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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Way behind the times Ted.....try the right thread.....posted hours ago, still funny though....."new club".......tee hee......hee.

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Might have guessed.

Started by a Celtic fan, might have guessed.

Yer hearing things.

"For the record, there will be a day of reckoning"


^ ^ ^ Raging because a plastic beat him :lol: .

So what's this day of reckoning all about Tedi ? sounds a bit ominous !,would that be the day a Rangers team at Ibrox will be killed off forever :) .

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Might have guessed. Started by a Celtic fan, might have guessed. Yer hearing things. "For the record, there will be a day of reckoning" WATP!!

I honestly thought he was a don goin by username , but tedi was obsessed enough to check....

What was it HB? 2.30?

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Honestly, mate, you're flogging a dead horse here and for two reasons.

Firstly, I don't want other clubs to go in to admin - we know it's a shitey situation and we shouldn't be making capital out of it. I don't think it's really anything to do with us and we should let the clubs and the SFA/SPFL get on with it.

Secondly, you're discoursing with guys who have lived and breathed OUR admin/liquidation for 18 months and know chapter and verse in a way that we Bears just can't comprehend. Posters on here have discovered their life's raison d'etre through the BRALT so you're never going to win.

If, today, Aquinas was to ask the question of, "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?" then the reply he'd get from the Ps&Ds would be, "Well if it's a Rangers pin, then more than the pin can afford"

I realise that I'm not speaking for us all - but, I wont change my stance that I'd like the love shown to us returned in kind. So, we'll have to agree to disagree. Herz and the fife diddies is a decent start to the carnage I'd like to witness.

And whilst I accept your point about the tragic sadness of the obsessives who hung on every word from the runaway, the IRA writer and the disgraced bungler - we at least know the reason for the anger - they thought/assumed/dreamt we wouldn't make it.

We not only made it, but are headed back to the very top again. And that's what really hurt when those very wettest of dreams turned out to be little more than premature ejaculations.

Never more satisfyingly a 'roon ye moment to be had than the day the title stripping efforts fell flat on it's plastic, diddy face.

So, I'm content to recognise we were never going to lose what really mattered - our greatest of clubs - Rangers. That, for me, is the ultimate win.

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I honestly thought he was a don goin by username , but tedi was obsessed enough to check....

What was it HB? 2.30?

I think Tedi is slipping without Vicky erm Benny or whitever the fcuk his alias is these days with his usual quips to Tedi's rescue with the likes of "Jakey","Anybody know a good engineer ma boilers on the brink","What's wrong with you","Nice copy n paste job" and so on and the usual green dot for posting shite.

And I never did find out if he got his boiler fixed :( and I wonder if it was his back boiler that got fucked :lol: .

Tedi is more obsessed than he cares to let on especially when he fucks things up :) and then deflects all the focus chasing something he thinks he is right on when it had feck all to do with the original topic :lol: .

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I realise that I'm not speaking for us all - but, I wont change my stance that I'd like the love shown to us returned in kind. So, we'll have to agree to disagree. Herz and the fife diddies is a decent start to the carnage I'd like to witness.

And whilst I accept your point about the tragic sadness of the obsessives who hung on every word from the runaway, the IRA writer and the disgraced bungler - we at least know the reason for the anger - they thought/assumed/dreamt we wouldn't make it.

We not only made it, but are headed back to the very top again. And that's what really hurt when those very wettest of dreams turned out to be little more than premature ejaculations.

Never more satisfyingly a 'roon ye moment to be had than the day the title stripping efforts fell flat on it's plastic, diddy face.

So, I'm content to recognise we were never going to lose what really mattered - our greatest of clubs - Rangers. That, for me, is the ultimate win.

Bendy, accidentally clicked on your profile instead of get last post....

Your minus :D .... compared to teds and the vicksters hundreds of greens.....injustice.

Have one for the "ira writer" ..... you make it sound "bad" lolol....

