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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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If any Mods are watching, you might want to launch this geezer. Keeps havering about Jews and "the Rothschilds" secretly being in charge in a bizarre and disconcertingly Naziesque fashion.

You wouldn't stand for this constant crowbarring of Muslims or Catholics into every thread, and his Hebrew fixation is giving me the boke. Highly sinister.

Better to get rid, I reckon.

You're not the only one who's noticed. A holocaust denial issue was a recent stink hanging around him.

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You're not the only one who's noticed. A holocaust denial issue was a recent stink hanging around him.

I honestly don't know where you get that from you delusional alias WUM. wink.gif

I have no "I S S U E S" with the holocaust, it happened, and at no time ever online or offline have i ever denied that it did.

See my signature silly fella.

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They didn't die on a technicality. The died because of huge debt - irrespective of the big tax case.

I genuinely struggle to empathise with OF fans. Their experience of - and relationship with - football is so remote from my own.

I have little sympathy for Rangers fans, arguably the biggest supported team in Scotland and with one of the largest fan bases in Europe and the fact most of them stood back and let this happen, never got organised until it was far too late, never asked the important questions when the club started to struggle, utter blind faith and ignorance. Before all this unfolded a few years ago I used to hear from them "we don't care as long as we are winning", well they're still winning and they stiil don't care, given the continued apathy and gullibility shown towards the new owner and the fact the club is now in the 4th tier of Scottish football.

I believe Craig Whyte has lied through out his reign at Rangers and he continues to do so now and the HMRC are not responsable for the death of that club, Craig Whyte and his associates are, this is how they make their money taking companies in financial trouble and moving them into a situation where administration is the only direction then selling the assets and I'm quite sure he has taken more than the 5.5m out of that club. Rangers fans have not just been cheated out of their club but their money and its going to take months to unravel the lot especially the mess left by Craig Whyte.

David Murray can be blamed for setting Rangers on this course but as far as I knew until the banking crisis, Rangers were digging themselves out of the debt with the plan they had worked out with Lloyds.

I also believe that Rangers own privileged standing in Scottish football through out history and also the influence in the corridors of power in the SPL , SFA and the SFL in the past had allowed them to opporate in a manner where they could get away with certain 'discrepancies' without question, bringing about circumstances that would lead to the club's downfall. If everyone had been doing their job the use of EBTs and how to use them legally would have saved a lot of time and money, but I think Rangers fate was sealed the day when Craig Whyte took over.

Edited by CityDave
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Interesting point that I wasn't aware of, that hasn't been raised in other media I've seen...

"In a 145-page report, the judgment of Kenneth Mure QC and Scott Rae, solicitor — if not tax expert Dr Heidi Poom — was that: ‘The payments are loans, not earnings, and so are recoverable from the employee or his estate".

Which means: the two lawyers who found in Rangers' favour thought the "loans" scheme was just on the right side of the law, that they were only partially guilty of dodging tax, and that the club was extremely reluctant to co-operate with investigators.

The tax expert who found against them said (and I paraphrase) that the whole scheme was a massive and obvious scam clearly aimed at intentionally ripping off the taxpayer and that the club dodged, ducked, dived, weaved and generally did everything within its power to avoid justice.

It changes nothing, of course - the verdict stands regardless.

Nonetheless, it's an interesting point to bear in mind if you're interested in discovering what actually happened rather than what HMRC were able to prove in court. The case, of course, adjudicated on the latter issue, rather than the former.

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The tax expert who found against them said (and I paraphrase) that the whole scheme was a massive and obvious scam clearly aimed at intentionally ripping off the taxpayer

Is that not the whole point of LEGAL Tax avoidance schemes...To bend the law. To find a loophole somewhere. The point and only relevant point is the FACT that EBTs, when properly used, are legal.

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Is that not the whole point of LEGAL Tax avoidance schemes...To bend the law. To find a loophole somewhere. The point and only relevant point is the FACT that EBTs, when properly used, are legal.

Oh, sure. I'm just pointing out that their Lordships who found in your favour were lawyers, whereas the one who found against you - and who seems to have found Rangers totally guilty of operating a massive, deliberate tax fraud - appears to be an expert in exotic tax evasion schemes.

