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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Craig Whyte: hero of diddies and plastics alike.

Universally regarded as an utter c**t by Rangers supporters.

Which would've been my guess re chucky, yet the amount of buns that want him back is staggering .

I guess even if you fleece folk, as long as you give the right soundbites, a percentage will always want more.

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I'd think it's much more to do with the credibility of the disgraced bungler.

Let's put things into context Bendarroch,

McConville is a blogger and for whatever reason he is posting about Rangers is his problem and can easily be ignored.

Whyte & Green on the other hand did have control of your club and released lie after lie about the club and it's finances.

So this petty squabbling by Rangers fans using McConville as some sort of leverage or tit for tat point scoring exercise just doesn't cut it and is only a deflection because Rangers ARE actually on the brink of collapsing at some point in the future.No one actually knows the state of the finances should Rangers stay another 2 years in the SFL leagues but it does not look good by not just McConville's blogging but other sources as well that Rangers fans could claim dodgy.

Fact is that these sources when the PLC version hit a brick wall did say Rangers were heading into insolvency problems and the Rangers fans just ignored it completely and then it came to pass it was actually true,although the details may have been exaggerated or excluded but it did happen.

Now things are pointing towards your club having insolvency problems again probably after next season by looks of it,and what is the Rangers fans response ? "did he pay the miners" ??? even though McConville actually has feck all to do with the club and is posting blogs on his experience only.

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Was McConville blogging about the old club in 2009 when this happened?

Was he blogging about the dead club in 2010 when this story ran?

More lies from the thoroughly discredited ork bennet.

I see you edited out the part about 80 year old Helen Baxter who lost £9000 due to the bungling efforts of McConville.

Doesn't fit your agenda i suppose but guess what, you can't edit out things like that in real life.

Has McConville even bothered to apologise to Helen and the others or is he too busy blogging about a football team?

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Let's put things into context Bendarroch,

McConville is a blogger and for whatever reason he is posting about Rangers is his problem and can easily be ignored.

Whyte & Green on the other hand did have control of your club and released lie after lie about the club and it's finances.

So this petty squabbling by Rangers fans using McConville as some sort of leverage or tit for tat point scoring exercise just doesn't cut it and is only a deflection because Rangers ARE actually on the brink of collapsing at some point in the future.No one actually knows the state of the finances should Rangers stay another 2 years in the SFL leagues but it does not look good by not just McConville's blogging but other sources as well that Rangers fans could claim dodgy.

Fact is that these sources when the PLC version hit a brick wall did say Rangers were heading into insolvency problems and the Rangers fans just ignored it completely and then it came to pass it was actually true,although the details may have been exaggerated or excluded but it did happen.

Now things are pointing towards your club having insolvency problems again probably after next season by looks of it,and what is the Rangers fans response ? "did he pay the miners" ??? even though McConville actually has feck all to do with the club and is posting blogs on his experience only.

McConvilles experience doesn't really account for very much thou...

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Craig Whyte: hero of diddies and plastics alike.

Universally regarded as an utter c**t by Rangers supporters.

And it only took a year of various Diddies, Plastic Paddies, Lawell-controlled media organisations and the Biased Broadcasting Corporation telling you what an utter c**t he was, followed by the death of your club, for you to finally notice what he was one.

At this rate, I expect the Bears to notice that their boardroom is full of grasping thieves circa May 2018, when the news finally percolates through their thick craniums.

Until then though, we'll all get a good laugh at the excuses used to discount anyone and everyone who explains this to you.

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I see you edited out the part about 80 year old Helen Baxter who lost £9000 due to the bungling efforts of McConville.

Doesn't fit your agenda i suppose but guess what, you can't edit out things like that in real life.

Has McConville even bothered to apologise to Helen and the others or is he too busy blogging about a football team?

^ ^ ^ pointless futile response Benny that has feck all to do with the state of the club you support but somehow makes you feel better because you feel you have a stick to beat the P&D's with.

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(Mr. Spock voice)

Just as well McConville didn't tell us that Rangers' boardroom is riven with infighting and that the money men are trying to shove the Rangers faction out of the door.

If he had told us that, this would've made it not true, because McConville pinched money off some miners.

Logic, innit.

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^ ^ ^ pointless futile response Benny that has feck all to do with the state of the club you support but somehow makes you feel better because you feel you have a stick to beat the P&D's with.

It has lot a lot do with the competency and decency of a man whose blogs are used repeatedly on this thread to make points.

Ofcourse certain people on here won't face up to the other side of McConville which doesn't their purposes.

£9000 eh? A lot of money for a pensioner...

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(Mr. Spock voice)

Just as well McConville didn't tell us that Rangers' boardroom is riven with infighting and that the money men are trying to shove the Rangers faction out of the door.

