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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Cosgrove who the f**k mentioned Cosgrove?

The post i quoted clearly referred to Leggat. Do you just make things up as you go along, lying pr**k.

Doink, on 06 November 2012 - 11:23, said:http://leggoland2.blogspot.co.uk/ Odius Creep is the biggest threat to Rangers :rolleyes: Leggo goes loco

Which was quoted by FinnesTON ....

FinnesTON, on 06 November 2012 - 13:34, said:

I see he mentioned Greig being at some supporters club and being cheered rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif fuckin nuggets

Nothing to do with Cosgrove.

I mentioned Cosgrove.

You're clearly not that bright but I'll try my best - Cosgrove said (see the bit i quoted) that internet forums etc have the odd bawsack who finds offence in everything (his entire piece is quoted a few pages back, although you are probably not interested in it). You then took offence at the quote about people cheering Greig being described as nuggets, inferring the fact that it was a charity event excludes them from being nuggets, thus perfectly proving Cosgrove's point. I didn't make anything up, and I'm not a lying pr**k. Hope you get your hole soon though if you are that easily wound up.

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You then took offence at the quote about people cheering Greig being described as nuggets, inferring the fact that it was a charity event excludes them from being nuggets, t

Greig is still a trustee of the Rangers Charity Foundation. (SC033287) https://www.oscr.org...number=sc033287

With his behaviour as a Rangers director well documented, with all his personal failings, it is amazing he still has the brass neck to remain as a trustee of a charity. Anyone with any ethical standards would have quietly stepped down until the BDO investigations were completed.

Whyte who was a trustee of the same charity with Greig at least had the good grace to step aside.

2010-11. Cost of charitable activities - £230,015 (rent to Sevco, pay Greig and others). Definitely not one of the more efficient charities. In fact....make your own minds up. rolleyes.gif

Edited by thelegendthatis
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This statement is all wrong and you know it

I go watch my team for the same reason you go watch your team, we are football fans, I have attended Ibrox for over 30 years and the reasons for this are still the same, your reasoning is simply wrong

It isin't wrong Rangers as they were are dead the new entity are posing as Rangers, we reckoned so many would have realised the reality of liquidation but all this we are real Rangers is a lie.

How do you reckon I'm wrong how do you know what the Diddies were thinking ? Ok the plastics will eventually come round when they start missing you but we won't , you are totally irrelevant to us. We survive without you our turnovers , existence do not hinge on the ugly sisters.

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I mentioned Cosgrove.

You're clearly not that bright but I'll try my best - Cosgrove said (see the bit i quoted) that internet forums etc have the odd bawsack who finds offence in everything (his entire piece is quoted a few pages back, although you are probably not interested in it). You then took offence at the quote about people cheering Greig being described as nuggets, inferring the fact that it was a charity event excludes them from being nuggets, thus perfectly proving Cosgrove's point. I didn't make anything up, and I'm not a lying pr**k. Hope you get your hole soon though if you are that easily wound up.

The you should have addressed it to FinnesTON who took offense at charity fundraising. I was not offended merely bemused by FinnesTONs manner which was peculiar to say the least my lying pr**k of a friend.

Cosgrove says lots of things, most of it pish.

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Aye how dare they raise money for the Erskine hospice.

Nuggets indeed.

Out of context yet again Benny laugh.giflaugh.gif desperation it really is.

I said those who cheered Greig are nuggets the spineless Koont said and did nothing while armageddon occurred. Maybe thats why he hasn't came back he' got no connection with THE Rangers.

He did nothing , said nothing yet was aware of what was happening , dereliction of duty by an executive. Why did they cheer him perhaps if these guys had actually did what they were employed to do you'd still be able to be Rangers 1874 but instead your the cheap Tawainese import with the plastic trophies.

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The Jakey is the name that Itwiznaeme used on the old BBC boards Norm, he'll always be the Jakey to me no matter what name he goes under. Is posting stlye is so easy to spot.

I have no recollection of a "jakey" posting on 606 (if that's the board you mean). It's not the name that Itwiznaeme used on here though, and even with your typing skills it can't be too difficult to get DhenBhoy's name right. I mean, you did say that you shorten people's names, didn't you?

And who are Norman, Normy, Norm? I can't recall any of them posting on here.


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The you should have addressed it to FinnesTON who took offense at charity fundraising. I was not offended merely bemused by FinnesTONs manner which was peculiar to say the least my lying pr**k of a friend.

Cosgrove says lots of things, most of it pish.

No he didn't, he thinks they are nuggets for lauding one of your culpable directors. You brought up the charity angle, perfectly proving you look for offense in everything. And to use one of the tired old lines on here - if I'm a lying pr**k then show me proof please?

Someone who calls others by nicknames and then says they merely shorten others names could certainly be considered a liar.

