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Usual half arsed Scottish journalism from the usual half arse Scottish journalists

They should get a list of those who were directors at the time and ask them if they seen / knew of this report, it's not rocket science, just need to get up off your fat arses and try and do the job...shit they could even phone them

The way I read it, the board of directors in it's entirety had access to the info.

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The way I read it, the board of directors in it's entirety had access to the info.

I suppose you have to give the Daily Record credit for leading for a change, but only because "some" directors and names are looking to mitigate any news that will be coming out over the next few days, the mile deep of corruption of which we have seen about an inch.

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Which Ibroke icons did you mean?!

Revealed: Rangers bosses knew about Craig Whyte's shady business deadlings BEFORE Ibrox takeover


That'll be the Rhecord back on the hate list. If it was ever off. The truth must be concealed, twisted and regurgitated in newspeak by the orc faithful.

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Which Ibroke icons did you mean?!

Revealed: Rangers bosses knew about Craig Whyte's shady business deadlings BEFORE Ibrox takeover


That's not a dossier of proof.

It's a folder full of references for Whyte's debt clearing service.

Green and Whyte, the Winston Wolfe of football.

pretty please with sugar on top- clean the fcuking accounts
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Blue in work this morning was saying that he is definitely going to put in £500 to get shares. He knows he'll probably never see the money again, but it will help the club survive.

Green in work then asked him what he is getting shares in.

Blue - "Rangers."

Green - "The club or the company?"

Blue - "Don't know. Just Rangers."

Green - "Yeah, but is the money going to the club, you know, the team, or to the company that runs the club?"

Blue - "Does it matter?"

So the other half of the cheek goes onto explain the difference between the two. Blue is still asking him questions about it 2 hours later. He was more than willing to give "Rangers" his money, but had no idea who or where it was going to.

I bet he isn't the only one.

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That's not a dossier of proof.

It's a folder full of references for Whyte's debt clearing service.

Green and Whyte, the Winston Wolfe of football.

It's only the precusor to a November of jollies!

Am I incorrect with a recollection that Alistair Johnson swore blind he had been kept entirely in the dark by Murray about the Whyte deal? The DR stuff suggests otherwise.

Three men had a dream, five men were told to vet a deal...................BIG OOPS on both scores :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Another case of Green trying to stir emotions in the support?

Or a sign of how desperate thing are starting to look for my wee club.

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Blue in work this morning was saying that he is definitely going to put in £500 to get shares. He knows he'll probably never see the money again, but it will help the club survive.

Green in work then asked him what he is getting shares in.

Blue - "Rangers."

Green - "The club or the company?"

Blue - "Don't know. Just Rangers."

Green - "Yeah, but is the money going to the club, you know, the team, or to the company that runs the club?"

Blue - "Does it matter?"

So the other half of the cheek goes onto explain the difference between the two. Blue is still asking him questions about it 2 hours later. He was more than willing to give "Rangers" his money, but had no idea who or where it was going to.

I bet he isn't the only one.

For a second there, I thought Chasbo had come round in person to extort the dosh from your bluenose............I thought things are REALLY getting difficult! :lol:

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Green caught lying again...


If a future football historian ever asks why the club known as Rangers FC keeled over and died, this would be a nutshell example.

It's a hilarious irony. If you want thousands of Rangers fans to go through all your statements with a fine-toothed comb looking for inaccuracies or misrepresentations, then all you need to do is criticise Rangers in a newspaper.

If you want thousands of Rangers fans to investigate your past and highlight any dubious behaviours, then you should criticise Rangers in a newspaper. If you want thousands of Rangers fans to engage you in a feriocious, angry and highly partisan argument, you should criticise Rangers in a newspaper.

If you criticise Rangers in a newspaper, they won't let you rest until they've stripped you down to the bare bones. No effort or expense is too much, in pursuit of journalists.

On the other hand - if you want thousands of Rangers fans to believe everything you say without question, or to sing your praises, or if you just want them to give you vast sums of money, the way to do it is to buy Rangers. If you do that, you invest prudently or you can run the club into the ground by treating it like your piggy bank - it doesn't really matter one way or the other. You can steal directly out of their pockets while basically announcing I am stealing directly out of your pockets, and they won't complain, so long as the team wins.

And that's why their old club is dead, and the new one looking like a risky proposition.

I was thinking about this the other day - would anyone else say that Rangers fans are pretty much unique in this Swallow, Swallow attitude, in European football?

I can't think of any other large supporters group who have been suckered again and again and again, yet still come back every time more enthusiastically begging for the chance to be ripped off again. Not even in Italy.

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RANGERS set up an "Independent Board Committee" to handle the sale of the club.

Murray was not on the committee. Its members were chief operations officer Martin Bain, chairman Alastair Johnston, finance director Donald McIntyre and non-executive directors John McClelland and John Greig.

Where is good old Johnny boy these days?!?! Answers on a postcard to?

Edited by Claymores
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Just back from a pleasing break away from watching St Mirren get gubbed, by going to London for four days to see the St Louis Rams get gubbed instead... Go Patriots! The NFL is the dog's baws by the way, what a show they put on. Anyway, I digress...

These cnuts no' deid' yet? Just more of the same lying, cheating, deception, denial, deflection and general whataboutery?

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Just back from a pleasing break away from watching St Mirren get gubbed, by going to London for four days to see the St Louis Rams get gubbed instead... Go Patriots! The NFL is the dog's baws by the way, what a show they put on. Anyway, I digress...

These cnuts no' deid' yet? Just more of the same lying, cheating, deception, denial, deflection and general whataboutery?

nobody likes a Patsy poz - just ask Sir Craigie all aboots that!

And I digress - you can stick yer International Series up yer arse - that's the crap we have now instead of an entire NFLE Season. Almost equates to just having Cevco play Tic once a year at Hampden and abandon the SPL - PISH

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"Rangers directors had access to the findings of the due diligence probe into Whyte at least two weeks before the sale was agreed."

I'm sure if we look back we'll see the buns claiming it was all the SFA's fault

Next you'll be telling us that Santa isn't true. Another regurgitated article telling us bugger all that we never already knew.

Alistair Johnston and the other directors made their feelings very public over this at the time, the football authoritie were aware of Whytes background.

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Next you'll be telling us that Santa isn't true. Another regurgitated article telling us bugger all that we never already knew.

Alistair Johnston and the other directors made their feelings very public over this at the time, the football authoritie were aware of Whytes background.

Well it is too late now your company/club is going to self destruct yet again. laugh.giflaugh.gif

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