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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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And on the issue of the big media organisations not touching the new documents that have come out...

I was at a football panel Q&A thing a year or so ago, and one of the Herald's sports writers made a convincing case for why the papers don't and can't touch most of the rumours and allegedly incriminating documents that circulate online.

Basically, he said they can't report on anything that they can't get independent confirmation on. So when, for example, HMRC documents about Rangers tax woes get leaked, they ask HMRC and Rangers about it. The first refuses to respond, and the second says it's all lies invented by people trying to kick the club when it's down, etc. etc.

So there's no story there - all they can say without leaving themselves open to lawsuits is "There are some documents on the internet that say this, although their authenticity is in question and we can't draw reliable conclusions from them". Which is pretty weak stuff.

Note though - this is an entirely different situation to, say, Charlie Green claiming that Rangers are going to win the Champions League within forty-seven seconds through the power of their sheer awesomeness, or most of the other shyte that passes for sports journalism. In those cases, they're just reporting what an individual says.

Now, Charlie Green may be talking nonsense, but that doesn't matter. They paper isn't reporting that Green's claims are true. They're reporting that he said it in the first place.

It's ione thing reporting what an individual says, but when he's obviously talking shite surely that journalist should be questioning it not reporting it. If more of them did that would Rangers be in the mess they are in today?

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If we stop supporting the team then cut backs will be made, people will lose jobs and we will struggle to ever get back to where we belong, no wonder our enemies congratulate and encourage this strategy it would indeed be the end of the club.

I will renew and continue to hope the club survives.

I'm going to disagree Tedi, we heard those same promises from D&P and we filled Ibrox every week, never done us much good in the end. We need to send a message to the board saying "don't f**k with us".

It's not what the bloggers/celticminded are saying that's motivating me but what Greens said - his links with Whyte, serious questions remain over who exactly is running the club, the clubs finances and his many lies.

Is there any harm in allowing our fans groups to allow legal/financial experts to give the clubs books the run over? Paul Murray should be capable enough on the financial front and A.N Other for the legal stuff. If it came back positive then that would allay many fans fears and we'd probably get bigger crowds/ more tickets sold etc.

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Can't see Rangers losing 2 mill per month, Thought it was supposed to be about 1 mill per month. Whatever it is its too much for them to survive the next season without season ticket money if they only have 8 mill left in that bank account. If they last all of next season then the season after should be fun. Watch for ticket prices going back to SPL levels

There was a shit load of one off fees this season including paying back uncle Charlies loan (?) which was used to buy the club, we have reduced tv income for the next two seasons as well as advertising/sponsorship etc. If the clubs being run properly we should be able to sustain things for the next few years but we need to be sensible.

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There was a shit load of one off fees this season including paying back uncle Charlies loan (?) which was used to buy the club, we have reduced tv income for the next two seasons as well as advertising/sponsorship etc. If the clubs being run properly we should be able to sustain things for the next few years but we need to be sensible.

Both the Record and Hearld have been briefed in the last 24hrs that rangers are loosing millions

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Explain that?

I already did in a previous post now if you could find the original one relating to the Easdale brothers then you can find the one relating to it.... Must try harder :rolleyes:

ETA....I'll save you the bother...post# 122757

Edited by No8.
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Both the Record and Hearld have been briefed in the last 24hrs that rangers are loosing millions

Deffo true then. Especially if it's Keith 'the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth' Jackson.

He's always right about everything.

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I'm going to disagree Tedi, we heard those same promises from D&P and we filled Ibrox every week, never done us much good in the end. We need to send a message to the board saying "don't f**k with us".

It's not what the bloggers/celticminded are saying that's motivating me but what Greens said - his links with Whyte, serious questions remain over who exactly is running the club, the clubs finances and his many lies.

Is there any harm in allowing our fans groups to allow legal/financial experts to give the clubs books the run over? Paul Murray should be capable enough on the financial front and A.N Other for the legal stuff. If it came back positive then that would allay many fans fears and we'd probably get bigger crowds/ more tickets sold etc.

Paul Murray? Was he not on the board when Whyte was there and paying nobody? Was he not one of the Blue Knights that when push came to shove did nothing to save the club and was in fact party to the club/company going into Administration and finally Liquidation?

What links does Whyte have with Green? Has this been proven yet? Are we really at the stage where we believe anything Craig Whyte says?

I would much prefer Green was still there than have certain others on the board but them being there will not stop me going along to support the club. We will be there long after they have gone. If the club is mismanaged again then we as support must be prepared to do something to get those responsible out. We will cross that bridge when we come to it and the way the company is set up now that should be much easier.

You not buying a season ticket is really neither here nor there as you have shown you will go to all the games anyway...there are 10s of thousands that wont though and ultimately that could be fatal for the club...I know you don't want that

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It's ione thing reporting what an individual says, but when he's obviously talking shite surely that journalist should be questioning it not reporting it. If more of them did that would Rangers be in the mess they are in today?

That's true, but it's missing the point a bit - they report what Green said because they have it recorded and they can get independent verification of it if they don't. It's a fact that Green said (x), (y) and (z).

When they look at rumours and documents on the internet, all they have is unsourced, unverifiable information that everyone they contact will either deny or refuse to comment on, which leaves them in a pretty crappy position if they report things that later turn out to be false.

They're reporting facts when David Murray claims he wants to buy Ronaldo or Green says Rangers will skoosh the Champions League on a budget of fuckitybillion pounds. Even though these claims are total bullshit, these guys did actually say things like this.

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Maybe if more people adopted my stance of simply not reading the tabloids we would have a better standard of journalist or at least force them to do their jobs.

These papers are dying on their arse as we speak. They'll not be around in 10-20 years time.