Again, we have to note that this changes nothing. Clearly the two judges were convinced by Sir Dave's lawyers' "Oh aye, these are those kinds of loans that never have to be paid back, everybody's heard of them," patter.

It's just interesting to see that the actual expert on tax evasion on the panel is calling a spade a spade in the very bluntest terms, while the lawyers accept that a spade may possibly, if you look at it with your eyes screwed up, be a precision instrument for the removal of subterranean artifacts, or a toothpick.

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Oh, sure. I'm just pointing out that their Lordships who found in your favour were lawyers, whereas the one who found against you - and who seems to have found Rangers totally guilty of operating a massive, deliberate tax fraud - appears to be an expert in exotic tax evasion schemes.

Again, we have to note that this changes nothing. Clearly the two judges were convinced by Sir Dave's lawyers' "Oh aye, these are those kinds of loans that never have to be paid back, everybody's heard of them," patter.

It's just interesting to see that the actual expert on tax evasion on the panel is calling a spade a spade in the very bluntest terms, while the lawyers accept that a spade may possibly, if you look at it with your eyes screwed up, be a precision instrument for the removal of subterranean artifacts, or a toothpick.

Or maybe Mizz Poon is a tax expert in the same way Lord Carloway is a legal expert ;)

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I do like the quote from marvin:

‘You are at a big club like Rangers and you are told that everything will be all right.'

Now, it turns out that everything was alright... But why would you even need that reassurance... And why would rangers feel the need to offer that reassurance as it was a loan, on top of the players wages.

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Car cash of an atricle from Mark Hately in the DR: Link

A LOT of bridges have to be built with Rangers following their tax victory and a good place to start would be for an immediate lifting of the transfer embargo.

I was under the impression that the transfer embargo related to the non-payment of tax and NI last season.

Once the club went into liquidation they had to be relegated so there's no problem there.


Edited by lanky_ffc
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I do like the quote from marvin:

'You are at a big club like Rangers and you are told that everything will be all right.'

Now, it turns out that everything was alright... But why would you even need that reassurance... And why would rangers feel the need to offer that reassurance as it was a loan, on top of the players wages.

Well, why would a player need to be reassured that the EBT scheme wasn't a criminal rip-off?

The answer to that question is probably the same as all the others about Rangers' conduct which are yet to be answered - a few examples of which...

- Why did David Murray offer to settle with HMRC for £10m, if he knew he was innocent of a majority of the charges?

- Why did Rangers refuse to cooperate with the HMRC investigation by withholding as much documentation as they possibly could, if they knew the club was innocent of a majority of the charges?

- Why wouldn't David Murray agree to accept liability for the tax case when selling the club, if he knew he was innocent of a majority of the charges?

- Why wouldn't investors buy Rangers with the tax case hanging over it, if they knew the club was innocent of a majority of the charges?

- Why did David Murray sell the club he purportedly loved to a conman for a pound, if he knew he was innocent of a majority of the charges?

- Why did Craig Whyte stampede the club into liquidation ASAP, if he knew the club was innocent of a majority of the charges?

- Why did Duff & Duffer act as if the club was liable for the tax case, if they knew the club was innocent of a majority of the charges?

- And why did everyone associated with Rangers over the last ten years deliberately stretch out this case as long as possible, even though doing so was massively harmful to the club's finances and survival prospects, if they knew the club was innocent of a majority of the charges?

Well, if you think the two judges are correct, Rangers did these things "Because they were innocent of a majority of the charges".

If you believe Ms Poon, they did them more or less "Because they were guilty as sin, fully expected to be found guilty and were deliberately attempting to frustrate justice".

I guess it's up to you, which story you believe. Like I say, the case delivers a verdict upon whether HMRC can prove the case they're making. The question What actually happened - well, that's an entirely separate issue.

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It's hardly unusual for the subjects of investigations to be reluctant to hand over information. That's very often the way it goes. Moreover, Rangers had sensitive commercial and personal information. They were entitled - indeed had obligations - to keep that confidential. The tax authorities have various powers that they can use to get info and it's up to them how they use them.

As for offering to settle the case, again that's not unusual especially if it's causing you major hassle, could cost you serious legal expenses in any event, and you can never be absolutely sure how it will go.

The squirming of the anti-Rangers mob over this verdict this is highly amusing.

Edited by Bearwithme
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