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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The problem here is that you have posters like young Dhesnboy reading stuff on blogs then copy and pasting it on here without really understanding just how complex it is.

I'd say that the vast majority on here don't fully understand (myself included) company law, football rules an regs, admin/liquidation etc. It's obvious that most of the views on here are not coming from the posters involved, they are merely parrotting what they've read elsewhere.

Shite that takes years to learn was mastered by the P&Bers in a matter of hours.

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The problem here is that you have posters like young Dhesnboy reading stuff on blogs then copy and pasting it on here without really understanding just how complex it is.

I'd say that the vast majority on here don't fully understand (myself included) company law, football rules an regs, admin/liquidation etc. It's obvious that most of the views on here are not coming from the posters involved, they are merely parrotting what they've read elsewhere.

Shite that takes years to learn was mastered by the P&Bers in a matter of hours.

I would say it is far from 'complex'...... Rangers were at it, then died.

All the rest of it is soley down to the Footba Authorities trying to retain the 'brand' due to financial self interest, and The People acting like Hayley Joel Osment.

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On the subject of transferring to become a new (club) legal entity ..

Beautiful article for reference and clarity ... couple it with other governing bodies references to club structures.

It makes the club and company argument so much clearer if you understand the concept of the original club as a legal entity and structure with members etc.

Guide to Club structures and legal entiities ......

As Tedi is fond of saying ... 'dem's de rulz'.

Cue Tedi or any other member of the Amigos Association picking on a random spelling error, a minor point that may be subject to a bizzare out of left field quibble, and then use that to declare the entire piece invalid - or 'tic blog fantasy'

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I read the same article yesterday.

I assumed that it would have been dismissed previously on the grounds of the Author's name or suchlike.

Thereafter, I assumed the claim would be that because of that, it had been discredited and no longer up for discussion. It's what I've seen happen quite a bit.

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The problem here is that you have posters like young Dhesnboy reading stuff on blogs then copy and pasting it on here without really understanding just how complex it is.

I'd say that the vast majority on here don't fully understand (myself included) company law, football rules an regs, admin/liquidation etc. It's obvious that most of the views on here are not coming from the posters involved, they are merely parrotting what they've read elsewhere.

Shite that takes years to learn was mastered by the P&Bers in a matter of hours.

Its not complex at all. Its very simple.

Rangers are in liquidation. Sevco bought some of the assets from Rangers (a club, titles and trophies are not amongst the list of assets purchased) and then renamed themselves "The Rangers".

This brand new club called The Rangers are starting life in the Third Division.

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Guest Kincardine

Catholosisim is the original Christian religion any other version of it has been extracted from it by definition regardless

More breathtaking ignorance from you. Christianity predates Catholicism and The Catholic Church isn't the oldest. Can you stop promulgating this unalloyed pish?

BTW, since you most likely overlooked my post from few days ago I feel I should repost it

Sorry, I missed this and wasn't ignoring it.

You asked:

I'd still like to know what punishment you would have given your team for not paying PAYE & NIC? Sevco fans are notorious for dodging this issue.

I don't have any issue with the punishments we've had. They're all pretty fair and reasonable.

My issue is with the process and how decisions were arrived at. The SPL handed the SFL a dreadful hospital pass and then tried to take the piss out of the rest of football. The SFA were ignorant and impotent. Not one iota of leadership.

So I don't quibble with the outcome but the handling of the situation was thoroughly inept.

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Sorry, I missed this and wasn't ignoring it.

You asked:

I'd still like to know what punishment you would have given your team for not paying PAYE & NIC? Sevco fans are notorious for dodging this issue.

I don't have any issue with the punishments we've had. They're all pretty fair and reasonable.

My issue is with the process and how decisions were arrived at. The SPL handed the SFL a dreadful hospital pass and then tried to take the piss out of the rest of football. The SFA were ignorant and impotent. Not one iota of leadership.

So I don't quibble with the outcome but the handling of the situation was thoroughly inept.

In fairness, you did offer a similar answer previously, and Youngsy has done so too.

It was Bennett who bleated about wanting to be treated with fairness.

When asked what 'fair' would mean in this context, he jibbered something about me answering my own question and failed to respond when asked to explain how I had.

He did however offer Bendarroch a greenie for saying the sanction should have matched the one given to Hearts.

I like Bennett, but he does enjoy a bit of evasion, not just from his favourite team.

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I see a lot of reference to the fact that it is the company who owns the SFA membership. Can anyone furnish me with a link to something from the SFA which confirms this. Indeed, do the SFA make the distinction between the "club" and "company"?

I don't think it is the case, but I am happy to be proved wrong.

Before the SFA was formed clubs didn't need to be a company until the league was formed.

