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If it is on a programme then I would say that is pretty official, not that official has anything to do with the times, the times has nothing to do with official, it is most definitely 3rd party.

Just answer the bloody question tedi. A 1 or 2 word answer will suffice

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e5032433.gif What the fook does that prove??? I could get a book published titled "johnnyc13 is the greatest at everything, ever", does not have to be factual.

I am pretty sure that not even vanity publishers would be so gullible - however much you paid them.

The only way to achieve your dream is so buy a John Bull printing outfit:


Go for Set '67 - it's the one with a few extra 'h's.

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If it is on a programme then I would say that is pretty official, not that official has anything to do with the times, the times has nothing to do with official, it is most definitely 3rd party.

So........Glasgow Rangers......




How many official names did the dead club have?

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Try accepting the reply I gave, if you are not happy well you can guess what you can do ;)

Couldn't care less mate. Most normal human beings answer questions when they are asked them. Not P and B rangers fans though. No no, always sideways with u lot.

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So Tedi, who do you support, what is the offical name please, A or B will do, no need for Programmes or 80 year old books or long pointless explanations????

A. The Rangers


B. Rangers

C / Glasgow Rangers.........

Yup, all of those.

What shite question shall we do next? How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

BTW angels are never fat so anyone mentioning a Big Hoose Angel is barred

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All of them?? :1eye FFS Can anyone of ra peepul answer a question with a simple answer? Some great deflections going on in here today.

Nice change of subject but its 17 angels, fact, I saw a book with the title "17 angels can dance on a pin head but thats the limit " must be true :smartass

What is the offical name of the football club that plays in Ibrox?? Anyone?

Thats worse than the win a prize questions you get on TV shows like this morning.

What colour is the sun

A. Pink

B. Yellow

C. Meerkat

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We have always been known as The Rangers, that's about it.

You said the book proved nothing, even though again it was an official club publication, the programme was an official club programme.

The club I support has always been known as The Rangers, I applaud the times for using this term, just further confirmation that we are indeed the same club.

*Ahheeemmm* (clears throat) - Godwin time, Tedi.

The NSDP wrote into legislation that Jews were an inferior race. Can't get any more official than that.

As for always known as, there's a long list of things that mob have always been known as. Maybe they're were a fine upstanding institution, but I can't think of more than one other Scottish club with so many derogatory sobriquets. Wonder why that is?

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*Ahheeemmm* (clears throat) - Godwin time, Tedi.

The NSDP wrote into legislation that Jews were an inferior race. Can't get any more official than that.

As for always known as, there's a long list of things that mob have always been known as. Maybe they're were a fine upstanding institution, but I can't think of more than one other Scottish club with so many derogatory sobriquets. Wonder why that is?

Hey Norris, how's Emily doing? Another night on the couch was it? Hows the old back holding up pal?

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All of them?? :1eye FFS Can anyone of ra peepul answer a question with a simple answer? Some great deflections going on in here today.

Nice change of subject but its 17 angels, fact, I saw a book with the title "17 angels can dance on a pin head but thats the limit " must be true :smartass

What is the offical name of the football club that plays in Ibrox?? Anyone?

Can't you see the ludicrousy of your question? We are Rangers, The Rangers. Glasgow Rangers. "Official Name" Since when did that become important?

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WOW. Why are you avoiding a simple question? What is the offical name of the club that plays at Ibrox????

Not a fucking clue. "Official Name"? What a load of bollocks. Who makes it 'official''? When did this become important?

As I said, "We are Rangers, The Rangers. Glasgow Rangers"

Why would you dream of even quibbling with this?

Edited by The_Kincardine
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Och Tedi, stop pretending you agree with the sentiments of this boorish twat. You've more sense that to claim Rangers are Scotland's second best side. You also recognise why Rangers should be in the third and that the ignorant prejudices of this idiot don't deserve to be lauded.

Behave yourself.

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