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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Rangers used to include cup games on season tickets but it was costing the club too much. We had an incredible run of being drawn away from home and i heard people complaini.g about rigged cup draws to suit SDM. Personally don't buy into it

It was more to do with the word "we"....

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You lie so often it is difficult to keep up. This particular lie us when you claimed i said Rangers were relegated.... i never said that. = a lie

Except I didn't claim that, did I? You can't comprehend simple English = a stupid bigot Loyalist.

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So,back on track by charlotte ..... minty.up to his neck with The Hero, under an alias email name... (what is it with buns and aliases?)

Murray "What pittance do we now get for that game"

Idle chit-chat or careless slip?

The email to Whyte refers to 0-2 Scottish Cup defeat v Dundee Utd. Attendance 17,822.

Are the green yins still posting this shyte from Whytes twitter account :lol:

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Except I didn't claim that, did I? You can't comprehend simple English = a stupid bigot Loyalist.

Wind your neck in Norman, you've claimed all sorts of p1sh on here, most of it you deny at a later date.

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Maybe because this isn't the BCALT.

Or maybe because you and a large proportinon of the berrz on here are such obvious hate-filled bigots, who can't make a post without belittling or abusing followers of ANY other team, frequently accusing them of being another flavour of bigot.

Just a theory?

Anyone who reads this thread would have to acknowledge the truth of the matter - that very few diddies are singled out for their love of ra sporting wing. Only the ones who just cannot hide their love for their green n grey oops.

And you seem to have this idea that Rangers supporters should take whatever abuse is handed out and respond with flowers and kisses. f**k that.


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Firstly, spare yourself the embarrassment of walking this amateur psychology line because it's all so much simpler than that errant mince.

You, like some others, seem to want to attach an importance to the bletherings on a message board far beyond their value. I meet and talk to fitba supporters all the time - the absolute pish poured out here is rarely (if ever) mirrored in the real world.

For example - no one on earth I've ever met responds in conversation by presenting a picture in the wanky way that, say, SS Alba does. That's not to say I don't have a laugh or enjoy some of the humour - it's no bad on occasion. What makes me laugh most of all is the fantasy that anything other than Rangers being back at the top of what's left of Scottish is going to be the final outcome.

So I give back as I get on here, returning the love in kind - within the limits of the grassing community and those who fake offence as a facade for their grassing.

And, I left the sporting wing comment to last because :lol:

I didn't think any grasp of psychology, amateur or otherwise, was required to note the contempt you routinely display towards smaller clubs. I think the defence offered above amounts to "I don't mean it, but".

That's obviously fair enough, but you are actually unique among the Rangers fans on here in constantly treading such a path.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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A bit like No8 and his 3rd division pish and Tedi with his same club tomfoolery.

Sorry but WTF. You claimed i only said it after liquidation ...i proved you wrong. It really is as simple as that.

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Is it just me, or is not the slightest bit weird how he's just pretending the breakdown never happened and continuing with the same old insults?


No weirder than the hive mind denying all that has happened at ibrox over the last eighteen months and believing the rest of us to be "jealous" and "bitter". Natural progression, I reckon.

Oh, BTW, these deer-burgers are ace with some of Mr Roots' Love Apple ketchup on them. Top tip - if your daughters have to have boyfriends, try and make sure they work in an independent butcher's shop.

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