensured serious investors will steer well clear. All the financial advice material linked to on here has been an unequivocal red flag. Still, we'll see, eh?

* I think the Amigos know a song about this....wink.gif

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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:unsure: We ran with it at the time.... and as it is only 'if' there is a succesful share issue that it 'may' be valid.

Have a look back :)

I've had a look back and it was discussed but very briefly, 3 or 4 posts.

Even with the qualifications this, if true, is a huge story.

Any widely reported credible suggestion of selling Ibrox (neverless selling Murray Park for possible housing) = failed share issue.

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i'm asking for conclusive evidence that McCoist has been a benificiary of an EBT.

I'm asking for conclusive evidence that McCoist wasn't a beneficiary of an EBT. So far you've been unable to provide such evidence.

The weight of probabilities indicates that he would have benefitted from an EBT.

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I've had a look back and it was discussed but very briefly, 3 or 4 posts.

Even with the qualifications this, if true, is a huge story.

Any widely reported credible suggestion of selling Ibrox (neverless selling Murray Park for possible housing) = failed share issue.

Am sure Orc Media ran a thread yesterday about canvessors asking q's re Edminston hoose, ach here it is http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=241338

Tbh, I think most folk are letting it slide because they doubt there will be a share issue, and those Canadian teachers will look elsewhere for their pension fund.

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Fantastic point..................... 'if'....... Fatty had once said ''EBT's, sorry I haven't a clue about them, I never had one''

He (and grandmaster Wattie) have been very very quiet on this. Not one denial in 4 months between them.

Have McCoist and Smith ever been asked the question about having an EBT to either confirm they had or not. Again i'm quite sure being who they are their answer would be well reported by the media and let's be honest after all the investigative journalism on this hasn't found anything linking either as beneficiaries i think if there was anything there it would have been found. After all Murray is mentioned as having benefited,as has Souness,Barry Ferguson,McCleish,Numan,Ogilvie,Advocaat,Greig,Bain,LeGuen.

The fact that all of these have been uncovered as beneficiaries but nothing about McCoist or Smith makes it unlikely that they received any EBT payment. Unless the BBC decided to leave two of the most high profile people at the club in the last twenty five years out of the listing through some sort of loyalty,again very unlikely.

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