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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Except it is just a fantasy in your head...fact

More straws, More Seethe

GIRUY!! Pleasing

Not fantasy son.....do a wee google search, you'll see that rangers football club is in the process of liquidation.

That is a fact & there is not one person on this planet that can deny it (apart from sevconians, but you lot are from a different fuckin planet anyway).

Live in denial if it keeps you happy. :D

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Yes of course I have posted shite. I do so on a regular basis.

However, I tend to post shite on lots of threads.

What's true is that too much shite has been posted about us. More than is justified.

Sure we have had our short comings.

Hey let me give a challenge.

Lots of Bears on here have been honest and admitted our guilt. Many of us have said we were mismanaged and that we overspent on players. I'd have said that a fair-few P&B Bears have been pretty humble and have kept posting through the flack.

The challenge is this:

If you totally misjudged the outcome of the Big Tax Case and miscalled Rangers for owing in excess of £100M then come and apologise. If you made any comment about new hospitals and schools then come and apologise. If you are one of the people (and they do exist) who said that Rangers were responsible for deaths because of The BTC then come and apologise.

Oh, I made plenty of comments reference the size of the fraud. The size of that fraud remains unchanged, and no weaselling will remove the stain from the last chapter of rangers' history. So no apology from me. Whether it was rangers, MIH, Murray himself, the MBB, or whoever, the country, and many honest businesses, has been massively defrauded. All the potential culprits have one thing in common, so no, rangers are not vindicated in my eyes. Whether the club can be held responsible in law is one thing, but the club indisputably provided the environment.

A common theme this week, with the sad news about Sandy Jardine, has been "it's only football". Well, the footballing side of this scandal is about to take centre stage again (unless Charlie makes any more predictionswink.gif). I don't believe the SPL and SFA are finished with rangers yet. Titles don't affect the new club - they have no history to strip - but wasn't a condition of SFA membership acceptance of ALL punishments relating to rangers? If those players are found to be incorrectly registered, the SFA might beat Charlie Boy to the coup de grace.

By all means enjoy today, although I fail to see how it's a victory. It means that your club died for a fraction of the amount that was thought. Had this verdict been known in May, rangers might still be alive and playing in the SPL. But think of all the fun we'd have missed - no deadlines, no Mr Custard, no Cockwomble, no quantums......

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Im not sure if you've done it but I had a look at the first few pages of the thread. You made the 15th post:


"HMRC will NOT cut a deal with Rangers.. Rangers will pay the full amount or they will be liquidated... "

So you got both right: 1. We were liquidated. 2. HMRC did NOT cut a deal with us.

However, the reason they didn't was simple: We executed a legal scheme.

You need to learn to read, that wasn't me.

The more I read about the case the more I was convinced the tax scheme was legal. Whether or not Rangers won the BTC it was still the driving factor in the downfall of the company. Murray didn't want to chance it and Craig Whyte was the only willing party to take on the liability. He then subsequently ripped of £9M in tax, gave out fantastically massive contracts with the determination of going into administration and restructuring of all debts.

So Rangers might have won in court and HMRC might get less of a pittance from the corpse but the Big Tax Case is still what ultimately killed Rangers by placing them into the hands of Craig Whyte.

HMRC are clueless, reading the judgment it looks like they have a lot of case law running against them in this area. The current tax code is clearly not fit for purpose if such schemes like Rangers and Jimmy Carr et al are able to rob the state so easily.

Off to read the dissenting opinion...

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Not fantasy son.....do a wee google search, you'll see that rangers football club is in the process of liquidation.

That is a fact & there is not one person on this planet that can deny it (apart from sevconians, but you lot are from a different fuckin planet anyway).

Live in denial if it keeps you happy. :D

^^^^seething IMO

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Oh its far from over re the BTC, and even if it was then they killed the club for nothing. A partial victory.....and quite possibly won't be resolved until after the zombie club is slain...............

goosygoosy says:

Monday, November 19, 2012 at 22:47

#39#0#Rate This


Sevco may be in a race against time.


