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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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This is what we call "deliberately ignoring the issue, because the reality is inconvenient".

“While there is no question of dishonesty, individual or corporate, we nevertheless take the view that the non-disclosure must be regarded as deliberate, in the sense that a decision was taken that the side-letters need not be or should not be disclosed. No steps were taken to check, even on a hypothetical basis, the validity of that assumption with the SPL or the SFA.”

Are we clear? That's deliberate non-disclosure, there. "Concealment", if you prefer.

The distinction you're drawing here is like the one between me saying "I borrowed your car" and me not saying "I borrowed your car, then torched it and pushed it into the Clyde".

No it's not. Because I'm not drawing any distinction. Merely stating some facts.

Lord save us from these bogus analogies. :D

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No it's not. Because I'm not drawing any distinction. Merely stating some facts.

Lord save us from these bogus analogies. :D

Good God, man - that's the Commission bluntly contradicting your assertion in stark terms.

The car analogy is there purely so that everyone can appreciate just how dense you're being about this, which is very.

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Good God, man - that's the Commission bluntly contradicting your assertion in stark terms.

The car analogy is there purely so that everyone can appreciate just how dense you're being about this, which is very.

What I said was accurate. Dry your eyes. :)

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What I said was accurate. Dry your eyes. :)

You said, and keep saying, that "The EBTs were not kept secret".

Which neatly dodges the point that the EBTs were deliberately used in a manner that broke SPL rules, and that this fact was intentionally kept from the authorities.

I mean, we're in "The Krays loved their Mum" territory here, aren't we?

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How long do you think it will be before the hurt dies down?

They really thought this was going to happen, the reactions have been far sweeter than I ever could of hoped for, Ibrox will be a fun place come Saturday.

Had titles been stripped Ragers fans would have gotten over this within a few months. However, the decision has pissed everyone off, because you were found guilty as clear as day. Yet, the punishment clearly doesn't fit the crime. How would you like it if a terrorist blew up a shopping mall full of people and got 500 hours community service for it, but wasn't able to do it because he's now confined to a wheelchair?

Don't think this is anything like over yet. This will be very embarassing for the SFA if Hector eventually wins his appeal. Expect this episode to run for at least another 3-4 years.

LNS: "Rangers FC did not gain any unfair competitive advantage from the contraventions of

the SPL Rules in failing to make proper disclosure of the side-letter arrangements, nor
did the non-disclosure have the effect that any of the registered players were ineligible
to play, and for this and other reasons no sporting sanction or penalty should be
imposed upon Rangers FC"

There has already been 5 different people including me who have not only said "an unfair competitive advantage was gained", but more more importantly unlike LNS have actually went into detail as to how an unfair competitive advantage would have been gained. Please explain how it did not improve the product your team was able to put on the park during the last decade?

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You said, and keep saying, that "The EBTs were not kept secret".

Which neatly dodges the point that the EBTs were deliberately used in a manner that broke SPL rules, and that this fact was intentionally kept from the authorities.

I mean, we're in "The Krays loved their Mum" territory here, aren't we?

Oh dear. Another bogus analogy.

Rules (or a rule) were found to have been broken. A fine has been issued to the old company. But something which was in the company's published accounts, which were submitted to the football authorities, has not been kept secret.

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Cherrypicking which statements we are willing to accept from the commision and which ones we are not, please be so kind as to accept the one that says;

Rangers FC did not gain any unfair competitive advantage from the contraventions of the SPL Rules in failing to make proper disclosure of the side-letter arrangements, nor did the non-disclosure have the effect that any of the registered players were ineligible to play, and for this and other reasons no sporting sanction or penalty should be imposed upon Rangers FC

Even assuming that this is true - though it isn't*, and the only way you can make it appear that it is is by cherry-picking at its most hilariously obvious - you've still been found guilty of cheating. Intentionally cheating, mind, not the accidental type.