If he had told us that, this would've made it not true, because McConville pinched money off some miners.

Logic, innit.

Has Mrs MacRodent ever had any dealings with the legal beagle who soars like an eagle?

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personally i find it very hypocritical that a person that held a position of trust but failed to carry out the responsibilities of that position of trust will comment on other wrongdoings as if he is a paragon of virtue.

I presume you will talk about David Murray in the same way. After all he was this paragon of virtue who would only hand Rangers over to someone who could be trusted with the club. When push came to shove he would have taken money from anyone as long as Lloyds were paid off and he could scarper. The Murray regime clearly created the opportunity for the real shysters like Whyte and Green to jump in.

The cloud under which all this happened of course was the big Tax case and the uncertainty about the EBTs. Time might tell us these were unfounded threats, but the fact that he allowed these to be problems lies totally at his door. Obviously HMRC did not trust him one bit. Partly as he had 'previous' with them.

So rather than harangue McConvillie who is merely a bit player in all of this, why not abuse those who are the really guilty ones?

Starting with David Murray and his board at the time. :thumbsdown

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People may think we should ignore the solicitor's past misdeeds and judge his points on merit, but the two are inextricably linked.

The guy has a credibility issue, and as such you need to factor that in when you are choosing whether to believe what's in his blog. And he clearly isn't an objective observer either. So you could argue he is biased and less than honest. Doesn't mean all his blogs are full of untruths, but have some perspective.

That said, didn't see too many Rangers fans up in arms about all the small companies that got totally shafted by the liquidation. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

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Let's put things into context Bendarroch,

McConville is a blogger and for whatever reason he is posting about Rangers is his problem and can easily be ignored.

Whyte & Green on the other hand did have control of your club and released lie after lie about the club and it's finances.

So this petty squabbling by Rangers fans using McConville as some sort of leverage or tit for tat point scoring exercise just doesn't cut it and is only a deflection because Rangers ARE actually on the brink of collapsing at some point in the future.No one actually knows the state of the finances should Rangers stay another 2 years in the SFL leagues but it does not look good by not just McConville's blogging but other sources as well that Rangers fans could claim dodgy.

Fact is that these sources when the PLC version hit a brick wall did say Rangers were heading into insolvency problems and the Rangers fans just ignored it completely and then it came to pass it was actually true,although the details may have been exaggerated or excluded but it did happen.

Now things are pointing towards your club having insolvency problems again probably after next season by looks of it,and what is the Rangers fans response ? "did he pay the miners" ??? even though McConville actually has feck all to do with the club and is posting blogs on his experience only.

Folk brought McConville on here. He's fair game.

And it's not as if the other people you mention aren't, including for Rangers fans.

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I'd think it's much more to do with the credibility of the disgraced bungler.

Craig Whyte: hero of diddies and plastics alike.

Universally regarded as an utter c**t by Rangers supporters.

Except whyte was a hero to rangers fans ,as Minty, as Green and now (insert Orc feeding name) until they leave

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Craig Whyte: hero of diddies and plastics alike.

Universally regarded as an utter c**t by Rangers supporters.


'Our Hero' ;

New Rangers owner Craig Whyte arrived to a thunderous applause as he entered Ibrox for the very first time as the new owner of Rangers Football Club.

Following on from late night negotiations that concluded the long-winded saga, Whyte took his seat alongside the board of directors for the club’s crucial SPL match against Hearts today.

The new owner arrived in an understated fashion, but the sight of him sent the hundreds of waiting fans at the main entrance of Ibrox into raptures.

Interestingly, Whyte took his seat sitting shoulder to shoulder with one of the men he called into question last night, Chief Executive Martin Bain.

Constant friction between Whyte and the board was to blame for the lengthy takeover process. The board’s ‘sub-committee’ are still expressing serious doubts as to whether Whyte has sufficient funds to cope with a possible tax bill that could land on the Ibrox club’s doorstep, following ongoing HMRC investigations.

'Lack of clarity' from Rangers owner over funding for potential tax bill

The potential ill-feeling between Whyte and the board could be somewhat eased by Rangers’ emphatic 4-0 win over Hearts, further extending their lead at the top of the SPL to four points.

Rangers stopped short of unveiling Whyte on the field, but the fans are under no illusions that things will change at their club.

After 36 trophies in 22 years under Sir David Murray, Rangers are now entering the age of Craig Whyte, who after snapping up over 85% of the club’s shares, has pledged £25m over five years to invest in the team. The new owner is also expected to make a statement on a potential restructuring of the Rangers board.