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I realise that I'm not speaking for us all - but, I wont change my stance that I'd like the love shown to us returned in kind. So, we'll have to agree to disagree. Herz and the fife diddies is a decent start to the carnage I'd like to witness.

And whilst I accept your point about the tragic sadness of the obsessives who hung on every word from the runaway, the IRA writer and the disgraced bungler - we at least know the reason for the anger - they thought/assumed/dreamt we wouldn't make it.

We not only made it, but are headed back to the very top again. And that's what really hurt when those very wettest of dreams turned out to be little more than premature ejaculations.

Never more satisfyingly a 'roon ye moment to be had than the day the title stripping efforts fell flat on it's plastic, diddy face.

So, I'm content to recognise we were never going to lose what really mattered - our greatest of clubs - Rangers. That, for me, is the ultimate win.

It's a cloned club Bendarroch ffs and it is not the original club but looks and acts just like the original but with the usual cloning defects and this one is more aggressive than the last one and is more deluded than the previous incarnation.

New club,same club but not the original one the founders created and they must be turning in their graves :lol: .

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I think Tedi is slipping without Vicky erm Benny or whitever the fcuk his alias is these days with his usual quips to Tedi's rescue with the likes of "Jakey","Anybody know a good engineer ma boilers on the brink","What's wrong with you","Nice copy n paste job" and so on and the usual green dot for posting shite.

And I never did find out if he got his boiler fixed :( and I wonder if it was his back boiler that got fucked :lol: .

Tedi is more obsessed than he cares to let on especially when he fucks things up :) and then deflects all the focus chasing something he thinks he is right on when it had feck all to do with the original topic :lol: .

Ach, teds having fun....I think he reckons he has crushed 3 of my ff aliases this week.......(nae luck, all still posting) , Ffs I have reported probably 6 in 6 years of my own. (good for rep)..........

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Oh, I think Tedi's excelled himself in the entertainment stakes these last few days. First his complete lack of comprehension of that UEFA email (including multiple attempted piss-takes on the spelling when one poster got it wrong...), then his arithmetical gymnastics (including the world-record Additional Back-track with Full Deflection)over Goian and Bocanegra. First class fuckwittery, IMHO.

Bendarroch? I just reckon he's the mirror of Tony Soprano when it comes to post-operative life assessment. Still good for a giggle, mind, watching him reinforce the stereotype more and more with each deluded rant. "Back", ffs. :lol::lol:

Oh, and The_? I think you'll find it's " others' " - spaces inserted for clarity. ;)

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Ach, teds having fun....I think he reckons he has crushed 3 of my ff aliases this week.......(nae luck, all still posting) , Ffs I have reported probably 6 in 6 years of my own. (good for rep)..........

:lol: outing your own aliases for good rep ! good master stroke to deflect from being outed as a timposter :)

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We not only made it, but are headed back to the very top again. And that's what really hurt when those very wettest of dreams turned out to be little more than premature ejaculations.

Never more satisfyingly a 'roon ye moment to be had than the day the title stripping efforts fell flat on it's plastic, diddy face.

So, I'm content to recognise we were never going to lose what really mattered - our greatest of clubs - Rangers. That, for me, is the ultimate win.

Don't insult your own intelligence and ours by pretending that the events of the last 18 months have been anything other than inconceivably dreadful for Rangers and their fans.

You're right in suggesting that it could (perhaps should) have actually even been a little worse for you guys.

The reality is though that for Rangers to have wound up where they are would have seemed absolutely impossible even in 2011, let alone during previous years.

Pretend we've been the big losers in all this if you like, but we'll share with you the certain knowledge that it's just that - a complete pretence.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Don't insult your own intelligence and ours by pretending that the events of the last 18 months have been anything other than inconceivably dreadful for Rangers and their fans.

You're right in suggesting that it could (perhaps should) have actually even been a little worse for you guys.

The reality is though that for Rangers to have wound up where they are would have seemed absolutely impossible even in 2011, let alone during previous years.

