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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Seems a few Ps & Ds got a wee bit carried away last night. Shame they seem to miss a very important point which has only just been raised.

Rangers have money in the bank. There are extremely wealthy Rangers men just waiting to invest into the club. Green will be voted off the board alo.g with the other leeches.

All this while vastly improving the playing squad.

Clubs are always at their healthiest in August, due to the influx of STs and sponsorship. However, that will all begin to run out around Christmas time where we'll either see admin 2 in February/March or another share issue. Rich Sevco fans is most likely bluster from the succulent lamb brigade. Don't for a moment believe they'll ever put in the money that moonbeams put in during his time. Prepare for many years of mediocrity ahead.

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Independent reviewer reopening case against Rangers FC ‘most successful football club’ claim

The Independent reviewer for the Advertising Standards Authority has confirmed that it has reopened the case which saw the ASA allow the statement that Rangers is ‘Scotland’s most successful club’ in an advertising campaign.

The original ruling has now been removed from the ASA website.

After the complaints were made, Rangers said in its statement to the ASA that the “panel of the London Stock Exchange” agreed that Rangers was the most successful Scottish club despite liquidation in 2012, leading to suggestions that the new club was only recently formed and therefore could not use previous successes.

However, the Stock Exchange has now said that it did not endorse Rangers, and has asked the statement to be removed.

Speaking to The Drum, the ASA said: “It is worth mentioning that the Independent Reviewer cannot overturn ASA decisions, he can make a recommendation. The ASA Council’s ruling on reviewed cases is final. Rulings that are revised following a review will be republished on our website.”

James Traynor, director of communications for Rangers, did not reply to a request for comment.

The full letter from independent reviewer Sir Hayden Phillips, sent to those who appealed the decision, can be read below.

ASA Case A13-224606: Rangers Football Club – Request for Review

I wrote to you on 13 June setting out the procedure I would follow in examining your request that I review this adjudication by the ASA Council. You should know that I also received similar requests from five other original complainants about these advertisements.

I am now writing to let you know that having considered your request, and the requests of the others, and having studied the ASA’s file on the case, I decided to make an interim report to the ASA Council. I said that I had concluded, inter alia, that it was a procedural flaw for the ASA to have relied on an extract only of a report sent to it by the advertiser, and that there was also the risk of a substantial flaw of adjudication in the distinction that had been made between ‘club’ and ‘company’, especially in the light of previous ASA decisions about companies that change hands and the circumstances in which the new company could or could not trade off the reputation of the old company. I recommended that in these circumstances the investigation should be reopened and the published adjudication should be withdrawn. The Chairman of the ASA, Lord Smith of Finsbury, has written to tell me that he has decided to reopen the ASA’s investigation into this case and to withdraw the published adjudication.

It will now be for the ASA Executive to carry out this further investigation consulting you and the advertiser about any revised new Draft Recommendation. When the further investigation is complete, the Council will have, in addition to its normal advice from the Executive, a final report from me as the Independent Reviewer. The purpose of that report is to ensure that the Council has my views as to whether the further work has adequately dealt with the issues which you, and the other complainants I have mentioned, raised in your requests for review.

I must emphasise that the ASA Council’s decision to proceed in this manner is entirely without prejudice to what the Council may conclude in the light of the further work that will now be undertaken.

Yours sincerely

Hayden Phillips

(Sir Hayden Phillips GCB DL)

For those who were discussing the ASA ruling that was posted here earlier today. The article that I have posted above was published a few days ago.

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From Campbell Ogilvie, President SFA, ex Secretary of Rangers and Hearts. (Glasgow Herald)

He said the SFA was "monitoring" events at Rangers, where a boardroom power struggle continues. "Any football club that is going through these trials and tribulations is going to cause concerns," Ogilvie added. "The first people you feel for are the supporters and people working at the club. Nobody wants to see these issues coming up. We are looking forward to the start of the [lower] league season this week and focusing on the game moving forward. The media interest in the last few days has taken away from that but again you feel for the supporters."

Ogilvie also avoided commenting on any return by Paul Murray to the Ibrox board. "I am not going to deal with hypothetical questions but there are articles in place - not always in black and white - that deal with these situations. The board will deal with these as they come up," he said.

