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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Currant isn't a term we should be using IMO, even if it doesn't offend you personally. It causes problems for enough other people and there isn't really much need for it. The world would be a better place if we did away with currants and tiims and no surrenders and orange bstrds etc.

I'm an Ayr fan with no sectarian leanings whatsoever. I wouldn't class Tim and currant in the same bracket as those other terms.

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Currant isn't a term we should be using IMO, even if it doesn't offend you personally.  It causes problems for enough other people and there isn't really much need for it.  The world would be a better place if we did away with currants and tiims and no surrenders and orange bstrds etc.

Tend to agree. There is a fine line between offensive and general terms for fans of particular clubs which tends to shift as language and awareness evolves.

Currant and Tym used to be widely acceptable but I do agree that they probably shouldn't be used now.

Here in Fife were still trying to educate some that "paki' and "chinky" are unacceptable though. :unsure:

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First page - hellish.

No reference to the topic nominally called the BRALT - and looks who it is mocking people and using a rhyming slang term to mask a sectarian term most often directed at Rangers fans.

Feel free to apologise anytime you feel like it for perpetuating a blatant lie.

And spare me and any other Rangers supporter from the mind numbing pish that insists this thread has never gone off topic.

First page. 'Roon ye.


"Roon ye"? It's taken from August last year for you to find the first page and you reckon "roon ye"? :1eye

For your information, moron - the term "Hún", as posted above by others, was, to my mind, a generic insulting term applied to fans of rangers and their successors*. Having left the toxic atmosphere of the WoS many years ago, I was unaware that somehow this term had been declared "sectarian". When advised of this, I stopped using the term. I fail to understand how it gained this status - I thought it was the other lot who were known for being offended at the drop of a hat - but I ceased using it anyway.

*Regardless of which kirk, chapel, temple, mosque or synagogue they attended or didn't.

Oh, and btw - did you see the picture? Pretty relevant to the possible future of the site of ibrox. Even now. So, how does it go again? Oh, yes...

Roon Ye. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

ETA: Damn right I was mocking the fat fúcker in the picture. He made Big Hoose Guy look like a famine survivor - a famine that lad could well have caused.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Tend to agree. There is a fine line between offensive and general terms for fans of particular clubs which tends to shift as language and awareness evolves.

Currant and Tym used to be widely acceptable but I do agree that they probably shouldn't be used now.

Here in Fife were still trying to educate some that "paki' and "chinky" are unacceptable though. :unsure:

Down here in Englandshire we've moved on to Phase Two, where certain minorities are "reclaiming" pejorative terms in order to "defuse the offence". It really can be a fúcking minefield.

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Tend to agree. There is a fine line between offensive and general terms for fans of particular clubs which tends to shift as language and awareness evolves.

Currant and Tym used to be widely acceptable but I do agree that they probably shouldn't be used now.

Here in Fife were still trying to educate some that "paki' and "chinky" are unacceptable though. :unsure:

WullieBroonisgod explained it well aboots Fife - the visiting Sevco fans were OK when they visited Bayview. It was the armchair loyal buns from Levenmouth who had bought tixs who were the obnoxious ones. Hunnery was rife.

It's why I detest Newcunto FC and all they stand for

Edited by NotfromFifehonest
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Currant isn't a term we should be using IMO, even if it doesn't offend you personally. It causes problems for enough other people and there isn't really much need for it. The world would be a better place if we did away with currants and tiims and no surrenders and orange bstrds etc.

I agree, we really should 'do away' with them but isn't that a form of ethnic cleansing? :lol:

ETA Beaten too it by Lodmoorhill :(

Edited by Apache Don
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Tend to agree. There is a fine line between offensive and general terms for fans of particular clubs which tends to shift as language and awareness evolves.

Currant and Tym used to be widely acceptable but I do agree that they probably shouldn't be used now.

Here in Fife were still trying to educate some that "paki' and "chinky" are unacceptable though. :unsure:

Celtic FC officially endorse a charity with the T word in it's name.

One of the biggest celticminded websites uses the T word in it's name.

To say it's not acceptable is stupid.

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Celtic FC officially endorse a charity with the T word in it's name.

One of the biggest celticminded websites uses the T word in it's name.

To say it's not acceptable is stupid.

God damn it, have to give bennet a green yin there. See not prejudiced am I?

You don't get to choose your nickname.

Not liking something and claiming offence is not evidence of sectarian or racial motive or reason to brand it so.

Never, ever, not once have I heard or seen evidence that the word in question has any significance in Scotland other than the followers of the dead and soon to be dead again clubs.

It has always been a jibe at a common enemy (several meanings of common).

Sevconians, put your toys back in your huffy pram and embrace the fact that others see you as an enemy either through jealousy, spite or as in my opinion (reality) because you support a force for evil.

We dandies embrace our mutton molesting monicker (as well as the fluffy little beauties themselves :wub: ). I don't claim this shows any extra class or kudos but certainly the faux-outrage and bollocks surrounding the 'h' word demonstrates a distinct lack of it and the collective emotional maturity of a 4 year old girl.

Back vaguely on topic. Where's the link to this statement then Jonny?

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Celtic FC officially endorse a charity with the T word in it's name.

One of the biggest celticminded websites uses the T word in it's name.

To say it's not acceptable is stupid.

So.you wont be feigning offence like Bendy when someone uses the word currant ?

Good stuff.

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A term used to describe a group of football fans isn't sectarian ya numpty. The fact that you think it is says more about you than anyone else.

Talk about feigning offence FFS.... Pathetic

I take no offence from it at all - it's just a sham to me the idea that using the word **** or ****** should be banned. But, it's academic because **** and ****** are banned and people have been fined for both in Scottish courts.

Notably - both words are asterisked out on P&B, too - so the WKR employed rhyming slang to get his message past the censorship.

On page one - with no reference at all to the thread subject matter - and that's a cause of pathetic whining time and again from a variety of plastics and diddies alike. But, only if those deemed off topic are not slamming Rangers in any way they can.

They can take their rank hypocrisy straight to f**k as far as I'm concerned because I'll desist when they do. And not before.


Edited by Bendarroch
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"Roon ye"? It's taken from August last year for you to find the first page and you reckon "roon ye"? :1eye

For your information, moron - the term "Hún", as posted above by others, was, to my mind, a generic insulting term applied to fans of rangers and their successors*.

I've been saying this page was off topic from page one for ages, WKR. And getting chinned for that by a variety of posters with several faces to offer on this thread. The ones who can blindly ignore any deviation from the thread title provided it still attacks Rangers. Like you trying to mask a sectarian term whilst laughing at a football supporter? On topic? Not a fucking chance.

However, there's no getting away from the facts of the matter, you were the one that first derailed the thread. No one else - you. And on page one, WKR.


Now take your dirty ****** ******* hypocrisy and ram it where the sun don't shine. That's if you can get past the dholly supporters slurping away at Liewell's hole of course.


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