Pretend we've been the big losers in all this if you like, but we'll share with you the certain knowledge that it's just that - a complete pretence.

Whilst I'm delighted we are here - and felt confident enough that was always going to be the case when we played Killie the day after administration - there's no way I would even hint that the last few years have been anything other than a fucking nightmare at times.

I'd acknowledge you can argue with a degree of reason from time to time - but, you too, could not deny that so many of the bitterest diddies and plastics were absolutely gutted when our future didn't pan out as promised by Mac Goebbels and his now shamed peers.

You'll just have to forgive my glee when the fife losers and herz hit the buffers and that more fall in their wake. Returning the love has rarely been a sweeter experience.

'Mon the Ukio Bankas Lithuanian administrators!


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We not only made it, but are headed back to the very top again. And that's what really hurt when those very wettest of dreams turned out to be little more than premature ejaculations.

Rangers died, it doesn't get any better than that :lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol:

Edited by Fotbawmad
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I think your choice to hide the content of your reply from the standard quoting option speaks volumes for the nonsense you offered up.

And even as Romanov hides from the authorities who need to question him regarding allegations of the embezzlement of millions - still the integrity warriors sing the new herz song: "It's pyoor deffo different how they fucked Dundee over byraway."

Because, unlike Rangers with Whyte of course, herz are obviously innocent victims of the actions of a rogue owner. Aren't they?


Nae luck, herz - Killie next please - but I'll happily settle for any of the clubs of the (cough) integrity warriors. Abhergreen would do nicely.


Why Killie? I thought they were your pals. Were they not the only club, not to vote against your new club joining The SPL? Aberdeen are well proud to be thought of as an enemy of the rangers, just as we were with the previous occupants of 'the big hoose'. :thumsup2:bounce4:bounce4

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Meanwhile, back in the real world...

I see the courts are set to haul the recently dismissed case against rasellik fhan in the highlands back for review as the sheriff looks to have been in error.

And - with the recent P&B grassings - I'd like to congratulate all of those who have campaigned so hard for an end to naughty songs at the fitba, and their right to pretend to be offended by anything at all if they feel like it.

Especially if it might get someone else into trouble for, well, next to nothing.

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Aberdeen are well proud to be thought of as an enemy of the rangers

I'd imagine that dream is one of the very few things that validates dolly's existence these days. But, to be clear, Abhergreen aren't enemies of Rangers as they represent no danger to our club's ambitions. Their support were amongst the most vocal of the, ahem, integrity warriors.

Who could forget their rush to sponsor mascots from all over Scotland, for example. Or sponsoring the Anna player when their own team had players up for sponsorship on the club website. Integrity was their cry, too, wasn't it?


But, as you can see above from the likes of Kincardine - not all of the Rangers support feel as I do. I can tell you from speaking to many fellow supporters, however, a considerable number share my view.

All of this just after I've finished reading an article in the Herald featuring the views from a Mr Birch - herz admin - who insists the SPFL and SFA must see sense and punish the individuals who harmed herz and not the club itself - and god forbid they do anything as damaging as fine the club already in such a parlous financial state.

I imagine the integrity warriors are ready - torches lit and pitchforks sharpened - to pounce at any minute if the Scottish fitba powers don't absolutely leather herz for fucking Dundee over.

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Fuxace. Another wee Whistle fanny. What the f**k is being put in the Maryhill water to make such a clusterfuck of ignorance?

If you had, "Seen a few references" then post them.

"Fuxace" ?

I DID see references to this possibility. I did not see fit to copy and paste. I merely posted on here to see

if anyone else had anything to say on the subject. That is a function of a forum.

It may be (and probably is) just a rumour started by mischievous persons.

However, if I see anything similar in future, you can be assured that I will note the source and let you know.

Thank you for your input.............ya fanny.

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seven figure investment eh, thought we pure skint an aww, what's going on?

£50,000.00 IMO

No way does installing WIFI for a football stadium cost £1m, or if it does then I hope they put it out to tender as my company would defo be interested :thumsup2

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