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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Biggest waste of talent ever.

Beating yer Wife / GF is not cool, despite our discussion on here earlier, but then that was just a (rather successful) fishing trip by me, no apologies given.

Do you mean the flute playing business? anybody that got offended by that is a big softy just like anybody that got offended by the holy goalies antics, I laughed like f**k at both incidents.

The goal aginst Scotland in 96 was a low point even though he was one of our players, utterly brilliant effort but depressing as f**k for me on that day.

Did I mention biggest waste of talent ever?

Aye. I met him and Seb Rosenthal (mind him?:lol: ) in Glasgow Hilton when they were both at Rangers.

Gazza was sober. He was actually bang on and good craic. He signed an autograph for my wifes wee brother, which the wife made me ask for :ph34r:

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Aye. I met him and Seb Rosenthal (mind him?:lol: ) in Glasgow Hilton when they were both at Rangers.

Gazza was sober. He was actually bang on and good craic. He signed an autograph for my wifes wee brother, which the wife made me ask for :ph34r:

Cool story,bro.

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He was in your own words convicted of wife beating, obviously the circumstances were already disclosed, he was still convicted.

This makes him a horrible individual, this kind of behaviour is unacceptable in my book.

The only logical explanation to anybody not accepting this conclusion is (1) they accept this kind of behaviour and perhaps even participate in similar behaviour themselves (2) they have some other reason for not condemning the man, perhaps he is a relation.

Either way they would have shown their true colours, a nasty vindictive sort, and I pity those that have to share existence with such a person, hopefully they are few.

Biggest waste of talent ever.

Beating yer Wife / GF is not cool, despite our discussion on here earlier, but then that was just a (rather successful) fishing trip by me, no apologies given.

Do you mean the flute playing business? anybody that got offended by that is a big softy just like anybody that got offended by the holy goalies antics, I laughed like f**k at both incidents.

The goal aginst Scotland in 96 was a low point even though he was one of our players, utterly brilliant effort but depressing as f**k for me on that day.

Did I mention biggest waste of talent ever?

Starnge how a "horrible individual" becomes merely "not cool" when they wear a blue shirt.laugh.gif

I think you'll find the "fishing trip" was Bennett's, Tedi. You were just along for the ride, as normal. If you're going to claim credit for something, make it something that didn't make the originator look like a prat. laugh.giflaugh.gif

Oh, I can't wait for Bendarroch to have a go at you flying your double standards high....laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

p.s. HT, I was keeping Gazza up my sleeve until I'd caught all three - but Tedi's spectacular hypocrisy was worth the early strike.laugh.gif

ETA: Actually, I think the penny may have dropped for Bennett around about, oh, let's call it 22:22, in post 108071. A classic "dignified" retreat from the Amigos' Moral Guardian....wink.gif

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Starnge how a "horrible individual" becomes merely "not cool" when they wear a blue shirt.laugh.gif I think you'll find the "fishing trip" was Bennett's, Tedi. You were just along for the ride, as normal. If you're going to claim credit for something, make it something that didn't make the originator look like a prat. laugh.giflaugh.gif Oh, I can't wait for Bendarroch to have a go at you flying your double standards high....laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif p.s. HT, I was keeping Gazza up my sleeve until I'd caught all three - but Tedi's spectacular hypocrisy was worth the early strike.laugh.gif
flipping heck! I was wonder where all this over-night wife-beating strand came from.... tracing back, it seems to be from me making a crack about my dim-wit sheep-shagging, miserable orc peterheid postie (by now an evolving figure of fiction) and using a line that he was also a 'mail model'.... this brought in an accusation of using an 'Andy Cameron' style joke, which led to Andy Cameron / Rangers is inferior to Malky MacCormick / Kilmarnock type banter..... ....and then the MacCormick domestic 'not coolness' was used as a attack weapon on WKR and ensuing madness...... sheesh! at least Rangers are still dead, albeit with Zombie Rangers lurching about.

'WRK' of course! apologies, min.

Edited by Ken Fitlike
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flipping heck!

I was wonder where all this over-night wife-beating strand came from.... tracing back, it seems to be from me making a crack about my dim-wit sheep-shagging, miserable orc peterheid postie (by now an evolving figure of fiction) and using a line that he was also a 'mail model'.... this brought in an accusation of using an 'Andy Cameron' style joke, which led to Andy Cameron / Rangers is inferior to Malky MacCormick / Kilmarnock type banter.....

....and then the MacCormick domestic 'not coolness' was used as a attack weapon on WKR and ensuing madness......


at least Rangers are still dead, albeit with Zombie Rangers lurching about.

Aye, every cloud....wink.gif

Can't believe you've got the brass neck to claim credit for Tedi's fishing trip, Ken.

Actually, given Mr Struth's alleged activities, I'm surprised it's a term they're happy using.laugh.gif

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Starnge how a "horrible individual" becomes merely "not cool" when they wear a blue shirt.laugh.gif

I think you'll find the "fishing trip" was Bennett's, Tedi. You were just along for the ride, as normal. If you're going to claim credit for something, make it something that didn't make the originator look like a prat. laugh.giflaugh.gif

Oh, I can't wait for Bendarroch to have a go at you flying your double standards high....laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

p.s. HT, I was keeping Gazza up my sleeve until I'd caught all three - but Tedi's spectacular hypocrisy was worth the early strike.laugh.gif

ETA: Actually, I think the penny may have dropped for Bennett around about, oh, let's call it 22:22, in post 108071. A classic "dignified" retreat from the Amigos' Moral Guardian....wink.gif

You asked me to let it go and i did, yet you seem determined to run with this.