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Your stuck between a rock and a hard place, your supporters did their job by turning up this season and yet those running your club are still treating you like mushrooms. You deserve at the least honesty from your board on the state of your club just don't know if anyone will give it to you.

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Your stuck between a rock and a hard place, your supporters did their job by turning up this season and yet those running your club are still treating you like mushrooms. You deserve at the least honesty from your board on the state of your club just don't know if anyone will give it to you.

The board have an ongoing enquiry and really cant say a whole lot before the judgement on that is back.

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Your stuck between a rock and a hard place, your supporters did their job by turning up this season and yet those running your club are still treating you like mushrooms. You deserve at the least honesty from your board on the state of your club just don't know if anyone will give it to you.

But if the board hadn't vastly overspent to guarantee title, would they have turned up in such numbers ?

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That's true, but it's missing the point a bit - they report what Green said because they have it recorded and they can get independent verification of it if they don't. It's a fact that Green said (x), (y) and (z).

When they look at rumours and documents on the internet, all they have is unsourced, unverifiable information that everyone they contact will either deny or refuse to comment on, which leaves them in a pretty crappy position if they report things that later turn out to be false.

They're reporting facts when David Murray claims he wants to buy Ronaldo or Green says Rangers will skoosh the Champions League on a budget of fuckitybillion pounds. Even though these claims are total bullshit, these guys did actually say things like this.

An example of this was the document that was freely available online recently that was signed by a Mr White. The bloggers were using this as undeniable proof of a link up between Whyte and Green* and Radio Clyde were cutting of most callers who even mentioned it.

* I never read the document but believe this is what it was implying

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But if the board hadn't vastly overspent to guarantee title, would they have turned up in such numbers ?

I think they would have turned up this season even if Prof Stephen Hawkings was unveiled as their goalkeeper with Stevie Wonder as a new striker. Next season don't know.

Edited by Bloomogganners
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But if the board hadn't vastly overspent to guarantee title, would they have turned up in such numbers ?

Yes. We actually sold more for the 4th tier than we did when we had players like Jelavic and Naismith playing...we replaced them with Kane Hemmings and Barrie McKay and still sold more.

Not sure when we signed the majority of the players...last summer was one long , never ending nightmare and i try not to think about it over much.. but i am sure i had my season ticket before we signed the distinctly average players we did

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Paul Murray? Was he not on the board when Whyte was there and paying nobody? Was he not one of the Blue Knights that when push came to shove did nothing to save the club and was in fact party to the club/company going into Administration and finally Liquidation?

What links does Whyte have with Green? Has this been proven yet? Are we really at the stage where we believe anything Craig Whyte says?

I would much prefer Green was still there than have certain others on the board but them being there will not stop me going along to support the club. We will be there long after they have gone. If the club is mismanaged again then we as support must be prepared to do something to get those responsible out. We will cross that bridge when we come to it and the way the company is set up now that should be much easier.

You not buying a season ticket is really neither here nor there as you have shown you will go to all the games anyway...there are 10s of thousands that wont though and ultimately that could be fatal for the club...I know you don't want that

D&P were only going to sell to Green and co, it was a stitch from day one and we clapped ourselves on the backs for filling Ibrox while in administration.

Money paid by Whyte into several accounts including Imran Ahmads(sp) mothers accounts. Green has also admitted the links to Whyte.

I'd rather Green was never at the club at the first place so we'll disagree about that. I reckon that time has come. the club is in complete disarray.

I went to the games this season, next season remains to be seen. If we haven't learned anything over the last few years then do we deserve a club?

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D&P were only going to sell to Green and co, it was a stitch from day one and we clapped ourselves on the backs for filling Ibrox while in administration.

Money paid by Whyte into several accounts including Imran Ahmads(sp) mothers accounts. Green has also admitted the links to Whyte.

I'd rather Green was never at the club at the first place so we'll disagree about that. I reckon that time has come. the club is in complete disarray.

I went to the games this season, next season remains to be seen. If we haven't learned anything over the last few years then do we deserve a club?

Not proven

Not proven

Green did some excellent work selling 38,000 season tickets...over £20 million in a share issue...etc. I only wish you knew the sort of people we could soon have on our board.

If you don't want to support the club that is fine. It is entirely up to yourself...nobody should feel obliged to go along to the games if they don,t want to.

Boycotts will kill the club...Won't bother the likes of Whyte, Green and the rest...SDM might feel it a little but at the end of the day they will all move on to something else. We will be left with nothing. Do i deserve a club? Yes i most certainly do...Through thick and thin and through the straits broad and narrow.

Times like this are difficult and unfortunately Hearts and one or two others might have to go through a similar experience but it is us...the supporters who have to make sure the clubs survive. Never has it been more evident that the supporters really are the clubs...sure chairman often spouts this line to appease us but we proved that it is true

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There was a shit load of one off fees this season including paying back uncle Charlies loan (?) which was used to buy the club, we have reduced tv income for the next two seasons as well as advertising/sponsorship etc.  If the clubs being run properly we should be able to sustain things for the next few years but we need to be sensible.

Both the Record and Hearld have been briefed in the last 24hrs that rangers are loosing millions

Loosing millions? Are the turning notes into loose change so that when they are losing it it does not feel like such a loss?

Sent from my iPhone 5 Black Diamond using Pie and Bovril mobile app

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If we stop supporting the team then cut backs will be made, people will lose jobs and we will struggle to ever get back to where we belong, no wonder our enemies congratulate and encourage this strategy it would indeed be the end of the club.

I will renew and continue to hope the club survives.

Seriously Tedi ! enemies ? get a grip mate it's only plastics & diddies having a laugh at the demise of the biggest cheats in Scottish fitbaw getting their just desserts :) .

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