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What happened was do with Whyte not paying Taxes and other assorted bills, you need to be able to seperate that from the seperate EBT case norm.

Why should anyone need to separate them when the administrators see fit to admit to one big 94 million liability to Hector?

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The you should have addressed it to FinnesTON who took offense at charity fundraising. I was not offended merely bemused by FinnesTONs manner which was peculiar to say the least my lying pr**k of a friend.

Cosgrove says lots of things, most of it pish.

You appear from being over exposed to Leggo's blog , apart from Teddi, Bendi and a few others everyone else is just laughing at your feeble attempts at whereaboutery in defending the likes of Grieg. Its why your in this position that anything rangers is good anything not is a conspiracy against ra people . You are a bad joke , a parody of you former selves but you don't get the joke .

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You appear from being over exposed to Leggo's blog , apart from Teddi, Bendi and a few others everyone else is just laughing at your feeble attempts at whereaboutery in defending the likes of Grieg. Its why your in this position that anything rangers is good anything not is a conspiracy against ra people . You are a bad joke , a parody of you former selves but you don't get the joke .


They won't be half as much fun when reality kicks in!

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Why should anyone need to separate them when the administrators see fit to admit to one big 94 million liability to Hector?

But before the liquidation they were separate issues and HMRC rightly took them as individual issues. This was an attempt to lay blame at the door of HMRC not act on Whyte sooner, my take on that was that HMRC had no grounds on the company as for 140 years Rangers paid their taxes and the EBT big tax case and the small tax case were all treated as separate entities.

All this stuff is to lay blame on Whyte but the HMRC or any company deals with the company in this case a football club even when they have a different chief executive/ owner. Company law treats the company as the same but not after said company is liquidated .

Only a real brain dead walloper would/could believe Rangers newco and the same as oldco.

There maybe 40 odd thousand shouting they are the same but they aren't they are dead it may follow the same horrible doctrine but that doesn't mean its continence.

The King is Dead, long live the King . it isin't the same it maybe part of a dynasty with shared values and family bloodlines etc but a different individual.

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100% right, all thoughts of what was best for Rangers had disappeared by that point, Murray is a classic tale of Hero turned Villain, what he should have done was see out the BTC but that would have meant savage cost cutting and selling almost the entire 1st team along with sacking his bum chums in the board room and above all else coming totally clean with the fans, but that would have meant admitting his arrogance had landed the club in this situation and that was obviously beyond him

NAH ! I'm not buying completely into what you posted there.

Way back when Celtic ditched the Junhino EBT saga and paid all the relevant tax due,Rangers under Murray should have realised sooner to save cash and put it by ending the now EBT fiasco years ago and went legit 8 years ago.This would have only meant Rangers would have a far lesser tax bill but he kept it running for over 6 more years and actually increased the amount paid each year.

BUT ! your fans would have left in droves if these players weren't bribed in by EBT enhancements ! so it was a damned if you do and damned if you don't.Ibrox would have been an emptier stadium if he went legit earlier because of crappy results on the park by above average players that they would have had to field if Rangers was legit.

So once again we come back to ! it was the fans expectations that killed the club either way !

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The you should have addressed it to FinnesTON who took offense at charity fundraising. I was not offended merely bemused by FinnesTONs manner which was peculiar to say the least my lying pr**k of a friend.

Cosgrove says lots of things, most of it pish.

If you know what pish looks like, have a read of this. biggrin.gif

The meeting of the Oceania Rangers Supports Association. Held in Perth Australia 30th September 2011.

What a difference a year makes! unsure.gif

ORSA Secretary Andy McKnight and Gary Bellingham from Perth RSC were the ORSA delegates at yesterday's Rangers Supporters Assembly meeting which was attended by delegates from NARSA, Rangers Supporters Trust, Rangers Supporters Association, Blind Party, Disabled Supporters Club as well as the Ulster, Scottish and UK RSC's.

The event was a little special in that this was the first time the RSA delegates had met in an official capacity with the new regime at Ibrox. All the heavy-hitters were present laugh.gifincluding the Chairman and Owner Craig Whyte, Director of Football Gordon 'Smudger' Smith, Chief Operations Officer Ali Russell, Head of Business Development Jacqueline Gourlay, Supporters Liaison Manager Jim Hannah and Ramsay Smith who is Director at Media House (Rangers PR).

Sadly Rangers Manager, legend and all time top scorer Mr Alistair McCoist MBE had a family commitment and was unable to attend. Having now twice missed the opportunity to meet my hero (once in Sydney, and yesterday) it'll need to be third time lucky for this bear.

Andy Kerr, RSA President welcomed our esteemed guests whilst Jim Hannah kept the meeting ticking over to the previously circulated agenda. This meeting, which is normally held quarterly, gives the Assemble delegates the opportunity to directly engage with the board and it was pleasing to see the new regime make the time in their busy schedules to sit down and listen to the views, opinions, feedback and some of the usual moans and groans from around the table.