With the Ibrox club now in poll position to secure the SPL title, but the lingering threats of board unrest and HMRC tax implications looming, it seems that the club may yet face further changes over the coming months. The long term vision of Craig Whyte is yet unclear, but the businessman appears to already have the full backing of the fans.

Rangers will now eagerly watch Celtic’s trip to Rugby Park on Sunday, before contemplating their next crucial encounter with Dundee United at Ibrox on Tuesday.

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Rangers Myths #672

Why did nobody warn us?

Remember when the BBC tried to warn you about the MBB?

Rangers fans hold demonstration outside BBC in Glasgow
STV 5 November 2011 15:00 GMT
112079-protest-the-demonstration-took-plProtest: The demonstration took place on Saturday afternoon.© STV

Around 200 of Rangers fans gathered outside the BBC in Glasgow on Saturday to demonstrate against what they claim is biased reporting of the club.

The protest, organised by the Vanguard Bears supporters' group, saw fans gather outside the corporation's head quarters at Pacific Quay and hand in a signed letter of complaint over alleged unfair coverage, including a documentary aired last month about owner Craig Whyte.


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At the same time as Our Hero was receiving his rapturous applause this was published on the award winning rangerstaxcase blog;

The ever deceptive Craig Whyte

25/05/2011 578 COMMENTS

“Deceptive”: adjective Giving an appearance or impression different from the true one; misleading.

Whyte has released a statement on the official Rangers website dismissing the calls for “vigilance” from outgoing directors as just sour grapes from men replaced for resisting change. His statement includes the following:
I believe most Rangers supporters understand that, as a result of the takeover, the Club’s debt to the Lloyds Banking Group has been cleared and I have repeatedly stated to the Board my intentions to invest in the team.”
This statement is nothing short of a clear attempt to mislead Rangers supporters. It is a craftily worded statement (Hay McKerron must be exhausted) that amounts to an attempt to deceive his paying customers. Craig Whyte does not say that Rangers FC’s debt has been reduced. He did not say this because he cannot say this. He cannot say this because it is not true. As this blog has stated several times, the debt that Rangers owed Lloyds banking Group was purchased by Whyte’s Wavetower company (as it was then named) in a transaction that did not involve Rangers. The purchase of MIH’s shares in Rangers FC by Whyte’s firm for a single pound was a separate transaction. So Rangers do not owe Lloyds this money any more, but they owe the same amount to someone else: Whyte’s company.
Prove me wrong, Mr. Whyte. Make a fool of me. Discredit this blog by revealing the structure of Rangers’ debt today. It is a plc and it does have 26,000 other shareholders who have a right to know the amount of indebtedness of the company they co-own with you.
The truth is that Rangers’ debt is about £28m (including negative working capital). The takeover did not change Rangers debt, but Whyte is trying to imply otherwise. Whyte is shaping up to make Sir David Murray look like a model of transparency and straight-talking.
Rangers supporters and journalists should note what Whyte did not mention. Whyte ignored the “circular” that he is alleged to have promised to the Independent Board Committee (a sub-committee of the old Rangers board that reviewed the takeover proposal). Alastair Johnston says that this was originally promised to be released on 16 May, but is now scheduled for 6 June. This “circular” is supposed to reveal the how Whyte plans to fund Rangers going forward (the £25m investment promised). Perhaps Whyte is just practicing ‘dignified silence’ on this subject? Perhaps this is simply a subject that he does not want to discuss publicly in advance of a result in the tax case?
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Which would've been my guess re chucky, yet the amount of buns that want him back is staggering .

I guess even if you fleece folk, as long as you give the right soundbites, a percentage will always want more.

Not me - I wanted Green gone long ago and I'm delighted he's gone now. I think he's an arse.

I have no idea if he's away permanently.

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we'll all get a good laugh at the excuses used to discount anyone and everyone who explains this to you.

Perhaps we should have listened more closely to the the IRA writer, the bungler and the runaway when they told us (again and again and again) that we owed HMRC £14bn, the SPL would deffo strip our titles and all the other stuff they have been bang on the money about.

The willingness of various diddies and plastics to pin hope (any fucking hope) on their streams of pish is something 'we'll all get a good laugh at'.

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It has lot a lot do with the competency and decency of a man whose blogs are used repeatedly on this thread to make points.

Ofcourse certain people on here won't face up to the other side of McConville which doesn't their purposes.

£9000 eh? A lot of money for a pensioner...

5 points....

1/ you can't "lose" what you never had.....

2/ it wasn't hers, it was her father in laws.....

3/ she was 80, she should've saved for the last 65 years...

4/ name "baxter".....hence outrage over fellow bun.

5/ damned sure more pensioners lost individually more when the assets were sold on the sly to give the illusion of continuance. Fancy squaring them up with a sale of assets ?

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