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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Any one else expecting an answer along the lines of 'he maybe is right, but we are the people!' ?The rangers fans i know seem to have become quite the parody of themselves recently. If its not trying to claim former glories as their own, it's trying to find other ways to feign superiority over others and they then wonder why the more humble hearts fans are treated differently with their clubs financial plight.

Plus the humble hearts fans aren't stupid enough to pay 99p to watch a video of the new team bus :D

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You have this the wrong way round.

Rangers fans in the Laudrup era didn't w**k on endlessly about their awesome attendances. They didn't do it when Advocaat was manager, or when Smith returned.

It wasn't an issue, because you had a good team on the pitch and won trophies.

Now that you're in the arse-end of nowhere as the laughing stock of Scottish football, it's all attendance attendance attendance all the time, over and over and over. Why?

Because you have nothing else to say to lord it over anyone else, and being Billy Big-Baws is central to your supporters' identity. It's just one long, pathetic scramble to come up with something - anything! - to boast and preen about.

If your attendance drops off this year, I fully expect you to sell a record-breaking number of pies or release the world's most orangest away top. Because you're a bunch of toddlers who are totally fixated on being king of the castle forever, or you're taking your ball and going home.

There have always been debates about attendance.

Just as there have always been debates to and fro between Rangers and Celtic fans about one being bigger and better than the other in some way or another. Anyone who thinks that only works one way really hasn't been paying attention.

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Rangers fans have brought up attendance's many times before, as have Celtic fans, do not try to pretend this is not true, we both know it was a Celtic fan who brought attendances up in this particular discussion, both Rangers and Celtic fans have used anything and everything to lord it over their rivals fans for as long as I can remember, its what old firm fans do.

What's fuckin hilarious is 3 non old firm fans gave you green dots for that pile of us vs them shite along with a ringing endorsement from and Aberdeen supporter, it appears you are actually managing to convert some of the "two cheeks of the same arse" brigade, kudos :D

As I posted elsewhere, Tedi, the whole attendance thing is an absolute irrelevance, continually dragged back up by you and yours to because you have a visceral need to believe that ICBINR are the biggest and best at something. As they were poor, indeed laughable at times, on the park, bums on seats will have to do.

Irrelevance? Well, Justin Bieber is massively popular and The Sun is the world's biggest selling English-language daily. Can you make a case for either being examples of high quality in their fields? If not, why should we be impressed at the number of bigots, fuckwits and general pond-life who need to validate their lives by pretending that

a) That mob at ibrox have more than a year's existence, and

b) Following a football team imbues that team's fans with the qualities and achievements of that team?*

*Although, tbf, I'll give you "qualities", to a large extent.

ETA: Out of interest, what are you doing with all your greenies while Bennett/Vicky is in hiding with a riddie like a beef tomato enjoying his'/her/their break? :lol:

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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ETA: Out of interest, what are you doing with all your greenies while Bennett/Vicky is in hiding with a riddie like a beef tomato enjoying his'/her/their break? :lol:

You have dedicated the last year and a bit of your life to posting on a football forum about a team you don't support who play in a league set up you contribute nothing to. All the while the team you claim to support are in deep financial trouble who have lost their management team and are in total disarray but contribute nothing in comparison....I know who i think has been the most embarrassing out of you and Bennett

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You have dedicated the last year and a bit of your life to posting on a football forum about a team you don't support who play in a league set up you contribute nothing to. All the while the team you claim to support are in deep financial trouble who have lost their management team and are in total disarray but contribute nothing in comparison....I know who i think has been the most embarrassing out of you and Bennett

More embarrassed to be out of bennett tbh....

With the zombies on this. Attendances are a pissing contest that used to go on between the Old Firm. But that ended as there is only one left.

It not exclusive to them though, hibs and hearts used to (and are still capable of) do(ing) it constantly.

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You have dedicated the last year and a bit of your life to posting on a football forum about a team you don't support who play in a league set up you contribute nothing to. All the while the team you claim to support are in deep financial trouble who have lost their management team and are in total disarray but contribute nothing in comparison....I know who i think has been the most embarrassing out of you and Bennett

"Dedicated" - Aye, Ok then. Judging others by your own lights, I reckon. There's one or two things more important to normal people than your thieving "institution", to be perfectly honest.

Strangely enough, there's more important things than football. You and your mates' continued desperation to twist and contort the slightest suggestion of vindication from a shitstorm of your dead clubs own making has been a continued joy for plenty throughout Scotland and beyond. do keep it up - the rest of us have had more entertainment from you lot in eighteen months than we've had in decades...

