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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Tedi, you're under no obligation to do so but are you prepared to tell us why you're deleting all your old posts on this thread?


In the interests of transparency.

Could it be that Rangers have made some of their media relations department redundent and they have now been told to tidy up their mess before they leave? It would explain his lack of knowledge about the original club to begin with.

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If he deletes his posts, will the associated green dots also disappear from his rep???


F*ckin' hope so. :thumsup2

They probably just get hidden. The mods will still get a chuckle over them. Is it a coincidence that Tedi and Bendy appeared shortly after the employment of Jabba as media relations director? To fight a brave but losing battle in the old/new debate.

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We can rule out the fact that he is embarrassed by all his gaffes on this thread as everyone has been quoted and will remain there for everyone to giggle at .. so it's not that. Even he is not thick enough to think his stupidity will be forgotten ... so he must have an ulterior motivation as to his current bout of post deletions ... Only he knows ... :lol:

He wants to be like his "club" - No History :lol:

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Deleting posts huh? Maybe Tedi is actually the bungling lawyer, or Charlotte Fakes.

Mibbes he's paid Google to delete his History....

There's been some meltdowns, tear-stained resignations, resurrected-alias knobs and bouts of accusation/counter-accusation on P&B in my time on here, but this is just fucking weird.

He's resigned from the BRALT, yet continues to read it and dish out dots like before (i.e. with no regard to post quality).

His reputation is over 500, yet most posters would (IMHO) agree that this is unmerited. To place this in context for the Horde - Remember Flo? £12 million? :lol:

All of a sudden, several posters notice neg rep being given by non-posting, brand-new accounts.

And most puzzling, he's now infecting the entire forum with his pish - jumping into any conversation and railroading it towards "wur no' a new club, so we urnae". This was tedious( ;)) enough on this thread, but at least it was in the appropriate place.

Seriously, lads, I think we've broken him. Although his Amigos should share some of the blame for being his enablers.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Mibbes he's paid Google to delete his History....

There's been some meltdowns, tear-stained resignations, resurrected-alias knobs and bouts of accusation/counter-accusation on P&B in my time on here, but this is just fucking weird.

He's resigned from the BRALT, yet continues to read it and dish out dots like before (i.e. with no regard to post quality).

His reputation is over 500, yet most posters would (IMHO) agree that this is unmerited. To place this in context for the Horde - Remember Flo? £12 million? :lol:

All of a sudden, several posters notice neg rep being given by non-posting, brand-new accounts.

And most puzzling, he's now infecting the entire forum with his pish - jumping into any conversation and railroading it towards "wur no' a new club, so we urnae". This was tedious( ;)) enough on this thread, but at least it was in the appropriate place.

Seriously, lads, I think we've broken him. Although his Amigos should share some of the blame for being his enablers.

499 green dots from his own ailiases.

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Tedi, you're under no obligation to do so but are you prepared to tell us why you're deleting all your old posts on this thread?

In the interests of transparency.

WKR must be hitting that complaint button again.

sleekit rat that he is.

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^^^^^^^^^^^ obsessed. Obviously WRK is the only game in town ;)

Feels like having my own stalker, to be fair.

I did complain about Vicky and Five Stars for their pathetic attempts to bully other posters on here - there's more than one poster disappeared after one of their little campaigns. I can take it - it's the Internet, ffs - but some of the shite they were throwing at others was pretty fucking horrible.

Becky uses her/his/its red dots on me in a knee-jerk manner as soon as they renew - which bugs the hell out of me, as my rep is dropping like a stone. ;)

Over the time I've been on here, the Amigos tried to discredit many posters, not just me - but what appears to gall them especially is that i will pull them up on their lies each and every time. Their hypocrisy and adherence to the Lenin/Goebbels propaganda method is nothing short of breathtaking. Naver mind how often they're put straight, I honestly believe they have an image in their minds of me as a homophobic, undercover, bigoted celtic fan. Fucking weird.

Tedi's latest behaviour is fucking bizarre, but at least you know what you're getting with the rump of the Amigo collective - one "witty" wee shite who can't answer a straight question, and a bitter little man with no compassion in his heart for anything or anybody not connected with one of the vilest "institutions" ever to stain our Society.

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:lol: Indeed. You know you have made it on the BRALT and withstood their bullying when the get along gang give you a nickname :thumsup2 I had vicky follow me around the other day on 3 different threads posting pictures of a fictional Irish priest :lol::1eyeAs for Ted deleting posts, any ideas anyone?

As per my previous, I think he's broken.

The other Amigos are mostly to blame for not staging an intervention - probably around the time when he posted a "supporting" email which blew his argument out of the water without any need for third-party rebuttal.

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