On 3 Dec BDO will hold a Creditors Mtg

On that date Creditors will learn whether any Creditors have disappeared from the Creditors List

If some Creditors have disappeared then it`s good news for those who remain.

There will be fewer Creditors to share the pot


The disappearance of Creditors is extremely bad news for any Sevco fans gullible enough to believe their club is debt free.

Any Creditors no longer on the RFC list will be Creditors of Sevco.

The prime Candidates for a “disappearing act” are:

Ticketus………. who hold a contract for RFC STs worth £40m

Whyte…………..who holds a floating charge over Ibrox and MP worth £27.5m

Close Leasing.. who holds a floating charge over Ibrox and MP worth £xm

Of these, the most likely candidate for a re appearance is Ticketus. It makes no sense for them to lie down and give up when £40m was at stake. For a modest investment of say £8m they could have acquired Ibrox and MP and thus ensured their ST contract was moved away before RFC were legally liquidated.

One simple clue in all of this is the Octopus Investments accounts for the year ending June 2012. If Octopus thought they had lost money on the Ticketus2 RFC contract they would be obliged to make some kind of provision in their annual accounts

No provision was made. All Octopus did was register a floating charge over Ticketus on March 14 2012.This means that when the time is right Octopus can liquidate “Ticketus” thus liquidating all the little Ticketus sub cos. This will include the largest sub co called Ticketus2 who specialise in RFC STs. When Ticketus is liquidated all funds and profits are repaid to dozens and dozens of investors in all the Ticketus sub cos. Buried among these investors are the names of the people who have been investing in RFC STs since 2009


On 3 Dec it is possible that one or more of the Creditors may leak the fact that Ticketus are no longer on the RFC Creditor List

Thus begging the question.

What happened to the RFC debt to Ticketus of £27m associated with the RFC/Ticketus ST Contract worth £40m ?

If Ticketus are still owed this money because the debt was transferred as part of the RFC Sale Agreement then Sevco have a £40m millstone round their neck. This has to be disclosed sooner or later. Questions will be asked if Ticketus are no longer and RFC Creditor on 3 Dec

This rather suggests that the goodwill Green has enjoyed may be about to evaporate. He may be forced to pre-empt a leak by announcing that a major reason for the fund raising is to reduce the debt owed to Ticketus

Not long to wait

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Looks like the side letters should have been registered with the SFA and SPL

As I read the document, page 38 reflects the evidence of Mr. Thomson and not a finding of the Tribunal.

In fact, the thrust of Thomson's evidence is that the EBTs and associated side-letters were part of the player's 'wage' (p38, line 41). However, the Tribunal found that they were in fact recoverable loans.

Edited by Paquis
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^^^^seething IMO

:lol: :lol:

I can assure you there is not the slightest bit of anger from me, this story still has a long way to go.

Enjoy your wee moment of triumph, but the fact remains, rangers football club are in the process of liquidation.

Made bigger Just in case you have trouble reading (or understanding) it. :D

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:lol: :lol:

I can assure you there is not the slightest bit of anger from me, this story still has a long way to go.

Enjoy your wee moment of triumph, but the fact remains, rangers football club are in the process of liquidation.

Made bigger Just in case you have trouble reading (or understanding) it. :D


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Guest Kincardine

You need to learn to read, that wasn't me.

I apologise and given you a greeny by way of redemption. I hadn't realised that 'ghost' and 'jim m' could occur in two different user names.

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Oh dear oh dear oh dear..... even in a moment of triumph sevconians still cant come up with a valid, sensible response.

So....Can i ask for a 3rd time...Why are sevco fans so happy about this ?

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So, when Gio De Stefano gets the Admin/Liquidation revoked. :rolleyes:


I will be writing an open letter to BDO/DP and Court of Sessions seeking as a shareholder of RFC PLC a revocation of admin/liquidation...

Who will the fans decide to support? 1-Oldco, 2-Newco or 3 the the Rangers? :unsure:




Edited by kiddy
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So, when Gio De Stefano gets the Admin/Liquidation revoked. :rolleyes:

Who will the fans decide to support? :unsure:


No the opposire, he wants to merge oldco and newco :lol: :lol: :lol:

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