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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"Dedicated" - Aye, Ok then. Judging others by your own lights, I reckon. There's one or two things more important to normal people than your thieving "institution", to be perfectly honest.

Strangely enough, there's more important things than football. You and your mates' continued desperation to twist and contort the slightest suggestion of vindication from a shitstorm of your dead clubs own making has been a continued joy for plenty throughout Scotland and beyond. do keep it up - the rest of us have had more entertainment from you lot in eighteen months than we've had in decades...

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

You are now claiming to get more enjoyment out of a club in financial trouble than you do from 'supporting' your own club....When was the last time you actually supported your own club?

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You are now claiming to get more enjoyment out of a club in financial trouble than you do from 'supporting' your own club....When was the last time you actually supported your own club?

Eh, no I'm not.

I must confess that I feel I should be jealous, mind - poor wee Killie don't have a lot of "enemies", "mhedia" or "chonspiracies" to blame for our situation.

Apparently, it's all our own fault. Bummer, eh?

Now off you go to find some more links to prove 2012 never happened.

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"Dedicated" - Aye, Ok then. Judging others by your own lights, I reckon. There's one or two things more important to normal people than your thieving "institution", to be perfectly honest.

Aww. Are you still upset that all that covert work for those 'who take you seriously' to keep the attack on Rangers 'up front and centre' resulted in, well, sweet f**k all?

You and your fellow spies must have been fucking gutted.

Too right it's been entertaining!


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Aww. Are you still upset that all that covert work for those 'who take you seriously' to keep the attack on Rangers 'up front and centre' resulted in, well, sweet f**k all?


You and your fellow spies must have been fucking gutted.


Too right it's been entertaining!



Cherry picking- check.

Carrying on discredited Amigo's fantasy- check

Continuing the fantasy thoroughly discredited by all sensible people - check.

Still bitter - check.

Entertaining? With all due respect to Scotland's smaller teams, I really wouldn't use that description if Killie were to reform in the bottom league. mind you, if we do die, we'll at least have the dignity to accept our demise - unlike some bigoted scum.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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You have this the wrong way round.

Rangers fans in the Laudrup era didn't w**k on endlessly about their awesome attendances. They didn't do it when Advocaat was manager, or when Smith returned.

You're doing this angry thing again. You tried to pull the same shite on the Orange Walk thread.. How about this as a suggestion? Folk make a reasonable post and you give a reasonable reply. This is what normal people call conversation. Want to give it a try some time?

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if we do die, we'll at least have the dignity to accept our demise - unlike some bigoted scum.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

This is pretty a pretty cheap remark. Supporting Rangers does not a bigoted scum make. Sadly you're playing to the gallery here, chap.

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You're doing this angry thing again. You tried to pull the same shite on the Orange Walk thread.. How about this as a suggestion? Folk make a reasonable post and you give a reasonable reply. This is what normal people call conversation. Want to give it a try some time?

I said it before and I'll say it again - no point beating about the bush, just say what you mean to say.

I meant to say that the attendance chat is basically the football equivalent of short man syndrome, and it is.

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Aww. Are you still upset that all that covert work for those 'who take you seriously' to keep the attack on Rangers 'up front and centre' resulted in, well, sweet f**k all?

You and your fellow spies must have been fucking gutted.

Too right it's been entertaining!


That is paranoid bordering on dementia praecox. Ha ha, how the worm has turned!

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This is pretty a pretty cheap remark. Supporting Rangers does not a bigoted scum make. Sadly you're playing to the gallery here, chap.

This is pretty a pretty cheap remark. Supporting Rangers does not a bigoted scum make. Sadly you're playing to the gallery here, chap.

He's telling the truth you demented fud!!

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Cherry picking- check

Always your most pitiful excuse.


You can never deny the cringeworthy outbursts re those who take you seriously and all the rest of it - because you posted the embarrassments when you were so puffed up with pride at the efforts you could not see heading for the fails they inevitably did.

You tripped over your own hubris - Mac Goebbels would have been proud of you. Was he the one who took you seriously? Or was it the disgraced bungler? Some other no-mark failure we have yet to learn of?


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This is pretty a pretty cheap remark. Supporting Rangers does not a bigoted scum make. Sadly you're playing to the gallery here, chap.

Sorry, Kincardine - I keep forgetting that they're a small, insignificant, embarrassing minority of rangers' support.

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