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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Is nothing happening now. Thought there was supposed to be more investigations etc; Are D&P still there charging whatever .

Tomorrow ;)

Anyhoo, dont think this was posted in all that shoite yesterday

Which Company Is Charles Green Floating? Why No SH01 Lodged Re the 22 Million Shares?

In which I ponder –

  • the mystery of what Mr Green is selling
  • the likely structure of the sale
  • how likely will Rangers fans be to buy shares in the company which owns the company which owns the football club
  • the new Rangers owner having as bad luck with official forms as his predecessor, Mr Whyte


Edit for the best bit :)

How will the fans who are the main target market take the issue of the shares, if I am correct, in the company which owns the company which owns the football club?

Edited by wunfellaff
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No real disrespect to you or Pauli, but I've yet to see one "Scots Law" blog which actually changed things - the legible, Celtic version of a Leggo I'm afraid

:unsure: , in some ways,I dont want it to change anything re outcome. It is more of a point and laugh exercise at Orcs and how they will be fleeced.........

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1. Well he's already said that, but how else will they play in the Champions League?

2. And who caused that mess, The SFA or one club?And who is it affecting? Scottish football or ONE CLUB?

3. US?

4. Eh, rangers rendered themselves ineligible through non-compliance.

5. I will have a pint of whatever he's drinking. I f what the fans want drives Scottish football,There would be no Tribute Act. No celtic,either, I'll bet.

6. They were damned lucky to get a berth in the bottom tier. They should have been sine died.

7. Only one of those valuations stands out as unrealistic (in football terms). Care to guess which one? Clue: it's the one without the massive SKY income, and no international-grade sponsors. Oh, and the one which was apparently worth 5.5 million a few months ago. Or was it £2?

8. Yes, this is what the fans want. It's also what the fans currently get. Where exactly do a bunch of kids and jobbing professionals led by the dirtiest player in Scotland, fit into this dream?

Was gonna pick it apart WRK but it appears you've done it for me. I can't figure out if he's trying to compare Rangers with Man U and Real Madrid because he's fuckin stupid or if because his audience is fuckin stupid!

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Also, did I hear the radio correct that Chuckie is demanding an SPL payment due to Oldco to be paid to Newco as they have been saddled with the liabilities of oldco? The 3 days overdue wife was complaining about some pregnancy related discomfort in the car and I didn't catch the quote, the quicker they install sky plus in car radios the better!

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:unsure: , in some ways,I dont want it to change anything re outcome. It is more of a point and laugh exercise at Orcs and how they will be fleeced.........

Me too - I expressed that wrongly waking-up like a Bear with a sore heid after some excessive nonesense - oh wait, fook I've turned into fat Sal!


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Also, did I hear the radio correct that Chuckie is demanding an SPL payment due to Oldco to be paid to Newco as they have been saddled with the liabilities of oldco? The 3 days overdue wife was complaining about some pregnancy related discomfort in the car and I didn't catch the quote, the quicker they install sky plus in car radios the better!

Can you clarify please? Is that oldco who are not Cevco he wants money for? When he bought the former Rangers titles did that come with some things the he was after after but not the £94 million or even the money the buggers owed to the Scottish Ambulance Service?! :angry:

This sort of shoite by Chucky Cheese is particularly annoying I'm sure you agree

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Wonder what the oldco fuyant make of the jabba's organ this morning saying he knew Whyte was also a likely fuyant :D (oh and a crook)Jabba most likely put off his grub by this tragedy.

Reads like some ex directors thinking there might be some bad news in the offing and want to get alibi sorted :D

Parcel of rogues

Edited by LordHawHaw
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Reads like some ex directors thinking there might be some bad news in the offing and want to get alibi sorted :D

Which Ibroke icons did you mean?!

Revealed: Rangers bosses knew about Craig Whyte's shady business deadlings BEFORE Ibrox takeover


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Honestly that Rangers in their new guise are still part of Scottish football shames Scotland

The money has been stolen long ago - all we can do is laugh at the buns. All hope of recovedry of the stolen funds has gone - they pissed it away.

It is pleasig to see their old board who claimed to know nada are now shown to be liars

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"Rangers directors had access to the findings of the due diligence probe into Whyte at least two weeks before the sale was agreed."

I'm sure if we look back we'll see the buns claiming it was all the SFA's fault

Usual half arsed Scottish journalism from the usual half arse Scottish journalists

They should get a list of those who were directors at the time and ask them if they seen / knew of this report, it's not rocket science, just need to get up off your fat arses and try and do the job...shit they could even phone them

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