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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I'll go further - they're in full-on bulshitter mode at the moment.

When it was convenient to say that liquidation meant death and the end of Rangers, they all said it - directors, staff, fans' groups, it was all Show Liquidation The Red Card, Rangers must not be allowed to die etc etc.

Now that it's convenient to pretend that liquidation *didn't* mean death and the end of Rangers, they won't shut up about continuation and licences etc and so on.

None of this has anything to do with whether liquidation meant death. The Teds aren't interested in the reality of that situation at all. If it's now convenient to deny reality, then they'll all deny reality 24/7 until everybody gets bored with the argument.

Which makes this argument pretty redundant, IMO. If one party in a discussion is blatantly bullshitting for personal gain, you should disregard 100% of their points as too tainted to be reliable.

Spot on.

"The Rangers" fans will argue the point forever. The Ladies doth protest too much though.

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Th P&Bers won't like this.

On behalf of everyone at the Scottish Football League I would like to add my sincere congratulations to Rangers on Achieving this magnificant milestone in the club's history.

Rangers have brought great honour and distinction to Scottish football throughout these 140 years and the club has risen to every challenge it has faced.

There is something rather poignant that after 140 years the club is once again a member of the organisation it helped found in 1890 and we are honoured and proud to have Rangers in the league.

To everyone involved in the club and its remarkable and loyal fans Happy Anniversary.

David Longmuir

Chief Executive

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I detect sarcasm in that bit. :lol:

Edited by beermonkey
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See I don't mind if calling my team a diddy team gives you comfort. It's about all you lot have right now.

I hate to break it to you, but me and 50,000 of my pals were at Ibrox yesterday - your diddy club wasn't mentioned. Not even once. To be fair, there was a certain amount of chat about the wee Hivs mind you.


And yon other Hivee from yesterday seems to have gone awfy quiet after I asked him if it's V2 of the club he supports these days - and how many of V1's trophies they lay claim to in their history.

I wonder why...


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The fact that you are on here posting more about my team more than you post about you own team, shows that you dont actually believe what you just wrote

My club will always have more than your club, but then you already know this

So why you feel superior that your club support is better than everyone else? Hypocrite more proof that you're club is dead. A9sBUztCYAAAEmd.jpg

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I hate to break it to you, but me and 50,000 of my pals were at Ibrox yesterday - your diddy club wasn't mentioned. Not even once. To be fair, there was a certain amount of chat about the wee Hivs mind you.


And yon other Hivee from yesterday seems to have gone awfy quiet after I asked him if it's V2 of the club he supports these days - and how many of V1's trophies they lay claim to in their history.

I wonder why...


I'll answer.

I don't give a f**k how many trophies we lay claim to. Or that the club suffered an insolvency event back in the midst of time. I don't even care if you call it a different club.

I don't support my club because they win things (obviously!).

I support the same club I went to see first when I was 6 years old (you don't).

Why does it matter to you how many trophies you think you've won. Should you not just be happy that you have a club to support.

The answer is no because you are a supremist, arrogant and blinkered, glory hunting, vacuous fool.

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Because they're fannies, and because they've clearly got too much spare time on their hands?

I think it's much more than that.


They wanted to kill Rangers. It didn't work out for them - the approaches to CAB and now the TS are borne of this ultimate in frustration.

It's a cognitive dissonance overload for the plastic community - they were told Rangers would die, but look! The c***s are still playing at Ibrox in blue and thoosans oh they *** basterts are turning up as if nothing happened. Wurse than aw that - the c***s are winning!


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The fact that you are on here posting more about my team more than you post about you own team, shows that you dont actually believe what you just wrote

My club will always have more than your club, but then you already know this

You believe that too if you want, I don't mind.

Truth is I enjoy watching you lot squirm and argue that black is white.

Let's not also deny that the liquidation of Rangers f.c. was and is a big topic in Scottish football. I, being a Scottish football fan, have been following with interest and enjoy the debate.

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Guest Kincardine

Can anyone disagree with the last banner? The SFA? Not for for purpose? Sounds like a given to me.

Not for for purpose?

Illiterate etc... ;)


Good point, Cliche. I made a c**t of that. Be lenient, though. It was after midnight. Drink had been taken. I was also watching this fabulous video montage which should bring a wee tear to the eye of anyone who loves Scottish football:


I wish my auld man was still alive so I could have taken him to Ibrox yesterday. He'd have loved seeing Bobby Brown and Johnny Hubbard coming on to the park as they were players from his era.

This is where the 'nae history' bollocks breaks down. History exists in people's memories and from generation to generation - not in Companies House.

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That is no more proof than other of the shite you post daily, my club is superior to yours, this is just a fact proven twice on the pitch this season

Until such times as your club pay creditors ANYTHING, never mind 100p in the £. Your club will forever be treated like something you may stand in from time to time.

& I don't mean a football ground.

Edited by kiddy
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Should you not just be happy that you have a club to support.

The answer is no because you are a supremist, arrogant and blinkered, glory hunting, vacuous fool.

Just like you, I support the same club I was first taken to see in the 60's as a five year old. Rangers.

You don't give a f**k about your history because it would make you look like a complete and utter two-faced tool if you had the brass-neck to mention it.

I know who Hibs are, a club I've enjoyed watching our team play against more times than I care to recall down the decades.

If you want to talk fitba, nae bother - if you want to slam into our club them expect it back in spades. 75 of them if you like.


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The fact that you are on here posting more about my team more than you post about you own team, shows that you dont actually believe what you just wrote

My club will always have more than your club, but then you already know this

Just to add that my club has honour, integrity and a clear conscience.

And normal credit and banking facilities.......

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Just like you, I support the same club I was first taken to see in the 60's as a five year old. Rangers.

You don't give a f**k about your history because it would make you look like a complete and utter two-faced tool if you had the brass-neck to mention it.

I know who Hibs are, a club I've enjoyed watching our team play against more times than I care to recall down the decades.

If you want to talk fitba, nae bother - if you want to slam into our club them expect it back in spades. 75 of them if you like.


That first paragraph is wrong.

See that second paragraph though, it's just blown my mind.

There ain't no mirrors in your house.

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This is where the 'nae history' bollocks breaks down. History exists in people's memories and from generation to generation - not in Companies House.

Very true, which is why it is vital to bury the zombie offspring forever.........

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It just did not goto plan at all for them, they spend more time speaking about Rangers now than they ever did before and their rhetoric is starting to sound desperate, poor wee souls

I don't know if you listened in to Radio Clyde earlier in the week - but there was one plastic in particular who's voice was tremulous, shaking with barely contained rage.

"Whit aboot Manchester! Whit aboot tax! 'Ra hospitals! They ur pyoor evil!"

Silence in response from the studio panel followed - wonderful stuff. It cheered me up no end to think of wee Declan sitting at home, spent and crying after his call.


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I don't know if you listened in to Radio Clyde earlier in the week - but there was one plastic in particular who's voice was tremulous, shaking with barely contained rage.

"Whit aboot Manchester! Whit aboot tax! 'Ra hospitals! They ur pyoor evil!"

Silence in response from the studio panel followed - wonderful stuff. It cheered me up no end to think of wee Declan sitting at home, spent and crying after his call.


I bet he was.

Having just qualified from the group stages of the champions league.

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