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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Not surprised that mccoist is going tp take paycut. Hopefully Durrant and McDowell follow the managers example

Sleekit wee bawbag as per. He didn't mind raping the corpse until it became public what his wage was. Would this offer have made if his ridiculous salary wasn't public knowledge? Not a ducking chance.

Now he's trying to spin into a bit of positive PR for himself. That c**t could teach Alistair Campbell a thing or two about how to play the media.

Horrible individual.

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Did he really call MJ a 'Currantophile'?

I suppose i shouldn't be shocked coming from that bigoted scumbag.

He's a sectarian bigot at heart - hates Rangers on religious grounds you see. He'll be along shortly after you to pretend that 'currant' isn't sectarian when we already know the truth of the matter.

now offended by made-up words.

Well - would you believe it? From the ghuy who takes offence at the letter h. WKR then, WKR now, WKR forever.


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Out of interest how did the massive, well coordinated, protests go today? Did the Ibrox loyal make their displeasure heard and leave the board in no doubt that they are as one in their condemnation of those responsible for the turmoil of the last few weeks?

Or, were there just a couple of unreadable banners, briefly flapped, before you went away dribbling and clapping like banana filled monkeys, after horsing a part-time side, at home, with the ubiquitous, and somewhat clichéd, fortuitously timed penalty and red card combo, like all was well and thinking doesn't superally deserve a bigger warchest?

Edited by williemillersmoustache
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So No.8 tell us how they are missing the point and everything is rosey.

The Sunday Herald eh....well that's me convinced

Anyone else suffering from Deja vu?

Remember this story into the old Rangers

Then we had



And they resulted in



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I think the protest was vocal and persistent for most of the 90 mins to be fair, the banners from BF1 were easy to read from any part of the ground, especially the directors area.

C'mon Tedi. Do you really think Green and co. care a jot what BF1 sing at them or what their banners say.

Now i know why he was so keen to get the Easdales on his side.

It may help that the shareholders are left in no doubt where our loyalties lie

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C'mon Tedi. Do you really think Green and co. care a jot what BF1 sing at them or what their banners say.

Now i know why he was so keen to get the Easdales on his side.

It may help that the shareholders are left in no doubt where our loyalties lie

The Easdales are not only extremely wealthy Rangers men but will put money in when your McColls will not. :)

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The ones posted were pretty shite but were not from BF1, the lads had some banners done properly, will try to post a pic later, the one that said "no Greene in Ibrox" was on display for virtually the whole game, no attempt to have it removed, in Murrays days these would have been removed.

I would say todays protest was rehearsed and well planned, unlike the Newcastle game which was non existent.

It was 'red white and blue' and another said ' No Green in Rangers'

Really hope the vote goes the right way next week.

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The ones posted were pretty shite but were not from BF1, the lads had some banners done properly, will try to post a pic later, the one that said "no Greene in Ibrox" was on display for virtually the whole game, no attempt to have it removed, in Murrays days these would have been removed.

I would say todays protest was rehearsed and well planned, unlike the Newcastle game which was non existent.

Fair enough, I hereby withdraw the banana-filled monkey comment and replace it with pineapple-filled higher ape, possibly a gorilla.

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