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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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And I remember the shower of bananas that the plastics greeted him with when he made his debut at darkhead. Your point, caller?

My comments on Powar's shame were not intended to excuse anyone else's moronic racism.

Are you sure that happened?

Was that not at Tynecastle?

Happy to be wrong.

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I can tell you that very few of my Rangers supporting pals are handing over money to Green.

Most of us might chuckle at his comments - very few have their eyes closed.

Ultimately he's not important. If he fucks us over he'll be chased. We'll still be right there supporting the club long after he's fucked off with his pension.

Only time will tell. I'm old enough and wise enough to recall the first half of the 1980s when the old Rangers were better than the new Rangers are today, they were playing in the Premier League not Scotland's fourth tier league, they were less shiter than the team you are watching today being a more appropriate description of how good a team they actually were, to be fair. Crowds at Ayebroke Stadium during that period were often below 10,000 back then when the old Rangers were playing in the Premier League. It will take a minimum of another 3 years before the new Rangers can be judged on the field of play in a Premier League. Those currently attending Ayebroke Stadium are currently in limbo. You don't know if your new club will survive that minimum of 3 years. Like i said you are in limbo. smile.gif

Edited by SS-18 ICBM
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Can someone please copy and paste this for me, i'm stuck in work and cannot access that site from my office before anyone moans about me asking dry.gif

IT is the boast and the cry which has rung down through the ages inside Ibrox and throughout Scottish football, but which seems sadly neglected by Rangers fans these days.

And it is one which I know was a particular favourite of that most rugged, raw and in-touch-with-supporters of all Rangers managers, big Jock Wallace.

So today I ask, whatever happened to....We Are The People?

Have Rangers supporters forgotten how to boast about their team’s superiority over all others? I simply can’t believe that. Or do they fear it may give offence to the most easily offended folk in world?

After all, those folk have a history of complaining about just about everything Rangers supporters let rip with. Including that proud boast of...We Are the People!

But surely Rangers supporters are not afraid of offending the oh so easily offended? Surely they are proud enough of Rangers, what they have been, what they are and what they are sure to become, to bellow boldly...We Are The People!

And to do it even if – or perhaps, actually because – it gives such offence to the easily offended.

In recent years We Are the People often seems to have given way to Simply The Best. But now, more than ever before, there is surely a need inside every Rangers supporter to re-assert their feeling of Rangers’ superiority in that most traditional of ways. Which is to simply let rip with the age old Ibrox war cry of....

We Are The People!

And there’s no section of the Ibrox crowd better equipped to lead off the rest than the all singing, always noisy and highly entertaining Union Bears.

In recent weeks I remarked that their repertoire of songs and chants, while loud and proud and containing some stunning new stuff, in particular Four Men Had A Dream, did them proud, but that they should not forget the old favourites and I was heartened to hear them go through a number of those old favourites at the very next game, which just so happened to be Rangers’ 140th birthday party.

Now I hope they respond again and when Annan play at Ibrox on Tuesday night, those loud and proud Union Bears lead the fans in a rousing loud and proud chant of....


...... AND.....

THE news that former Rangers chairman and still a great champion of the Ibrox cause, Alastair Johnston, has invested in shares as the new regime gets set to launch the Ibrox club on the Stock Exchange, is a big boost for the Rangers Supporters Trust.

Indeed, the fact that AJ is keen to show his support for grassroots Rangers fans who cannot afford the £500 needed for an individual investment and is ploughing his own cash in via the Rangers Supporters Trust scheme, is another nail in the coffin of those who have acted in such a strange fashion for Rangers supporters, by trying to damage this avenue for buying into Rangers.

For AJ’s move is a stunning endorsement of the hard working men and women on the Rangers Trust and comes at a time when they have, for some strange and inexplicable reason, actually had much of their good work on behalf of Rangers undermined by attacks from other Rangers supporters, hard though it is to imagine that such folk exist.

I can also bring news today to all the many readers of LeggoLand scattered throughout the world.

Rangers fans in America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Thailand, Vietnam and all over Europe, who check in here on a regular basis, will be pleased to learn there is nothing to stop them buying into the dream of the resurgent Rangers and becoming shareholders.

Fans who are based abroad and who want to invest directly into Rangers need only open an account in Britain. They can also invest by contacting Simply Stockbroking.

There is still time for Rangers supporters, wherever they are, to invest directly the minimum of £500 to become shareholders, or for fans at home or abroad to follow the lead of former chairman Alastair Johnston and True Blue and make an investment via the FSA approved and regulated Rangers Supporters Trust.

Those who do buy, or who support those who are buying in – as opposed to those who have actively worked against this scheme to raise money for Rangers – will have earned the right to join the Union Bears in their cry of....


as the man said 'Dear God'

Do you think the penny would ever drop that the 'feeling of Rangers Superiority' is one of the key elements in their demise and a major reason that they are widely despised.

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as the man said 'Dear God'

Do you think the penny would ever drop that the 'feeling of Rangers Superiority' is one of the key elements in their demise and a major reason that they are widely despised.

No, but and it is fun to think that many of them may have failed to learn the recent lessons that they have been taught by their 'superiors'. Karma will continue to haunt them until they stop behaving like neanderthals. smile.gif

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I can also bring news today to all the many readers of LeggoLand scattered throughout the world.