To be a member of the SFA league a club had to become a company to trade in football,clubs now started to charge money to watch football and liabilities had to be met with a company based club to adhere to laws of the land of making money.The club had to morph into a company if it wanted to play in the SFA league and is a legal requirement when the exchange of money is involved.Even junior clubs have to be registered with companies house as they charge money to watch their unpaid footballers.

The club is in fact the company that makes money by playing football in the leagues.If the club goes bust by overspending then it becomes liquidated just like what has happened to Rangers.

I can in a way relate to Rangers fans saying it's the same club to which in many ways it still is but unfortunately for Rangers fans the club actually died first before reforming again.There are differences to the old club and that will never change ! the companies house registration and the change of name from Sevco Scotland to the old clubs name and the sale of assets to Charles Green when the old club was very much still alive.

It's still "A" Rangers team that plays football at Ibrox these days but the old club died first before the reformed club could lay claim to still be any sort of continuation of "A" Rangers team and can in my opinion can lay claim to to the dead clubs history as a sort of continuation but it is not the club that won any honours the old club won.

But we all know Rangers fans will still claim it's the very same club even when the powers that be broke their own rules in order to accommodate and pander to the Rangers fans who would not have supported the new club unless they were in a way conned into believing it's a continuation of a member club ! notice how they carefully word it ! member club and don't actually say it's the very same club by an act of transferring of the licence when they didn't do that for any other liquidated club that reformed ?.

No one ever thought that Celtic or Rangers would ever go bust EVER and everything that happened later is a result of the powers that be did not EVER think that such a thing could ever happen.They were caught out with their pants down and panicked like rabbits in the headlights and broke many rules to accommodate and pander to a very large support and gave Charles Green just about every opportunity to reform the dead club in a CLONE image to replace the dead club like nothing ever happened only for one thing MONEY.

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In fairness, you did offer a similar answer previously, and Youngsy has done so too.

It was Bennett who bleated about wanting to be treated with fairness.

When asked what 'fair' would mean in this context, he jibbered something about me answering my own question and failed to respond when asked to explain how I had.

He did however offer Bendarroch a greenie for saying the sanction should have matched the one given to Hearts.

I like Bennett, but he does enjoy a bit of evasion, not just from his favourite team.

If i said you answered your own question, then you must have done so. For the life me i can't remember it but i'm sure it was memorable for you.

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Guest Kincardine

To be a member of the SFA league a club had to become a company to trade in football.

Celtic joined the SFL when it was formed in 1890 and because a limited company in 1897. Ergo you're talking yet more unmitigated pish to try and make some club-company link that defies any kind of logic or history.

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Celtic joined the SFL when it was formed in 1890 and because a limited company in 1897. Ergo you're talking yet more unmitigated pish to try and make some club-company link that defies any kind of logic or history.

Maybe you have forgotten that laws have changed over the years Kincardine ! these laws change over the years and clubs eventually had to become a company when the rules and laws were changed to accommodate newer climates.

A club needs to become a company to "A" be liable for liabilities as required by governmental laws and "B" in order to trade monies received through playing football as required by the laws of government and taxable incomes.

You cannot turn back the clock to the good old days when a club could be a club regardless of it's company status.If you have a team,stadium & a league to play in then you have to become a limited company BY LAW or you cannot play football.You cannot reverse this situation and ditch the company status to rid yourself of huge debts and still be a club as the club is the company that was dead.

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Celtic joined the SFL when it was formed in 1890 and because a limited company in 1897. Ergo you're talking yet more unmitigated pish to try and make some club-company link that defies any kind of logic or history.

Out of curiosity (I really don't know)...................was our membership 'transferred'?

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Guest Kincardine

Maybe you have forgotten that laws have changed over the years Kincardine ! these laws change over the years and clubs eventually had to become a company when the rules and laws were changed to accommodate newer climates.

I have no interest or view on laws changing. What you said was very clear:

Before the SFA was formed clubs didn't need to be a company until the league was formed.

To be a member of the SFA league a club had to become a company to trade in football.

This is just not true and undermines the rest of the tortuous logic you used to construct your flawed argument.

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Club and company are separate.

Celtic fans can argue the fact all they want, but why does it matter to them?

The only thing that matters to Rangers fans is the annals which list the honours and so far all of them point to Rangers continuation, the ECA statement takes this endorsement outside Scotland, all this talk of footballing authorities somehow colluding to perpetuate a lie is just another typical tic paranoia case.

Lord Glennie is also not likely to perpetuate a lie ;)

It would be different if the Rangers situation was unique but it clearly is not, Middlesborough, Fiorentina, Derry City and Hearts have all went through liquidation events with different companies now operating the same clubs, with again continuation recognised in each and every case.

Is that the same thing as ths titles that nice man Charles Green boughtsmile.gif

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