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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Aviodance is rich coming from you The_Kincardine when you're reduced to posting under this comedy persona.

Did Kinky resign from the thread like tedi did? Or did he resign from P&B benny style? Or is he just bored and needed a new account?

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Oh dear. You used to be a really interesting poster, with things to say.

Now, you're reduced to voluntarily coming on here , to exchange opinions with people who you're determined to say don't interest you.

It's really rather desperate.

Come back on as clever old Kincardine and we'll pretend this silly little KB phase never happened. I promise.

Immature opinions on Rangers don't interest me much, they never have. Neither do one dimensional people with their unlettered diatribes. I am interested in how they came to be that way though, especially the more virulent strains.

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That's the pièce de résistance for me Dave, they will never, ever, be allowed to forget what a compete laughing stock of a shambles their club/company was/is.

They'll be getting laughed at from here to eternity and they most definitely do care.

I meet football supporters* all the time - it's rarely if ever mentioned. You probably think posts on this tiny website matter :lol:

Are you another one with a desperate need to be, cough, 'taken seriously'?

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We are literally a broken record at showing how irrelevant these teams are.

Is that a clever wordplay on the idea of records having been broken, or merely a careless use of the word 'literally'?

Either way it's unsuccessful as for any such records to be meaningful, the other teams would need to be relevant.

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Pretty sure any club in the third division could've spent £14m more than it earned and walked the league.

In fact QOS scooshed the league above spending within their means.

Arguments about "relevance" really make me laugh!

Never mind, in a couple of years youngsy will be wondering how flashing some red paper never worked.... again! What was Einsteins definition of stupidity?

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WRK, First of all, questions were asked about the expenditure by David Murray ten years ago, believe that or not. As for Whyte, fair enough on him, not enough research was done on him by the support groups but the question is how the support could have offset the potential liability of £130 million which was the figure in the liquidation papers.

So any chance you could give a definitive answer as to what the support could have done when the financial liability potential was approx. £130 million on 14 June 2012 when the PLC Company Voluntary Arrangement was refused. As Green and co were the preferred bidders on acquiring the assets from day one exactly what could the support have done, a fan ownership move perhaps, couldn't have happened simply because as stated Green had it all stitched up from the start. So instead of deflecting over the past ten years try giving an answer on what was asked on events after 14 June 2012.

For a start any fans group who were capable of seeing beyond the immediate short term would have demanded Minty to stop using EBTs as far back as 04/05 given HMRC's stance on them. Administration was on the cards as far back as 06/07. However, the difference between your administration and the other football clubs proceeding it is they didn't have high tax liabilities.

As for Green, most of us thought it was very shady how someone who'd never been mentioned. Given how long and public the administration had gone on for. Could pop out of nowhere, and snatch the club for a derisory amount. Right as the adminstrators were about to run out of money.

The obvious thing to do would have been not to renew season tickets. Especially after what had happened during his time at Sheffield Utd. However, you lot simply dismissed that as "it was a long time ago", "he's learned his lesson". Had you starved them out it would have forced them to sell to so called "good Rangers men".

Nah but you are delusional on this website.

This coming from the team with 500m fans :lol:

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. Like Jig and Lee Wallace.

There is only one team who'll be in the gutter by this time next year, and its yours :lol:

Johnny why do you think your team is struggling in Europe against poor European sides?

Would you rather be struggling against the cream of Europe, or in the painters and decorators league?

And Sevco youth team are getting beaten by Hamilton at home. Pleasing :P

Hamilton along with Livingston have historically been amongst the most successful youth teams in Scotland. Aside, I thought that level was performance orientated and not results based.

Edited by Fotbawmad
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Did Benny resign from P&B? :lol:

That's almost as embarrassing as Vickygate.

He sure did, he changed his mind when chucky said that he bought the official Rangers history book and some replica trophies meaning that he could make a team and attach them to it.

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That was a year and a bit ago?

Yep, went off with something like "I'll leave you to your fun, boys and girls, but I'm off". I paraphrase, but the gist of it was that the whole P&B thing was childish and beneath him. Or her. Or whatever.

Quite amusing that our wee forum mascot could find examples of just about every accusation he delights in throwing at others - if he'd just look in the mirror. I've never encountered anyone as lacking in self-awareness outside of secure accommodation.

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