Rangers fans in America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Thailand, Vietnam and all over Europe, who check in here on a regular basis, will be pleased to learn there is nothing to stop them buying into the dream of the resurgent Rangers and becoming shareholders. (apart from common sense and needing to think first before throwing tenners doon a drain)

Fans who are based abroad and who want to invest directly into Rangers need only open an account in Britain. (Subject to financial rules and regulations concerning illegal money transfers, money laundering etc, etc, for which you need to jump through burning hoops (no pun intended, no references Guy Fawkes or to supporters of a 'Tic persuasion intended) ) They can also invest by contacting Simply Stockbroking.

There is still time for Rangers supporters, wherever they are, to invest directly the minimum of £500 to become shareholders, or for fans at home or abroad to follow the lead of former chairman Alastair Johnston and True Blue and make an investment via the FSA approved and regulated Rangers Supporters Trust. (eh?:blink: )

Those who do buy, or who support those who are buying in – as opposed to those who have actively worked against this scheme to raise money for Rangers – will have earned the right to join the Union Bears in their cry of....


Edited by Happy Buddie
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Following our match against Rangers last saturday it was brought to our attention 2 pages within the programme referred to several Rangers players transferred from "oldco" to "newco" and indeed ignored the history of Rangers Football Club over 140 years.

Due to time restraints in producing the programmes our Programme Editor had accepted the pages submitted by our correspondent however Montrose Football Club readily accept any content printed within the programme must be our responsibility. At no time was the information on players or the club printed to create a slight to anyone connected with Rangers Football Club or indeed ignore a proud and successful history therefore, Montrose Football Club very much regrets the pages included may have caused offence and we unreservedly apologise to Rangers Football Club, the management, players and supporters if they felt this was the case.

Last Saturday's match was played in a great atmosphere and spirit therefore we are equally saddened these pages caused offence.

The Directors

Montrose Football Club

Good statement, hopefully an end to all the pettiness

We all laugh at Leggo but he's right, the WATP card can still be effective. (against the likes of the mighty Montrose anyway)

ETA: "caused offence" FFS!!

Edited by Fasda
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Following our match against Rangers last saturday it was brought to our attention 2 pages within the programme referred to several Rangers players transferred from "oldco" to "newco" and indeed ignored the history of Rangers Football Club over 140 years.

Due to time restraints in producing the programmes our Programme Editor had accepted the pages submitted by our correspondent however Montrose Football Club readily accept any content printed within the programme must be our responsibility. At no time was the information on players or the club printed to create a slight to anyone connected with Rangers Football Club or indeed ignore a proud and successful history therefore, Montrose Football Club very much regrets the pages included may have caused offence and we unreservedly apologise to Rangers Football Club, the management, players and supporters if they felt this was the case.

Last Saturday's match was played in a great atmosphere and spirit therefore we are equally saddened these pages caused offence.

The Directors

Montrose Football Club

Good statement, hopefully an end to all the pettiness

I must disagree with part of the Montrose statement.

The transfer of players from Oldco to Newco is actually a big part of Rangers / The Rangers history and well played to the programme contributer for not ignoring it.

(facts - not pettiness!)

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I would call it over sensitiveness from (some) Rangers fans, personally it never bothered me

In fairness, it was you who called it pettiness, in the OP (original post).

Def: Petty: Characterized by an undue concern for trivial matters, esp. in a small-minded or spiteful way.

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Following our match against Rangers last saturday it was brought to our attention 2 pages within the programme referred to several Rangers players transferred from "oldco" to "newco" and indeed ignored the history of Rangers Football Club over 140 years.

Due to time restraints in producing the programmes our Programme Editor had accepted the pages submitted by our correspondent however Montrose Football Club readily accept any content printed within the programme must be our responsibility. At no time was the information on players or the club printed to create a slight to anyone connected with Rangers Football Club or indeed ignore a proud and successful history therefore, Montrose Football Club very much regrets the pages included may have caused offence and we unreservedly apologise to Rangers Football Club, the management, players and supporters if they felt this was the case.

Last Saturday's match was played in a great atmosphere and spirit therefore we are equally saddened these pages caused offence.

The Directors

Montrose Football Club

Good statement, hopefully an end to all the pettiness

I take it links park was threatened with an arson attack then ?

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Following our match against Rangers last saturday it was brought to our attention 2 pages within the programme referred to several Rangers players transferred from "oldco" to "newco" and indeed ignored the history of Rangers Football Club over 140 years.

Due to time restraints in producing the programmes our Programme Editor had accepted the pages submitted by our correspondent however Montrose Football Club readily accept any content printed within the programme must be our responsibility. At no time was the information on players or the club printed to create a slight to anyone connected with Rangers Football Club or indeed ignore a proud and successful history therefore, Montrose Football Club very much regrets the pages included may have caused offence and we unreservedly apologise to Rangers Football Club, the management, players and supporters if they felt this was the case.

Last Saturday's match was played in a great atmosphere and spirit therefore we are equally saddened these pages caused offence.

The Directors

Montrose Football Club

Good statement, hopefully an end to all the pettiness

Obviously, terrified for their personal safety and that their Stadium might be torched by the sectarian f*ckwits.

Blue Vermin are dead !!!

The Newcunto F.C. will hopefully be deceased very soon.

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