*That's the summary. The Commission say "Rangers did not gain any unfair competitive advantage" because in their reasoning, they explain that they couldn't find evidence to prove that they did. They don't repeat this in the summary, because they assume that all human beings understand things like "evidence" and "probability", so there's no need to categorically spell out that they're not making assertions that should be taken as 100% factual, now and forever.

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Oh dear. Another bogus analogy.

Rules (or a rule) were found to have been broken. A fine has been issued to the old company. But something which was in the company's published accounts, which were submitted to the football authorities, has not been kept secret.

Very clearly, you love this "We pure telt everyone we were using EBTs" thing so passionately that not even the Commission riddling it with holes below the waterline and sinking it in front of the nation is enough to stop you using it.

That's fine, of course - fire away. But we all know you're talking nonsense.

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Very clearly, you love this "We pure telt everyone we were using EBTs" thing so passionately that not even the Commission riddling it with holes below the waterline and sinking it in front of the nation is enough to stop you using it.

That's fine, of course - fire away. But we all know you're talking nonsense.

:D The tears! The tears!

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Five (5) P & Bers disagree with the commisions findings, fuckme, must be corrupt then, how do we appeal?

Please explain how it did not improve the product your team was able to put on the park during the last decade?

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That is not how it reads at all and you know it.

LNS make it clear that Dual Contracts simply did not exist and this is what the tribunal was really all about, the payments were all declared, the Rangers directors were worried they were breaking the rules perhaps, but it actually turns out they were not.

You say they could not find the evidence to prove they did not :lol: why? the evidence does not exist, plain and simple.

I said months ago that I did not trust Harper Mcleod, I suspected they may try to engineer the evidence but they obviously did not I was wrong about this, you amongst others shot me down in flames for this and quite rightly, you are now doing exactly what you had a go at me for.

Some of the payments were clearly adminstered correctly and these ones show clearly how the scheme worked, Nimmo is 100% happy that it was all above board and legal even though these players were recieving EBT`s, it was not hidden, however some of the players had missing paperwork but Nimmo can clearly see that nothing dodgy was going on here, he has accepted that the way players were being paid was completely legal.

Side contracts simply did not exist, the rules in regard to this simply were not broken thus no unfair advantage was gained on the field of play and this is what would have confirmed cheating, you can bleat on about this in denial for as long as you want, it really will make no difference, deep down you know it, its over, accept it and move on.

Tedi why are you trying to confuse him with the facts????

Poor guy will be up all night.

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the pope walks away

the cardinal plays away

celtic canny win away

no titles taken away

ach after the events of last year, its been a great week :lol:

This is just the worst. On a day where the team you used to support were found guilty of an offence for which a massive fine was imposed, you treat it as cause for celebration, and not just that - plain anti-Catholic bigotry. Rangers were guilty but got off, yes! Let's celebrate sex scandals and the Vatican appointing a new pontiff! The worst kind of cretin in Scotland.

Its been said before but once more with feeling.




How were the world's most successful club reduced to playing in the 3rd division against pub teams and struggling to take points from lowly Stirling Albion? Sounds more like a world record fail.

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Went on to an English forum where they are taking the thieves blog as fact. This is why corrupt agenda driven bloggers like this are dangerous and exactly why the club should take legal action

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This is just the worst. On a day where the team you used to support were found guilty of an offence for which a massive fine was imposed, iyou treat it as cause for celebration, and not just that - plain anti-Catholic bigotry. Rangers were guilty but got off, yes! Let's celebrate sex scandals and the Vatican appointing a new pontiff! The worst kind of cretin in Scotland.

How were the world's most successful club reduced to playing in the 3rd division against pub teams and struggling to take points from lowly Stirling Albion? Sounds more like a world record fail.

think somebody is in desperate need of a cuddle.

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No cheating...No outstanding tax issues.

This Thread is over..Why don't you go home(own forums)

Dont forget the good lords point about us being a continuing entity,its been a very good day.


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