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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Maybe a tad over sympathetic however the current exploitation of football fans being allowed at ibrox with the consented silence of the footballing authorities and mainstream media is absolutely staggering.

However any attempt by either to challenge it would result in broken windaes by the very people they would be trying to "protect".

It's also remarkable that the general feeling from the Rangers support is that Charlotte is the enemy! Any other "business" I'm sure they would think twice about putting money into it given her revelations however it appears they really would rather not know!

All in the name of football, aye right!

I suspect many of those that genuinely were only in it for the football have already walked away.

Most Rangers fans don't pay Hagger... CF's Twitterings that much attention, outsmarted and made to look foolish by Mark Dingwall .....

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Tedi already knows most of the detail of stuff he asks for clarification on, or requests 'have you got a link?' etc etc.

it is his modus operandi to drag any debate round and round in ever decreasing 'Tedi-ous' circles, so everybody else gives up with the futility of it.

Like negotiating with a chimp over a banana, to use this week's top phrase.

So do you think that people should just accept whatever facts and figures guys lile Hellboy QC and Densboy post on here without question?

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Most Rangers fans don't pay Hagger... CF's Twitterings that much attention, outsmarted and made to look foolish by Mark Dingwall .....

Which is their choice.

I'm not aware of the incident you refer to but, to me, there is a lot of suspicious "smoke" in a lot of her tweets. The fact that they're largely ignored by Rangers fans is remarkable to me, IMO she is on your side and trying to show you what is happening to your cash.

Rangers fans really can't claim to have been duped if the P&D prediction of a second insolvency event actually becomes a reality.

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Which is their choice.

Rangers fans really can't claim to have been duped if the P&D prediction of a second insolvency event actually becomes a reality.

Who is claiming that we were duped? It's so easy to jump to coclusions, repeat them and assume it's true.

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Maybe a tad over sympathetic however the current exploitation of football fans being allowed at ibrox with the consented silence of the footballing authorities and mainstream media is absolutely staggering.


However any attempt by either to challenge it would result in broken windaes by the very people they would be trying to "protect".


It's also remarkable that the general feeling from the Rangers support is that Charlotte is the enemy! Any other "business" I'm sure they would think twice about putting money into it given her revelations however it appears they really would rather not know!


All in the name of football, aye right!


I suspect many of those that genuinely were only in it for the football have already walked away.



Most Rangers fans don't pay Hagger... CF's Twitterings that much attention, outsmarted and made to look foolish by Mark Dingwall .....

Yes but these are the same Rangers fans who hailed Green as the Messiah when everyone told them otherwise and believe the SFA is biased against them despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. They don't listen to reason.

Dingwall, much like Chris Graham is little more than a blithering, frothing at the mouth blinkered cretin, yet as history has shown, all someone needs to say is WATP or suggest an anti-Rangers conspiracy and the Rangers supporters will eat out their hand.

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I remember the same attitude from the Bears support when you were told Murray's figures didn't add up. How did that work out for you?

I don't recall saying or believing anything of the sort.

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Yes but these are the same Rangers fans who hailed Green as the Messiah when everyone told them otherwise and believe the SFA is biased against them despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. They don't listen to reason.

Thats not how i remember it. The fans wanted Green out and weren't buying season tickets, it was more down to a lot fans (misguided imo) faith in McCoist who asked fans to support the club and buy season tickets.

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You are aware of the collective(plural) use of the word "you" as in the rangers support as a whole?

Which is why i highlighted bits, to give him the chance to clarify if thats what he meant.

Rather than "How did that work out for you?" he should have typed "How did that work out for your support?".

He tried to be cute...

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It seems they might just be moving from the frying pan into the fire down Govan way.


Bus tycoon Easdale buys 1.2 million shares in RangersFriday 16 August 2013 McGill’s bus tycoon Sandy Easdale has bought 1.2 million shares in Rangers Football Club in a hectic day of trading as the power struggle at Ibrox intensifies.

Mr Easdale, who owns the firm with his brother James, made the purchase after former club director Imran Ahmad, who was ejected from the board in April, sold the majority of his 2.2 million shares in the club. A total of 20 separate trades in the club were made yesterday.

Rangers chief executive Craig Mather, consultant Charles Green and finance director Brian Stockbridge are drumming up support in London for the board amid attempts by tycoon Jim McColl to oust key figures.

Mr Easdale and his brother, a board member since July, have long sought to increase their influence at the club and are key allies of Mr Green. The purchase, worth £498,000, brings Sandy Easdale’s individual stake to 2.1% – around a seven-fold increase. His wife Gail and brother are also shareholders.

The Easdale family’s spokesman, Jack Irvine, said: “We said we would buy more shares and we did. We believe in the future of Rangers Football Club.”

Two separate trades of one million shares were made yesterday. It is understood that stockbroker Daniel Stewart, acting for the club, purchased 800,000 shares. No-one at the brokers could confirm this last night.

The sale of Mr Ahmad’s stock sale comes after he revealed he is to launch a £3.4 million legal action against the club for unpaid bonuses and legal fees.

Mr Ahmad is named in the Rangers share prospectus as a key employee and locked-in shareholder bound not to sell his shares until December. However, that agreement was made to Cenkos Securities, the club’s former stock­broker, which was recently replaced by Daniel Stewart.

Selling to Sandy Easdale guarantees further support for the status quo in the club boardroom as Mr McColl tries to oust Mr Mather, Mr Stockbridge and non-executive director Bryan Smart.

It is not clear whether a place on the board is being cleared for Sandy Easdale, who was jailed in 1997 for VAT offences.


The Easdale family’s spokesman, Jack Irvine, :lol:

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You will be administration and cutting your cloth to suit ... not bankruptcy. If you do go under and reemerge .. where do suppose you will be playing and accommodating your world record breaking support?

So we'll be in admistration and dishing out millions to lease back the stadium/training ground?

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I never said you will be; I stated the scenario is quite possible.

Just doesn't add up to me, my guess would be that shares will be sold soon as Greeny and co try to cash in before administration.

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