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Fair enough,the SPL vote is accepted but after the vote went against the club why then did SPL clubs want the club fast-tracked into the first division.

Was it the clubs or was it Doncaster??? I seem to remember he was pushing this too

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Fair enough,the SPL vote is accepted but after the vote went against the club why then did SPL clubs want the club fast-tracked into the first division.

Well that's easy.

The SPL chairmen wanted to appease their own fans by not admitting the Newco to the SPL. However, they wanted any financial damage restricted by getting them into the top flight within a year.

It was disgraceful and was upliftingly rejected by most SFL clubs. That mine wasn't among this majority is a source of real anger and shame.

I've no difficulty in dealing with truths, even if they involve being hugely critical of my own team. Give it a try.

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why then did SPL clubs want the club fast-tracked into the first division.

It was fan pressure that prevented the new club from starting life in the top division. It was fan pressure that prevented the new club, team & business from starting life in the first division. The chairmen of the SPL clubs and the high heid yins of the SFA (along with the vast vast majority of the MSM) wanted to circumvent their own rules and allow the new club to start off as high as possible. Chuckie Cheese himself was desperate to start his new club and business in the SPL. So much so he is now in the huff. Fan power, of a kind never seen pre internet, won the day.

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Transference of the SFA membership from oldco to newco ensures the continuation,Henrik. Whether people accept that or not is up to them.

Rangers' share in the SPL was transferred to Dundee. Does that mean that Dundee are also a continuation of Rangers?

There would have been no need for transference of membership if there had been continuation.

Whether people accept that or not is up to them.

Edited by Captain_Sensible
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It was fan pressure that prevented the new club from starting life in the top division. It was fan pressure that prevented the new club, team & business from starting life in the first division. The chairmen of the SPL clubs and the high heid yins of the SFA (along with the vast vast majority of the MSM) wanted to circumvent their own rules and allow the new club to start off as high as possible. Chuckie Cheese himself was desperate to start his new club and business in the SPL. So much so he is now in the huff. Fan power, of a kind never seen pre internet, won the day.

I seem to recall it was also the new sevco supporters who said after the vote by the SPL the only place they wanted to play was the third division and as far as they were interested they wanted to punish those SPL clubs by having at least a three year absence.

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Transference of the SFA membership from oldco to newco ensures the continuation,Henrik.

Rubbish. Following that logic implies that when Gretna's membership was transferred to Annan that Gretna "continued".

This also fails to recognise that it was not a transfer of the full membership. It was a granting of a new conditional membership as is the norm for brand new members.

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Correct. There wasn't a vote as to whether the club remained in the SPL.

There was a vote as to whether the brand new club called The Rangers should gain entry to the SPL.

Which was rightly rejected the only issue anyone should really have are those who believed the new entity should have been made to apply for league membership and should not have simply been able to transfer membership from oldco to newco.

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Strange to see the normally sensible Youngsy having a complete 'mare today, not actually knowing what the vote was for.

Added to that, Bendarroch's been imagining things, believing either the SPL board or clubs, have been quoted as saying Rangers aren't welcome to be a part of the SPL. Mind you, when you've spent the day restructuring Scottish Football's knock out competitions to allow yout team more money, your brain will get fried

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Strange to see the normally sensible Youngsy having a complete 'mare today, not actually knowing what the vote was for.

Added to that, Bendarroch's been imagining things, believing either the SPL board or clubs, have been quoted as saying Rangers aren't welcome to be a part of the SPL. Mind you, when you've spent the day restructuring Scottish Football's knock out competitions to allow yout team more money, your brain will get fried

More like - if a man's carefully-constructed outrage wholly depends upon him not understanding simple facts, he'll probably find a way to misunderstand it.

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1354804319[/url]' post='6870106']

No thanks. I fail to see why the wee Hibs (for example) bring 4 or 5 hundred to Ibrox should result in them waltzing off into the distance with half the gate. When Aberdeen visited Kilmarnock at the tail end of last season the radio reports suggested they took less than 100 fans to the game - on what grounds should Killie give them half the gate?

As for Rangers - SPL clubs have already told us they neither want or need us. On that basis - I'm as certain as I can be they wouldn't want our money.

Maybe if you let their allocation exceed 500, they might contribute more to the attendance? Then they can contribute more.

Your lot and the other lot in the East End have skewed the attendance ratio for years. I'm delighted if you get ripped for 50%-you've collectively been tucking over opposition supports for years. f**k youze - it's your turn now.

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1354803178[/url]' post='6870046']

Tell you what,let's not bring up the issues of the last decade(where you get 25 years from i don't know),let's just concentrate on the present topic. Rangers fans feel that every SPL club,with the exception of Dundee,tried to exploit the support after rejecting the club from the SPL by trying to fast-track the club into division one,in order to hopefully get the club back into the SPL in hopefully the shortest timespan,only for the reason to get back as quickly as possible lost revenue from games v Rangers,whether you agree or not that is reality.

Many of those clubs voted against the club remaining in the SPL because of threat of boycott from their fans,that was the right of fans,now Rangers support are implementing that same right,with the full backing of the club. That is the stance of the support,or vast majority and the stance of the club. If people don't agree with that then that's too bad,i wouldn't think it is likely to endear the club to fans outside Rangers but the support feel they have a principle involved in this and the club backs the support on this.

There's a difference between the fans taking control of the situation, and the club taking control of the situation.

On this occasion, Charlie is acting like a proper, ahem, Charlie.

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Like to explain that? Let me guess,more nonsense about new club. The part in bold,were Rangers in the SPL last season and was there a vote as to whether they would remain in the SPL,a yes or no will suffice on that question.

Seems that some are trying to re-write history.

This from the BBC on 4th July 2012

Rangers newco refused SPL entry after chairmen vote

Rangers will not play in the Scottish Premier League this season.

SPL chairmen met at Hampden to vote on the new club's application to replace the old Rangers in the top flight.

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