Make your mind up.

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Gazza was a horrible individual for beating Cheyrl, happy now, what spin will you put on this now WKR?

No hypocrisy here, my moral stance is pretty clear on the issue, nobody could argue with this.

You on the other hand showed your true colours, I will make my own assumptions on your reasoning.

nobody doubts that there is any force in the universe strong enough to prevent you doing that!

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1. Why would Rangers be playing in Division 3? they finished 2nd in the SPL in 2012! The reason is that Sevco are a New Club who have come in starting at the bottom.

2. Why would Rangers be unseeded in the Scottish Cup?, again they finished 2nd in the SPL in 2012! The reason is Sevco are a New Club who haven't competed anywhere before.

3. Why would Rangers be unable to compete in Europe for 4 years? Rangers would have been able to play in Europe this season! New Clubs need 3 years of accounts to meet criteria.

4. Rangers were under a Transfer Embargo from February, so how did they manage to sign Templeton and others? The Reason is, If Sevco did have a Transfer embargo then they would not have been able to sign a single player - McCulloch, Wallace, etc because Sevco signed those players from Rangers! That's why the Transfer Embargo on Sevco never began until September, even though Rangers were under a Transfer Embargo, as Sevco had to sign McCulloch, Alexander etc from Rangers and its why some players left Rangers for free because Rangers lost their Footballing license which meant their registrations with the SFA were void and thus their contracts were broken and they could go where they wanted.

5. How could Rangers have signed players off Rangers? you can't sell yourself players. Rangers sold Sevco players!

6. If Green bought Rangers from Whyte, why did they need to apply for Football licenses? Rangers were a Football Club with licenses.

7. Why does Charles Green say he bought Rangers History, how can Rangers have sold their History to Rangers?

8. Why did Charles green say that if a CVA was not agreed rangers would lose their history?

I'm making a little addition to Johnny's list. smile.gif

9. Why have no Sevconians attempted to respond intelligently to the right honourable gentleman Johnnyc13's post ?!

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This is the Liquidation of rangers thread so the only question that should be discussed in here is

Question. Why were The Rangers voted into Division 3???

Answer. Because when Rangers were liquidated, sevco fronted by Charles Green bought the assets of the dead club, renamed itself and needed somewhere to play. They tried to be fast tracked into the SPL but were told to f**k off!;)

That's true that is, and so is this...

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Gazza was a horrible individual for beating Cheyrl, happy now, what spin will you put on this now WKR?

No hypocrisy here, my moral stance is pretty clear on the issue, nobody could argue with this.

You on the other hand showed your true colours, I will make my own assumptions on your reasoning.

Indeed it is, Tedi. Indeed it is. Killie supporting cartoonist = "horrible individual". rangers player = "not cool". Until you realised you made a twat of yourself, of course. When all of a sudden Gazza is a monster too. f**k me, you stick with your principles don't you.

I only have one set of colours. You, however, follow the lead from your fellow Amigos. Did Santa not bring you that backbone you asked for?

Note to Bennett - With this final rejoinder to Tedi's blatant nonsense and continued defamation, I'm leaving this alone.

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You are trying too hard WKR.

My feelings on wife beating are very clear, I abhor it, I did with Gazza (which I have clearly demonstrated) and I did with your Killie Cartoonist.

You have no problems agreeing with me on the ex Rangers players and yet condone it with the Killie fan, your double standards are very predictable and you have no moral backbone.

Show me where I condone it, then, you brain-dead fucking idiot.

You really can't comprehend the idea that there's more to some things than meet the eye, can you?

Even Bennett had the sense to realise my point was valid, and agreed to move on. And fair play*. You, however, just cannot accept you are wrong. Which, given your posting history on here since July, is one hell of a fucking handicap.

Now, as I said elsewhere, if you want to get into a "scummiest people associated with a football club or clubs" pissing contest, bring it on. I feel it might finally melt what little is left functioning between your ears.

Otherwise, grow up, for f**k's sake.

*Not often you'll see me posting that!

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Too many Sevconian orcs attempt to spoil the fun on this thread with their creepy stalking of other members and personal attacks containing lies and childish innuendos. On the plus side it is sometimes fun reminding them that they are Sevconian orcs now and that they will forever be known as Sevconian orcs. smile.gif

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You did, now your denying it.

So you can't show a post where I have said anything bigoted?

Not nonsense you are confusing oh so confusing.


Tedi revs up for another BRALT session

'hypocrite....liar...bigot....you are wrong....logically ...diddy clubs, plastics, 140 years....or was it 139.... 5 stars....um, what was the question?'


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Guest Kincardine

He lies through his teeth, then posts complete gibberish and nonsense when asked for proof ... in the hope nobody notices what he really is.

Shame ... Kincardine seems to condone his behaviour though ,...

Fuxake. What have I done now?

Oh and please be gentle 'cos I'm grumpy. My central heating boiler is knackerd; my Wee Hoose is cold as ice; I had to have a cold shower this morning before I went to a meeting and I'm still battered and bruised since sledging with the weans on Sunday - proof that you can be 53 and not have learned an ounce of sense.

Edited by Kincardine
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Fuxake. What have I done now?

Oh and please be gentle 'cos I'm grumpy. My central heating boiler is knackerd; my Wee Hoose is cold as ice; I had to have a cold shower this morning before I went to a meeting and I'm still battered and bruised since sledging with the weans on Sunday - proof that you can be 53 and not have learned an ounce of sense.


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