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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Asking a question means I never back down? Sorry you have completely lost me here.


The quotes in question are from the possible Jack

"There is suspicion that there may be die hard supporters of a football club on the other side of the city. Could this any influence whatsoever on their decision to give Rangers a very bad time?"

Now it would be reasonable for the possible professional chris to dismiss that supporting a football club would not influence how somebody carries out their employment, however he does not, his reply dives straight down the unconnected religious path, which simply was never mentioned in the original email.

"whilst I would love to jump on the band-wagon being an ex alter boy myself I don't feel that HMRC has a catholic bias"

Does not seem believable to me, which is why I think these emails maybe fake.

If that's the way he spelled "altar" it makes it even less believable.

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Asking a question means I never back down? Sorry you have completely lost me here.


The quotes in question are from the possible Jack

"There is suspicion that there may be die hard supporters of a football club on the other side of the city. Could this any influence whatsoever on their decision to give Rangers a very bad time?"

Now it would be reasonable for the possible professional chris to dismiss that supporting a football club would not influence how somebody carries out their employment, however he does not, his reply dives straight down the unconnected religious path, which simply was never mentioned in the original email.

"whilst I would love to jump on the band-wagon being an ex alter boy myself I don't feel that HMRC has a catholic bias"

Does not seem believable to me, which is why I think these emails maybe fake.

Yes I agree they could be fake. Even if they're not then I don't see why they matter too much besides some general snooping / voyeurism.

But you asserted something quite specific about the religious angle that simply isnt there, even indirectly.

So I ask again, which part of it suggests rangers involvement connects to a hatred of Catholics? If anything, it's the other way around; allegations of Celtic bias are interpreted by "Chris" (a catholic himself) as pro-catholic. Surely you must see the difference between that and what you've claimed.

But as I said, you would claim today is Thursday and not back down when shown a calendar, so my hopes aren't high.

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That's what I am asking you

Why are not willing to deal with the obvious unconnected reply?

? So who brought religion into it? You were the first to mention it.

So your views on suggested intimidation of hmrc officials.....

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Tedi, there has been not one denial from any of the parties involved in the tapes and emails.....

Everything screams "authentic".

Most obvious party would be your media guru, but he has been very very quiet of late.

Edited by wunfellaff
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Am i the only person who isn't interested in Whyte leaking emails through this Charlotte gimmick?

Getting really tiresome the amount of posters who take it all as gospel...

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Am i the only person who isn't interested in Whyte leaking emails through this Charlotte gimmick?

Getting really tiresome the amount of posters who take it all as gospel...

What's tiresome , and bizarre , is that even now it is the "nothing to see Declan" line you peddle.

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Am i the only person who isn't interested in Whyte leaking emails through this Charlotte gimmick?

Getting really tiresome the amount of posters who take it all as gospel...

Evidence of The Hero's involvement in CF's?

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and I have not really questioned it before now, however the reply from the possible Chris to the Possible Jack does not seem at plausible for obvious reasons which you have completely dodged, its almost like he is replying to another email as he starts wittering on about religious bias when Jack never even hinted at it, this to me looks like the work of your typical obsessed tic blogger, only they could put 1+1 together and come up with 20, thinking nobody else would notice.

Before you posted these emails I was leaning towards believing this Charlotte, now I am leaning the other way.

Who knows what face to face or calls went on in-between...

"Chris" may have been playing to his audience to get the gig. Much like Green.

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Not one of Charl's 100's of leaks have been proven to be fake, why would this one be?

Jack Irvine = Complete and utter chunt unafraid to use intimidation and smears to get what he wants. A real Ranjurs Man.

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There's more, as used to be a catchphrase...

Charlotte Fakeovers @CharlotteFakes


Deplorable. National paper about to publish a 'hatchet' job on Craig. Look at the tactics and note the date. i.imgur.com/nmzFekK.jpg


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Have to agree Wunf, this line is an absolute killer from Jack;

" Stephen organised pictures to be taken of the four HMRC who visted Ibrox a few weeks ago, Should we give them to a trusted editor? Civil Servants are terrified when the spotlight is turned on them."

Making arrangements for secretly taken pictures in order to unleash the mob later?

What a horrible human, I wonder if he advised Sally on his calculated "who are these people" nonsense?

I'm still amazed sensible adults choose to associate themselves with this organisation.

Edited by AberdeenBud
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Charlotte Fakeovers @CharlotteFakes


Version of 5 way agreement with legal comments discovered. Looks like draft 1 (as published).With 150,000 docs to review, it's a long game.

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I have to admit that I was originally sceptical of the Charlotte Fakeover stuff.

The one thing I cant get away from however is that the people named haven't commented on any of it, either to dismiss it or threaten legal action.

Why hasn't Jack Irvine called his lawyers? Why is Jim Traynor remaining silent?

The tale of the MSM being cowed begins to ring even truer as none of them have picked up on this story.

Are they all keeping schtum because they know it wont hit the press and will be dismissed as internet gossip and paranoia?

To be proven right or wrong this stuff needs a wider audience, and it's doubtful it will get that in Scotland. At the moment Charlotte is casting his seed on rocks.

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Have to agree Wunf, this line is an absolute killer from Jack;

" Stephen organised pictures to be taken of the four HMRC who visted Ibrox a few weeks ago, Should we give them to a trusted editor? Civil Servants are terrified when the spotlight is turned on them."

Making arrangements for secretly taken pictures in order to unleash the mob later?

What a horrible human, I wonder if he advised Sally on his calculated "who are these people" nonsense?

I'm still amazed sensible adults choose to associate themselves with this organisation.

The guy's an ex-tabloid journalist turned PR man. Not sure what you expect, Mind you, he didn't actually do this, as far as I know.

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I wonder what Media Houses current client roster thinks of their behaviour?

The guy's an ex-tabloid journalist turned PR man. Not sure what you expect, Mind you, he didn't actually do this, as far as I know.

There is links to the pictures taken. Vile behaviour, lower than a snakes belly. The surprising thing is I'm surprised.

If my team was associated with anything remotely like this I'd like to think I'd just call it a day.

I will not reproduce as Cf has advised they come with a legal warning.

Edited by AberdeenBud
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I wonder what Media House client roster thinks o

There is links to the pictures taken. Vile behaviour, lower than a snakes belly. The surprising thing is I'm surprised.

I will not reproduce as Cf has advised they come with a legal warning.

I mean he didn't actually get the pics put in the paper. Ex-tabloid hack/exec considers doing something nasty but doesn't actually do it. Hey, maybe it is newsworthy after all! :D

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