"there are articles in place - not always in black and white - that deal with these situations."

What does he mean by not always in black and white? Does he know the articles in place are not watertight, and do not have loopholes?

If he is aware there are loopholes, what is he doing about it? :angry:

Please get rid of this useless :whistle clown. cheating, utterly compromised and discredited member of the friends of sevco memorial troupe.

What Campbell Ogilvie is still doing in a job I have no idea (oh wait he turns his trouser leg up the right way). I constantly hear that he is a very nice genuine guy (admittedly from the Glasgow press), if was so nice and genuine then how about he pays back all of the money he received that was actually due in tax, makes a properly apology and resigns. Rather than the typical sevco "deeply regret [us getting caught]" pish.

And another thing! If the next insolvency event is to be treated as the first, then that's recognition of no continuation, no history, scores on the doors 1 x 3rd division title. If it is their second then when the next tax tribunal ruling comes around, a nice fat final demand letter should appear on the Ibrox doorstep.

And another another thing! Don't panic, rather than actually do something about it, this majority of absolute cretins support would rather argue and fight each other to the death over who is the most loyal and what the orangiest orange is in the world. All the while letting thieves, shysters and crooks take all their money and pick the carcass clean of their soon to be dead again club, again.

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Ben 1 auto pilot

sit back await auto pilot 'dolly', abhergreen' 'closed stands' ' we'll be back' burble burble.....

To be honest, I've witnessed little else other than regurgitation in one form or another in the little over a year I've been here.

Two points of view at polar opposites and unlikely to ever find common ground.

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To be honest, I've witnessed little else other than regurgitation in one form or another in the little over a year I've been here.

Two points of view at polar opposites and unlikely to ever find common ground.

Well, not quite - it's been more like 95% of the population observing that water is wet while you and your minority mates try to light a barbecue in the sea. "They plastics and diddies won't get any sausages!" you laugh, striking your sodden Zippos. "What a bunch of fannies!".

Basically, it's impossible to come to agreement with folk whose self-image is wholly dependent upon missing the point.

In other news, this tablet has just autocorrected the word "Diddies" to "Did Dies", although that's probably not significant.

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Traynor doesn't talk to journalists, which must make his job as a press officer a doddle.

I do like the idea that Traynor's just waiting for snazzy new equipment so he can unleash his forces of PR darkness, when it's common knowledge that he was one of the few hacks in Scotland who still regarded the internet as basically Teletext for retards.

Yeah, surfing the wave of the future, is Oor Jabba...

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Ashamed to wear the colours or don't get out much?

I would never hide my colours.

I drive a taxi so i think that covers getting out.

Nope. I think i know why nobody has ever called me sevco w****r or even used that term in my company

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After the complaints were made, Rangers said in its statement to the ASA that the “panel of the London Stock Exchange” agreed that Rangers was the most successful Scottish club despite liquidation in 2012, leading to suggestions that the new club was only recently formed and therefore could not use previous successes.

However, the Stock Exchange has now said that it did not endorse Rangers, and has asked the statement to be removed.

'Rangers' in making stuff up shocker !!

and that there was also the risk of a substantial flaw of adjudication in the distinction that had been made between ‘club’ and ‘company’, especially in the light of previous ASA decisions about companies that change hands and the circumstances in which the new company could or could not trade off the reputation of the old company.

How very interesting - I'm guessing that's the sphincter twitching line that had 'Rangers' pulling the plug on yon advertising campaign ;)

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I would never hide my colours.

I drive a taxi so i think that covers getting out.

Nope. I think i know why nobody has ever called me sevco w****r or even used that term in my company

You originally said no one has used the term Sevco in conversation with you. That's a lie isn't it?

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I would never hide my colours.

I drive a taxi so i think that covers getting out.

Nope. I think i know why nobody has ever called me sevco w****r or even used that term in my company

Do you wear your colours while driving your taxi? If you were actually stupid enough to do that and someone offended you, what would you do, give your m8 Grugg a call to order one of his gophers to send your offender some bullets in the post? You wee sleekit timorous beastie No.8!

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