A wide ranging agenda discussed some of the following key issues:

· Craig Whyte's 'privilege' to be our new owner and chairman (Did he look you in the eye when he said that?)

· The reality of the tough times we're facing to increase revenue, reduce costs and keep a winning team on the park (Simple formula. Shame all 3 targets were missed)

· How the 'bumps along the way' (e.g. HMRC) will require some serious decisions to be made but that our new owner has plans in place to deal with it ( laugh.gif Aye administration!)

· How Ali Russell is encouraged by what the future holds and spoke of the demands of loyalty made by our great support to and by the club as the basis in which we can work collaboratively

· Smudger and Ramsay Smith were equally frustrated by the media reporting of our summer transfer business and spoke of how they've adopted new strategies to handle the press (Large orders placed for succulent lamb?)

· How Murray Park will re-focus on 'best practice' to deliver the best young Scottish talent for Rangers (Worthy of a week long series of workshops on its own)

· That the board are looking at new markets and local partnerships for 'sister academies' and how they'll seek assistance from the Rangers Family in making these connections locally (pub teams any good?)

· Why the club is very unhappy with the persistent leaks around confidential matters surrounding the HMRC issues (stop the truth getting out)

· Why Ibrox Stadium needs to be activated more than just every match day and how Ibrox may be rocking to a few different tunes in future (like clap you hands if you hate Montrose/Peterhead/ East Fife??)

· How the board are focusing time and energy to leverage political support and investment stimulus for the G51 proposal/Ibrox Village and Commonwealth Games events (Is this serious?)

· Ali Russell spoke of the work going on behind the scenes to arrange 1 or 2 glamour friendlies given our lighter than usual footballing calendar (When the lovely Leah can come back from Turkey?)

· The success of Rangers Official Facebook page (now over 200,000 likes) and the way forward proposed by the newly created Social Media Officer (Tedi by any chance?) to harness this worldwide interest

· The 'robust and frank' conversations with JJB around the current merchandise offer and marketing and the legacy of a financially rewarding yet inflexible contract agreement (Two toothless tigers trying to out stare each other)

· How a Rangers museum is still bubbling away as part of the larger strategic and commercial opportunities that the new board are investigating

Overall, the tone of the joint meeting was positive and the chairman, board and management team all seem to be on the same page going forward. It does appear that no stone is being left unturned in their appraisal of the club and that a collaborative dialogue with the support will be actively encouraged as they look to bring success and stability on and off the park. As always actions, speak louder than words and with so much change they'll no doubt be some highs and lows along the way. (You didn't know the half of it)

The RSA then held its AGM where Andy Kerr, RSA President kick-started a long discussion on how best to align the existing and organisational structures and bodies that make up the Assembly with the new directions the club is investigating. It was acknowledged that with the new regime getting prepared to make some changes to the club then this was a time to reflect and take stock if the RSA has the correct governance arrangement and structure to move forward.

Whilst no consensus was agreed the organisations represented recognised the need to develop a greater stake in the stewardship of issues surrounding match day experience, assisting the club with identifying new income streams and developing better political and media relations to be an authoritative and respected voice for all Rangers fans. (In other words hang around the fringes, wear a blazer and pretend to be important)

Why was the Rangers Ambassador not there?

And the next highlight!

Still not booked your flights to come to the ORSA Annual Sash Bash in Perth on the weekend of Friday 24th to Sunday 26th February 2012?

The AGM will be hosted by Perth RSC and it's going to a cracker with plenty of top class events, the obligatory AGM and best of all we'll have 9IAR legends in attendance. Andy 'The Goalie' Goram is confirmed plus we have 'local' heroes Ian Ferguson and Stuart Munro also lined up to make an appearance over the course of the weekend (Perth Glory at home that weekend so it'll be in between their official match day duties).

Edited by thelegendthatis
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Anyone know what the hell is goin on at mordor 31st dec is this the date that's penciled in as the 3rd rising

Greenes launching the 1st Rangers moon rocket but needs investment only 100 places on the first trip but by paying a deposit this week and clearing the balance by December 25th your in the ballot for a seat, please send your bank A/C number Branch and log in password to Astro Rangers Space Event for the attention of one of the following:-

Chief finance officer Mr C Whyte (not the same guy honestly) PO Box 21, Monaco

Future investment CEO Mr M Moonbeams (it's his real name honest) PO Box 11, St Helier, Channel Islands

Commander in chief Mr C Greene, The old post office, Emerdale, Yorkshire

To speed the process up send a different A/C number to each and also TREBLE your chance of a seat on the 1st flight.

Please note if you have trouble accessing your funds or account details this is only whilst we carry out due dillegance from the Cayman Isles

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