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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Well why did you ask about the fans having a right then?

Steady, you're going a wee bit Amigo on us. wink.gif

Simply alluding to Sally's demands for transparency, stacked up against his reticence in this matter. It may be a bit late now, but at least if he stopped warning people off rangers' turf for their own safety for a minute and said "I had an EBT for £xxx - I was advised this was a legitimate payment. I now realise there were concerns over the implementation, and will cooperate fully with the investigation," he would gain some PR advantage - and wouldn't be admitting to wrongdoing.

If he didn't have an EBT, the statement is even simpler. Either way, people would have increased respect for him.

Of course, given some of Hector's recent digging at the BBC, Sally's day job might not be his biggest concern, tax-wise....

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Have never read this before...http://www.followfol...218/index.shtml

"The AGM was packaged in a manner that master-of-spin Tony Blair would have been proud"

"John McLelland found it necessary to pay tribute to Murray – acknowledging "what he has done for and meant to the club." Presumably this includes taking the club to the brink of bankruptcy…"

"With a Balance Sheet that resembles a disaster area,"

"one is left pondering what auditors Grant Thornton thought of this sleight of hand."

"the meeting ended in rancour when shareholder Jim Christie demanded to know why 'FOLLOW FOLLOW' was banned from the Press Box whilst the likes of Gerry McNee were granted access. Martin Bain predictably replied that 'FF' was banned because of its' sectarian content, whilst stressing that the club recognised "the freedom of the Press." He was shouted down, leaving Chairman John McLelland to close the meeting with a plea that "we must rise above all of this."

This was 10 years ago, written by Rangers fans. Obviously these fans were feeling conned by the board of the time. How prescient.

So it is unfair to brand all Rangers/Sevco supporters like Bennett, Tedi, Bendarroch, Bearwithme and Youngsy who are enthusiastic fans but obviously not the brightest shillings in the jar. sad.gif

IMO you're being a bit unfair to at least 2, maybe 3, on that list, in all fairness.

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lol, there are many camps in the beeb, Daly is only 1. And I doubt he would get close enough to ask questions. The ones that could, won't.

He got close enough to open and air a full investigation into the club so really that's just nonsense. He's investigated the EBT case and who the beneficiaries are and neither McCoist nor Smith have been uncovered as such. It was an in depth investigation for which he received many plaudits on here so are you or anyone else suggesting he was negligent as regards McCoist as a beneficiary.If so that would destroy his credibility within the BBC would it not.

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He got close enough to open and air a full investigation into the club so really that's just nonsense. He's investigated the EBT case and who the beneficiaries are and neither McCoist nor Smith have been uncovered as such. It was an in depth investigation for which he received many plaudits on here so are you or anyone else suggesting he was negligent as regards McCoist as a beneficiary. If so that would destroy his credibility within the BBC would it not.

Not from you or any of the other zombie 'The Rangers' fans on here he did not. As for your 'negligent' and 'credibility' comments...coming from yourself a 'The Rangers' man...that was fkn funny! laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif You people truly are the laughing stock of world football in 2012 and forever.

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Not from you or any of the other zombie 'The Rangers' fans on here he did not. As for your 'negligent' and 'credibility' comments...coming from yourself a 'The Rangers' man...that was fkn funny! laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif You people truly are the laughing stock of world football in 2012 and forever.

Seriously you really do post the most repetitive nonsense on here. Edit too add,for someone who joined this forum 10 days ago you've really got up to speed on this thread or perhaps the truth is that you're just one of these clowns that post under different names,you really are a fucking clown.

Edited by youngsy
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He got close enough to open and air a full investigation into the club so really that's just nonsense. He's investigated the EBT case and who the beneficiaries are and neither McCoist nor Smith have been uncovered as such. It was an in depth investigation for which he received many plaudits on here so are you or anyone else suggesting he was negligent as regards McCoist as a beneficiary.If so that would destroy his credibility within the BBC would it not.

No I don't think it would/does.

A/ he knows others got paid - the unnaccounted dosh.

B/ he doesn't know who

Easy peasey. It may be that it is McCoist. It may not be.

So FPLG should say, and frankly the question should have already been asked by one of a blue persuasion. It probably has, and I think we would have heard if he was in the clear.........

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Is all the money that was paid into the EBT scheme accounted for in terms of payments ? Are we now in a position to all agree that these payments were illegal ?

Why not contact Daly or FPLG or even RTC if the Beeb issued a full list or whether there are more names and whether one of them is Fat Sally.

I reckon we won't know until the full thing is exposed but then rather than constant denial some of the continuation tribe could actually ask questions relating to their club/clubs.

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There is no way that mcoist had an ebt, with the number of leakes that have already happened then this would have became public, you asked them for proof, they have none, its simply another tic wet dream

Has anyone from the supporters asked him? If not, why not?

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Some amount of fishing on the non subject of McCoist having an EBT, we were told at the time that Beebs included all EBT's and unless the disgraced lawyer or some anonymous blogger can prove otherwise thats how it is.

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He is the jakey itwasnaeme, just ignore him, this id will be banned soon enough like his other 4 or 5

If you didn't persistently and consistently post so much tedious codswallop on this thread using your numerous usernames i would ask you what the hell you are on about. But i'm old and wise enough to know that you 'The Rangers' fans are well known for accusing innocents of doing what you yourselves are and have been doing forever while pleading that you are innocent and being persecuted. wink.gif

Edited by SS-18 ICBM
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Some amount of fishing on the non subject of McCoist having an EBT, we were told at the time that Beebs included all EBT's and unless the disgraced lawyer or some anonymous blogger can prove otherwise thats how it is.


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Has anyone from the supporters asked him? If not, why not?

come on why?

what else should they ask him, "hey Ally have you ever

worn womans clothes?

snorted powder

drank windowlene

pumped a donkey

Come on if thereis a thread of evidence then aye but I think we may be clutching at straws here

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come on why?

what else should they ask him, "hey Ally have you ever

worn womans clothes?

snorted powder

drank windowlene

pumped a donkey

Come on if thereis a thread of evidence then aye but I think we may be clutching at straws here

I know the answer to the womans clothing :o (male manager of Jeanster - not me-, say no more)....

As to the why? Good God if it was any other club their own supporters would have demanded the truth, this only being 1/2 of 1/50 of 1/1000 of a percent that they should have been asking about.

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Quick question for rangers fans. Of everything goes pear shaped for your club with the whole can of worms that's been opened and if your club does really cease to exist what team will you support ?


How about you?

Edited by Bearwithme
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