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Oh, thank God we've got Bennett to make sure P&B remains a valuable resource for fans of all teams to exchange views in an atmosphere of mutual respect. rolleyes.gif

As you completely failed yesterday's challenge, Bennett, here's another one - maybe a bit easier....

See if you can find three non-rangers fans on here* who think you are anything other than a mendacious, disrespectful, bigoted halfwit with nothing positive to contribute to the discussion if the possibility of defaming a fellow "P&Ber" will do instead.

*Weasels who put "Scotland" as "my team" don't count, BTW.

That's a tad unfair, I don't think he's a halfwit.

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Wait a minute was Tom English not also reporting that Rangers were dead and impounding doom as late as last week?

Indeed and he was right then too.

There's nothing inconsistent in attacking the vanity fuelled errors of RTC, while also highlighting the hilarious drivel that emanates from Charles Green.

I can see why some our friends on the forum might struggle with it all though. After all, English is an enemy of 'the people', is he not?

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Oh, thank God we've got Bennett to make sure P&B remains a valuable resource for fans of all teams to exchange views in an atmosphere of mutual respect. rolleyes.gif

As you completely failed yesterday's challenge, Bennett, here's another one - maybe a bit easier....

See if you can find three non-rangers fans on here* who think you are anything other than a mendacious, disrespectful, bigoted halfwit with nothing positive to contribute to the discussion if the possibility of defaming a fellow "P&Ber" will do instead.

*Weasels who put "Scotland" as "my team" don't count, BTW.

Looks like a job for a secret agent Norm.

You know what to do ;)

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Wait a minute was Tom English not also reporting that Rangers were dead and impounding doom as late as last week?

Which is why i wrote about all those journo's who believed RTC's every word, the amount of backtracking in the last week has been astounding.

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Indeed and he was right then too.

There's nothing inconsistent in attacking the vanity fuelled errors of RTC, while also highlighting the hilarious drivel that emanates from Charles Green.

I can see why some our friends on the forum might struggle with it all though. After all, English is an enemy of 'the people', is he not?

This is what is making the reactions of rangers fans so bewildering to me. A bit of "told you so", and a smidgeon of "f**k you lot" is fine - many of us called it wrong in the end not totally wrong, mind, given the partial guilt established - and the fans of rangers are quite entitled to their day in the sun. Those of them who didn't just crawl out when they thought it was safe, anyway. But....

The FTTT (that's three Ts, btw) verdict materially changes nothing. The club are still dead (or soon to be so) - the verdict doesn't change that. If anything, the dirty laundry aired in the verdict of the FTTT may well tip the SPL's hand when it comes to the allegations of fielding ineligible players - the SFA might take some action as well.

When Charlie agreed to conditions for obtaining a licence, did he not agree that the new club be responsible for any footballing penalties handed out to rangers? If I were at ICBINR, I'd be less concerned with the titles of the old club than the possible fines that could soon land on the new, blameless club's doormat. How much of a financial hit could they afford to take?

As I say, were I of the blue Ugly persuasion, I'd be saying, "right, that's that out of the way, we got away with most of it. Now what's next?" From posts on here, many bears cannot even see that the FTTT and the SPL investigation are actually separate deals, looking at totally different (alleged) wrongdoing.

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Oh, thank God we've got Bennett to make sure P&B remains a valuable resource for fans of all teams to exchange views in an atmosphere of mutual respect. rolleyes.gif

As you completely failed yesterday's challenge, Bennett, here's another one - maybe a bit easier....

See if you can find three non-rangers fans on here* who think you are anything other than a mendacious, disrespectful, bigoted halfwit with nothing positive to contribute to the discussion if the possibility of defaming a fellow "P&Ber" will do instead.

*Weasels who put "Scotland" as "my team" don't count, BTW.

He's still not got back to me where i "twisted his words", & that was only a couple of hours ago at most.

And he accuses others of talking shite. :lol: :lol:

Or should that be. :angry:

Ach who cares...rangers are deid & sevco are heading the same way.

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This is what is making the reactions of rangers fans so bewildering to me. A bit of "told you so", and a smidgeon of "f**k you lot" is fine - many of us called it wrong in the end not totally wrong, mind, given the partial guilt established - and the fans of rangers are quite entitled to their day in the sun. Those of them who didn't just crawl out when they thought it was safe, anyway. But....

The FTTT (that's three Ts, btw) verdict materially changes nothing. The club are still dead (or soon to be so) - the verdict doesn't change that. If anything, the dirty laundry aired in the verdict of the FTTT may well tip the SPL's hand when it comes to the allegations of fielding ineligible players - the SFA might take some action as well.

When Charlie agreed to conditions for obtaining a licence, did he not agree that the new club be responsible for any footballing penalties handed out to rangers? If I were at ICBINR, I'd be less concerned with the titles of the old club than the possible fines that could soon land on the new, blameless club's doormat. How much of a financial hit could they afford to take?

As I say, were I of the blue Ugly persuasion, I'd be saying, "right, that's that out of the way, we got away with most of it. Now what's next?"

From posts on here, many bears cannot even see that the FTTT and the SPL investigation are actually separate deals, looking at totally different (alleged) wrongdoing.


The Bears that you are referring to are in for a BIG surprise if they truly think that the FTTT investigation absolves Rangers FC (R.I.P.) of cheating (fielding ineligible players) during the last ten years of its life.

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I like the way the RFC mob believe that the SPL commission is a kangaroo court designed specifically to strip Rangers' titles AND that there's no way it could possibly strip Rangers' titles.

And I hope David Murray does take some kind of legal action against bloggers or Hector. I suspect he won't, because of his well-known aversion to any kind of scrutiny of his business affairs. By which I mean, the man is a cheating rat and even the slightest scrutiny makes that clear.

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The Bears that you are referring to are in for a BIG surprise if they truly think that the FTTT investigation absolves Rangers FC (R.I.P.) of cheating (fielding ineligible players) during the last ten years of its life.


Did you not learn from the last time, a think the term is innocent until proving guilty.

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Did you not learn from the last time, a think the term is innocent until proving guilty.

4 men ha dad ream ?

Bennett banned and aliased already :blink: ?

Say it ain't so Bennett................

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Did you not learn from the last time, a think the term is innocent until proving guilty.

Yes, indeed, "Innocent until proven guilty", i'm all for that.

Now, Click the red link below and read in full that which is contained. smile.gif



[2012] UKFTT 692 (TC)


Appeal number: SC/3113-3117/2009

Income Tax and NIC – Schedule E – emoluments/earnings – tax avoidance

scheme - Remuneration Trust – employees' individual sub-trusts –

"protectors" - (1) whether payments by employer into trust represent

emoluments subject to PAYE and NIC; - (2) whether benefits (particularly

loans) derived by employees from the Remuneration Trust represent

emoluments subject to PAYE and NIC; - (3) "Ramsay" doctrine – whether

applicable – whether trust and loan arrangements artificial and fall to be

disregarded; - No - Appeal allowed.




- and -




Mr Kenneth Mure, QC

Dr Heidi Poon, CA, CTA, PhD

S A Rae, LLB., WS

Sitting in private at George House, 126 George Street, Edinburgh on 25 October –

5 November 2010, 18-21 and 26-28 April, 3-6 May and 7-10 and 16 November 2011, and

16-18 January 2012

Andrew Thornhill QC, Mark Studer, Jonathan Bremner and Thomas Chacko,

Barristers, for the Appellants

Roderick N Thomson, QC., instructed by the Office of the Advocate General, for the



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